- Czechoslovak history
Introductionhistory of the region comprising the historical lands of Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia from prehistoric times through their federation, under the name Czechoslovakia, during 1918–92. With the dissolution of the Czechoslovak federation, the modern states of the Czech Republic and Slovakia came into being on Jan. 1, 1993. Czechoslovakia itself had been formed at the end of World War I, following the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (Austria-Hungary). Prior to the war the region consisted of Bohemia and Moravia, often called the Czech Lands, in the west, and Slovakia, a part of Hungary, in the east.The Czechoslovak region lay across the great ancient trade routes of Europe, and, by virtue of its position at the heart of the continent, it was a place where the most varied of traditions and influences encountered each other. The Czechs and the Slovaks traditionally shared many cultural and linguistic affinities, but they nonetheless developed distinct national identities. The emergence of separatist tendencies in the early 1990s, following the loosening of Soviet hegemony over eastern Europe, ultimately led to the breakup of the federation.The historical regions to 1918The part of Europe that constitutes the modern states of the Czech Republic and Slovakia was settled first by Celtic, then by Germanic, and finally by Slavic tribes over the course of several hundred years. The major political and historical regions that emerged in the area—Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia—coexisted, with a constantly changing degree of political interdependence, for more than a millennium before combining to form the modern state of Czechoslovakia in 1918. Each was subject to conquest; each underwent frequent shifts of population and periodic religious upheavals; and at times at least two of the three were governed by rival rulers. Bohemia and Moravia—the constituent regions of the Czech Republic—maintained close cultural and political ties and in fact were governed jointly during much of their history. Slovakia, however, which bordered on the Little Alfold (Little Hungarian Plain), was ruled by Hungary for almost 1,000 years and was known as Upper Hungary for much of the period before 1918. Thus, the division of Czechoslovakia at the end of 1992 was based on long-standing historical differences.Origins and early historyThe prehistoric people of Bohemia, north of the middle Danube River, were of uncertain origin. The Boii, a Celtic (Celt) people, left distinct marks of a fairly long stay, but its time cannot be firmly established. (The name Bohemia is derived through Latin from Celtic origins.) The Celtic population was supplanted by Germanic (Germanic peoples) tribes. One of them, the Marcomanni, inhabited Bohemia, while others settled in adjacent territories. No outstanding event marked the Marcomanni departure.Archaeological discoveries and incidental references to Bohemia in written sources indicate that the movements of ethnic groups were not always abrupt and turbulent but that the new settlers began to enter the territory before the earlier inhabitants had left it. It can be assumed, therefore, that the Slavic (Slav) people were coming in groups before the southward migration of the Germanic tribes. In the 6th century CE, Bohemia and the neighbouring territories were inhabited by the Slavs.While mountains and forests offered protection to Bohemia, the tribes in the lowlands north of the Danube and along its tributaries were hard-pressed by the Avars (Avar) of the Hungarian plains. Attempts to unite the Slavic tribes against the Avars were successful only when directed by such personalities as the Frankish merchant Samo, who gained control of a large territory in which at least part of Bohemia was included. His death in 658 ended the loosely knit state. A more auspicious era dawned after the Frankish king Charlemagne defeated the Avars in the 8th century.There followed a period of comparative security, in which the concentration of the Slavs into political organizations advanced more promisingly. Soon after 800 three areas emerged as potential centres: the lowlands along the Nitra River, the territory on both sides of the lower Morava (Morava River) (German: March) River, and central Bohemia, inhabited by the Czech tribe. In time the Czechs, protected from foreign intruders, rose to a dominant position. Governed by rulers claiming descent from the legendary plowman Přemysl and his consort Libuše (see house of Přemysl (Přemysl, house of)), the Czechs brought much of Bohemia under their control before 800 but failed to defeat the tribes in the east and northeast. Apart from occasional disturbances, such as Charlemagne's invasions (805), the Czech domain was not exposed to war and devastation, and little of the life there came to the notice of clerics who were recording contemporary events in central Europe.Otakar Odlozilik Milan HaunerThe earliest known inhabitants of Moravia, situated to the east of Bohemia, were the Boii and the Cotini, another Celtic tribe. These were succeeded about 15–10 BCE by the Germanic Quadi. The Germanic peoples were pushed back from the middle Danube by the coming of the Avars in 567 CE. The exact date of the arrival of the Slavs in Moravia, as in Bohemia, is uncertain; but by the late 8th century Moravia was settled by the Slavs, who acknowledged no particular tribe but took the general name of Moravians from the Morava River. An important trade route from the Baltic to the Adriatic Sea developed through the Morava River basin.When Charlemagne destroyed the Avar empire about 796, he rewarded the Moravians for their help by giving them a part of it, which they held as a fief from him. They thus became loosely tributary to him for all their lands. By contrast, Bohemia's princes, who enjoyed independence, often made war on Charlemagne and on his successors, Louis I (the Pious) and Louis II (the German (Louis II)). By the first half of the 9th century, Moravia had become a united kingdom under Prince Mojmír I (ruled c. 818–c. 846).About 833 Mojmír attached the Nitra region (the western part of modern Slovakia) to his domain. His successor (after 846), Rostislav, consolidated the country and defended it successfully. His relations with the East Frankish (Frank) empire (since 843 under Louis the German) were determined by political considerations and by the advance of Christianity into the Slavic (Slav) areas. The bishoprics of Regensburg, Passau, and Salzburg, all in East Frankish lands (the first two now in Germany and the third now in Austria), competed in trying to convert the central European Slavs but achieved only limited success. The archbishop of Salzburg consecrated a church at Nitra about 828, and in 845 Regensburg baptized 14 chieftains from Bohemia, while Mojmír's Moravia apparently had fairly frequent contacts with Passau. Missionaries in Moravia made noticeable progress before 860; stone churches were built as places of Christian worship at Mikulčice and elsewhere.But Rostislav was dissatisfied with the Latin-speaking Frankish clergy and asked the Byzantine (Byzantine Empire) emperor Michael III for Slavic-speaking (Slavic languages) preachers. A group of clerics headed by two brothers of Macedonian origin, Cyril and Methodius (Cyril and Methodius, Saints), arrived from Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 863. They not only preached in a Slavic language, Old Church Slavonic (Old Church Slavonic language), but also translated portions of the Christian scriptures into that language and used them in divine services. To Cyril is attributed the creation of the first Slavic alphabet (Cyrillic alphabet); its final form, Cyrillic (Cyrillic alphabet), is named for him. After some two and a half years, the two brothers journeyed to Rome to ask for papal support for their work and their use of Slavic. Cyril died there in 869, but Methodius received the pope's sanction for his work in Moravia as well as farther south in Pannonia. The two territories were organized as a province and connected with the ancient archbishopric of Sirmium, restored by the pope. Methodius's elevation to archbishop angered the Frankish clergy, who regarded his archdiocese as their missionary field. He was captured and imprisoned. In 873 the pope ordered Methodius's release, but he banned the Slavic liturgy. Methodius then returned to Moravia and put himself under the protection of Rostislav's successor, Svatopluk. Clerics of the Latin rite continued to interfere with the archbishop's work until 880, when, in a compromise struck with Rome, Methodius obtained from Pope John VIII a formal sanction of his work, including the Slavic liturgy.Svatopluk distinguished himself in the conduct of political affairs. After the death of Louis the German (876), he acquired large territories with Slavic populations. The kingdom that he created, known as Great Moravia, included all of Bohemia, the southern part of modern Poland, and the western part of modern Hungary. He annexed some territories and left local princes who recognized his suzerainty in others. The latter arrangement was apparently the case of the Czech prince Bořivoj I.Propagation of Christianity followed Svatopluk's advances. According to legends, Bořivoj was baptized by Methodius and then admitted clerics of the Slavic rite to his principality. While Methodius was engaged in missionary work in the annexed territories, however, advocates of the Latin rite, headed by a Frankish cleric, Wiching, bishop of Nitra (in Slovakia), strengthened their position in Moravia. During Methodius's lifetime the Slavic clergy had the upper hand; after his death in 884, though, Wiching banned Methodius's disciples from Moravia, and most of them moved to Bulgaria. Furthermore, Pope Stephen V (Stephen V (or VI)) reversed his predecessor's policy and forbade the Slavic liturgy. Notwithstanding the collapse of the Byzantine mission to Greater Moravia, the Slavic liturgy, with its Cyrillic script, spread not only to Bulgaria but also to Ukraine, to Russia, and back to the Balkans.Svatopluk continued his policy of expansion for several more years, but soon after 890 he made the East Frankish (German) king Arnulf his enemy. Arnulf's expedition into Moravia in 892 opened a period of troubles, which increased when Arnulf made an alliance with the Magyars of Hungary. Svatopluk's successor, Mojmír II, tried unsuccessfully to protect his patrimony; in 906 Great Moravia ceased to exist as an independent country.Elizabeth Wiskemann Otakar Odlozilik Milan HaunerSlovakia was inhabited in the first centuries CE by Illyrian, Celtic, and then Germanic tribes. The Slovaks—Slavs closely akin to, but possibly distinct from, the Czechs—probably entered it from Silesia in the 6th or 7th century. For a time they were subject to the Avars (Avar), but in the 9th century the area between the Morava River and the central highlands formed part of Great Moravia, when the Slovak population accepted Christianity from Cyril and Methodius. In the 890s, however, the German king Arnulf called in the Magyars (Hungarian) to help him against Moravia. As Slovakia lay in their path, they overran it. The Moravian state was destroyed in the first decade of the 10th century, and, after a period of disorder in the 11th century, Slovakia found itself incorporated as one of the lands of the Hungarian crown.The main ethnic frontier between Magyars and Slovaks ran along the line where the foothills of the Western Carpathians merge into the lowland plains. Nevertheless, the landlord class of Slovakia was Magyar, and much of the urban population was German. (German settlers—tradesmen, craftsmen, and miners—largely founded the towns in Slovakia.) On the other hand, as the country suffered from chronic overpopulation, a constant stream of Slovak peasants moved down into the plains, where they usually were Magyarized in two or three generations.Elizabeth Wiskemann Milan HaunerThe Přemyslid (Přemysl, house of) rulers of Bohemia (895–1306)In 895 the prince of Bohemia made an accord with Arnulf, the German king who had attacked Moravia, and thereby warded off the danger of invasion. The domain over which the house of Přemysl (Přemysl, house of) ruled from Prague was in the early 10th century the largest political unit in Bohemia. Hostile tribal chieftains controlled the eastern and northeastern districts, but the extent of their power is not known. The most powerful of them, the Slavníks residing at Libice, remained defiant until the end of the 10th century.At first Bohemia maintained close relations with neighbouring Bavaria. Both countries were threatened for several decades by the Magyars and by the rise in Germany of the Saxon Dynasty, which began with Henry I (the Fowler) in 918 and reached its climax with the imperial coronation of Otto I in Rome in 962. (This coronation marked the restitution of the Holy Roman Empire, with which Bohemia was linked thereafter for many centuries.)Bohemia's orientation toward the Saxon dynasty began in the 920s under Wenceslas I (Czech: Václav), the grandson of the Czech prince Bořivoj. It was symbolized by the dedication of a stone church at the Prague castle to a Saxon saint, Vitus. Both Slavic (Slav) and Latin legends praise Wenceslas and his grandmother St. Ludmila (Ludmila, Saint) as fervent Christian believers but tell little about his political activities. After Wenceslas was murdered in 929 or 935—according to legend, by his younger brother and successor, Boleslav I—the prince became regarded as the patron saint of Bohemia. The legends present the murder as an outburst against Wenceslas's devotion to the new faith, but the conspiracy probably had a strong political motivation—namely, the payment of annual tribute to the king of Germany.Boleslav I attempted, unsuccessfully, to loosen the ties Wenceslas had made with the Saxon dynasty. Like his brother, however, he reigned as a Christian prince; his daughter married Prince Mieszko I of Poland and helped to spread Christianity in that country. His son and successor, Boleslav II, used his friendly relations with the pope and the emperor to enhance his prestige. He attached new territories east of Bohemia to his father's annexations. In 973 a bishopric for the entire principality was founded in Prague. Bohemia was thus taken off the Bavarian metropolitan jurisdiction and subordinated to the geographically distant archbishop of Mainz. The first bishop of Prague, Thietmar, was from the Saxon land but knew the Slavic language. He was succeeded in 982 by Adalbert (Adalbert, Saint) (Vojtěch (Adalbert, Saint)), a member of the Slavník family, the second most powerful princely clan in the land. In 995 Boleslav II moved against the Slavníks and slaughtered the whole clan. Adalbert survived because he had gone abroad to spread Christianity. (In Hungary he baptized the country's future patron saint, King Stephen I, but in 997, on the shores of the Baltic Sea, he was killed by heathens.)Struggles among the descendants of Boleslav II plagued Bohemia for the first three decades of the 11th century and considerably reduced its power. Most of the territories that had been attached to the country in the 10th century were lost. Bohemia's fortunes improved when Prince Břetislav I, a grandson of Boleslav II, led a successful expedition into Moravia; he conquered only a minor portion of the former Great Moravia, but it was large enough to constitute a province, and it was linked from then on with Bohemia.The ambitions of Břetislav, who was enthroned in 1034, ran higher, and he invaded Poland in 1039—with only temporary success. Incurring the indignation of the German king Henry III, he was forced to evacuate the conquered territory and to make an oath of fealty (1041). In the latter part of his reign, Břetislav cooperated with Henry III (who was crowned Holy Roman emperor in 1046), thus protecting his domain against armed intervention. Břetislav's submission marked the end of Bohemian attempts to break out from the hegemony of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.The entire territory of Bohemia and Moravia was regarded as a patrimony of the house of Přemysl, and no emperor attempted to put a foreign prince of his own choice on the throne. But the ruling family grew large, and after Břetislav's death (1055) it became entangled in competition for primacy. For about 150 years the course of public life in Bohemia was largely determined by dissensions among the adult princes, some of whom ruled in portions of Moravia under Prague's suzerainty. The emperor and the feudal lords exploited the conflicts to promote their selfish interests. A key problem was the absence of any strict law of succession; the principle of seniority usually clashed with the reigning prince's desire to secure the throne for his oldest son.The territory's minor obligations toward the emperors were a handicap under weak princes or when the male members of the ruling family were at odds, but a strong prince could turn friendly relations with the empire to his advantage. Břetislav's second son, Vratislav II (ruled 1061–92), as a compensation for services rendered, obtained from Emperor Henry IV the title of king of Bohemia (1085). Another ruler, Vladislav I, became the “supreme cupbearer” to the emperor (Henry V) (1114), one of the highest court offices, which entitled him to participate as one of seven electors (elector) in choosing the head of the Holy Roman Empire. Vladislav II (ruled 1140–73) participated in the campaigns of Emperor Frederick I (Barbarossa) in Italy. He was named king and crowned by the emperor at Milan in 1158.Active participation in imperial policies and military campaigns reduced markedly the Czechs' isolation, caused by Bohemia's geographic position. Other contacts were made with foreign merchants and with clerics who came from abroad or who were traveling from Bohemia to Rome and to famous shrines. By the early 11th century the Latin rite prevailed. Cosmas of Prague, who recorded in his chronicle the history of Bohemia to 1125, was an ardent supporter of the Latin liturgy. Western orientation of the hierarchy and of the monastic orders was documented by the prevalence of Romanesque (Romanesque art) architecture, of which notable examples could be found in Prague and in the residences of the ruling family. In social stratification and in economy, the country reached such a degree of consolidation that it withstood, without serious damage, the political struggles that ravaged it in the late 12th century.Frederick I helped to foment the discord among Přemysl's descendants during this era. In 1182 he reduced the dependence of Moravia on the Prague princes and subordinated that province to his imperial authority. In 1187 he exempted the Prague bishop, a member of the Přemysl family, from the jurisdiction of the ruling prince and made the bishopric an imperial fief. These decisions had no lasting significance, however, and the Přemysl patrimony survived. The period of trials closed with Frederick's death (1190).Subsequently, frequent changes on the imperial throne lessened the danger of intervention. During the same period the Přemysl family was reduced to one branch, so the problem of succession lost its pressing importance. In 1198 the Bohemian duke Přemysl Otakar I received the title of king of Bohemia for himself and his descendants from one of the competitors for the imperial crown. A solemn confirmation occurred in 1212, when Frederick II (crowned emperor in 1220) issued a charter known as the