

 city, Bavaria Land (state), southeastern Germany. It lies at the confluence of the Danube (Danube River), Inn (Inn River), and Ilz rivers, on the Austrian border.

      Originally the Celtic settlement of Bojodurum, it was later the site of a Roman camp, Castra Batava, and was made an episcopal see in 739. The bishops became princes of the Holy Roman Empire in 1217 and ruled Passau until 1803, despite revolts by citizens for municipal freedom. Passau was an important medieval trade and shipping centre. The Inn River salt trade and the making of knife and sword blades were traditional occupations. Fires in 1662 and 1680 caused great damage, and subsequent rebuilding gave Passau a Baroque character.

      Passau has become the economic, cultural, and communications centre of southeastern Bavaria. Industries include a bell foundry, brewing, and the manufacture of clothing, bicycles, organs, and electrical engineering products. There is also a tourist trade based in part on the city's role in passenger boat traffic on the Danube. The cityscape is dominated by the Oberhaus Fortress (1219) and the cathedral of St. Stephen (1668), which incorporates the remains of an earlier Gothic structure. The cathedral contains one of the largest church organs in the world; this organ, built in 1928, has more than 17,000 pipes. The bishops' palace (171230) and numerous fine churches in varied styles recall the era of the prince-bishops. The Gothic town hall (12981389) has paintings depicting episodes in Passau's past, including its association with the Nibelungen legends. The Niedernburg convent (founded 8th century) contains the tomb of Gisela, the first queen of Hungary. The city is the seat of the University of Passau (opened 1978). Museums include the Oberhaus Museum (located in the fortress), the Passau Glass Museum (with tens of thousands of examples of Bohemian glass), a museum of modern art, and a diocesan museum (religious art). Passau contains city and state libraries, a municipal theatre, and other cultural institutions. Bavarian Forest National Park is about 25 miles (40 km) north of the city. Pop. (2003 est.) 50,683.

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Universalium. 2010.

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