
/jawrj/, n.
1. a figure of St. George killing the dragon, esp. one forming part of the insignia of the Order of the Garter.
2. Brit. Slang. any coin bearing the image of St. George.
3. a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter G.
4. Brit. Slang. an automatic pilot on an airplane.
5. by George! Chiefly Brit. Informal. (an exclamation used to express astonishment, approval, etc.)
/jawrj/; for 4 also Ger. /gay ohrdd"geuh/, n.
1. David Lloyd. See Lloyd George, David.
2. Henry, 1839-97, U.S. economist: advocate of a single tax.
3. Saint, died A.D. 303?, Christian martyr: patron saint of England.
4. Stefan Anton /shte"fahn ahn"tohn/, 1868-1933, German poet.
5. Lake, a lake in E New York. 36 mi. (58 km) long.
6. a male given name: from a Greek word meaning "farmer."

* * *

(as used in expressions)
George Kastrioti
Abbott George Francis
Aberdeen George Hamilton Gordon 4th earl of
Akerlof George A.
Alexander Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander 1st Earl
George Edward Arcaro
Balanchine George
Baltimore of Baltimore George Calvert 1st Baron
Bancroft George
Beadle George Wells
Bellows George Wesley
Berkeley George
Bingham George Caleb
Blanda George Frederick
Boole George
Brown George
George Bryan
Buchanan George
George Villiers
Burns George
Bush George Herbert Walker
Bush George Walker
Byron George Gordon Byron 6th Baron
Cabot George
Cadbury George
Canning George
Carteret Sir George
Cartier Sir George Étienne Baronet
Carver George Washington
Catlin George
Cayley Sir George
Charles Philip Arthur George prince of Wales
Clarendon George William Frederick Villiers 4th earl of
Clark George Rogers
Clinton George
Cohan George Michael
Collingwood Robin George
Crabbe George
Croghan George
Cruikshank George
Crumb George Henry
Cukor George Dewey
Custer George Armstrong
Dallas George Mifflin
Dawson George Geoffrey
George Geoffrey Robinson
de Mille Agnes George
Derby Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley 14th earl of
Dewey George
Diefenbaker John George
George Baker
Dollond John and George
du Maurier George Louis Palmella Busson
Durham John George Lambton 1st earl of
Durrell Lawrence George
Eastman George
Edmunds George Franklin
Eliot George
Etherege Sir George
Evans George Henry
Farquhar George
Foreman George
Fox George
Fraser George MacDonald
Frazer Sir James George
Gallup George Horace
Gamow George
Gemistus Plethon George
George William Frederick
George Augustus
George Augustus Frederick
George Louis
Albert Frederick Arthur George
George Frederick Ernest Albert
George Henry
George Lake
George Saint
George Stefan
Gershwin George
Gissing George Robert
Goethals George Washington
Gordon Charles George
George Percy Grainger
Grenville George
Grierson Sir George Abraham
Grosz George
Grove Sir George
Gurdjieff George Ivanovitch
Halas George Stanley
Hale George Ellery
Handel George Frideric
Heath Sir Edward Richard George
Hepplewhite George
Herbert George
Herriman George Joseph
Hitchings George Herbert
Hoar George Frisbie
Inness George
Jones George Glenn
Julian George Washington
Kaufman George Simon
Kelly George
Kemeny John George
Kennan George Frost
King George's War
Lansbury George
Laver Rodney George
Lloyd George of Dwyfor David Lloyd George Earl
Lucas George
Marshall George Catlett
Mason George
McClellan George Brinton
McGovern George Stanley
Mead George Herbert
Meade George Gordon
Meany George
Meredith George
Mikan George Lawrence
Miller George Armitage
Minot George Richards
Monck George 1st duke of Albermarle
Moore George Edward
Moynihan Berkeley George Andrew
Murray George Redmayne
Norris George William
Orwell George
Patton George Smith
Peabody George
Pendleton George Hunt
Pickett George Edward
Potter Dennis Christopher George
Previn André George
Pullman George Mortimer
Rickover Hyman George
Ripley George
Roberts Sir Charles George Douglas
Romney George
George Herman Ruth
Saint George's
Saint George's Channel
Saintsbury George Edward Bateman
Sand George
Santayana George
Scott George Campbell
Segal George
Seldes George
Shaw George Bernard
Shull George Harrison
Simpson George Gaylord
Smith George
Smollett Tobias George
Soros George
Stebbins George Ledyard
Steiner Francis George
Stephenson George
Stevens George
Stibitz George Robert
Stigler George Joseph
Stubbs George
Szell George
Thomas George Henry
Trevelyan George Macauley
Vancouver George
Ventris Michael George Francis
Wald George
Wallace George Corley
Washington George
Welles George Orson
Wells Herbert George
Westinghouse George
Whipple George Hoyt
Willem Frederik George Lodewijk
Williams George Emlyn
Wythe George
Bulwer Lytton Edward George Earl
Curzon of Kedleston George Nathaniel Curzon Marquess
Seferis George
Shaughnessy of Montreal and Ashford Thomas George Shaughnessy 1st Baron

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      town, Western Cape province, South Africa. The town lies distantly east of Cape Town and immediately inland from the Indian Ocean. It was founded in 1811 as the first British settlement in the Cape Colony and named after King George III, as was George Peak nearby. Hops, not otherwise grown in South Africa, are cultivated in the area. Boats, shoes, and furniture are manufactured in the town. George serves as an educational and service centre for the surrounding rural area. It has a mild and equable climate and is traditionally a place of retirement. Pop. (2001) town, 78,154; mun., 135,407.

king of Bohemia
byname  George of Poděbrady,  Czech  Jiří z Poděbrad 
born April 23, 1420, Poděbrady, Bohemia [now in Czech Republic]
died March 22, 1471, Prague

      king of Bohemia from 1458. As head of the conservative Utraquist faction of Hussite Protestants, he established himself as a power when Bohemia was still under Habsburg rule, and he was thereafter unanimously elected king by the estates. A nationalist and Hussite king of a prosperous state, he incurred the enmity of the papacy and Bohemia's Roman Catholic neighbours, which finally destroyed his power.

      George became the leader of the Utraquists (Utraquist) in 1444. Opposing the Roman Catholic pro-Habsburg party, whose prospective Bohemian king Ladislav (Ladislas V) was still a minor, he captured Prague in 1448, thereafter defeating the Habsburg faction. Accepting the situation, Ladislav's guardian, the future emperor Frederick III, entrusted George with the administration of Bohemia in 1451, while the Bohemian Diet appointed him regent. When Ladislav began his rule in 1453, George's importance waned; but, after the king's sudden death in 1457, he was elected king (March 2, 1458) despite accusations, probably false, that he had poisoned Ladislav. Bohemia prospered under his rule, and he enhanced his prestige by trying to organize an anti-Turkish league of Christian states (1462). But he refused Pope Pius II's demand that he abolish the Compactata, which had legitimized the Utraquist party. Although Pius died (1464) before his planned crusade against Bohemia began, the new pope, Paul II, supported a confederacy of nobles against George (1465), and on Dec. 23, 1466, the pope excommunicated him, pronounced him deposed, and forbade Roman Catholics to continue allegiance to him. Emperor Frederick III and Matthias Corvinus (Matthias I) of Hungary joined the alliance against Bohemia, and on May 3, 1469, Matthias established himself in Brno as a rival king of Bohemia. George, however, refused to abdicate, and the struggle continued until his death.

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