Carpathian Mountains

Carpathian Mountains
/kahr pay"thee euhn/
a mountain range in central Europe, extending from N Slovakia to central Rumania. Highest peak, Gerlachovka, 8737 ft. (2663 m). Also called Carpathians.

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Mountain system, eastern Europe.

It extends along the Slovakia-Poland border and southward through Ukraine and eastern Romania about 900 mi (1,450 km). Its highest peak, Gerlachovka (in Slovakia), rises 8,711 ft (2,655 m). The Little Carpathians and White Carpathians are its southwestern extensions; the Transylvanian Alps are sometimes called the South Carpathians. The mountains are the source for the Vistula, Dniester, and Tisza rivers. Agriculture, forestry, and tourism are economically important.

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mountains, Europe
  a geologically young European mountain chain forming the eastward continuation of the Alps. From the Danube Gap, near Bratislava, Slovakia, they swing in a wide crescent-shaped arc some 900 miles (1,450 kilometres) long to near Orşova, Romania, at the portion of the Danube River valley called the Iron Gate. These are the conventional boundaries of these arcuate ranges, although, in fact, certain structural units of the Carpathians extend southward across the Danube at both sites mentioned. The true geologic limits of the Carpathians are, in the west, the Vienna Basin and the structural hollow of the Leitha Gate in Austria and, to the south, the structural depression of the Timok River in Serbia and in Montenegro. To the northwest, north, northeast, and south the geologic structures of the Carpathians are surrounded by the sub-Carpathian structural depression separating the range from other basic geologic elements of Europe, such as the old Bohemian Massif and the Russian, or East European, Platform. Within the arc formed by the Carpathians are found the depressed Pannonian Basin, composed of the Little and the Great Alfolds of Hungary, and also the relatively lower mountain-and-hill zone of Transdanubia, which separates these two plains. Thus defined, the Carpathians cover some 80,000 square miles (200,000 square kilometres).

      Although a counterpart of the Alps, the Carpathians differ considerably from them. Their structure is less compact, and they are split up into a number of mountain blocks separated by basins. The highest peaks, Gerlachovský Štít (Gerlach) in the Carpathians (8,711 feet [2,655 metres]) and Mont Blanc in the Alps (15,771 feet), differ greatly in altitude, and in average elevation the Carpathian mountain chains are also very much lower than those of the Alps. Structural elements also differ. The sandstoneshale band known as flysch, which flanks the northern margin of the Alps in a narrow strip, widens considerably in the Carpathians, forming the main component of their outer zone, whereas the limestone rocks that form a wide band in the Alps are of secondary importance in the Carpathians. On the other hand, crystalline and metamorphic (heat-altered) rocks, which represent powerfully developed chains in the central part of the Alps, appear in the Carpathians as isolated blocks of smaller size surrounded by depressed areas. In addition to these features, the Carpathians contain a rugged chain of volcanic rocks.

      Similar differences can be observed in the relief of these two mountain systems, notably in the way that the processes of erosion have occurred. The relief forms of the Alps today result for the most part from the glaciations of the last Ice Age. These affected practically all mountain valleys and gave them their specific relief character. In the Carpathians, glaciation affected only the highest peaks, and the relief forms of today have been shaped by the action of running water.

Physical features

      The Carpathians extend in a geologic system of parallel structural ranges. The Outer Carpathianswhose rocks are composed of flyschrun from near Vienna, through Moravia, along the Polish-Czech-Slovak frontier, and through western Ukraine into Romania, ending in an abrupt bend of the Carpathian arc north of Bucharest. In this segment of the mountains, a number of large structural units of nappe character (vast masses of rock thrust and folded over each other) may be distinguished. In the eastern part of the Outer Carpathians this fringe is formed by the Skole Nappe, and in the western part it is formed by the Silesian Nappe, both of which are split by the longitudinal central Carpathian depression. Overthrust on the Silesian Nappe is the Magura Nappe, the counterparts of which in the east are the Chernogora (Chornohora) and the Tarcău nappes.

      The Inner Carpathians consist of a number of separate blocks. In the west lies the Central Slovakian Block; in the southeast lie the East Carpathian Block and the South Carpathian Block, including the Banat and the East Serbian Block. The isolated Bihor Massif, in the Apuseni Mountains of Romania, occupies the centre of the Carpathian arc. Among the formations building these blocks are ancient crystalline and metamorphic cores onto which younger sedimentary rocksfor the most part limestones and dolomites of the Mesozoic era (245 to 66.4 million years ago)—have been overthrust.