Golden Bull of Sicily, which regulated the relationship between Bohemia and the empire. The Bohemian king's obligations were reduced to a minimum, but, as elector, he ranked first among the four secular members of the college of electors.Under Otakar I and his successors, Bohemia moved from depression to political prominence and economic prosperity. The clergy gained independence from secular lords in 1221. The landowning class, made up of wealthy barons and less-propertied squires, claimed freedom in administering its domains and a more active role in public affairs. In the early 13th century the population of Bohemia and Moravia increased noticeably through immigration from overpopulated areas in Germany.Many of the German-speaking newcomers, especially miners, were encouraged by the king to establish new boroughs, endowed with royal privileges under the more advanced German city laws of the period. The newly founded royal town of Kutná Hora (German: Kuttenberg), for example, soon grew into the second city of Bohemia, and its royal mint supplied the kingdom's treasury with silver coins. Bohemia's urban settlers, called burghers, enjoyed valuable privileges, especially the use of German city law. Considered free citizens, the burghers paid taxes to the king but handled their own affairs in matters of criminal and property law as well as defense. In the future they would form the nucleus of the third estate (one of the three traditional political orders; the barons and the lesser nobility constituted the first two, respectively). In addition to the townsfolk, German farmers settled in the border districts of the kingdom. German immigration continued under Otakar I's successor, Wenceslas I (ruled 1230–53), and reached its peak under Otakar II (ruled 1253–78). Bishop Bruno of Olomouc, in cooperation with the latter king, promoted the colonization of large tracts of land in northern Moravia. (A similar pattern of colonization occurred in the Slovak lands, where mining towns such as Banská Štiavnica and Kremnica prospered.)Otakar II, whom Dante described in his Divine Comedy as one of the great Christian rulers, was a strong and capable king who obtained possession of Austrian lands through marriage, and in 1260 he was invited by the nobility of Steiermark (Styria) to become their overlord. Personal bravery and financial resources facilitated his penetration into other Alpine provinces. Before his opponents could combine forces to check his advance, Otakar had exercised influence in Kärnten (Carinthia) as well as in some territories along the Adriatic coast. By then, Otakar, known throughout Europe as the “king of iron and gold,” aspired to the imperial crown as well.Otakar's expansion aroused the hostility of the kings of Hungary, but even more dangerous was Count Rudolf of Habsburg (Rudolf I), who, following his election as King Rudolf I of Germany in 1273, claimed the Austrian lands as vacant fiefs of the empire. War ensued and ended in Otakar's defeat in 1276. Otakar was unwilling to accept the loss of Austria as final and began a new campaign. Not only Rudolf's army but also Hungarian troops moved against the Czech forces, and a group of noblemen, most of them from southern Bohemia, sided with the enemy. Otakar was too weak to resist the unexpected coalition against him, and, on Aug. 26, 1278, at Dürnkrut, Austria, he lost both the battle and his life. (In the same period Hungary underwent its own disintegration, and strong feudal warlords ruled over its different parts. Most of Slovakia was then controlled by the mighty Matúš Čak, lord of Trenčín.)Otakar's only son, Wenceslas II (ruled 1278–1305), was too young to take control immediately. During the period following Otakar's death (remembered as the “evil years”), Wenceslas was a mere puppet in the hands of ambitious lords, but in 1290 he emancipated himself from the tutelage and ruled with more success than had his father. The country was slowly recovering from both political and economic depression, and it again played an active role in international relations. Instead of resorting to wars, Wenceslas engaged in negotiations and soon achieved success in Upper Silesia. This was a prelude to his penetration into Poland, which culminated in 1300 with his coronation as its king. Diplomatic dexterity and enormous wealth quickly enhanced Wenceslas's prestige. In 1301 he was considered a candidate for the vacant throne of Hungary, but instead he recommended his son Wenceslas, who ruled Hungary until 1304. Wenceslas II's acquisitions, however, were lost soon after his death; his son, as King Wenceslas III, took over Bohemia but was assassinated on his way to Poland (1306). Thus ended the long rule of the Přemyslid dynasty by the male line.The late Middle Ages (1306–1526)The Luxembourg dynastyAfter a four-year struggle for the throne, in 1310 the Bohemian magnates decided for John of Luxembourg, son of Henry VII, the Holy Roman emperor from 1312. John, who married Elizabeth (Eliška), the second daughter of Wenceslas II, was only 14 when he was named king. He confirmed the freedoms that the Bohemian and Moravian nobles had usurped during the interregnum and pledged not to appoint aliens to high offices. Nevertheless, a group of advisers, headed by Archbishop Petr of Aspelt, tried to uphold the royal authority. In the resulting conflict, a powerful aristocratic faction scored a decisive victory in 1318. Its leader, Jindřich of Lípa, virtually ruled over Bohemia until his death in 1329. Meanwhile, John found satisfaction in tournaments and military expeditions. He succeeded in attaching to Bohemia some adjacent territories; the extension of suzerainty over the Silesian principalities was his most significant achievement. He was assisted late in his reign by his oldest son, Wenceslas (Charles IV), who was brought up at the French royal court, where he changed his name to Charles. In 1346 both John, then blind, and Charles joined the French in an expedition (Hundred Years' War) against the English, during which John fell at the Battle of Crécy (Crécy, Battle of).John and Charles benefited from friendly relations with the popes at Avignon (Avignon papacy) (see Avignon papacy). In 1344 Pope Clement VI elevated the see of Prague and made Arnošt of Pardubice its first archbishop. The pope also promoted the election of Charles as German king (1346). In Bohemia, Charles ruled by hereditary right. To raise the prestige of the monarchy, he cooperated with the nobility and the hierarchy. He made Bohemia the cornerstone of his power and, by a series of charters (1348), settled relations between Bohemia, Moravia, and other portions of his patrimony. He acquired several territories in the vicinity at opportune times by purchase or other peaceful means. At the end of his reign, four incorporated provinces existed in union with Bohemia: Moravia, Silesia, and Upper and Lower Lusatia. Charles also confirmed earlier documents defining the position of Bohemia in relation to the empire. In 1355 he was crowned emperor in Rome as Charles IV. After consultation with the electors (elector), Charles issued the Golden Bull (Golden Bull of Emperor Charles IV), which remedied some of the political problems of the empire, especially the election of the emperor.Under Charles, Prague became the headquarters of the imperial administration. He doubled the size of the city by attaching a new borough, Nové město (New Town), which increased the population to about 30,000. In 1348 he founded in Prague the first university (Charles University) in the empire. It consisted of four traditional faculties (theology, law, medicine, and liberal arts), and its members were grouped into four nations (Bohemian, Bavarian, Saxon, and Silesian Polish). Prague attracted scholars, architects, sculptors, and painters from France and Italy and from German lands; the most distinguished among them was the architect Petr Parléř (Parléř, Petr), a native of Swabia. The flourishing of the late Gothic (Gothic art) architectural style left a deep mark on the city and its environs, as exemplified by the Charles Bridge, St. Vitus's Cathedral, and Karlštein Castle.During this period Bohemia was spared entanglements in wars and reached a relative prosperity, shared by the upper classes and the peasantry. Charles was eager to save the power and possessions accumulated since 1346. He succeeded in getting his son Wenceslas crowned as king of the Romans (meaning, essentially, Holy Roman emperor-elect) in 1376. He also made provisions for dividing the Luxembourg patrimony, with the understanding that its male members would respect Wenceslas as their head. After Charles's death (1378), a smooth transition to Wenceslas's reign appeared to be assured. The country mourned Charles as “the father of the country.”Charles's heir ruled Bohemia, without opposition, as Wenceslas IV. Although not without talents, he lacked his father's tenacity and skill in arranging compromise, and in less than a decade the delicate balance between the throne, the nobility, and the church hierarchy was upset. In a conflict with the church, represented by Jan of Jenštein, archbishop of Prague, the king achieved temporary success; the archbishop resigned and died in Rome (1400). The nobility's dissatisfaction with Wenceslas's regime was serious; it developed mainly over the selection of candidates for high offices, which noble families regarded as their domain and to which Wenceslas preferred to appoint lower noblemen or even commoners. The struggle was complicated by the participation of other Luxembourg princes, especially Wenceslas's younger brother Sigismund. The nobles twice captured the king and released him after promises of concessions. But Wenceslas never took his pledges seriously, and the conflict continued. Simultaneously with the troubles in Bohemia, discontent with Wenceslas was growing in Germany. In 1400 the opposition closed ranks; the German princes deposed Wenceslas as king of the Romans and elected Rupert of the Palatinate in his place.Meanwhile, a religious reform movement had been growing since about 1360. It arose from various causes, one of which was the uneven distribution of the enormous wealth accumulated by the church in a comparatively short time. Moral corruption had infected a large percentage of the clergy and spread also among the laity. Prague, with its large number of clerics, suffered more corruption than the countryside. Both the king and the archbishop showed favour to zealous reformist preachers such as Conrad Waldhauser and Jan Milíč (Milíč, John) of Kroměříž, but exhortations from the pulpit failed to turn the tide. After 1378 the Great Schism (Western Schism) in Western Christendom—the period when rival popes reigned in Avignon and in Rome—weakened the central authority. Disharmony between King Wenceslas and Archbishop Jan of Jenštein also hindered the application of effective remedies. By the late 14th century the reform movement was centred at Prague's Bethlehem Chapel, where preaching was done in Czech.The second, more dramatic, period of the religious reform movement began with the appointment in 1402 of the Czech university scholar Jan Hus (Hus, Jan) to the pulpit at Bethlehem Chapel. Hus combined preaching with academic activities, and he was able to reach the Czech-speaking masses as well as an international audience through his use of Latin. The university was split in its support of Hus; while Czech scholars tended to agree with his reformist agenda, foreign members followed the conservative line. Another cause of division was the popularity of the teachings of John Wycliffe (Wycliffe, John), an English ecclesiastical reformer of the previous century, among the Czech masters and students. Hus did not follow Wycliffe slavishly but shared with him the conviction that the Western church had deviated from its original course and was in urgent need of reform. The atmosphere in Prague deteriorated rapidly as the German members of the university allied with Czech conservative prelates, led by Jan Železný (“the Iron”), bishop of Litomyšl. Because Wenceslas favoured the reform party, its opponents pinned hopes on the king's half brother Sigismund, then king of Hungary; Wenceslas was childless, and Sigismund had a fair chance of inheriting the Bohemian crown.In the winter of 1408–09, a strong group of cardinals convened a general council at Pisa (Pisa, Council of) and elected a third pope (or antipope), Alexander (V), in the hope of ending the schism. Wenceslas sympathized with the cardinals and invited the university to join him. When the German university members did not respond favourably, he issued, in January 1409 at Kutná Hora (Kuttenberg), a decree reversing the university's traditional voting process, used to decide important issues. Thereafter, the three “foreign” nations of the university (Bavarian, Saxon, and Silesian) had one vote together, and the Bohemian nation had three. The German masters and students protested by moving to Leipzig, Ger., where they founded a new university. Some of them unleashed a polemical campaign attributing to Hus more influence on the king than he actually had and depicting Hus as the chief champion of Wycliffe's ideas.During this time the antipope Alexander (V) issued a bull virtually outlawing Hus's sermons in Bethlehem Chapel and authorizing rigid measures against discussing Wycliffe's ideas. Hus and his collaborators continued their activities nevertheless. Neither Wenceslas nor any of the Czech prelates was experienced enough to achieve reconciliation between the church authorities and the reform party, and Bohemia was drawn into a sharp conflict. In 1412 Alexander's successor, the antipope John (XXIII), offered indulgences (indulgence) for contributions to the papal treasury. When Hus and his friends attacked the questionable practices of papal collectors in Prague, John put Prague under interdict. Hit by the sentence of excommunication, Hus left Prague and moved to the countryside under the protection of his noble friends.In 1414 John, acting in harmony with Sigismund (who since 1411 had been the German king), called the Council of Constance (Constance, Council of) (German: Konstanz). The aim of the council was mainly to abolish the threefold papal schism but also to examine the teachings of Hus and Wycliffe. Hus (Hus, Jan) went there hoping to defend himself against accusations of heresy and disobedience. A safe conduct from Sigismund, however, did not protect him in Constance. Late in November he was imprisoned and was kept there even after John, who had lost control of the council, had fled and been condemned by the cardinals. In the spring of 1415, Hus was called three times before the council to hear charges, supported by depositions of the witnesses and by excerpts from his own writing. The council paid no attention to Hus's protests that many of the charges were exaggerated or false. Hus refused to sign a formula of abjuration; he was then condemned as a Wycliffite heretic and burned at the stake on July 6.By killing Hus, the church authorities provided the Czech reformers with a martyr. From then on, the movement, hitherto known as Wycliffite, took the name Hussite, and it grew rapidly. The Hussites reacted emotionally against the Council of Constance, the German king Sigismund, and the conservative clergy. A letter of protest, signed by 452 members of the nobility, was dispatched to Constance in September 1415. The contemptuous reaction of the council, which indicted all the Bohemian signatories, increased the Hussites' discontent, as did the burning at the stake of another reformer, Hus's friend Jerome Of Prague, in May 1416.Hus had not developed a system of doctrine, nor had he designated his successor. The most faithful of his disciples, Jakoubek of Stříbro, was not strong enough to keep the movement under his control. Ideological differentiation set in and resulted in divisions and polemics. The moderate Utraquists (Utraquist) (or Calixtins; respectively, from the Latin utraque, “each of two,” and calix, “chalice”), named after the Hussite practice of serving laypersons the Eucharist under the forms of both bread and wine, were entrenched in Prague. The radicals came mostly from smaller boroughs and the countryside. The Germans in Bohemia and in the incorporated provinces remained faithful to the Roman Catholic Church, and, thus, the deep-seated ethnic antagonism was accentuated.The death of the Bohemian king Wenceslas IV in 1419 hastened the political crisis. The Hussites were resolutely opposed to Sigismund's inheritance of the Bohemian throne, but the Czech Catholics and the Germans were willing to recognize him. Sigismund, determined to break the Hussite opposition, initiated a period of bitter struggles that lasted more than 10 years. He had the support of opponents of Hussitism within the kingdom, of many German princes, and of the papacy. Invasions of Bohemia assumed the character of crusades but were successfully repelled by the Hussites, who pulled together in times of danger.In 1420 the radical Hussites (Taborite)—who by this time were centred at a fortified settlement called Tábor in southern Bohemia—reached agreement with the moderate Utraquists on the fundamental articles of their faith. The accord, which became known as the Four Articles of Prague, stressed that (1) the word of God should be preached freely, (2) Communion should be administered in both kinds (i.e., both bread and wine, rather than bread only) to laypersons as well as to clerics, (3) worldly possessions of the clergy should be abolished, and (4) public sins should be exposed and punished. However, a wide range of disagreements between the Utraquists in Prague and the radicals (known as Taborites (Taborite)) at Tábor was left open, often resulting in mutual accusations and embitterment. A third party of Hussites arose in northeastern Bohemia, around a newly founded centre at Oreb, but it had a much smaller following than those of Prague or Tábor.Meetings were held at which attempts were made to give the country a national government; the most significant was an assembly at the city of Čáslav (June 1421). A regency council was set up, but it lacked sufficient authority, and the virtual master of the country was the leader of the “warriors of God,” Jan Žižka (Žižka, Jan, Count (Hrabě)). He was originally attached to Tábor, but he became disgusted with the endless disputes of its theologians and left the radical stronghold to organize a military brotherhood in northeastern Bohemia (1422); its members became so devoted to Žižka that after his death in 1424 they called themselves the Orphans.