
/looh say"shee euh, -sheuh/, n.
a region in E Germany and SW Poland, between the Elbe and Oder rivers.

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German  Lausitz , Sorbian (Sorb)  Luzia (from luz, “meadow”) 

      central European territory of the Sorbs (Lusatians, or Wends), called Sorben (or Wenden) by the Germans. Historic Lusatia was centred on the Neisse and upper Spree rivers, in what is now eastern Germany, between the present-day cities of Cottbus (north) and Dresden (south).

      In the 9th century the area settled by the Sorbs, a Slavic people, extended westward to the Saale River and marked the eastern frontier of the Frankish empire. It was conquered by the Germans in 928 and lost by them in 1002 to the Poles, who incorporated it into Poland in 1018. It was reconquered by the Germans in 1033 and was subsequently absorbed by the German states of Meissen and Brandenburg. Lusatia was then subjected to a ruthless Germanization, and severe economic restrictions were placed on the Sorb inhabitants. The Sorbs obtained some relief after 136870, when the area was made part of the Bohemian crownlands by the Holy Roman emperor Charles IV.

      Lusatia became part of Saxony in 1635 under the Peace of Prague at the conclusion of the Thirty Years' War. In 1815 it was partitioned, with Lower (i.e., southern) Lusatia being transferred to Prussia and Upper (northern) Lusatia remaining under the rule of Saxony. Lower Lusatia was subjected to an intensive Germanization campaign by Prussia, and its western section was completely Germanized and the number of Sorbian speakers greatly reduced. The eastern section experienced a similar process after 1871. The region's Sorb inhabitants were suppressed again by Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s. After World War II, the western and central portions of Lusatia were incorporated into East Germany in 1949, and the Sorbs were guaranteed the right to use their language and to maintain their distinctive culture. The eastern portion became part of Poland.

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