      The third and innermost range is built of young Tertiary volcanic rocks formed less than 50 million years ago, differing in extent in the western and eastern sections of the Carpathians. In the former they extend in the shape of an arc enclosing, to the south and east, the Central Slovakian Block; in the latter they run in a practically straight line from northwest to southeast, following the line of a tectonic dislocation, or zone of shattering in the Earth's crust, parallel with this part of the mountains. Between this volcanic range and the South Carpathian Block, the Transylvanian Plateau spreads out, filled with loose rock formations of young Tertiary age.

      The Central Slovakian Block is dismembered by a number of minor basins into separate mountain groups built of older rocks, whereas the basins have been filled with younger Tertiary rocks.

      In Romania, orogenic, or mountain-building, movements took place along the outer flank of the Carpathians until late in the Tertiary period (less than 10 million years ago), producing foldings and upheaval of the sedimentary rocks of the sub-Carpathian depression; the result was the formation of a relatively lower range called the sub-Carpathians adjoining the true Carpathians.

      The relief forms of the Carpathians have, in the main, developed during young Tertiary times. In the Inner Carpathians, where the folding movements ended in the Late Cretaceous epoch (97.5 to 66.4 million years ago), local traces of older Tertiary landforms have survived. Later orogenic movements repeatedly heaved up this folded mountain chain, leaving a legacy of fragmentary flat-topped relief forms situated at different altitudes and deeply incised gap valleys, which often dissect the mountain ranges. In this way, for example, the gap sections of the Danube and of some of its tributariesthe Váh, the Hernád, and the Oltdeveloped.

      The last Ice Age affected only the highest parts of the Carpathians, and glaciers were never more than about 10 miles long, even in the Tatras, where the line of permanent snow ran at 5,500 feet above sea level.

      Generally speaking, the Carpathians have been divided into the Western and the Eastern Carpathians, the latter also calledprobably more accuratelythe Southeastern Carpathians. There are marked differences between these parts. The Western Carpathians show a clearly marked zoning in geologic structure and relief forms, and the highest elevations occur in the central part of this province, in the Tatras and the Lower Tatras ranges. The geologic structure of the inner part of the Western Carpathians is marked by a break running from the east and the south along a line of dislocation in the Earth's crust. Along this line, masses of volcanic rocks have been piled up surrounding the Central Western Carpathian Block in a wide arc, with its convex side turned eastward. The boundary between the Western and the Southeastern Carpathians occurs at the narrowest part of the mountain range, marked by the valley of the San River to the north and the Łupków Pass (2,100 feet) and the Laborec Valley to the south. There the Carpathians are only some 7580 miles wide, while in the west they are 170 miles and in the east as much as 220250 miles across.

      The Southeastern Carpathians are formed by a triangular block of mountains surrounding a basin. The three mountain formations concerned differ in origin and structure. The Eastern Carpathians, running in a northwestsoutheast direction, include the flysch band, which represents the continuation of the Outer Western Carpathians, and also an inner band of crystalline and volcanic rocks. In contrast, the Southern Carpathians (Transylvanian Alps), running east-northeast to west-southwest, consist, in the main, of metamorphic rocks. The Bihor Massif is also of metamorphic rock but is covered with younger sediments.

      The Outer Western Carpathians are generally of low altitude; the highest elevation is Mount Babia (Babia, Mount) (5,659 feet) in the Beskid Range, straddling the borders of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. On the Polish side, a national park has been established. A considerable part of the Outer Western Carpathians lacks a truly mountainous landscape and rather resembles a hilly plateau elevated to 1,3001,600 feet above sea level.

      The Central Western Carpathians consist of a series of isolated mountain ranges separated by structural depressions. Highest among them are the Tatras (Tatra Mountains) (Gerlachovský Štít, 8,711 feet), exhibiting a typical high-mountain glacial relief with ice-scoured (cirque) lakes and waterfalls. This highest Carpathian massif is built of crystalline (granite) and metamorphic rocks, but the northern part contains, upthrust from the south, several series of limestone rocks with associated karst, or water-incised, relief forms. On both the Polish and Slovakian sides, national parks have been established. South of the Tatras, separated by the Liptov and Spiš basins, run the parallel Lower Tatras, similar in geologic structure but lower (Ďumbier Peak, 6,703 feet) and with a less conspicuous glacial relief. Along the boundary line between the Outer and the Central Western Carpathians extends a narrow strip of klippen (limestone) rocks, which, north of the Tatras, has developed into the small but picturesque Pieniny mountain group. A narrow and sharply winding gap valley has been incised there by the Dunajec River, a tributary of the Vistula.

