Windischgrätz, Alfred, Fürst zu

Windischgrätz, Alfred, Fürst zu

Austrian field marshal
born , May 11, 1787, Brussels, Austrian Netherlands [now in Belgium]
died March 21, 1862, Vienna, Austria

      Austrian field marshal who was the leader of the reactionary faction of the Habsburg empire during the 1848 revolutions.

      Of a Styrian noble family, Windischgrätz was appointed lance officer in the Habsburg imperial army in 1804, and, as a regimental commander, he served with distinction during the wars of liberation against Napoleon. Raised to lieutenant field marshal and division commander in 1833, he was named military commander for Bohemia in 1840.

      A notorious reactionary, widely feared and hated, Windischgrätz was briefly accorded full civil and military powers in Vienna after the outbreak of revolution in March 1848. In June 1848 he subdued revolutionary Prague with the threat of bombardment, and in October he was secretly given authority to assume supreme command of all imperial troops outside Italy in case of an emergency. Appointed field marshal in October 1848, he was given a free hand to crush the revolution in Vienna. He counseled the abdication of Emperor Ferdinand and the accession of the young Francis Joseph (December 1848) and defended the traditional prerogatives of imperial divine right (“If not by the Grace of God, then by the grace of cannon”). In January 1849 he occupied Budapest and drove the Hungarian rebels beyond the Tisza River; but his gifts as supreme commander were mediocre, and differences with his brother-in-law, the Habsburg prime minister, Felix, Prince zu Schwarzenberg (Schwarzenberg, Felix, Prince zu), resulted in his recall (April 1849). Thereafter Windischgrätz retired to Bohemia.

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