Žižka strove tenaciously for two goals: the protection of Bohemia from Sigismund and the suppression of those whom he perceived as enemies of the law of God within Bohemia and Moravia. He scored brilliant victories in battles against Sigismund's forces but could not unite the country under his banner. A Roman Catholic minority, stronger in Moravia than in Bohemia, resisted the overtures of the Hussite theologians and Žižka's attacks. After Žižka's death, his heirs, headed by the preacher Prokop The Bald, lost interest in protracted warfare with Catholic lords at home and undertook instead highly successful foraging raids into the German territories bordering on Bohemia. In response, the Roman Catholic Church mounted altogether five abortive crusades against the Hussites. Whenever a crusade menaced Bohemia, however, the radical military brotherhoods joined the conservative forces to push back the invader. The last encounter at Domažlice in 1431 was bloodless; the crusaders reportedly fled in panic upon hearing the Hussites singing their chorals.Meanwhile, a general council of the church opened in 1431 at Basel (Basel, Council of), Switz., and determined to find a peaceful settlement. At a conference at Cheb (German: Eger) in Bohemia the following year, delegates from Basel and the Hussite spokesmen resolved that in controversial matters “the law of God, the practice of Christ, of the apostles and of the primitive church” would be used to determine which party held the truth. The Hussite envoys reached Basel and opened debate on the cardinal points of their doctrine. It soon became clear, however, that the council was unwilling to abide by the Cheb agreement and that theologians representing the Tábor and Orphan brotherhoods would not acquiesce to a lean compromise. The Utraquists ultimately joined forces with the Catholics to defeat the radical Hussites in a fratricidal battle at Lipany in May 1434.Under the leadership of Jan Rokycana (Rokycana, Jan), the future archbishop of the Hussite church, the Hussites' dealings with the Council of Basel advanced markedly after the battle. The final agreement came to be known as the Compacts (Compactata) of Basel. The agreement followed the Four Articles of Prague but weakened them with subtle clauses (e.g., the council granted the Czechs the Communion in both kinds but under vaguely defined conditions). After the promulgation of the compacts in 1436, an agreement followed with Sigismund, now accepted as the legitimate king of Bohemia. But he died in 1437, and Bohemia was neither united in religion nor consolidated politically.Various forces hindered religious pacification. The Catholic clergy refused to respect the Compacts of Basel because they were not sanctioned by the pope; the Catholics would not accept Rokycana as archbishop of the Hussite church either. The radical parties, although gravely weakened at Lipany, also stood in uncompromising opposition to Rokycana. His bid for recognition was defied as well by the Utraquist wing, which had seized key positions during Sigismund's brief reign.The Hussite preponderanceSigismund had no son, and the problem of succession to the Bohemian throne caused a split among the nobility, which had been enriched during the Hussite wars by the secularization of church properties and which had grown accustomed to the absence of monarchy. The conservatives accepted Sigismund's son-in-law Albert II of the Austrian house of Habsburg (Habsburg, House of), but the more resolute Hussites favoured a Polish candidate. Albert's death in 1439 ushered in another interregnum. In January 1440 an assembly was held to set up provincial administration for Bohemia; its composition demonstrated clearly the steady rise in the importance of the wealthy barons, who functioned as the first estate. The lesser nobility, large in number, was considered the second estate. The upper classes recognized the royal boroughs (borough) as the third estate but were reluctant to share power with them. In the January assembly the political alignments were not identical with religious divisions; nonetheless, the first estate included a powerful Catholic faction, and the second estate was predominantly Hussite. The assembly did not elect a governor of Bohemia. Instead, in the counties into which Bohemia was subdivided, leagues were organized to promote the cooperation of local lords, knights, and royal boroughs, irrespective of religious orientation.The problem of succession became urgent when Albert's widow, Elizabeth, gave birth to a boy called Ladislas Posthumus (Ladislas V) (the future Ladislas V). Several foreign princes challenged this Habsburg claim, but in 1443 the estates recognized Ladislas as the legitimate heir to the throne of Bohemia. As he resided at the court of his guardian, the German king and future Holy Roman emperor Frederick III, the interregnum was extended. The barons voted George of Poděbrady as their leader, but for several years the destiny of Bohemia was determined by the efforts of Oldřich of Rožmberk, the most powerful Bohemian magnate, and his allies, who undermined George's plans.Apart from political and economic consolidation, George strove for a papal sanction of the Compacts of Basel and for the confirmation of the Hussite leader Rokycana (Rokycana, Jan) as archbishop. In 1448 George decided to act. He seized Prague and appointed Rokycana head of the Utraquist consistory. Although Frederick III was, like Rožmberk, a Roman Catholic, he realized that an alliance with the Hussite George would strengthen Ladislas's chances of succession. In 1451 Frederick designated George governor of Bohemia. From that position of strength, George moved energetically against both the Rožmberk coterie and the remnants of the radicals, entrenched at Tábor.In October 1453 the teenage Ladislas, German-speaking and brought up as a Roman Catholic, was crowned king of Bohemia in St. Vitus's Cathedral. George served as his chief adviser. (Analogous arrangements existed in Hungary, where the minor Ladislas also was king, but the authority lay in the hands of his guardian, the general János Hunyadi (Hunyadi, János).) Above all, George hoped the king could reestablish Bohemia's connection with the crown provinces, especially the populous and rich Silesia, that had deteriorated during the Hussite wars. But in 1457 Ladislas suddenly died. Although several foreign princes competed for the throne, the estates of Bohemia reaffirmed the elective principle and decided unanimously for George, who became king in 1458.Although attached to the Utraquist party, for George the Hussite revolution was finished. He endeavoured to rule as a king of “two peoples”: the Utraquists and the Catholics; the Czechs and the Germans. As he was eager to be crowned according to the rites prescribed by Emperor Charles IV, in the presence of two foreign bishops he obliged himself to defend the true faith and to lead his people from errors, sects, and heresies. Because the Compacts of Basel were not mentioned, George did not hesitate to make his pledge; since the agreement with the Council of Basel, the Utraquists considered the Communion in both kinds as a lawful concession and not a heresy. Both the election and coronation took place in Prague, and so George's principal concern was to have his title recognized by the estates of the incorporated provinces. He was mostly successful, but he had to accept the friendly help of papal envoys to obtain in 1459 a provisional recognition by the Catholic and predominantly German city of Breslau (modern Wrocław, Pol.) in Silesia.During the next three years, thanks to his superior diplomatic skills, George enhanced his prestige both at home and abroad. Feeling that no lasting peace could be achieved without the speedy settlement of religious issues, George attempted in 1462 to have the Compacts of Basel sanctioned by Pope Pius II. Instead of approving the compacts, however, the pope declared them null and void. When informed of the pope's action, George affirmed his devotion to the Hussite practice of Communion in both kinds. Although neither the pope nor the king showed any intention of retreating, armed conflict did not take place, and several princes, including Frederick III, were willing to use their influence to arrange a compromise.But a new pope, Paul II, elected in 1464, soon adopted an aggressive policy that encouraged George's foes, especially the city of Breslau. A group of Catholic noblemen from Bohemia, headed by Zdeněk of Šternberk, formed a hostile league at Zelená Hora (1465) and entered into negotiations with Breslau and other Catholic centres. Shortly before Christmas 1466, the pope excommunicated George and released his Catholic subjects from their oath of allegiance. In the spring of 1467 George's troops attacked the rebel forces. George was, on the whole, successful in desultory campaigns against the insurgents' strongholds, but his position became more awkward in the spring of 1468, when Matthias I of Hungary, his son-in-law and rival, brought support to the Czech rebels. Matthias claimed that he needed the resources of the imperial and Bohemian crowns in order to launch a great crusade against the Turks. The Hungarians invaded Moravia, and, by tying down a considerable portion of the Bohemian army, they facilitated rebel successes in other parts of the kingdom. In May 1469 the opposition, controlling all provinces except Bohemia, proclaimed Matthias king of Bohemia. In 1470 George achieved some successes over his rivals, but he was unable to consolidate them because of deteriorating health. He died in March 1471, mourned by both the Utraquists and loyal Catholics.After the death of King George, the Holy Roman emperor Frederick III and the Polish king Casimir IV of the Jagiellon dynasty observed benevolent neutrality toward Bohemia. But George's rival, the Hungarian king Matthias I, continued to claim the Bohemian throne and to control the provinces of Moravia, Silesia, and Upper and Lower Lusatia. In May 1471 Casimir's son Vladislas II was elected king of Bohemia. Though he had been raised as a Catholic, he was supported by George's adherents, irrespective of their religious affiliation, while George's foes adhered to Matthias. Vladislas's forces were not strong enough to defeat Matthias; an agreement concluded in 1478 enabled Vladislas to strengthen his position in Bohemia but left Matthias in temporary possession of the remaining crown provinces. After Matthias's death in 1490, however, Vladislas was elected king of Hungary (as Ulászló II) and thus finally reunited the provinces with Bohemia. Vladislas's successor was his only son, Louis II, who became king of Hungary and Bohemia upon his father's death in 1516.The reigns of Vladislas and Louis brought Bohemia and Hungary under the rule of the Jagiellon dynasty, which had ruled Lithuania and Poland since the late 14th century. Despite the successful consolidation of the four realms under one dynasty, this period was marked by the decline of royal authority in Bohemia. After 1490 Vladislas spent more time in Hungary than in Bohemia, as did Louis. Meanwhile, the Catholic lords attached themselves to the Bohemian court and exercised strong influence on the kingdom's public affairs. An exemplarily weak monarch, Vladislas was nicknamed Dobzse (meaning “very well,” or “all right”) after his habit of signing with that word every document laid before him.Vladislas made no secret of his dislike of the Utraquist rites, but, by his coronation oath, he obligated himself to respect the basic Hussite tenets outlined in the Compacts of Basel. As the king stood aloof, the Catholic and Utraquist factions of the Bohemian estates concluded an agreement at Kutná Hora (March 1485) that reaffirmed the compacts, recognized the existing religious divisions in Bohemia, and forbade attempts by either party to extend its sphere of influence at the expense of the other. The accord lasted until 1516 but was renewed in 1512 as “of perpetual duration.” The Hussite group known as the Unitas Fratrum (Unity of the Czech Brethren (Unitas Fratrum)) was not granted legal protection, however. In 1508 Vladislas sanctioned the persecution of the group, but his decree was not applied too rigidly.Provincial assemblies, or diets, rather than the royal court held primacy under the Jagiellonian kings, especially when they resided at Buda (modern Budapest). Each of the kingdom's provinces—Moravia, Silesia, Upper and Lower Lusatia, and Bohemia itself—had a diet. (The Bohemian diet often carried decisions for the entire kingdom.) The lords dominated the diets and were supported by the lesser nobility when attempting to limit royal power or when introducing restrictive measures against the lower classes. Both the mighty barons and the less propertied knights viewed with displeasure the political aspirations of the royal boroughs (borough). The diets passed several resolutions to remove the third estate from the positions acquired during the Hussite revolution. Because the boroughs obtained little help from the sovereign, the nobility encountered little resistance. A land ordinance adopted in 1500 limited considerably the participation of the boroughs in the diets. The boroughs also were hit by several decrees, approved by the diets (notably in 1487 and 1497), by which landowners attached peasants to their lands, thus further reducing the peasants' ability to migrate to towns.Nevertheless, the royal boroughs, prosperous and self-confident, resisted the limitations and sought allies wherever they could find them. They obtained some concessions under Vladislas, but in 1517 they had to surrender some of the earlier privileges on which their economic prosperity was based. The higher estates tacitly recognized the right of the royal boroughs to participate in the diets as the third estate but reserved for themselves the positions on the board of provincial officers, including that of the vice chamberlain, who, in the king's name, supervised municipal administration. Although the boroughs gained some reasonable satisfaction, the landowning nobility was permitted to engage in the production of articles that were previously the monopoly of the royal boroughs.The agreement of 1517 did not end feuds and conflicts among the aristocratic factions and their supporters in the lower classes. In 1522 Louis II left for Prague, intending to strengthen the royal authority. With the help of loyal lords, he relieved Zdeněk Lev of Rožmitál of the office of supreme burgrave in February 1523 and appointed Prince Karel of Minstrberk, a grandson of George of Poděbrady, to that key position in provincial administration. Religious controversies that flared up soon after Martin Luther (Luther, Martin)'s attack on indulgences (Reformation) (October 1517) increased tensions in Bohemia. Rožmitál, posing as a staunch supporter of the old faith, ingratiated himself with the king and regained his office. Meanwhile, Louis, fully occupied with Hungarian affairs, was preparing for a campaign against the Turks (Ottoman Empire). Meeting the Ottoman army at the Battle of Mohács (Mohács, Battle of) with inadequate forces, Louis was defeated and drowned in the marshes while fleeing from the battlefield (August 1526).Habsburg (Habsburg, House of) rule (1526–1918)Ferdinand I of Habsburg, the husband of Louis's sister Anne, presented his claims to the vacant thrones of Bohemia and Hungary. He made substantial concessions to the Bohemian magnates and was elected king in October 1526; the coronation took place in February 1527. Ferdinand also ruled in other countries, and beginning in 1531 he assisted his brother, the emperor Charles V, in the affairs of the Holy Roman Empire. After Charles's resignation (1558) Ferdinand himself was elected emperor. He considered Bohemia his most precious possession.With the ascension of Ferdinand to the Hungarian throne, the Slovak lands, which had been ruled by Hungary since the 11th century, came under Habsburg rule. After the Hungarian defeat at the Battle of Mohács, the Ottoman Empire took over much of Hungary; the remainder of the Hungarian lands, including Slovakia, were known as Royal Hungary. Pozsony (now Bratislava, Slvk.) became the administrative capital of Royal Hungary, and Nagyszombat ( Trnava, Slvk.), a centre of Roman Catholicism, became the see of the bishop of Esztergom.Religious tensions in BohemiaAs king of Bohemia, the Roman Catholic Ferdinand I was obliged by the coronation oath to observe the Compacts of Basel and to treat the Utraquists (Utraquist) as equal to the Catholics. But since 1517, when Luther sparked the religious revolution that became known as the Reformation, Bohemia had been open to Protestant ideas emanating from Wittenberg (Ger.) and other centres of Lutheranism. Lutheranism gained adherents among the Utraquists and among the German-speaking inhabitants of Bohemia and Moravia. As Lutheranism grew, the Unitas Fratrum also increased in numbers. Shielded by sympathetic landowners, some of whom became members, the Hussite group successfully resisted repeated attempts at its extermination.As religious tensions persisted, Ferdinand endeavoured to dilute his precoronation pledges to the Bohemian magnates and to curtail the privileges of the estates. An opportunity to settle these problems arose during the Schmalkaldic War (1546–47), fought between the Habsburgs and the Schmalkaldic League, a defensive alliance formed by Protestant territories of the Holy Roman Empire. The Bohemian estates wavered considerably in their loyalty to the empire, and so, after the Habsburg victory at Mühlberg (April 1547), Ferdinand quickly moved against them. The high nobility and the knights suffered comparatively mild losses, but the royal boroughs virtually lost their political power and were subordinated more rigidly to the crown. Another target of the king's wrath was the Unitas Fratrum, many of whose members were driven from Bohemia into Moravia and Poland. Significantly, Ferdinand's vindictive policies did not apply to Moravia, whose estates had been more cooperative during the Schmalkaldic War.Ferdinand supported a scheme of religious reunion on the basis of the Compacts of Basel, but he soon realized that few Utraquists still adhered to that outdated document. The majority, called Neo-Utraquists by modern historians, professed Lutheran tenets as formulated by Luther's associate Philipp Melanchthon (Melanchthon, Philipp). Disheartened by the meagre results of his policy, Ferdinand threw his full support behind the Catholic party. In 1556 he introduced the newly founded and militant Society of Jesus (Jesuits (Jesuit)) into Bohemia. Shortly before his death in 1564, Ferdinand obtained from Pope Pius IV a sanction of the Utraquist practice of Communion in both kinds, but the pope insisted on so many restrictions that his bull satisfied only the Utraquist extreme right.Ferdinand's firstborn son, Maximilian II, became Holy Roman emperor in 1564. Though sympathetic to Protestantism, he was reluctant to grant free exercise of the Lutheran faith, which the majority of the Bohemian estates requested in 1571. After several years of futile efforts, the estates adopted a more flexible policy. Both the Czech Neo-Utraquists and the German-speaking Lutherans came together and prepared a summary of their faith, known as the Bohemian Confession, which agreed in the main points with the Lutheran Augsburg Confession. The members of the Unitas Fratrum cooperated with the adherents of the Bohemian Confession but preserved both their doctrine and their organization. In 1575 Maximilian approved the Bohemian Confession, but only orally; it was commonly assumed that his oldest son, Rudolf, who was present at the session, would respect his father's pledge.The early stage of Rudolf II's (Rudolf II) long reign as Holy Roman emperor (1576–1612) was simply an extension of Maximilian's regime. But in 1583 Rudolf transferred his court from Vienna to Prague, and the Bohemian capital became once more an imperial residence and a lively political and cultural centre. A passionate patron of the arts and sciences, Rudolf brought with him the alchemist Edward Kelly and the astronomers Johannes Kepler (Kepler, Johannes) and Tycho Brahe (Brahe, Tycho). However, the emperor, brought up in Spain, had sympathy only for the Roman Catholic faith.Because of its long antipapal tradition and its political prominence, Bohemia had an important place in the strategy of the Counter-Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church's