      The Inner Western Carpathians are lower and more broken. The principal mountain groups are the Slovak Ore Mountains (Slovenské Rudohorie), with Stolica (4,846 feet) as the highest peak; they are built of metamorphic rocks and of sedimentaries of the Paleozoic era more than 250 million years old. Also found there are tableland areas of Mesozoic limestones, about 150 million years old, containing such large caves as the Domica-Aggtelek Cave on the Slovak-Hungarian boundary, which is 13 miles long. Mountain groups of volcanic origin are important in this part of the Carpathians; the largest among them is Pol'ana (4,784 feet).

      Compared with the Outer Western Carpathians, the Outer Eastern Carpathians, which are their continuation, are higher and show a more compact banded structure. The highest mountain group is the Chernogora on the Ukrainian side, with Goverla (Hoverla; 6,762 feet) as the highest peak. The Inner Eastern Carpathians attain their highest altitude in the Rodna (Rodna Massif) (Rodnei) Massif in Romania; they are built of crystalline rocks and reach a peak in Pietrosu (7,556 feet). To the south, extinct volcanoes in the Călimani and Harghita ranges have, to some extent, kept their original conical shape; the highest peaks of these ranges are 6,890 feet and 5,906 feet, respectively. Fringing the true Eastern Carpathians runs a narrow zone called the sub-Carpathians, which is made up of folded young Tertiary rocks superimposed on the sub-Carpathian structural depression.

      The Southern Carpathians culminate in the Făgăraş Mountains (highest point Moldoveanu, 8,346 feet), which show Alpine-type relief forms. The western part of the Southern Carpathiansthat is, the Banat Mountains and the mountains of eastern Serbia (which, at the Iron Gate, are split apart by the gap valley of the Danube)—do not exceed an altitude of 5,000 feet.

      The Bihor Massif, which occupies an isolated position inside the Carpathian arc, features widespread flat summit plains bordered by narrow, deep-cut valleys. The highest peak is Curcubăta (6,067 feet).

      Finally, mention should be made of the Transylvanian Plateau. This is made up of poorly resistant young Tertiary rocks and characterized by a forestless hilly landscape with elevations of 1,500 to 2,300 feet above sea level; the valleys are cut to depths of 325 and 650 feet.

      The water runoff from the Carpathians escapes for the most part (about 90 percent) into the Black Sea. The great curve of the mountain chain abuts in the south upon the Danube; in the east it is flanked by a tributary of the Danube, the Prut River, and farther on by the Dniester River, which flows to the Black Sea. Only the northern slope of the Carpathians, mostly in Poland but partly in Slovakia, is linked to the Baltic Sea by the drainage basins of the Vistula and (in part) Oder rivers. Larger rivers originating in the Carpathians include the Vistula and the Dniester and the following Danube tributaries: Váh, Tisza, Olt, Siret, Prut. The Carpathian rivers are characterized by a rainsnow regime; high-water periods occur in the spring (MarchApril) and in summer (JuneJuly), with the latter usually more powerful. Often these floods (flood) assume catastrophic dimensions caused by the poor ground retention of the rainfall. There has long been an urgent need for the construction of storage basins, work on which was initiated on a large scale in the decades following World War II. The largest storage basin is in the Danube River valley on the frontier between Romania and Serbia. Other large basins include one in the Bistriţa valley in Romania, one in the San valley in Poland, and one in the Orava valley in Slovakia. Altogether there are some 50 storage basins in the Carpathians. Natural mountain lakes are relatively rare, and all of them are small. Although there are some 450 lakes, their total surface is barely 1.5 square miles. The high-mountain lakes are mainly of glacial origin.

      The situation of the Carpathians, on the boundary line between western and eastern Europe, is reflected in the features of their climate, which in winter is governed by the inflow of polar-continental air masses arriving from the east and northeast, while during other seasons oceanic air masses from the west predominate. The distance from the Atlantic Ocean (from 620 to 1,240 miles) and the influence of the intervening masses of the Alps and the Bohemian Massif cause diminished precipitation in the Carpathians. The Carpathians thus possess certain features of a continental climate, although from the viewpoint of relief they constitute a sort of island amid the surrounding plains, where the climate is much drier. The continentality of the climate is clearly seen in the intermontane depressions, however, as well as on the lower parts of the southern mountain slopes. In winter, temperature inversion, in which the low depressions retain very cold air while the mountaintops show relatively high temperatures, is a common occurrence throughout the Carpathians. In some depressed areas, notably the Transylvanian Plateau, the total annual precipitation is less than 24 inches (600 millimetres), while precipitation in the mountains at 2,600 feet (800 metres) above sea level is about 45 inches, and on the highest massifs it reaches 65 to 70 inches. The mean annual and monthly air temperatures vary according to altitude above sea level but by no means at constant rates.

