

king of Naples

born Feb. 11, 1377, Naples [Italy]
died Aug. 6, 1414, Naples

      king of Naples (from 1386), claimant to the throne of Hungary (from 1390), and prince of Taranto (from 1406). He became a skilled political and military leader, taking advantage of power struggles on the Italian peninsula to greatly expand his kingdom and his power.

      Succeeding his father, Charles III, in 1386, Ladislas was king at age nine under the regency of his mother, Margaret of Durazzo. Expelled from Naples in 1387 by the rival claimant Louis II of Anjou, he first subdued the recalcitrant Neapolitan barons and finally, in 1399, drove out Louis, who no longer was supported by France. In pursuance of his father's Hungarian ambitions, he led an expedition into Dalmatia and declared himself king of Hungary at Zara in August 1404, though he actually controlled very little territory. Thereupon, he returned to Naples to suppress once again the rebel barons.

      When Boniface IX died in 1404, Ladislas supported the new pope, Innocent VII, against the antipope Benedict XIII, who was an ally of Louis. After Ladislas occupied Rome, Innocent proclaimed him protector of the church as well as governor of the Campagna and the Marittima. After the death of his powerful adversary Raimondo del Balzo-Orsini, prince of Taranto, he married the widowed Marie d'Enghien, thereby gaining the principality of Taranto.

      When Gregory XII, who succeeded Innocent (1406), seemed ready to reach an accord to end the papal schism, Ladislas in the spring of 1408 occupied Rome, Lazio (Latium), and Umbria and tried to impede the Council of Pisa. Nevertheless, the council elected Alexander V pope in 1409, deposing both Gregory and Benedict. While Ladislas supported Gregory, Alexander's successor, the Pisan antipope John XXIII (John (XXIII)) crowned Louis king of Naples (1411). Defeated by Louis at Roccasecca, Ladislas reorganized his forces, made peace with Florence, and won the aid of the skilled condottiere Muzio Attendolo Sforza. Ladislas' position was so much strengthened that Pope John agreed to give him money and land in return for Ladislas' disavowal of Gregory (1412).

      An impending accord between Pope John and Sigismund, newly elected German king and claimant to the Hungarian throne, however, led Ladislas to occupy and sack Rome (June 1413). He advanced to Bologna to prevent John from joining Sigismund. After having made peace with Florence and Siena, Ladislas fell ill and was taken back to Naples, where he died.

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