Basel, Council of

Basel, Council of
(143149) Council of the Roman Catholic church held in Basel, Switz.

It addressed the question of ultimate authority in the church and the problem of the Hussite heresy. Its members renewed the decree Sacrosancta (issued by the Council of Constance), which declared the council's authority to be greater than the pope's, and voted to receive most Hussites back into the church on terms opposed by the pope. In 1437 Pope Eugenius IV transferred the council to Ferrara to negotiate reunion with the Orthodox church more effectively, but several members remained in Basel as a rump council and declared Eugenius deposed. They then elected a new pope, Felix V, and the renewed schism cost the council its prestige and popular support. On the death of Eugenius, his successor, Nicholas V, obliged the antipope Felix to abdicate, ended the rump council, and brought the conciliar movement to a close.

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      a general council of the Roman Catholic church held in Basel, Switz. It was called by Pope Martin V a few weeks before his death in 1431 and then confirmed by Pope Eugenius IV. Meeting at a time when the prestige of the papacy had been weakened by the Great Schism (13781417), it was concerned with two major problems: the question of papal supremacy and the Hussite heresy. (The Hussites were followers of the Bohemian religious Reformer Jan Hus.)

      The council was inaugurated on July 23, 1431; but, when the pope's legate, Cardinal Giuliano Cesarini, arrived in September, he found few people there. In December, because of the sparse attendance, war, and the prospect of a council with the Greeks in Italy, the pope adjourned the council. The council, however, refused to be dissolved and renewed the decree Sacrosancta of the Council of Constance (Constance, Council of) (141418), which declared that a general council draws its powers immediately from God and that even the pope is subject to a council's direction. More delegates arrived at Basel, and, although the number of bishops and abbots was never large, the council proceeded to deal with the Hussites, the majority of whom were received back into communion by the Compactata of Prague in November 1436.

      On Dec. 15, 1433, the pope yielded and revoked his decree of dissolution. In the negotiations and discussions that followed, the council and the pope could not agree, and the council gradually lost prestige. The council proposed several antipapal measures, and in 1437 Eugenius transferred the council to Ferrara, Italy, in order to consider reunion with the Greeks. Many of the bishops at Basel accepted the move to Ferrara, but several remained at Basel as a rump council. When the rump council suspended Eugenius, he excommunicated its members. The council, with only seven bishops present, then declared Eugenius deposed and in 1439 elected as his successor a layman, the Duke of Savoy, Amadeus VIII, who took the name Pope Felix V. The next 10 years of this rump council are important only because the princes used it to strengthen their control over the churches in their own territories. On the death of Eugenius in 1447, his successor, Nicholas V, brought about the abdication of Felix V and ended the rump council in April 1449.

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