effort to combat the rise of Protestantism. Because the crown possessions were too small to yield adequate income and because only the provincial diets had the power to approve increased taxation, Rudolf depended on the mostly Protestant Bohemian estates. But during his reign, the Catholic minority—stronger among the lords than among the lesser nobility and burghers—came under the influence of militant elements, trained in Jesuit schools, and listened attentively to the papal nuncios and Spanish ambassadors. The Catholics singled out the Unitas Fratrum as their first target. Although numerically weak, the Hussite group exercised a strong influence on Czech religious life and developed lively literary activities (e.g., during Rudolf's reign they produced a Czech translation of the Bible, which came to be known as the Kralice Bible). Thus, the Catholics sought to create a breach between the Unitas Fratrum and the Protestant majority, who adhered to the Bohemian Confession.In 1602 Rudolf issued a rigid decree against the Unitas Fratrum that was enforced not only in the royal boroughs but also on the domains of fervent Catholic lords. The Unitas Fratrum and also the more resolute adherents of the Bohemian Confession realized that the days of peaceful coexistence with Catholics were gone. They closed ranks under the leadership of Lord Václav Budovec, a prominent member of the Unitas Fratrum. Meanwhile, dissatisfaction with Rudolf's regime was growing rapidly in other Habsburg domains as well. His younger brother, Matthias, made contacts with the Austrian and Hungarian opposition; the Moravian estates, headed by Karel the Elder of Žerotín, joined Matthias.In 1608 Protestant rebel forces advanced to Bohemia. The Protestant estates there used Rudolf's weakness to force concessions. In July 1609 Rudolf reluctantly issued a charter of religious freedoms (the Letter of Majesty) that granted freedom of worship to both the Catholics and the party of the Bohemian Confession. Some passages of the charter were vague, and so the Protestant and Catholic estates concluded an agreement stipulating that future conflicts should be settled by negotiation. The Catholic radicals, too weak to upset the agreement, were unwilling to accept the charter as the final word in religious controversies.In 1611 Rudolf was deposed, and Matthias was crowned king of Bohemia; he succeeded to the imperial throne the following year. Because he was childless, Matthias presented in 1617 to the diet of Bohemia his nephew Ferdinand (Ferdinand II) of Steiermark (Styria) as his successor. The Protestant faction was caught unprepared and acquiesced in Ferdinand's candidacy; he was crowned king of Bohemia in St. Vitus's Cathedral. Opposition grew quickly to Ferdinand, who was suspected of cooperation with the irreconcilable opponents of the charter of religious freedoms.In the spring of 1618 the Protestant estates decided on action. Two governors of Bohemia, William Slavata and Jaroslav Martinic, were accused of violating the charter. After an improvised trial, they were thrown from the windows of the Royal Chancellery at the Prague Castle (May 23, 1618) but escaped unharmed. This act of violence, usually referred to as the Defenestration of Prague (Prague, Defenestration of), sparked a larger Protestant rebellion (Thirty Years' War) against the Habsburgs in Bohemia and opened the Thirty Years' War. The Bohemian estates established a new government steered by 30 directors, who assembled troops and gained allies in the predominantly Lutheran Silesia and in the Lusatias; the estates of Moravia, however, were reluctant to join at first.The death of Matthias (March 1619) accelerated the rebellion. The directors of Bohemia refused to admit Ferdinand II as the legitimate Bohemian king. In Moravia the militant Protestant party overthrew the provincial government, elected its own directors, and made an accord with Bohemia. At a general assembly of representatives of all five provinces, a decision was made to form a federal system. Ferdinand II was deposed, and Frederick V, elector of the Rhine Palatinate and a son-in-law of James I, king of England and Scotland, was offered the crown. He accepted and early in November 1619 was crowned king according to an improvised Protestant rite.Frederick's chances for success were slight; the population of Bohemia, especially the peasantry, was unenthusiastic in its support of the rebellion. Frederick received some financial help from the Netherlands, but German Protestant princes hesitated to become involved in a conflict with the Habsburgs, among whose allies were not only Catholic (Catholic League) Bavaria but also Lutheran Saxony, whose ruler, the elector John George I (John George I of Saxony), desired land in the Bohemian provinces.In late summer 1620 Duke Maximilian I of Bavaria led the army of the Catholic League—a military alliance of the Catholic powers in Germany—into Bohemia. On Nov. 8, 1620, in the short Battle of White Mountain (White Mountain, Battle of) at the gates of Prague, Catholic troops defeated the Protestant army. Frederick and his chief advisers fled the kingdom, and Ferdinand II retook possession of Bohemia.In imposing penalties, the victorious Ferdinand treated Bohemia more harshly than he did other provinces. In June 1621, 27 of the rebellion's leaders (3 lords, 7 knights, and 17 burghers) were executed. Landowners who had participated in any manner in the rebellion had much of their property confiscated. The upper estates and the royal boroughs were ruined; they ceased to function as centres of economic and cultural activities. Ferdinand rescinded Rudolf's charter of religious freedoms and began a program of vigorous re-Catholicization of Bohemia and Moravia. The Jesuits (Jesuit), banned in 1618 by the Bohemian directors, returned triumphantly and acted as the vanguard in the systematic drive against the non-Catholics, including the moderate Utraquists.In 1627 Ferdinand II promulgated the Renewed Land Ordinance, a collection of basic laws for Bohemia that remained valid, with some modifications, until 1848; he issued a similar document for Moravia in 1628. The Habsburg Ferdinand settled, in favour of his dynasty, issues that had disturbed Bohemian public life since 1526: the Bohemian crown (and consequently the much desired seat of one of the electors (elector) of the Holy Roman emperor) was declared hereditary in the Habsburg family; no election or even formal acceptance by the estates was required for the succession; the king had the right to appoint supreme administrators; in the provincial diets the higher clergy was constituted as the first estate, and all the royal boroughs were represented by one delegate only; the Bohemian diet lost legislative initiative and could meet only upon the king's authorization to approve his requests for taxes and other financial subsidies; the king could admit foreigners to permanent residence; and the use of the German language, in addition to the traditional Czech, was authorized. Roman Catholicism was the sole Christian faith permitted. (The only non-Catholics allowed to remain in Bohemia after 1627 were Jews, who nonetheless faced harsh discrimination. Although Jews were not numerous in the Bohemian lands, Prague was home to one of the largest Jewish communities in Europe.)Royal decrees pertaining to religion granted Protestant lords, knights, and burghers the right to choose either conversion or emigration. Only about one-quarter of the noble families living in Bohemia and Moravia prior to 1620 remained; the majority emigrated to the Lusatias (both annexed by Saxony in 1635) and Silesia, which was the only Bohemian province allowed to retain the Lutheran confession after the Thirty Years' War. Many peasants also left the country, though illegally, especially during the rebellion itself. The Czechs' most significant representative abroad was the scholar John Amos Comenius (Comenius, John Amos) (Jan Ámos Komenský). The emigrations devastated Bohemia and Moravia, which may have lost as much as one-half of their population.Many of those remaining in the homeland were gradually converted to Roman Catholicism. The re-Catholicization required substantial educational and missionary efforts, and the Jesuits ultimately became the most conspicuous force in Czech cultural life. In 1654 their leading college, the Clementinum, was united with the remnants of Charles University. The Jesuits controlled not only higher education but also literary production.Meanwhile, the Habsburgs filled the vacated places among the upper social classes with newcomers, who often were adventurers serving in the imperial army and most of whom obtained land as a compensation for services rendered to Ferdinand II and his successor, Ferdinand III (emperor from 1637 to 1657), during or after the Thirty Years' War. The remaining old families (e.g., the Lobkovic [Lobkowicz], Kinský, and Sternberg lines) and the newcomers (e.g., the Piccolomini, Colloredo, Buquoy, Clam-Gallas, Schwarzenberg (Schwarzenberg, Felix, Prince zu), and Liechtenstein lines) had in common their attachment to the Roman Catholic Church and to the Habsburg dynasty; they intermarried and became amalgamated over the next several decades. The growth of the German-speaking nobility led German (German language) to become the language in which public affairs were transacted.Language was not the only barrier separating the peasantry and lower middle class from the propertied noblemen and burghers. Both the victorious Catholic Church and the wealthy laymen regarded the Baroque (Baroque period) style as the most faithful expression of their religious convictions and their worldly ambitions. For about 100 years, the Baroque dominated in architecture, sculpture, and painting and influenced literature, drama, and music. The external appearance of Prague and the smaller boroughs and towns changed markedly.The emperor Leopold I (ruled 1658–1705) soon became involved in long and costly wars against the Turks (Ottoman Empire) and the French. Although Bohemia was not threatened by either of these enemies, its population had to share the financial burdens. The landed nobility was reluctant to accept financial obligation, so the major part of the contributions was expected to come from the burghers and the peasants (peasant). The urban communities, which had been impoverished during the Thirty Years' War, made no progress toward social and economic recovery. The lot of the peasantry was so heavy that uprisings occasionally took place, though with no chance of success. For the common people, the short reign of Emperor Joseph I (ruled 1705–11) brought some relief, but under his brother and successor, Charles VI (ruled 1711–40), their plight reached appalling dimensions. The court and the residences of the ranking aristocrats consumed vast sums of money, which had to be squeezed from the depopulated towns and poorly managed domains.During this period, especially from the reign of Leopold I, the Habsburg emperors strove to increase their authority over the imperial lands, and their rule became more absolutist in nature and more administratively centralized. Nevertheless, the kingdom of Bohemia retained its very limited autonomy. The Habsburgs did not insist on incorporating the Bohemian lands into their other domains: although the two Lusatias were ceded to Saxony in 1635, Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia (until 1742) retained their provincial administration. Members of the local nobility were appointed to high offices. The supreme chancellor of Bohemia served as a link between the kingdom and the emperor; he resided in Vienna to facilitate communication with the court and the various central agencies attached to it.The accession of Charles VI's daughter Maria Theresa (ruled 1740–80) sparked the War of the Austrian Succession (Austrian Succession, War of the). Bavaria and Prussia invaded the Habsburg territories. Charles Albert (Charles VII), elector of Bavaria, occupied with French assistance a major part of Bohemia and was acclaimed Emperor Charles VII, but he could not establish himself permanently, and in 1742 he pulled his forces back. Three wars fought against Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia in 1741–63, mostly in Bohemia (Seven Years' War) and Moravia (Austrian Succession, War of the), were more serious and costly. Finally, Maria Theresa acquiesced in the loss of the major part of Silesia (Silesian Wars). Small duchies that she was able to retain were constituted as a crown land of Silesia and remained closely connected with Moravia and Bohemia.In 1749 Maria Theresa launched an ambitious program of administrative reforms; its principal point was a closer union of the Bohemian crown land with the Alpine provinces in order to create a fiscally more efficient unit. The queen's staunchest opponents were members of the landowning nobility who, up to that time, had controlled the provincial administration. In 1763 Maria Theresa made some concessions but would not abandon her centralist policy. Her hope was that the opposition would split. While the conservative faction remained unreconciled to the new course, more-flexible individuals accepted high positions in Vienna or in the provincial capitals and helped to build up the system, which the emperor Joseph II (coruler, 1765–80; sole ruler, 1780–90) inherited from his mother and subordinated more rigidly to the sovereign's will and discretion.Joseph II adopted Maria Theresa's idea of curtailing the privileges of the upper social classes, so as not to conflict with the interest of the state, of which the ruler—the “enlightened (Enlightenment) despot”—was the supreme representative. The administrative reforms continued, and the judicial and fiscal systems were revamped to serve the monarch more adequately. The state extended its influence in such other fields as education, landowner-tenant relationships, the economic recovery of the royal boroughs, and a more adequate distribution of the burden of taxes. The reforms did not aim at a total abolition of social and economic distinctions, but they generally improved the lot of the lower middle class and of the peasantry. Two decrees of 1781 made Joseph popular among the commoners: he abolished restrictions on the personal freedom (serfdom) of the peasants, and he granted religious toleration. After the long period of oppression, these were hailed as beacons of light, although they did not go as far as enlightened minds expected. In fact, Joseph's Edict of Toleration was not followed by a mass defection from the Roman Catholic Church in Bohemia and Moravia, partly because it did not refer to either Utraquism (Utraquist) or the Unitas Fratrum; rather, it authorized adherence to the Augsburg (Lutheran) or Gallican (Reformed) confessions.Joseph's conservative successors, Leopold II (ruled 1790–92), Francis II (the last Holy Roman emperor and, as Francis I, the first emperor of Austria; ruled 1792–1835), and Ferdinand (I) of Austria (ruled 1835–48), left intact the centralistic system inherited from Maria Theresa and Joseph II, but they did engineer a gradual transition from the manorial system to the full ownership of land by the peasants.In the late 18th and early 19th centuries the French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars had embroiled most of Europe. Some of the military campaigns and peace negotiations between Austria and France took place on Czech and Slovak lands—for example, the Battle of Austerlitz (Austerlitz, Battle of) (now Slavkov u Brna, Cz.Rep.) and the Treaty of Pressburg (Pressburg, Treaty of) (now Bratislava, Slvk.). During this time, provincial loyalties remained stronger than ethnic nationalism. Nevertheless, Czech nationalism began to emerge in Bohemia about 1800, partly out of opposition to the centralistic tendencies of the Vienna court and partly under the impact of the ideals of the French Revolution. Institutions destined to play an important role in the Czech national renascence, such as the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences and the National Museum (1818)—which used the German language at first but later admitted Czech to foster Bohemian patriotism—drew support both from the propertied German population and from those Czechs who became more conscious of their origins and of their kinship with other Slavic (Slav) peoples.National awakening and the rise of constitutionalismIn 1848 the German speakers of Bohemia and Moravia (about one-third of the population) had a distinct advantage over the Czechs. Germans constituted nearly the entirety of the upper classes of the two provinces and prevailed in most towns. There were ostensibly no barriers to social advancement for Czechs of middle-class or peasant origin, but they needed to communicate in German. Imbued with ideas of national emancipation—taken from the French Revolution and the writings of German intellectuals—scholars, writers, clergymen, and schoolmasters of Czech origin began to stir a national consciousness (Pan-Slavism) among the common people. Not only the countryside but also the urban communities witnessed an awakening. Habsburg centralism, symbolized by the Austrian chancellor Prince von Metternich (Metternich, Klemens, Fürst von), tolerated no political activities but did not hinder cultural activities, such as the printing and distribution of nonpolitical books in Czech, theatrical performances, and social gatherings. The Czechs had their intellectual elite, small in number but devoted to the national cause, and they were shielded by a group of sympathetic aristocrats.Similar conditions, though on a much reduced scale, existed in the Hungarian counties inhabited by the Slovaks, who lacked not only their own aristocracy but a middle class as well. Up to 1840 the Czech language, regenerated by such eminent linguists as Josef Dobrovský (Dobrovský, Josef) and Josef Jungmann, was used by both Czech (Czech literature) and Slovak (Slovak literature) authors, especially Protestants. But the growing national awareness among the Slovak intellectual elite led to the development of a Slovak literary language (Slovak language) for the sake of reaching more Slovaks, including those with no more than an elementary education. The work of Slovak intellectuals such as L'udovít Štúr, a teacher at the Pressburg Lutheran Lyceum who further refined literary Slovak and published a Slovak newspaper (1845), collided sharply with the trend advocated by Hungarian nationalists, who aimed to replace Latin with Hungarian throughout the kingdom. Nonetheless, the Slovak literary language gradually replaced Czech among Slovak authors. Thus, the mounting wave of nationalism among Slovaks as well as Czechs created conditions for the eventual establishment of two closely related but distinct political units.The Czechs soon looked to the historian František Palacký (Palacký, František), who had written a history of the Czech nation, as their political leader. Palacký was assisted by the able journalist Karel Havlíček Borovský (Havlíček Borovský, Karel) and by František Ladislav Rieger (Rieger, František Ladislav), a student of political science and economics. In opposing Metternich's oppressive regime, the Czechs sought alliance with German liberals. When the Revolutions of 1848 (1848, Revolutions of) reached Bohemia in March of that year, Czech and German leaders collaborated in their attempt to bring down absolutism through constitutional reform.Both parties had a vague notion that Bohemia should return to its autonomous status and become a constituent