      For the Polish part of the Carpathians, a series of climatic types and stages has been distinguished; and with slight modification these may be applied to the whole Carpathian mountain range.

Plant and animal life
      Different vegetation stages may also be distinguished for the various altitudinal zones of the Carpathians. The alpine stage is characterized by high mountain pastures, the subalpine stage by dwarf pine growth, the upper forest stage by spruce, and the lower forest stage by beech. (Ten primeval beech forests in the Carpathians were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2007.) The foreland stage is noted for oaks and elms. The natural vegetation stages are matched by stages of economic land use: the foreland by wheat and potato growing, the lower forest stage by oats and potato growing (up to 3,280 feet), and the upper forest stage and the subalpine stages by pastoral use.

      The plant life of the Carpathians contains many unique species, especially in the southeastern part of the mountains where the effect of Quaternary climatic cooling was less marked. Forests have been best preserved in the eastern part of the Carpathians, and there the animal life includes bears, wolves, lynx, deer, boars, and, in the highest parts (in the Tatras), chamois and marmots.

The people
      The distribution of the population in the Carpathians depends on natural land features and on socioeconomic conditions; hence it is very much diversified. In the valleys between the mountains and again on the northern slopes of the Western Carpathians, the population density is heavy, whereas, close by, practically uninhabited mountain massifs are to be found. On the whole, the Southeastern Carpathians are less densely settled than the Western Carpathians, but there also marked aggregations of people occur in the valleys.

      The western slope of the Western Carpathians is inhabited by Czechs, the northern slope by Poles, the entire central part of the Western Carpathians by Slovaks, and the southern portion by Hungarians. The northern part of the Eastern Carpathians, both its outer and inner sectors, is occupied by Ukrainians; but south of latitude 47° a Romanian population predominates. Inside the arc of the Eastern Carpathians and also partly on the Transylvanian Plateau lives a compact island of Hungarian population and some remnants of German colonists dating from the Middle Ages. Finally, the southwestern margin of the Carpathians, beyond the Danube gap, is occupied by Serbs. Generally speaking, the greater part of the Western Carpathians and the northern part of the Eastern Carpathians is inhabited by a Slav population, and the southern part of both these Carpathian provinces, with the exception of the mountains of eastern Serbia, by Romanians and Hungarians.

      In the 13th and 14th centuries Romanian shepherds, wandering with their flocks, moved along the Carpathians into what is today Ukrainian, Slovakian, and Polish territory, and traces of this penetration have survived in geographic nomenclature and in economic methods and also in types of buildings, garments, and customs, although by the second half of the 20th century many of the latter were gradually disappearing. In general outlines, but by no means in detail, the diversity in nationality coincides with today's pattern of the political boundaries.

The economy

Agriculture and industry
      The Carpathians are a region of agriculture and forestry, with industry in an early stage of development. Agriculture flourishes on the Transylvanian Plateau, in intramontane basins, and on lower parts of the mountains, up to some 3,000 feet in elevation. On the northern slopes wheat, rye, oats, and potatoes predominate; on the southern slopes corn (maize), sugar beets, grapes, and tobacco are grown. Above 3,000 feet forestry and pastoral life are the rule. Natural gas, found mainly on the Transylvanian Plateau, is important among natural resources. Oil is also significant; the richest deposits lie in the Romanian sub-Carpathians. Brown coal is found in low-lying areas of the Western Carpathians in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary, and some bituminous coal is mined in the Romanian Southern Carpathians. Also noteworthy are the rock salt beds of the Transylvanian Plateau, the Romanian sub-Carpathians, and the base of the Polish Carpathians and the potassium salts found at the base of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Iron ores, ores of noniron metals, and gold and silver ores were intensively mined in the Middle Ages in the Bihor Massif and in the Slovakian Western Carpathians, but today all these deposits are of minor importance.

      Larger industrial centres are Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, with a thriving machinery and a petrochemical industry; and Košice, the principal town of eastern Slovakia, with a modern steel mill. Prominent in Romania are Cluj-Napoca, which is the principal town of the Transylvanian Plateau, concentrating on machinery making and chemical and food products; Braşov, situated in a basin near the boundary between the Western and Southern Carpathians, a town where machine production predominates; and Sibiu, lying between the Transylvanian Plateau and the Southern Carpathians.

