- Frederick
/fred"rik, -euhr ik/, n.1. a city in central Maryland. 27,557.
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(as used in expressions)Ashton Sir Frederick William MallandaineFrederick AusterlitzAttenborough Sir David FrederickBanting Sir Frederick GrantBirkenhead Frederick Edwin Smith 1st earl ofBlanda George FrederickBlunt Anthony FrederickBorden Sir Frederick WilliamBowles Paul FrederickClarendon George William Frederick Villiers 4th earl ofCody William FrederickDelius Frederick Theodore AlbertDouglass FrederickFrederick Augustus Washington BaileyEvans Frederick HenryFrederick BarbarossaFrederick the Winter KingFrelinghuysen Frederick TheodoreFuller John Frederick CharlesGeorge William FrederickGeorge Augustus FrederickAlbert Frederick Arthur GeorgeGeorge Frederick Ernest AlbertHalifax Edward Frederick Lindley Wood 1st earl ofHall Sir Peter Reginald FrederickHalsey William Frederick Jr.Hassam Frederick ChildeHopkins Sir Frederick GowlandWilliam Frederick HoppeLanchester Frederick WilliamLewis Frederick CarltonLoewe FrederickLugard Frederick John DealtryFrederick Ernest McIntyre BickelMarryat FrederickMondale Walter FrederickNorth of Kirtling Frederick LordOlmsted Frederick LawParrish Frederick MaxfieldPollock Sir Frederick 3rd BaronetReinhardt Adolf FrederickSanger FrederickSoddy FrederickSpringsteen Bruce Frederick JosephSteuben Frederick William Augustus Baron vonTaylor Frederick WinslowTurner Frederick JacksonVinson Frederick MooreWeyerhaeuser FrederickWilkins Maurice Hugh FrederickWorth Charles FrederickAlexander Frederick* * *
city, seat (1748) of Frederick county, north-central Maryland, U.S., on a tributary of the Monocacy River 47 miles (76 km) west of Baltimore. Laid out in 1745 as Frederick Town, it was presumably named for Frederick Calvert, 6th Baron Baltimore, although it may have been for Frederick Louis, prince of Wales. The British Stamp Act received its first repudiation from jurists in the Frederick County Court House on November 23, 1765. During the American Revolution, Frederick sent two companies of minutemen to Boston and supplied 1,700 men to support George Washington (Washington, George) at Valley Forge.During the American Civil War the Battle of Monocacy (Monocacy, Battle of) (July 9, 1864) was fought to the south of Frederick. Although Confederate forces were victorious, they were delayed there long enough for Union reinforcements to reach Washington, D.C. (Washington) Following the battle, the city paid a $200,000 ransom to Confederate General Jubal A. Early (Early, Jubal A) to avoid its destruction; the last bond on this debt was not redeemed until October 1, 1951.The city is an agricultural trading and small manufacturing centre, with several firms in the area specializing in biotechnology. Fort Detrick, site of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, is also an important part of the local economy. Educational institutions include Hood College (1893), Frederick Community College (1957), and the Maryland School for the Deaf (1867).Francis Scott Key (Key, Francis Scott), author of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” (Star-Spangled Banner, The) was born nearby and was buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Key's brother-in-law, Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney (Taney, Roger Brooke), who delivered the Dred Scott decision (1857) that made slavery legal in U.S. territories, lived in Frederick; his house (1799) contains Taney and Key mementos. Barbara Fritchie (Frietschie, Barbara Hauer)'s reputed taunting of Confederate General “Stonewall” Jackson's “rebel hordes” marching through Frederick was memorialized in John Greenleaf Whittier's poem “Barbara Frietchie”; her house has been reconstructed as a museum. Inc. 1817. Pop. (1990) 40,148; (2000) 52,767.city, seat (1907) of Tillman county, southwestern Oklahoma, U.S. With the opening of the Kiowa-Apache-Comanche reservation to settlement in 1901, the community grew up around a stop on the Blackwell, Enid, and Southwestern Railway. Initially known as Gosnell and renamed in 1902 for the son of railroad magnate J.C. van Blarcom, Frederick developed as a shipping point for locally produced grains and produce. Members of the gang of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow (Bonnie and Clyde) were active in the area, robbing the town's bank in 1933. During World War II, Frederick Army Air Field, now the municipal airport, was an important transport centre staffed largely by women pilots. Inc. 1902. Pop. (1990) 5,221; (2000) 4,637.county, northern Maryland, U.S., bounded by Pennsylvania to the north, the Monocacy River to the northeast, Virginia to the southwest (the Potomac River constituting the border), and the Blue Ridge Mountains (Blue Ridge) to the west. It consists of a piedmont region bisected north-south by the valley of the Monocacy. Parklands include Cunningham Falls State Park and Catoctin Mountain (national) Park, site of the Camp David presidential retreat. The Appalachian National Scenic Trail follows the ridgeline along much of the county's western border. The county was created in 1748 and named for Frederick Calvert, 6th Baron Baltimore. Frederick, the county seat, is located a few miles north of the site of the Battle of Monocacy (Monocacy, Battle of) (July 9, 1864) of the American Civil War.Principal economic activities are agriculture (corn [maize], hay, and dairy products) and manufacturing. Frederick has the largest area of any county in the state. Area 663 square miles (1,717 square km). Pop. (2000) 195,277; (2007 est.) 224,705.* * *
Universalium. 2010.