part of the regenerated Habsburg monarchy, but they could not resolve some specific problems of a common political future. The Germans saw advantages in cooperating with their kinsmen in other Habsburg lands and in Germany proper; after all, Austria was the leading power within the German Confederation, the loose political organization that had replaced the Holy Roman Empire. The Czech leaders, however, sensed danger in the German unification schemes debated in the German constituent assembly in Frankfurt and in plans for a modernized but highly centralized Austria. Their primary concern was the diet of Bohemia, and at times they included among their desiderata a general assembly of deputies from Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia to stress a continuity of modern political efforts with the ancient kingdom. Thus, the Czechs pursued two contrasting aims that were not easy to reconcile: the liberal (liberalism) ideal of “natural rights” (see human rights), combined with the conservative aim of preserving the ancient legal prerogatives of the Bohemian crown.A good deal of vacillation in and after 1848 was caused by the inability of Palacký and others to harmonize the emphasis on historical rights with genuine devotion to the modern principles of Czech nationalism and Slavic solidarity. In late spring 1848 the idea of a newly elected diet for Bohemia was obscured by a loftier project, an assembly of spokesmen of the Slavic peoples from all parts of the Habsburg empire. Yet no matter how sincerely Palacký and other prominent figures professed their loyalty to the ruling house, the first historical Slavic congress in Prague found only hostile reception among the Germans and Hungarians. In May 1848 the Slav delegates were finally dispersed by Austrian troops commanded by Alfred, prince zu Windischgrätz (Windischgrätz, Alfred, Fürst zu), who also cancelled elections for the provincial diet in response to an abortive uprising in Prague launched by students.Consequently, the Czech leaders were forced to recognize that the constituent assembly meeting in July 1848 in Vienna was the only representative body before which they could express their aspirations. When the assembly reconvened at the Czech city of Kroměříž (German: Kremsier), they made themselves allies of all factions that attempted to prepare the ground for a constitutional and federal system. Rieger, in particular, rose to the occasion when defending the principle that all power comes from the people.But the draft of a constitution for the Habsburg monarchy ran counter to ideas prevailing among the advisers of the new Austrian emperor, Francis Joseph (ruled 1848–1916). Early in March 1849 the Kroměříž assembly was dispersed. On Dec. 31, 1851, Francis Joseph abolished the last vestiges of constitutionalism and began to rule as absolute master.The absolutist regime, headed by the prime minister Alexander Bach, was rigid and tolerated no opposition (the popular Czech journalist Havlícek was arrested and deported, for example). Nevertheless, the regime abolished the robot (compulsory labour service by peasants), returned to the old provincial administration that benefited the smaller nationalities, and promoted the teaching of national languages in public schools, among other reforms. However, Austria's military defeat in 1859 by Sardinia, aided by France, revealed the weakness of the government. The defeat resulted in the loss of Lombardy, and the Bach government had to resign. In the October Diploma of 1860 and the February Patent of 1861, Francis Joseph declared the end of neoabsolutism and his readiness to adopt a constitution.National turmoil under the dual monarchyThe regime failed to implement a system acceptable to all the various nationalities, and the Austrian Empire remained in a state of crisis through 1866, when it went to war with Italy and Prussia (Seven Weeks' War). After a disastrous defeat by Prussia in the Battle of Königgrätz (Königgrätz, Battle of) (now Hradec Králové, Cz.Rep.), Francis Joseph sought a solution that would promise speedy recovery and the stabilization of internal affairs. In 1867 he negotiated a compromise (the Ausgleich) with the unrepentant Hungarians, and the Austrian monarchy was transformed into a dual (Ausgleich) monarchy—the empire of Austria-Hungary.In Hungary (Austria-Hungary) the dominant Hungarians systematically suppressed Slovak ethnic identity. This was achieved primarily through a policy of Magyarization, which made the Hungarian language paramount in administration, education, and business. In the Austrian half of the empire, Germans remained the strongest single group, followed by Czechs, Poles, and other nationalities. The dual system passed through successive crises but survived and remained in existence until 1918.Like other nationalities, the Czechs resumed political activities after the promulgation of the October Diploma of 1860. Palacký was recognized as a dominant figure, but the actual leadership passed into Rieger's hands. Palacký's ideal scenario was to reconcile the conflicting principles of Czech nationalism and historical continuity (the so-called Bohemian historical rights) in a forward-looking federal scheme. The more practical politician Rieger, who found support among some Bohemian aristocrats, decided to emphasize the historical rights while maintaining loyalty to the Habsburg monarchy. However, Rieger's progressive opponents exploited his alliance with the conservative aristocracy. Meanwhile, differentiation within the National Party (the main Czech political party) began in 1863 and continued more rapidly after 1867.Irrespective of ideological orientation, the Czechs opposed the dual monarchy. After the promulgation of a new liberal constitution in December 1867, the Czech politicians led by Rieger set out to obtain privileges similar to those that the Hungarians now enjoyed. Following negotiations with Vienna in 1871, the Czechs agreed to a constitutional program called the Fundamental Articles, which proposed giving Bohemia a status equal to that of Hungary. The articles predictably encountered not only an angry Hungarian opposition but also heavy pressure from Austria's other provinces, and they were never implemented.The Czechs did not abandon the idea of the restitution of the kingdom of Bohemia to its former rank, similar to that of Hungary, but its chances of realization declined with the consolidation of the dual monarchy. Moreover, Francis Joseph showed no intention of going to Prague to be crowned with the ancient crown of St. Wenceslas—one of the Czechs' historical demands. After 1871 the Czech political leadership was confronted with a dilemma: whether to boycott the Reichsrat (the imperial parliament in Vienna, to which Austria's provinces sent deputies) and the Bohemian diet or to join the government majority for concessions in education and economic life. Rieger decided to institute the boycott.In 1874 the National Party split; the progressive wing (commonly called the Young Czechs), which was gaining popularity among the urban middle class and well-to-do peasants, advocated ending the parliamentary boycott. Meanwhile, Rieger found it increasingly difficult to defend his boycott policy as well as the alliance with the big landowners; they brought no tangible results and obstructed the flow of progressive ideas. Once the Young Czech deputies insisted on the dissolution of the boycott, they were applauded by their supporters—including Tomáš Masaryk (Masaryk, Tomáš (Garrigue)), the future first president of Czechoslovakia—to whom progress in education, emancipation from clerical influences, and improvement of living standards were more vital than the continued emphasis on unforfeited historical rights. The so-called Old Czechs lost ground in the 1880s and suffered a total defeat in the parliamentary election of 1891.The most determined opponents of the Bohemians' schemes were the representatives of the German-speaking population of Bohemia and Moravia, later known as the Sudeten Germans (Sudetenland). An 1879 alliance between Austria-Hungary and the recently founded German Empire (Germany) increased their sense of belonging to one of Europe's dominant cultures, but they viewed with alarm Czech economic competition, particularly the migration of Czech workers into German-speaking districts, as well as other gains made by Czechs during the late 19th century. In 1880 the government of the Austrian prime minister Eduard, count von Taaffe (Taaffe, Eduard, Count von), made Czech a language of administration in Bohemia and Moravia. Two years later the German-language university in Prague ( Charles University) was split into two institutions, with the Czech university assuming the prime position. Finally, reforms of the franchise gave the Czechs a majority in the Bohemian diet. Growing disquiet among the German-speaking politicians, especially those from Bohemia, exploded in 1897 when the Austrian prime minister Kasimir Felix, count von Badeni (Badeni, Kasimir Felix, Graf von)—in order to win Czech votes to renew the compromise with Hungary—agreed to make Czech equal to German as the internal language of administration in Bohemia and Moravia. This meant that all German civil servants would henceforth have to be bilingual. Badeni encountered such a vigorous opposition, organized by German nationalists, that he lost the emperor's confidence. He resigned, and his successor recognized the futility of trying to adjust the outdated laws in favour of the Czechs.The changing social and economic stratification also sped the decline of the Young Czechs. Mass political parties, such as the Agrarians and the Social Democrats, arrived on the scene; these groups appealed to the peasant and working-class voters, who enjoyed voting rights after the introduction of universal manhood suffrage in 1906. Yet instead of helping to consolidate the parliament, as many had hoped, universal suffrage increased divisions and made it increasingly difficult for prime ministers to form a solid majority bloc. Thus, from the election in 1907 to the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the Vienna parliament could easily be bypassed by the imperial court and by the ministries of foreign affairs and war, over which Francis Joseph exercised strong control.During this period, in the Hungarian portion of the empire, the Slovaks continued to experience ever-increasing Magyarization. By the end of the 19th century no Slovak secondary schools remained. Linguistic oppression also extended to religion: in 1907 at Černová (now Stará Černová, Slvk.), some 15 Slovak demonstrators demanding that a new church be consecrated by the Slovak nationalist priest Andrej Hlinka (Hlinka, Andrej) were shot by police. In politics, only the Social Democrats and the nationalistic Slovak People's Party, led by Hlinka, took interest in the Slovak people. Certain Slovak intellectuals associated with the periodical Hlas chose a pro-Czech orientation in their search for political allies. The percentage of Slovaks in the region declined steadily. Many, in search of work, migrated to other parts of the empire. By World War I about half a million Slovaks had emigrated abroad, mostly to the United States.Struggle for independenceWorld War I deepened the antagonism between the Germans and the Czechs within the Czech Lands. The Germans lent full support to the war effort of the Central Powers, but among the Czechs the war was unpopular, because they realized that a German victory would terminate their hopes for political autonomy. However, Czech opposition to the war was uncoordinated. The Young Czech leader Karel Kramář, a neo-Pan-Slavist (Pan-Slavism) himself, desired Russian troops to occupy the Czech Lands and install a Russian grand duke as the future king of Bohemia. His future political rival, Tomáš Masaryk (Masaryk, Tomáš (Garrigue)), preferred a pro-Western orientation.In exile in western Europe, Masaryk was joined by Edvard Beneš (Beneš, Edvard) and Milan Štefánik (Štefánik, Milan). Masaryk, envisioning a political union of the Czechs and the Slovaks, established contacts with Czech and Slovak emigrants living in Allied (Allied Powers) and neutral countries, especially the United States. In October 1915, in a public lecture at King's College, London, he called for the establishment of small states in east-central Europe, based on the principles of nationality and democracy and directed against German plans for European hegemony. He argued that divided nationalities, such as the Poles living in three countries and the Czechs and Slovaks living in two, should be allowed to form nation-states and become allies of the West. In 1916 the Czech National Council (later renamed the Czechoslovak National Council) was established in Paris under Masaryk's chairmanship. Its members were eager to maintain contacts with the leaders at home in order to avoid disharmony, and an underground organization called the “Maffia” served as a liaison between them.At home under Austrian rule the influence of the military increased. The press was heavily censored, public meetings were forbidden, and those suspected of disloyalty were imprisoned. Among the leading politicians who were arrested and received suspended death sentences were Karel Kramář and Alois Rašín (Rašín, Alois). Dissatisfaction among the Czech soldiers on the Eastern Front became more articulate in 1915, and whole units often went over to the Russian side.Francis Joseph died in November 1916 and was succeeded by Charles (I). The new emperor called the parliament to session in Vienna and granted amnesty to political prisoners such as Kramář and Rašín. Charles's reforms, although in many respects gratifying, called for more-intensive activities abroad in order to convince the Allied leaders that partial concessions to the Czechs were inadequate to the problems of postwar reconstruction. The position of the Slovaks was not improving either, as the Hungarian government refused to respect the principle of nationality.Two major events coincided with Charles's new course in home affairs and with his discreet exploration of the chances of a separate peace: the Russian Revolution (Russian Revolution of 1917) (March 1917) and the U.S. declaration of war on Germany (April). In May 1917 Masaryk left London for Russia to speed up organization of a Czechoslovak army. While small units of volunteers had been formed in the Allied countries during the early part of the war, thousands of prisoners of war were now released from Russian camps and trained for service on the Allied side. A Czechoslovak brigade participated in the last Russian offensive and distinguished itself at Zborov (Ukraine) in July 1917. From the United States came material help and moral encouragement, though U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson's (Wilson, Woodrow) early statements pertaining to the peace aims were rather hazy. But several weeks after the United States declared war on Austria-Hungary, President Wilson promulgated his celebrated Fourteen Points (January 1918), the 10th of which called for “the freest opportunity of the autonomous development” of the peoples of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.After the Bolsheviks (Bolshevik) seized power in Russia, they made a separate peace settlement with Germany. The Bolshevik government then granted the Czechoslovak Legion—made up of those Czechs and Slovaks who had been fighting on the side of Russia—the freedom to leave Russia, but violent incidents that occurred during the evacuation led the Bolsheviks to order the legion's disarmament. The legionnaires rebelled, however, and took over the Trans-Siberian Railroad. By challenging Bolshevik power, the legion contributed to the outbreak of the Russian Civil War.The achievements of the Czechoslovak Legion, noticed favourably by the Western governments and press, gave the Czechoslovak cause wide publicity and helped its leaders to gain official recognition. Masaryk (Masaryk, Tomáš (Garrigue)) left Russia for the United States, where, in May 1918, he gained solid support from Czech and Slovak organizations. A declaration in favour of a political union of the Czechs and the Slovaks, containing a guarantee of Slovak rights to their own parliament, legislation, and administrative language, was issued at Pittsburgh, Pa., on May 31, 1918.Throughout 1918, dealings with the Allies progressed more successfully. Added to the favourable publicity of the Siberian campaigns were increased activities at home demanding a sovereign state “within the historic frontiers of the Bohemian lands and of Slovakia” (the Epiphany Declaration; January 1918). An anti-Austrian resolution adopted at the Congress of Oppressed Nationalities, held in Rome in April, helped to disarm conservative circles in Allied countries that had opposed a total reorganization of the Danubian region. Eventually, France recognized the Czechoslovak National Council as the supreme body controlling Czechoslovak national interests; the other Allies soon followed the French initiative. On September 28 Beneš signed a treaty whereby France agreed to support the Czechoslovak program in the postwar peace conference. To preclude a retreat from the earlier Allied declarations, the Czechoslovak National Council constituted itself as a provisional government on October 14. Four days later, Masaryk and Beneš issued a declaration of independence simultaneously in Washington, D.C., and Paris.Meanwhile, events were moving rapidly toward total collapse of the Habsburg (Habsburg, House of) monarchy. The last attempt to avert it, a manifesto issued by Charles on October 16, brought no positive results. Afterward, Vienna had no choice but to accept Wilson's terms. A domestic political group called the Prague National Committee proclaimed a republic on October 28, and two days later at Turčiansky Svätý Martin (now Martin, Slvk.) a Slovak counterpart, the Slovak National Council, acceded to the Prague proclamation.Czechoslovakia (1918–92)Czechoslovakia to 1945The establishment of the republicWhen the new country of Czechoslovakia was proclaimed on Oct. 28, 1918, its leaders were still in exile. Masaryk (Masaryk, Tomáš (Garrigue)) was chosen as president on November 14, while he was still in the United States; he did not arrive in Prague until December. Beneš, the country's foreign minister, was in Paris for the upcoming peace conference (Paris Peace Conference), as was Karel Kramář, who had become Czechoslovakia's first prime minister. (The Slovak leader and first war minister Štefánik died in an airplane crash in May 1919.) Masaryk and Beneš remained in charge of foreign relations, and the leaders of five major parties dealt with home affairs.The first task of the new state, to establish its borders, was undertaken at the Paris Peace Conference (Paris Peace Conference), where the historical frontiers separating Bohemia and Moravia from Germany and Austria were approved, with minor rectifications, in favour of the new republic. Several disputes soon surfaced, however. The political spokesmen of the Germans in Bohemia and Moravia advocated cession of the area known as the Sudetenland to Germany or Austria, but, because neither Germany nor Austria was in a position to intervene with armed troops, the Czechs, backed by the Allies, occupied without much bloodshed the seditious German-speaking provinces.The delineation of the Slovak boundary was another serious problem, as there was no recognized linguistic frontier between the Hungarian and Slovak populations in the south. Since none of