Brezhnev, Leonid Ilich

Brezhnev, Leonid Ilich

president of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

born Dec. 19, 1906, Kamenskoye, Ukraine, Russian Empire [now Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukraine]
died Nov. 10, 1982, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.

      Soviet statesman and Communist Party (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) official who was, in effect, the leader of the Soviet Union for 18 years.

      Having been a land surveyor in the 1920s, Brezhnev became a full member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in 1931 and studied at the metallurgical institute in Kamenskoye (now Dniprodzerzhynsk). After graduating (1935), he worked as an engineer and director of a technical school and also held a variety of local party posts; his career flourished under Joseph Stalin's regime, and by 1939 he had become secretary of the regional party committee of Dnepropetrovsk (Dnipropetrovsk). During World War II Brezhnev served as a political commissar in the Red Army, advancing in rank until he became a major general (1943) and head of the political commissars on the Ukrainian front.

      After the war he again held posts as chief of several regional party committees in Ukraine. In 1950 he was sent to Moldavia as first secretary of the Moldavian Communist Party with the task of sovietizing the Romanian population of that recently conquered territory. In 1952 he advanced to become a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU and a candidate member of the Politburo.

      When Stalin died (March 1953), Brezhnev lost his posts on the Central Committee and in the Politburo and had to accept the position of deputy head of the political department of the Ministry of Defense with the rank of lieutenant general. But in 1954 Nikita Khrushchev (Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich), who had gained full power in Moscow, made Brezhnev second secretary of the Kazakhstan Communist Party (1954), in which capacity he vigorously implemented Khrushchev's ambitious Virgin and Idle Lands Campaign in Kazakhstan. Brezhnev was soon promoted to first secretary of the Kazakhstan Communist Party (1955), and in 1956 he was reelected to his posts on the CPSU Central Committee and in the Politburo. A year later, after he had loyally worked against theantiparty groupthat attempted to remove Khrushchev, Brezhnev was made a full member of the Politburo, and in 1960 he became chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Sovieti.e., the titular head of the Soviet state. In July 1964 he resigned that post to become Khrushchev's assistant as second secretary of the Central Committee, by which time he was considered Khrushchev's heir apparent as party leader. Three months later, however, Brezhnev helped lead the coalition that forced Khrushchev from power, and, in the division of spoils that followed, Brezhnev became first secretary (after 1966, general secretary) of the CPSU (Oct. 15, 1964). Following a brief period ofcollective leadershipwith Premier Aleksey Kosygin, Brezhnev emerged clearly as the dominant figure.

      As head of the party Brezhnev left many affairs of statee.g., diplomatic relations with noncommunist states and internal economic developmentto his colleagues Kosygin and Nikolay V. Podgorny, chairman of the Presidium. Brezhnev concentrated on foreign and military affairs. When Czechoslovakia under Alexander Dubček tried to liberalize its communist system in 196768, Brezhnev developed the concept, known in the West as the Brezhnev Doctrine, which asserted the right of Soviet intervention in cases wherethe essential common interests of other socialist countries are threatened by one of their number.” This doctrine was used to justify the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviets and their Warsaw Pact allies in 1968.

      During the 1970s Brezhnev attempted to normalize relations between West Germany and the Warsaw Pact and to ease tensions with the United States through the policy known as détente. At the same time, he saw to it that the Soviet Union's military-industrial complex was greatly expanded and modernized. Under his leadership, the Soviets achieved parity with the United States in strategic nuclear weapons, and their space program overtook the American one. A huge navy was fitted out and the army remained the largest in the world. The Soviet Union supportedwars of national liberationin developing countries through the provision of military aid to left-wing movements and governments.

      But Brezhnev's unceasing buildup of his defense and aerospace industries left other sectors of the economy increasingly deprived of funds. Soviet agriculture, consumer-goods industries, and health-care services declined throughout the 1970s and early '80s as a consequence, resulting in shortages and declining standards of living.

      In 1976 Brezhnev was made marshal of the Soviet Union, thus becoming the only other party leader after Stalin to hold the highest military rank. The system of collective leadership ended with his dismissal of Podgorny as chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet in May 1977 and Brezhnev's election to that position the following month. He thus became the first person in Soviet history to hold both the leadership of the party and of the state. In 1979 Brezhnev reached agreement with U.S. President Jimmy Carter on a new bilateral strategic arms limitation treaty (SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) II), but the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the treaty, and soon afterward the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan (December 1979) in an effort to prop up a faltering communist government there. Brezhnev's government also helped plan General Wojciech Jaruzelski's suppression of Poland's Solidarity union in December 1981. His efforts to neutralize internal dissent within the Soviet Union itself were similarly determined.

      Brezhnev retained his hold on power to the end despite his frail health and growing feebleness. He gave the Soviet Union a formidable military-industrial base capable of supplying large numbers of the most modern weapons, but in so doing he impoverished the rest of the Soviet economy. After his death, he was criticized for a gradual slide in living standards, the spread of corruption and cronyism within the Soviet bureaucracy, and the generally stagnant and dispiriting character of Soviet life in the late 1970s and early '80s.

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