      The Carpathians are a popular tourist and recreation venue, especially for the people of Poland, Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Tourist travel from other countries is less developed, although a number of areas attract visitors from abroad. Most important among these is Zakopane, a centre of sports activities, tourism, and recreation, situated in Poland north of the Tatras. On the Slovak side of the Tatras, a similar role is played by a number of localities, notably Tatranská Lomnica, Smokovec, and Štrbské Pleso. In Romania the outstanding centre for winter sports and tourism is Sinaia, situated in the Prahova valley. The Carpathians are noted for their abundance of mineral springs. Among the best-known Carpathian health spas are Krynica in Poland, Piešt'any in Slovakia, and Borsec, Băile Herculane, and Tuşnad in Romania.

      The railway network of the Carpathians came into existence in the latter half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, at a time when most of the mountains were in Austria-Hungary. In this period the nodal point was Budapest, situated in the centre of the Carpathian arc. The principal railway lines were laid out radially from Budapest across the various mountain passes and were tied in with the main longitudinal westeast trunk line running in an arc along the northern flank of the Carpathians between Vienna and Chernovtsy, Ukraine (then situated in Austria-Hungary). This northern trunk continued as the sub-Carpathian Romanian railway line running toward Bucharest and, farther on, to Orşova, which, in turn, was linked by a Hungarian railway section with Budapest and thus with Vienna. After the Austro-Hungarian Empire had collapsed, this system lost much of its economic and strategic importance. Within its boundaries the new state of Czechoslovakia started to build longitudinal westeast railway lines. For Romania, which had been allotted Carpathian Transylvania, the previously neglected lines became highly important. To some extent, this pattern changed after World War II, when the northern part of the Eastern Carpathians and Trans-Carpathian Ukraine became part of what was, until 1991, the Soviet Union. The railway lines crossing this part of the Carpathians became arteries that now link Ukraine, Slovakia, and Hungary. Although the lines between Poland and Slovakia lost most of their importance in passenger and freight transport, truck routes utilizing the Dukla (1,640 feet), Jablonkov, and other passes became significant in freight traffic between Poland and the countries south of the Carpathians. The most important Carpathian railway lines have been electrified, although the BudapestVienna line was electrified before World War II.

Study and exploration
      Many nationalities are in contact with one another in the Carpathians, and this diversity has effected the development of scientific research in the region. From the end of the 18th century until World War I, most of the Carpathians were within the boundaries of Austria-Hungary, and throughout this period the Carpathians were readily accessible to all scientists of this multinational empire; the work of Polish scientists, together with that of Germans and Hungarians, is considered most noteworthy. In the late 19th century the Austrian general staff published the first comprehensive topographic map of the region. A century later, each of the countries whose territory covered part of the Carpathiansthe Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Ukrainehad topographic maps drawn to a scale of 1:50,000 and 1:200,000compiled on the basis of a coordinated geodetic system and in a mutually correlated sheet pattern.

      As for geologic maps, the first paper dealing with the geology of the Carpathians as a whole was published in 1815. Today each of the Carpathian countries has its own general geologic maps, and there is also abundant regional geologic literature. In 1922 the International Geological Congress created an association of Carpathian geologists, which met every three years thereafter. Regional research in physical geography is also well advanced, and in 1963 a geomorphologic committee for the Carpathians and the Balkans was established.

      Research is somewhat less advanced in climatology and biogeography, although a number of papers began to appear in the second half of the 20th century. In human geography much attention has been given to the problems of pastoral life and associated population movements. No synthetic survey of the economic geography of the whole Carpathians has appeared, because economic problems have been studied separately in each of the countries involved. Indeed, the first comprehensive geographic account of the Carpathians as a whole, by the Polish geographer Antoni Rehman, was not published until 1895.

      Since World War II the Carpathians have become the object of research by a number of scientific centres in the countries involved, with the geographic institutes of the several national academies of sciences and the geographic and natural history institutes of various universities playing a leading role. National geologic institutes and institutes of hydrology and meteorology have also amassed a considerable body of information.

Additional Reading
Thorough, though sometimes brief, treatments of the Carpathians are found in Emmanuel de Martonne, Europe centrale, 2 vol. (193031); Márton Pécsi and Béla Sárfalvi, The Geography of Hungary (1964); Tiberiu Morariu, Vasile Cucu, and Ion Velcea, The Geography of Romania, 2nd ed. (1969); Jaromír Demek et al., Geography of Czechoslovakia, trans. from Czech (1971); and Irena Kostrowicka and Jerzy Kostrowicki, Poland: Landscape and Architecture (1980; originally published in Polish, 1969). G.Z. Földvary, Geology of the Carpathian Region (1988), is informative and detailed, though technical. The Carpathian region is one of the three mountain regions discussed in P. Skalnik, “Uneven and Combined Development in European Mountain Communities,” in David C. Pitt (ed.), Society and Environment, the Crisis in the Mountains (1978), pp. 123154.Jerzy A. Kondracki

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