the successive Hungarian governments was prepared to give up what they considered ancient Magyar lands, the new frontier had to be redrawn by the force of arms. Hungary's communist government—which in March 1919 had taken power in Budapest under the leadership of Béla Kun (Kun, Béla)—sent troops to eastern Slovakia, where a sister communist republic was proclaimed. The Hungarian communists and their Slovak allies wished to reattach the Slovak “Upper Lands” to a multiethnic communist Hungary, to which the Russian Bolsheviks promised military assistance. With Allied help, however, the Czech military asserted itself in Slovakia as well as in the new province of Subcarpathian Ruthenia (comprising the mostly Slavic (Slav) northeastern portion of prewar Hungary), and those two ex-Hungarian provinces were attached to Czechoslovakia.A dispute over the duchy of Teschen strained relations with Poland, which claimed the territory on ethnic grounds (more than half the inhabitants were Poles). Czechoslovakia desired it for historical reasons and because it was a coal-rich area, through which ran an important railway link to Slovakia. The duchy was partitioned between the two countries in 1920, with Czechoslovakia receiving the larger, economically valuable western portion.The second task of the new government, to secure the loyalty of its approximately 15 million citizens, proved onerous as well. The borders of Czechoslovakia encompassed not only Czechs and Slovaks but also Germans, Hungarians, Ruthenians, and Poles. About 15 percent of the people were Slovaks; they were a valuable asset to the Czechs, who made up about half the population. Together, these two linguistically close groups constituted a healthy majority in the cobbled-together state. However, the Czechs and Slovaks had vastly different experiences to bring to the process of state building. The Czech intellectual elite could look back at a thousand years of state history, first as a principality and then as a kingdom, while Slovakia had never existed as a separate geopolitical unit. The Czechs also were better educated and considerably more urbanized, industrialized, and secularized than the Slovaks, who had suffered from Magyarization efforts under Hungarian rule, particularly the lack of Slovak-language schooling above the elementary level.Consolidation of internal affairs proceeded slowly while the government worked to replace the wartime economy with a new system. A threatening financial crisis was averted by the country's first minister of finance, Alois Rašín (Rašín, Alois). A relatively far-reaching land reform program was carried out: the first estates to be confiscated and partitioned were those belonging to German and Hungarian aristocracy, and those who benefited were Czech and Slovak farmers. In addition, the network of railroads and highways had to be adjusted to the new shape of the republic, which stretched from the German-speaking Cheb (German: Eger) region in western Bohemia to the Ukrainian Carpathians (Carpathian Mountains) in the east.In the chaotic conditions prevailing in central Europe after the armistice, a parliamentary election appeared to be impossible. The Czech and Slovak leaders agreed among themselves on the composition of a constituent assembly, which excluded Germans, Hungarians, Ruthenians, and Poles. The assembly adopted a new, democratic constitution, modeled largely on that of the French Third Republic, in February 1920. Supreme power was vested in a bicameral National Assembly. Its two houses, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, had the right to elect, in a joint session, the president of the republic for a term of seven years. The cabinet was made responsible to the assembly. Despite the exclusion of minority groups from the writing of the constitution, the document generously defined the fundamental rights of Czechoslovakia's citizens, irrespective of ethnic origin, religion, and social status.The most resolute opposition to the new constitution came from both German nationalist parties, which called for increased autonomy or the right to be incorporated into Germany, and the newly constituted Communist Party, whose chief aim (at least until 1935) was the destruction of the bourgeois republic and the establishment of a communist dictatorship. Although the Germans issued protests against the constitution, they participated in parliamentary and other elections. In 1925 two German parties, the Agrarians and the Christian Socialists, joined the government majority, thus breaking a deadlock. Disagreement with the trend toward centralism was the main source of dissatisfaction among the Slovak Populists, a clerical party headed by Andrej Hlinka (Hlinka, Andrej). Calls for Slovak autonomy were counterbalanced by other parties seeking closer contacts with the corresponding Czech groups; the most significant contribution to that effort was made by two Slovak parties, the Agrarians under Milan Hodža and the Social Democrats under Ivan Dérer. The strongest single party in Czechoslovakia's opening period, the Social Democracy, was split in 1920 by internal struggles; in 1921 its left wing constituted itself as the Czechoslovak section of the Comintern (Third International (International, Third)). After the separation of the communists, the Social Democracy yielded primacy to the Czech Agrarians, or Republicans, as the latter party was officially renamed. The Agrarians were the backbone of government coalitions until the disruption of the republic during World War II; from its ranks came Antonín Švehla (prime minister, 1921–29) and his successors.Foreign relations were largely determined by wartime agreements. Czechoslovakia adhered loyally to the League of Nations (Nations, League of). In 1920 Foreign Minister Beneš initiated treaties with Yugoslavia and Romania that gave rise to the Little Entente—a defensive military pact against German and Hungarian aggression. France was the only major power that concluded an alliance with Czechoslovakia (January 1924). Relations with Italy, originally friendly, deteriorated after Benito Mussolini's (Mussolini, Benito) rise to power in 1922. Czech anticlerical (anticlericalism) feeling precluded the negotiation of a concordat with the papacy until 1928, when an agreement settled the most serious disputes between church and state. Ultimately, it was Germany that most strongly influenced the course of Czechoslovak foreign affairs. One of Beneš's highest priorities was to prevent the union of Austria and Germany. Nevertheless, the relations between Czechoslovakia and Germany improved slightly after the Locarno Pact (Locarno, Pact of) of 1925.The crisis of German nationalismWhen the impact of the Great Depression reached Czechoslovakia soon after 1930, the highly industrialized German-speaking districts were hit more severely than the rest of the country. The grievances of the Germans, who felt that the Prague government was offering the Czech areas a disproportionate amount of unemployment relief, contributed to the rise of militant German nationalism in Czechoslovakia, especially after Adolf Hitler's (Hitler, Adolf) rise to power in Germany. In October 1933 Konrad Henlein (Henlein, Konrad), a furtive supporter of Hitler, launched his Sudeten German Home Front. Professing loyalty to the democratic system, he called for recognition of the German minority as an autonomous body. In 1935 Henlein changed the name of his movement to the Sudeten German Party (Sudetendeutsche Partei; SdP) so that the group could take part in the parliamentary election (May 1935). The SdP captured nearly two-thirds of the Sudeten German vote and became a political force second only to the Czech Agrarians.A tense interlude of little more than two years followed the landslide victory of the SdP. In December 1935 Masaryk (Masaryk, Tomáš (Garrigue)) retired from the presidency, and Beneš was elected his successor by an overwhelming majority, including Hlinka's party. Under Beneš the country followed a rigorous course of rearmament, and a fortification system was built along the frontier with Germany. A military assistance treaty with the Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) in 1935 enhanced the false sense of national security. The program of the Czechoslovak Communist Party was determined not only by this treaty but also by the general reorientation of the Comintern, which now urged cooperation with antifascist forces in popular fronts.Meanwhile, Hitler embarked on his program of eastward expansion. As early as Nov. 5, 1937, he informed his military chiefs of his intention to move against Austria and Czechoslovakia at the next opportunity. Two weeks later Henlein, anticipating that Czechoslovakia would be defeated militarily within a few months, offered Hitler the SdP as an instrument to break up the country from the inside. Earlier that year Prime Minister Milan Hodža had made significant progress toward gaining the cooperation of those segments of the German population that were attached to the principles of democracy, but the Anschluss (annexation) of Austria to Germany the following spring unleashed a nationalistic frenzy among Czechoslovakia's Sudeten Germans.As the international crisis deepened, Czechoslovak politics became further polarized. The political right, led by the Agrarians, worked to win the support of the Sudeten Germans; the political left was prepared to cooperate with the Soviet Union. Henlein, meanwhile, played his hand so skillfully that influential foreign circles, especially in London, believed that he was not Hitler's stooge but a free agent merely demanding self-determination for Czechoslovakia's oppressed Germans. The advocates of the “appeasement” of Germany, an idea rapidly gaining ground in Britain and France, failed to realize that the Sudeten German negotiators acted on instructions from Berlin. Indeed, the main task of Henlein's party was to give Hitler a better chance to dislocate the republic without recourse to war. To invalidate critical comments from London and Paris, Beneš consented late in July 1938 to the mission of Lord Runciman, whose avowed purpose was to observe and report on conditions within the country.The political crisis culminated in September 1938. Armed with information supplied by Lord Runciman, the British prime minister Neville Chamberlain (Chamberlain, Neville) visited Hitler (Hitler, Adolf) at Obersalzberg, where he assured Hitler that the German objectives could be achieved without fighting. On September 21 Beneš was forced by Paris and London to accept the British plan of ceding the frontier regions that had a German-speaking majority—the Sudetenland—to Hitler. The French consented to Chamberlain's policy, thus abandoning their former commitments, and the Soviet Union was under treaty obligation to assist Czechoslovakia only if the French would honour their pledges first. But Hitler wanted war against Czechoslovakia, and he rejected the British plan when Chamberlain visited him for the second time, at Bad Godesberg. For several days Europe stood on the verge of war; Czechoslovakia announced general mobilization, which was followed in France and Britain with partial call-ups. In the end the appeasers won the day. On September 29 Hitler agreed to receive Mussolini, Chamberlain, and the French premier Édouard Daladier (Daladier, Édouard) in Munich (Munich agreement). In the resulting Munich agreement, the Prague government was forced to relinquish to Germany all frontier districts with populations that were 50 percent or more German by October 10. Beneš resigned the presidency on October 5 and went into his second political exile.The breakup of the republicThe annexation of the Sudetenland, completed according to the Munich timetable, was not Czechoslovakia's only territorial loss. Shortly after the Munich verdict, Poland sent troops to annex the Teschen region. By the Vienna Award (Nov. 2, 1938), Hungary was granted one-quarter of Slovak and Ruthenian territories. By all these amputations Czechoslovakia lost about one-third of its population, and the country was rendered defenseless.As the country lost its German, Polish, and Hungarian minorities, the Czechs reluctantly agreed to change the centralistic constitution into a federalist one. The Slovak Populists, headed since Hlinka's death by Jozef Tiso (Tiso, Jozef), pressed Prague for full Slovak autonomy, which was proclaimed in ilina (Žilina) on October 6. Subcarpathian Ruthenia was also granted autonomous status. A cumbersome system composed of three autonomous units (the Czech Lands, Slovakia, and Ruthenia) was introduced late in the fall. On November 30 the respected lawyer Emil Hácha was elected president, and Rudolf Beran, the leader of the Agrarian Party, was appointed federal prime minister. Under German pressure the complicated party system was changed drastically. The right and centre parties in the Czech Lands formed the Party of National Unity, while the Socialists organized the Party of Labour. In Slovakia the Populists absorbed all the other political groups.Meanwhile, the public knew little of the confidential negotiations being conducted in Vienna and Berlin by Tiso's aides, who went along with Hitler's preparation for the final takeover of Slovakia. On March 14, 1939, immediately after Tiso's return to Bratislava from talks with Hitler in Berlin, all Slovak parliamentarians voted for independence. On the following day, Bohemia and Moravia were occupied and proclaimed a protectorate of the German Third Reich (Anschluss), while Slovakia became a nominally independent state under Tiso as president. Although under German control and forced to participate in the German attack on the Soviet Union with a token military force, Slovakia was able to retain a certain degree of independence in internal matters. This fact, however, did not stop the authorities from sending Slovakia's Jewish citizens to Nazi extermination camps, where most of them perished; between 1942 and 1944, approximately 70,000 of Slovakia's roughly 87,000 Jews were deported.In exile in Chicago, the former Czechoslovak president Beneš appealed to the Great Powers and the League of Nations to denounce German aggression and the breach of the Munich agreement. France, Britain, and the United States raised formal protests against Hitler's takeover of the Czech Lands (the “rape of Prague”); a strong protest also was voiced by Maksim Litvinov (Litvinov, Maksim Maksimovich), the Soviet (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) foreign minister. In July 1939 Beneš returned from Chicago to London to force his leadership upon the Czechoslovak movement in exile, which threatened to be divided between Paris and Warsaw. Until the fall of France in June 1940, Beneš could not assert himself, but in July the British government under Winston Churchill (Churchill, Winston) granted Beneš's Czechoslovak National Committee the status of a provisional government in exile; it was to receive regular British subsidies until the end of the war. In July 1941 the Soviet Union and Britain jointly granted the Beneš government in exile full recognition; U.S. recognition arrived only in October 1942. Along with seeking recognition for his government, Beneš devoted his efforts to getting the Munich agreement annulled.In Prague Hitler installed as a Reich (Third Reich) protector the former German foreign minister Konstantin von Neurath (Neurath, Konstantin, Baron von). Hácha remained president, but his cabinet operated with limited powers. For some two years the Czech protectorate kept the semblance of an autonomous body, but in September 1941 Reinhard Heydrich (Heydrich, Reinhard), the head of German secret police, replaced Neurath as Reich protector and inaugurated a reign of terror. In retaliation, Czech agents, perhaps acting on the orders of Beneš's government in exile, bombed and shot Heydrich in May 1942 (he died in June). After the assassination, the Nazis (Nazi Party) proclaimed martial law, executed hundreds of Czechs without trial, and destroyed the village of Lidice near Prague. Within a few weeks, the entire Czech underground network was wiped out. Hácha did not have the strength to resign and, trying to mitigate the brutality of German rule, stayed on as president. Martial law ultimately was lifted only because the Germans needed Czech workers to maintain productivity in the armaments industry. Consignment of young people for work in Germany continued without much resistance until the collapse of the Nazi regime.In December 1943 Beneš visited Moscow and signed a 20-year treaty of alliance, in which the Soviets recognized Czechoslovakia's pre-Munich agreement borders. This treaty, as well as agreements made with Klement Gottwald (Gottwald, Klement), the leader of the Czechoslovak communists exiled in Moscow, thenceforth determined Beneš's policies toward the Czech protectorate and Slovakia.In Slovakia in late August 1944 a popular uprising, planned by officers of the Slovak army, broke out following clashes between German troops and Slovak partisans under Soviet commanders. In contrast with the Warsaw Uprising, which also took place that August, the Soviets were directly supporting the Slovak rebels. Although the rebel Slovak army was fighting for the Czechoslovak cause, Slovak communists (among them the future Czechoslovak leader Gustav Husák (Husak, Gustav)) drafted schemes suggesting the incorporation of Slovakia into the Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) after the war. The Nazis crushed the uprising at the end of October, before Soviet troops were able to cross the Carpathians. Nevertheless, the advance of the Red Army through Slovakia—several months before the Western Allies were able to advance closer to the Czech border—became of decisive importance.In March 1945 Beneš and his government in exile journeyed from London to Moscow to make a final accord with Soviet premier Joseph Stalin (Stalin, Joseph) and Gottwald. A program of postwar reconstruction was worked out under decisive communist influence. Zdeněk Fierlinger, a former Czechoslovak diplomat and communist ally, became prime minister of a new provisional government, set up at Košice in Slovakia on April 3.The new Košice government exercised jurisdiction in the eastern portion of Czechoslovakia while fighting continued in Moravia and Bohemia until early May 1945. On May 5 an uprising against the German troops concentrated in central Bohemia started in Prague. Appeals for Allied help were largely ignored. Troops under U.S. Gen. George S. Patton (Patton, George Smith) reached Plzeň (Pilsen) but, complying with instructions from Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Eisenhower, Dwight D.), did not advance to Prague. Finally, on May 9, Soviet troops under Marshal Ivan Konev (Konev, Ivan Stepanovich) entered the Czech capital, liberating it from German occupation.Otakar Odlozilik Z.A.B. ZemanCommunist CzechoslovakiaThe provisional regimeIt was thus with Soviet assistance that President Beneš and his government returned to Prague on May 16, 1945, after nearly seven years of exile. It was believed that his intention was to restore in Czechoslovakia the liberal democratic regime that had collapsed under Nazi assault in 1938. It would not be an exact replica but an “improved” version adapted to the new circumstances. In particular, the Czechoslovak state was to be more ethnically homogeneous: the problem of minorities was to be resolved by large-scale expulsions of Germans and Hungarians from the country. (In the end Beneš did not achieve the expulsion of the