Beneš, Edvard

Beneš, Edvard
born May 28, 1884, Kozlany, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary
died Sept. 3, 1948, Sezimovo Ústí, Czech.

Czechoslovakian statesman.

A disciple of Tomáš Masaryk, Beneš was a founder of modern Czechoslovakia. He served as its first foreign minister (191835) and its president (193538). Forced to capitulate to Adolf Hitler's demands over the Sudetenland, he resigned. He headed the Czech government-in-exile in England (194045), then reestablished a government on his native soil in 1945. Recognizing the need to cooperate with the Soviet Union, he nevertheless refused to sign a new communist constitution and resigned in 1948 shortly before his death.

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president of Czechoslovakia
born May 28, 1884, Kozlany, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary
died Sept. 3, 1948, Sezimovo Ústí, Czech.
 statesman, foreign minister, and president, a founder of modern Czechoslovakia who forged its Western-oriented foreign policy between World Wars I and II but capitulated to Hitler's demands during the Czech crisis of 1938.

      After studying at Prague, Paris, and Dijon, Beneš received a doctorate of laws in 1908 and taught at the Prague Commercial Academy and the Czech University of Prague before World War I. Influenced by the nationalist ideas of Tomáš Masaryk (Masaryk, Tomáš (Garrigue)), who wished to liberate the Czechs and Slovaks from Austrian rule, Beneš followed his mentor to Switzerland during World War I and then established himself in Paris. With Masaryk and the Slovak leader Milan Štefánik, Beneš formed a propaganda organization that eventually became a Czechoslovak provisional government on Oct. 14, 1918. With the collapse of Austria-Hungary in November 1918, a new Czechoslovak state was quickly formed. As foreign minister, a post he was to retain until 1935, Beneš headed his country's delegation to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and championed the League of Nations throughout the interwar period, serving as its Council chairman six times. Opposed to plans for union between Austria and Germany (after World War I and again in 1931), which he deemed a threat to Czechoslovakia's continued existence, he attempted to reestablish a balance of power in eastern Europe. To fill the partial power vacuum created by the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Beneš negotiated the treaties with Romania and Yugoslavia (1921) that formed the Little Entente, originally aimed at revisionist Hungary. France joined in 1924, and thereafter the alliance became a bloc against Germany and, to a lesser extent, the Soviet Union. In 1935, however, he signed a mutual assistance pact between his country and the Soviet Union.

      With the resignation of Masaryk as president in 1935, Beneš was elected to that office. Relations with Poland and Germany, never amicable, steadily worsened. Though he granted substantially the first Sudetenland German autonomy demands in 1938, he was nevertheless unable to avert the crisis that led to the destruction of the Czechoslovak state. Abandoned by his allies, Beneš capitulated before the German ultimatum, and his country lost the Sudetenland in September 1938. Poland soon occupied the disputed Teschen area. Resigning on Oct. 5, 1938, Beneš went into exile. After the outbreak of World War II he established in France a Czechoslovak national committee, which moved to London in 1940. Reestablishing a government on his native soil on April 3, 1945, Beneš entered Prague on May 16 to the enthusiastic welcome of the population. His was the only eastern European exile government to be allowed to return after the war. Nevertheless, Beneš realized that Czechoslovakia had to cooperate closely with the Soviet Union. Increasingly ill, he suffered two strokes in 1947. When his Communist prime minister, Klement Gottwald, demanded on Feb. 25, 1948, that Beneš accept a Communist-dominated cabinet, he again had no choice but to capitulate. Refusing to sign the new constitution, he resigned on June 7, 1948. Having witnessed the apparent suicide of his lifelong friend Jan Masaryk (son of Tomáš Masaryk) a few months earlier, Beneš died a broken man in 1948. His unfinished Memoirs: From Munich to New War and New Victory appeared in English in 1954.

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