
/ot"oh/; Ger. /awt"oh/, n.
a male given name: from a Germanic word meaning "rich."

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(as used in expressions)
Bismarck Otto Eduard Leopold prince von
Dix Otto
Graham Otto Everett Jr.
Hahn Otto
Jansen Cornelius Otto
Jespersen Jens Otto Harry
Klemperer Otto
Kuusinen Otto Vilhelm
Liman von Sanders Otto
Meyerhof Otto
Otto of Brunswick
Otto the Great
Otto Nikolaus August
Otto Rudolf
Preminger Otto Ludwig
Rank Otto
Otto Rosenfeld
Strasser Gregor and Strasser Otto
Struve Otto
Wagner Otto
Warburg Otto Heinrich
Wieland Heinrich Otto

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king of Bavaria

born April 27, 1848, Munich
died Oct. 11, 1916, Schloss Fürstenreid, near Munich

      insane king of Bavaria, younger son of King Maximilian II.

      Otto fell insane in 1872 and, from 1880 onward, had to be kept under strict surveillance. When his elder brother, King Louis II, likewise insane, died in 1886, he became king under the regency first of his uncle Luitpold, the heir apparent, and then (1912) of Luitpold's son Louis, who made himself king, as Louis III, on Nov. 5, 1913, even though his cousin Otto was still alive.

king of Greece
born June 1, 1815, Salzburg, Austria
died July 26, 1867, Bamberg, Bavaria
 first king of modern Greece (183262), who governed his country autocratically until he was forced to become a constitutional monarch in 1843. Attempting to increase Greek territory at the expense of Turkey, he failed and was overthrown.

      The second son of King Louis I of Bavaria, Otto was chosen king of Greece by the great powers at the conference of London in May 1832. The Greek National Assembly confirmed his selection in August 1832, and he arrived in Greece on Feb. 6, 1833, accompanied by several Bavarian advisers. He instituted a new legal code and organized a regular army, but the Bavarians' absolutist rule and heavy taxation led to discontent, which was appeased by the resignation of Otto's chancellor, Joseph Ludwig von Armansperg, in 1837. After failing to annex Crete in 1841, an attempt that alienated Great Britain, the Greeks staged a revolt in 1843. Otto, a Roman Catholic in an Eastern Orthodox country, was forced to grant a constitution specifying that his eventual successor be Orthodox. A Greek oligarchy now replaced the former Bavarian one. The King toyed with theGreat Idea,” the reestablishment of the former Byzantine Empire with its capital at Constantinople; but his intervention against Turkey in the Crimean War (185356) merely provoked a Franco-British occupation of the Piraeus, and he failed to gain any additional territory for Greece. Otto's backing of Austria in the Italian War of Independence (1859) further damaged his prestige. He was finally deposed in a revolt on Oct. 23, 1862, and returned to Bavaria.

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