Hungarians, merely the confiscation of their property.) The country was to remain a republic whose president would retain considerable constitutional and executive power; a government based on the electoral performance of select political parties would run the country by means of a professional civil service, while the judiciary would enforce laws passed by parliament—the National Assembly. In his search for improvement, Beneš decided to limit the number of political parties to six. (Subsequently, two additional parties were permitted in Slovakia, but too late for the election in 1946.) In the autumn of 1945 Beneš nominated the Provisional National Assembly, which reelected him president and confirmed in office the provisional government, headed by Fierlinger, that he had appointed in April. The vice premier was Gottwald, and the leaders of the other political parties also held vice premierships. A general election was scheduled to legitimize the provisional regime as well as to test the nation's acceptance of this new order, in compliance with the agreement of the Allies at the Yalta Conference in February 1945.On May 26, 1946, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia won a great victory in the general election, polling 2,695,293 votes—38.7 percent of the total. Several factors contributed to the success of the communists, particularly the Western powers' betrayal of Czechoslovakia in the Munich agreement and a resuscitated sense of Pan-Slavic (Slav) solidarity, fed by strong anti-German feelings. Gottwald became premier, and the communists took control of most of the key ministries, including interior, information, agriculture, and finance. Jan Masaryk (Masaryk, Jan (Garrigue)) (the son of Tomáš Masaryk) retained foreign affairs, however, and Gen. Ludvík Svoboda (Svoboda, Ludvík) remained minister of defense.Although the political parties formed a coalition called the National Front, collaboration between the communists and noncommunists was difficult from the beginning. While all parties agreed that economic recovery should remain the priority, and while a two-year plan was launched to carry it out, they began to differ as to the means to be employed. The noncommunists wanted no further nationalizations or land confiscations, no special taxation of the rich, raises in pay for the civil service, and, above all, economic aid from the United States by way of the Marshall Plan. The conflict sharpened in the summer of 1947 when the government first accepted Marshall Plan aid but then rejected it because of pressure from the Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Although the noncommunists blocked communist policies within the government throughout 1947, they had no common strategy regarding the next election—only a common desire to defeat the communists decisively. The communists, on the other hand, envisioned gaining an absolute majority in the next election with the help of the Social Democrats.The tension between the two factions developed into a crisis over the question of who was to control the police. The communist interior minister objected to the appointment of noncommunist officials for senior police posts. In protest, most of the noncommunist ministers resigned on Feb. 20, 1948; they hoped the government paralysis would force Gottwald and the communist ministers to resign as well. Instead, the communists seized the ministries held by the resigning ministers as well as the headquarters of the parties now in opposition.Following mass demonstrations in the streets of Prague of communist-led workers, many armed with rifles, President Beneš yielded. On February 25 he allowed the formation of a new government, in which the communists and left-wing Social Democrats held the key posts. The other parties of the National Front were nominally represented by individual members chosen not by the parties themselves but by the communists. The Provisional National Assembly overwhelmingly endorsed the new government and its program.Most of the noncommunist political leaders, risking imprisonment, fled the country; they were joined by many ordinary people who headed to the West to avoid living under communism. As a sign of their triumphant strength, the communists retained Masaryk (Masaryk, Jan (Garrigue)) as foreign minister, but on March 10 his body was found beneath a window of the foreign ministry. Overnight the Communist Party had become the only organized body left to run the country.Stalinism in CzechoslovakiaAfter February 1948 Czechoslovakia belonged to the Communist Party apparatus. The economy was subject to further nationalization, and all agricultural land became state or collective farms. When a new constitution declaring the country to be a “people's republic” (i.e., a communist state) was promulgated on May 9, Beneš (Beneš, Edvard), though seriously incapacitated by illness, finally displayed signs of resistance; he refused to undersign the constitution and resigned as president. Under a new electoral law and with a single list of candidates, a general election was held on May 30, and the new National Assembly elected Gottwald president. Antonín Zápotocký (Zápotocký, Antonín) succeeded him as premier, while Rudolf Slánský (Slánský, Rudolf) retained the powerful post of secretary general of the Czechoslovak Communist Party.With the communists firmly in power, the will of Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin (Stalin, Joseph) was soon imposed on Czechoslovakia. In 1947 Moscow had set up the Cominform (Communist Information Bureau) to tighten discipline within the socialist camp; in the autumn of 1949 Soviet advisers were sent to Czechoslovakia. In 1950 the outbreak of the Korean War initiated, under Soviet pressure, a vast rearmament program in the country.Meanwhile, the communists had begun purging the armed forces of officers suspected of being pro-Western. As an example, Gen. Heliodor Pika, deputy chief of staff of the Czechoslovak army and Beneš's wartime military representative in the Soviet Union, was arrested on trumped-up charges of espionage in May 1948; he was executed in June 1949. His trial was followed by a witch hunt inside the entire officer corps.Another target of the party was religion, especially the Roman Catholic Church. Church dignitaries were interned; monasteries and religious orders were dissolved; and a state office for church affairs was set up to bring churches under communist control. Soviet security advisers helped to prepare the trials of clergy who refused to cooperate with the communist authorities, and an effort was made to organize a group of collaborationist clergy.In a series of purges beginning in 1950, noncommunists were charged with various antistate activities. In June Milada Horáková, a former member of the National Assembly, and other politicians from the right and the left were tried for espionage. She and several others were sentenced to death. Gottwald also was put under pressure to uncover ideological opponents in the Czechoslovak Communist Party, which Soviet advisers now began to scrutinize. Charges of “nationalistic deviationism” and “Titoism” (referring to Josip Broz Tito (Tito, Josip Broz), the renegade communist leader of Yugoslavia) were leveled against the foreign minister, Vladimír Clementis (Clementis, Vladimír), who was dismissed from office, as were the Slovak regional premier, Gustav Husák (Husak, Gustav), and several other Slovaks; all were accused of “bourgeois nationalism.” In February 1951 Clementis, Husák, and several others were arrested, and in December 1952 Clementis was executed. Additionally, First Secretary Rudolf Slánský (Slánský, Rudolf) and 10 other high party officials, mostly Jewish, were sentenced to death in a trial considered by some to be the climax of the communist purges in eastern Europe. All together, some 180 politicians were executed in these purges, and thousands were held in prisons and labour camps.In March 1953, a few days after Stalin's funeral, Gottwald (Gottwald, Klement) unexpectedly died. Antonín Zápotocký (Zápotocký, Antonín) was elected president, while Viliám Široký, a Slovak, became premier; the powerful post of the party's first secretary went to Antonín Novotný (Novotný, Antonín), who had played a very active role in conducting the purges. That May a monetary reform, which effectively deprived the farmers and better-paid workers of all their savings, led to sporadic riots against the communist authorities. The riots gave Novotný, backed by Moscow, an excuse to check any attempt by Zápotocký and Široký to ease government repression. In 1957, when Zápotocký died, Novotný combined the party secretaryship with the presidency. His faction—mostly mediocre apparatchiks—became supreme and remained so until 1968. Novotný kept Stalinism alive. Show trials continued until 1955, after which administrative sanctions began to be employed.The growing reform movementBy the early 1960s Novotný faced acute economic problems. The communists' industrial and agricultural plans had failed to bolster the economy, and stagnation had set in. In industry, production costs remained high, fuel supplies were short, the quality of goods was poor, and absenteeism was widespread. Production began to fall. In agriculture, the situation was worse: collectivized agriculture produced less in 1960 than had been produced in the prewar years.In September 1964 the government was forced to accept a new set of economic principles put forward by a group of reformers who had advanced through the party ranks. Prominent among them was economics professor Ota Šik, who advocated replacing the country's rigid command economy with a mixed economy. Managers of enterprises would have a free hand in production and trading, and the efficiency of each enterprise would be measured by its “profitability” in terms of the labour and capital invested. Wholesale prices were to be overhauled in 1967 and 1968. Reform in agriculture was also attempted in 1966, with a cutback in central planning and the introduction of marketing principles. To attract Western currency, tourism was to be encouraged by doubling the old tourist rate of exchange. Novotný (Novotný, Antonín), however, refused to seek credit from the West for fear of becoming too dependent on capitalism, and in the end few of the proposed economic changes were implemented. Novotný's timid reforms thus satisfied no one, resolved no serious problems, and brought into existence a conspicuous pressure group (known as the “economists”) within the party leadership.A Slovak pressure group emerged as well. Although Novotný agreed to the rehabilitation of the Slovaks purged in the 1950s, a new constitution in 1960 further restricted Slovak autonomy. By 1963, new leaders had moved into power in Slovakia; Karol Bacílek, who was compromised by the purges in the 1950s, was replaced as first secretary of the Slovak Communist Party by Alexander Dubček (Dubček, Alexander). When the rehabilitated Slovaks, among whom was Gustav Husák (Husak, Gustav), began to clamour for a federal solution to their problem, Novotný could propose nothing better than disciplinary measures. The Slovaks turned against him—contributing to his imminent downfall.The immediate cause of Novotný's downfall, however, was unrest in the public and cultural spheres, particularly among students and writers. The young generation, raised under the communist regime and educated according to the Soviet model, had tired of restrictions on personal freedom and was critical of the country's low standard of living. Students were restless throughout the 1960s, and the traditional student festival, the Majáles, in 1966 became a riot against the regime. Then in 1967, dissatisfied with the conditions in their dormitories, students gathered in the streets demanding “more light.” The party felt challenged and sent in the police. In the end the minister of the interior apologized for police brutality against the students. Meanwhile, since 1962 the country's writers, despite the imposition of Socialist Realism as the official literary style, had produced some remarkable works that had escaped censorship. In 1967, at a congress of Czechoslovak writers, many refused to conform to the standards demanded by the Communist Party. Novotný answered this rebellion with sanctions: Jan Beneš was sent to prison for antistate propaganda; Ludvík Vaculík, Antonín J. Liehm, and Ivan Klíma (Klíma, Ivan) were expelled from the party; and Jan Procházka was dismissed from the party's Central Committee, of which he was a candidate member. This repression merely strengthened opposition to Novotný, however.During the session of the Central Committee in October 1967, an open clash occurred between Novotný (Novotný, Antonín) and the Slovaks. When Novotný hinted that Dubček and the rest of the Slovak opposition were tainted with “bourgeois nationalism,” he sealed his fate as a leader. Novotný invited Leonid Brezhnev (Brezhnev, Leonid Ilich), first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), to Prague to help him quash the dissension, but Brezhnev refused to get involved. Novotný, now deserted, faced another hostile session in December. After Šik's demand that the presidency be separated from the party office, Novotný offered his resignation as first secretary. This was accepted at the next session, and in January 1968 Novotný himself recommended as his successor his Slovak opponent Dubček, who was elected unanimously after the Central Committee failed to agree on the other candidates.As the new first secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Dubček was propelled into the role of chief reformer, even though he was not particularly qualified for it. He was a young Slovak who had spent his political life in the party apparat, and, because he was a compromise candidate, people did not expect much from him. Yet in the effort of ridding the government of the old guard, Dubček was aided by the pressure of public opinion, which was growing stronger, especially after members of the press became determined to express themselves more freely in early March 1968.By April the old apparat had crumbled, and the reformers held sway. Several diehards attempted suicide, but on the whole the transfer of power was peaceful. Oldřich Černík became prime minister, and Šik and Husák (Husak, Gustav) became vice premiers in charge of reforms in the economy and Slovakia, respectively. From March 30, Czechoslovakia also had a new president, Ludvík Svoboda (Svoboda, Ludvík), who had been minister of defense in the first postwar government. He had aided the communists during the 1948 coup but was himself purged in the 1950s and had lived in retirement since then. The interior ministry came under the control of another purge victim, Josef Pavel. The newly elected Presidium, the policy-making body of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, consisted largely of newcomers.The crown achievement of the new reformist government was the Action Program, adopted by the party's Central Committee in April 1968. The program embodied reform ideas of the several preceding years; it encompassed not only economic reforms but also the democratization of Czechoslovak political life. Among its most important points were the promotion of Slovakia to full parity within a new Czechoslovak federation, long overdue industrial and agricultural reforms, a revised constitution that would guarantee civil rights and liberties, and complete rehabilitation of all citizens whose rights had been infringed in the past. The program also envisaged a strict division of powers: the National Assembly, not the Communist Party, would be in control of the government, which in turn would become a real executive body and not a party branch; courts were to become independent and act as arbiters between the legislative and executive branches. Political pluralism was not recommended, but the Communist Party would have to justify its leading role by competing freely for supremacy with other organizations in the process of formation. International opinion saw Dubček as offering “ socialism with a human face.”The effect of the liberalization movement—which became known as the Prague Spring—on the Czechoslovak public was unprecedented and quite unexpected. Alternative forms of political organization quickly emerged. Former political prisoners founded K 231, a group named after the article of the criminal code under which they had been sentenced; a number of prominent intellectuals formed KAN, a club for committed non-Communist Party members; and there even were efforts to reestablish the Social Democratic Party, forcibly fused with the Communist Party in 1948. With the collapse of the official communist youth movement, youth clubs and the Boy Scouts were resurrected. Christian churches, national minority associations, human rights groups, and other long-forgotten societies became active as well.On June 27, 1968, the dissident writer Ludvík Vaculík published a document signed by a large number of people representing all walks of Czechoslovak life. This document, dubbed the “Two Thousand Words” manifesto, constituted a watershed in the evolution of the Prague Spring: it urged mass action to demand real democracy. Though shocked by the proclamation, Dubček was convinced that he could control the transformation of Czechoslovakia.The Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and the other Warsaw Pact allies were far more alarmed. After Dubček declined to participate in a special meeting of the Warsaw Pact powers, they sent him a letter on July 15 saying that his country was on the verge of counterrevolution and that they considered it their duty to protect it. Nevertheless, Dubček remained confident that he could talk himself out of any difficulties with his fellow communist leaders. He accepted an invitation by Brezhnev (Brezhnev, Leonid Ilich) to a conference at Čierná-nad-Tisou (a small town on the Soviet border with Slovakia), where the Soviet Politburo and the Czechoslovak leaders tried to resolve their problems. On August 3, representatives of the Soviet, East German, Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Czechoslovak Communist parties met again at Bratislava; the communiqué issued after that meeting gave the impression that pressure would be eased on Czechoslovakia in return for somewhat tighter control over the press.However, on the evening of Aug. 20, 1968, Soviet-led armed forces invaded the country. The Soviet authorities seized Dubček, Černík, and several other leaders and secretly took them to Moscow. Meanwhile, the population spontaneously reacted against the invasion through acts of passive resistance and improvisation (e.g., road signs were removed so that the invading troops would get lost). Although communications were disrupted and supplies were held up, the people went on with life at the local level. Even the scheduled 14th Communist Party Congress took place on August 22; it elected a pro-Dubček Central Committee and Presidium—the very things the invasion had been timed to prevent. The National Assembly, declaring its loyalty to Dubček, continued its plenary sessions. On August 23 President Svoboda, accompanied by Husák (Husak, Gustav), left for Moscow to negotiate an end to the occupation. But by August 27 the Czechoslovaks had been compelled to yield to the Soviets' demands in an agreement known as the Moscow Protocol. Svoboda, bringing with him Dubček and the other leaders, returned to Prague to tell the population what price they would have to pay for their “socialism with a human face”: Soviet troops were going to stay in Czechoslovakia for the time being, and the leaders had agreed to tighter controls over political and cultural activities.The continued presence of Soviet troops helped the communist hard-liners, who were joined by Husák, to defeat Dubček and the reformers. First of all, the 14th Party Congress was declared invalid, as required by the Moscow Protocol; hard-liners were thus able to occupy positions of power. Czechoslovakia was proclaimed a federal republic, with two autonomous units—the Czech Lands ( Bohemia and Moravia) forming the Czech Socialist Republic and Slovakia the Slovak Socialist Republic, respectively—each with national parliaments and governments. A federal arrangement was the one concession the hard-liners were ready to make, and, indeed, many citizens (particularly the Slovaks) had desired it. Nonetheless, protests against the curtailing of reforms—such as the dramatic suicide of Jan Palach, a student who on Jan. 16, 1969, set himself on fire—were what held the country's attention.Gradually, Dubček either dismissed his friends and allies or forced them to resign, and on April 17, 1969, Husák replaced him as first secretary. Dubček continued for a while as chairman (speaker) of the parliament and then became ambassador to Turkey. After his recall in 1970 he was stripped of his party membership. The victorious Husák declared the Dubček experiment to be finished and promptly initiated a process of “normalization.”“Normalization” and political dissidenceAs first secretary, Husák (Husak, Gustav) patiently tried to persuade Soviet leaders that Czechoslovakia was a loyal member of the Warsaw Pact. He had the constitution amended to embody the newly proclaimed Brezhnev Doctrine, which asserted the right of the Soviet Union to intervene militarily if it perceived socialism anywhere to be under threat, and in 1971 he repudiated the Prague Spring—declaring that “in 1968 socialism was in danger in Czechoslovakia, and the armed intervention helped to save it.” In 1970 Oldřich Černík was finally forced to resign the premiership; he was succeeded by Husák's Czech rival, Lubomír Štrougal. In 1975, when President Svoboda retired because of ill health, Husák once again fused the two most important offices in Czechoslovakia and became, with full Soviet approval, president himself.Having purged the reformists during 1969–71, Husák concentrated almost exclusively on the economy. In the short term, Czechoslovakia did not suffer significantly, even from the disruption caused by the military occupation in 1968. The country undertook important infrastructure improvement projects, notably the construction of the Prague metro and a major motorway connecting Prague with Bratislava in Slovakia. Husák, however, did not permit the industrial and agricultural reforms from the Action Program to be applied and so failed to cure the country's long-term economic problems. The achievements of the mid- to late 1970s were modest, and by the early 1980s Czechoslovakia was experiencing a serious economic downturn, caused by a decline in markets for its products, burdensome terms of trade with several of its supplier countries, and a surplus of outdated machinery and technology.Although Husák had avoided the bloodletting of his predecessors, his party purges had damaged Czechoslovak cultural and scientific life, since positions in these two areas depended on membership in the party. Numerous writers, composers, journalists, historians, and scientists found themselves unemployed and forced to accept menial jobs to earn a living. Many of these disappointed intellectuals tried to continue the struggle against the regime, but they were indicted for committing criminal acts in pursuance of political objectives. Though these trials could not be compared to the Stalinist show trials, they kept discontent among the intellectuals simmering, even if the mass of the population was indifferent. Intellectual discontent gathered strength in January 1977, when a group of intellectuals signed a petition, known as Charter 77, in which they urged the government to observe human rights as outlined in the Helsinki Accords of 1975. Many intellectuals and activists who signed the petition subsequently were arrested and detained, but their efforts continued throughout the following decade. Among the victims of the crackdown was the philosopher Jan Patocka, who died on March 13, 1977, after a number of police interrogations.Several mass demonstrations took place in the country during the 1980s. The largest protest gathering in Slovakia since the Prague Spring occurred on March 25, 1988: during this so-called “Candle Demonstration” in Bratislava, thousands of Slovaks quietly held burning candles to show their support for religious freedom and human rights. Police dispersed the demonstration with water cannons and made numerous arrests.Velvet Revolution and Velvet DivorceIn 1989 a wave of protests against communist rule erupted in eastern Europe; among the most significant events were the culmination of the Polish Solidarity movement, the adoption of a democratic constitution in Hungary, and the mass exodus of thousands of freedom-seeking East Germans, some via Prague, after Hungary opened its border with Austria. Despite the momentous events in surrounding countries, the Czechoslovak people took little action until late in the fall of 1989. On November 16, students in Bratislava gathered for a peaceful demonstration; the next day a student march, approved by the authorities, took place in Prague. The Prague march was intended to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the suppression of a student demonstration in German-occupied Prague, but students soon began criticizing the regime, and the police reacted with brutality.This incident set off a nationwide protest movement—dubbed the Velvet Revolution—that gained particular strength in the country's industrial centres. Prodemocracy demonstrations and strikes took place under the makeshift leadership of the Civic Forum, an opposition group for which the dissident playwright and Charter 77 coauthor Václav Havel (Havel, Václav) served as chief spokesman. In Slovakia a parallel group named Public Against Violence was founded. Daily mass gatherings culminated in a general strike on November 27, during which the people demanded free elections and an end to one-party rule.The communist authorities were forced to negotiate with the opposition, and, as a result, a transition government incorporating members of the Civic Forum and Public Against Violence was formed. Husák (Husak, Gustav) resigned in December 1989, and Havel was chosen to succeed him as Czechoslovakia's first noncommunist president in more than 40 years. The former party leader Alexander Dubček (Dubček, Alexander) returned to political life as the new speaker of the Federal Assembly. In June 1990, in the first free elections held in Czechoslovakia since 1946, the Civic Forum and Public Against Violence won decisive majorities; in July Havel was reelected as president.The new government undertook the multifarious tasks of the transition from communism to democracy, beginning with privatizing businesses, revamping foreign policy, and writing a new constitution. The last Soviet troops were withdrawn from Czechoslovakia in June 1991, and the Warsaw Pact was disbanded the following month, thus completing Czechoslovakia's separation from the Soviet bloc (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). However, the drafting of a new constitution was hindered by differences between political parties, Czech-Slovak tensions, and power struggles. Another serious obstacle was the cumbersome federal structure inherited from the communists. When issues dividing Czechs and Slovaks were discussed, the existence of multiple ministerial cabinets and diets made it extremely difficult to achieve the prescribed majority on the federal level. Moreover, the minority bloc of Slovak deputies had disproportionate veto power.The Czechoslovak federation began to appear increasingly fragile in 1991–92, and separatism became a momentous issue. Parliamentary elections in June 1992 gave the Czech premiership to Václav Klaus, an economist by training and finance minister since 1989. Klaus headed a centre-right coalition that included the Civic Democratic Party, which he had cofounded. The Slovak premiership went to Vladimir Mečiar (Mečiar, Vladimir), a vocal Slovak nationalist and prominent member of Public Against Violence who had served briefly as Slovak prime minister in 1990–91. Mečiar headed his Movement for a Democratic Slovakia party. The parties led by Klaus and Mečiar were supported by about one-third of the electorate in their respective republics, but the differences between the two were so great that a lasting federal government could not be formed.After Havel's (Havel, Václav) resignation on July 20, 1992, no suitable candidate for the federal presidency emerged; Czechoslovakia now lacked a symbol of unity as well as a convincing advocate. Thus, the assumption was readily made, at least in political circles, that the Czechoslovak state would have to be divided. There was little evidence of public enthusiasm for the split, but neither Klaus nor Mečiar wished to ask the population for a verdict through a referendum. The two republics proceeded with separation negotiations in an atmosphere of peace and cooperation. By late November, members of the National Assembly had voted Czechoslovakia out of existence. Both republics promulgated new constitutions, and at midnight on Dec. 31, 1992, after 74 years of joint existence disrupted only by World War II, Czechoslovakia was formally dissolved. With the completion of this so-called Velvet Divorce, the independent countries of Slovakia and the Czech Republic were created on Jan. 1, 1993.Z.A.B. Zeman Milan HaunerAdditional ReadingGeneral worksHugh LeCaine Agnew, The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown (2004), may be considered the first synthetic, full-length history of the Czechoslovak region in English. The equivalent work for Slovakia alone is Peter A. Toma and Dušan Kováč, Slovakia: From Samo to Dzurinda (2001). R.W. Seton-Watson, A History of the Czechs and Slovaks (1943, reprinted 1965); Robert Joseph Kerner (ed.), Czechoslovakia: Twenty Years of Independence (1940); and S. Harrison Thomson, Czechoslovakia in European History, 2nd ed., enlarged (1953, reprinted 1965), remain standard works on the history up to World War II but are somewhat outdated. Later works are William V. Wallace, Czechoslovakia (1976); Josef Korbel, Twentieth-Century Czechoslovakia: The Meanings of Its History (1977); Norman Stone and Eduard Strouhal (eds.), Czechoslovakia: Crossroads and Crises, 1918–88 (1989), a collection of essays on various events; Jaroslav Krejčí, Czechoslovakia at the Crossroads of European History (1990); Josef V. Polišenský, History of Czechoslovakia in Outline (1991), a very brief survey by a leading Czech historian; Jirí Hochman, Historical Dictionary of the Czech State (1998); Stanislav J. Kirschbaum, A History of Slovakia: A Struggle for Survival, 2nd ed. (2005); and Jaroslav Krejčí and Pavel Machonin, Czechoslovakia 1918–92: A Laboratory for Social Change (1996), a very useful overview. The best economic survey is Alice Teichová, The Czechoslovak Economy, 1918–1980 (1988). Standard bibliographic works published before the end of the 1960s are found in Paul L. Horecky (ed.), East Central Europe: A Guide to Basic Publications (1969); more updated bibliographies are George J. Kovtun (compiler), Czech and Slovak History: An American Bibliography (1996); and Vladka Edmondson and David Short (compilers), Czech Republic, rev. ed. (1999).The historical regions to 1918Francis Dvornik, Byzantine Missions Among the Slavs: SS. Constantine-Cyril and Methodius (1970), illuminates the early medieval period of the region. The kingdom of Bohemia in the 14th and 15th centuries, and especially the Hussite movement and its aftermath, are discussed in Howard Kaminsky, A History of the Hussite Revolution (1967); Frederick G. Heymann, John Žižka and the Hussite Revolution (1955, reissued 1969); R.R. Betts, Essays in Czech History (1969); and Otakar Odložilík, The Hussite King: Bohemia in European Affairs, 1440–1471 (1965). Peter Brock, The Political and Social Doctrines of the Unity of Czech Brethren in the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries (1957), remains an important work. The best survey of Bohemia's role in the 17th century is Josef Polišenský, The Thirty Years War (1971; originally published in Czech). The history of the region under Habsburg rule is found in R.J.W. Evans, The Making of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1550–1700: An Interpretation (1979, reissued 1991).The development of modern Czech nationalism and of the Czechoslovak state are explored in John F.N. Bradley, Czech Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century (1984); Peter Brock and H. Gordon Skilling (eds.), The Czech Renascence of the Nineteenth Century (1970); Peter Brock, The Slovak National Awakening (1976); Stanley Z. Pech, The Czech Revolution of 1848 (1969); Joseph Frederick Zacek, Palacký: The Historian as Scholar and Nationalist (1970); Barbara K. Reinfeld, Karel Havlíček (1821–1856): A National Liberation Leader of the Czech Renascence (1982); Roman Szporluk, The Political Thought of Thomas G. Masaryk (1981); and Hugh LeCaine Agnew, Origins of the Czech National Renascence (1993). A more popular approach with an emphasis on cultural history is Derek Sayer, The Coasts of Bohemia: A Czech History (1998).Czechoslovakia (1918–92)The formation of the Czechoslovak republic is addressed in Z.A.B. Zeman, The Masaryks: The Making of Czechoslovakia (1976, reissued 1990), and The Break-Up of the Habsburg Empire, 1914–1918: A Study in National and Social Revolution (1961, reprinted 1977). Key testimonies are provided by two founders of Czechoslovakia in Thomáš Garrigue Masaryk, The Making of a State, arranged and prepared by Henry Wickham Steed (1927); and Edvard Beneš, My War Memoirs, trans. by Paul Selver (1928). The best updated view on Tomáš Masaryk in English is Stanley B. Winters, Robert Pynsent, and Harry Hanak (eds.), T.G. Masaryk (1850–1937), 3 vol. (1989–90). Věra Olivová, The Doomed Democracy: Czechoslovakia in a Disrupted Europe, 1914–38 (1972; originally published in Czech); and Victor S. Mamatey and Radomír Luža (eds.), A History of the Czechoslovak Republic, 1918–1948 (1973), remain good surveys of the interwar republic. Marc Cornwall and R.J.W. Evans (eds.), Czechoslovakia in a Nationalist and Fascist Europe, 1918–1948 (2007), is a recommended collection of articles.The Slovak and Ruthenian histories have few comprehensive treatments in English. Jozef Lettrich, History of Modern Slovakia (1955, reissued 1985), is a standard work up to World War II, although it is somewhat outdated. Interwar Slovakia is the subject of R.W. Seton-Watson (ed.), Slovakia Then and Now: A Political Survey (1931), a classic text. Other treatments of Slovak history include Joseph A. Mikuš, Slovakia, a Political History: 1918–1950, rev. and implemented ed. (1963, reissued as Slovakia: A Political and Constitutional History, 1995); Dorothea H. El Mallakh, The Slovak Autonomy Movement, 1935–1939: A Study in Unrelenting Nationalism (1979); Yeshayahu Jelinek, The Lust for Power: Nationalism, Slovakia, and the Communists, 1918–1948 (1983); and Carol Skalnik Leff, National Conflict in Czechoslovakia: The Making and Remaking of a State, 1918–1987 (1988). A more specialized cultural history is Owen V. Johnson, Slovakia, 1918–1938: Education and the Making of a Nation (1985). On Subcarpathian Ruthenia, helpful works are F. Nemec and V. Moudrý, The Soviet Seizure of Subcarpathian Ruthenia (1955, reprinted 1981); and Paul Robert Magocsi, The Shaping of National Identity: Subcarpathian Rus', 1848–1948 (1978), and The Rusyns of Slovakia: An Historical Survey (1993).The relationship between the Czechs and the Germans is dealt with in Elizabeth Wiskemann, Czechs & Germans: A Study of the Struggle in the Historic Provinces of Bohemia and Moravia, 2nd ed. (1967), a classic work; J.W. Bruegel, Czechoslovakia Before Munich: The German Minority Problem and British Appeasement Policy, trans. from German (1973); Gary B. Cohen, The Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in Prague, 1861–1914, 2nd ed., rev. (2006); F. Gregory Campbell, Confrontation in Central Europe: Weimar Germany and Czechoslovakia (1975); Ronald M. Smelser, The Sudeten Problem, 1933–1938: Volkstumspolitik and the Formulation of Nazi Foreign Policy (1975); and Radomír Luža, The Transfer of the Sudeten Germans: A Study of Czech-German Relations, 1933–1962 (1964).Czechoslovakia's fate through the presidency of Edvard Beneš and World War II is treated in Edvard Beneš, Democracy Today and Tomorrow (1939), The Fall and Rise of a Nation: Czechoslovakia 1938–1941, ed. by Milan Hauner (2004), and Memoirs of Dr. Eduard Beneš: From Munich to New War and New Victory (1954, reprinted 1972). The topic also is addressed by Beneš's former secretary in Edward Taborsky, President Beneš: Between East and West, 1938–1948 (1981). Zbyněk Zeman and Antonín Klimek, The Life of Edward Beneš, 1884–1948 (1997), should be read along with the classic Compton Mackenzie, Dr. Beneš (1946). The painful history of the Nazi occupation is examined in Vojtech Mastny, The Czechs Under Nazi Rule: The Failure of National Resistance, 1939–1942 (1971); Theodore Prochazka, The Second Republic: The Disintegration of Post-Munich Czechoslovakia, October 1938–March 1939 (1981); and Peter G. Stercho, Diplomacy of Double Morality: Europe's Crossroads in Carpatho-Ukraine, 1919–1939 (1971).The communist capture of power is described in Karel Kaplan, The Short March: The Communist Takeover in Czechoslovakia, 1945–1948 (1987; originally published in German); and Josef Korbel, The Communist Subversion of Czechoslovakia, 1938–48 (1959). The most detailed study on the Prague Spring of 1968 is H. Gordon Skilling, Czechoslovakia's Interrupted Revolution (1976). The following are also useful: Hans Renner, A History of Czechoslovakia Since 1945 (1989), which focuses in particular on the events of 1968; Zdeněk Mlynář, Nightfrost in Prague: The End of Humane Socialism (1980; originally published in Czech), an eyewitness account; and Galia Golan, The Czechoslovak Reform Movement: Communism in Crisis, 1962–1968 (1971), and Reform Rule in Czechoslovakia: The Dubček Era, 1968–1969 (1973). The life of Alexander Dubček is described in William Shawcross, Dubcek, rev. and updated ed. (1990); and Alexander Dubcek, Hope Dies Last: The Autobiography of Alexander Dubcek, ed. and trans. by Jirí Hochman (1993; originally published in Slovak). The dissident role played by writers and journalists is examined in Frank L. Kaplan, Winter into Spring: The Czechoslovak Press and the Reform Movement, 1963–1968 (1977); and A. French, Czech Writers and Politics, 1945–1969 (1982).Events in the decade after the Soviet intervention are detailed in Vladimir V. Kusin, From Dubček to Charter 77: A Study of “Normalization” in Czechoslovakia, 1968–1978 (1978). Bernard Wheaton and Zdeněk Kavan, The Velvet Revolution: Czechoslovakia, 1988–1991 (1992), describes the popular revolution of 1989 and subsequent events. Later works include Jiří Musil (ed.), The End of Czechoslovakia (1995); and Carol Skalnik Leff, The Czech and Slovak Republics: Nation Versus State (1996).Milan Hauner
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