Hlinka, Andrej

Hlinka, Andrej

Slovak patriot
born Sept. 27, 1864, Stará Černová, Slovakia, Austrian Empire [now in Slovakia]
died Aug. 16, 1938, Ružomberok, Czech. [now in Slovakia]

      Slovak Roman Catholic priest and patriot who was the leader of the Slovak autonomist opposition to the Czechoslovak government in the 1920s and '30s.

      Hlinka became priest of the small industrial town of Ružomberok in 1905 and eagerly supported the Slovak nationalist candidates there in the Hungarian parliamentary elections of 1906. In November 1906 he was tried for inciting the Slovaks to disloyalty to Hungary and was condemned to two years' imprisonment, to which an additional year-and-a-half sentence was added the following May for the inflammatory nature of his farewell address to his parishioners.

      On May 24, 1918, when the Slovak National Party took a position against Hungary, Hlinka, as the leader of the clerical Slovak People's Party, emphatically declared for union with the Czechs. By the following year, however, he was experiencing misgivings over the union and drew up a memorandum to the peace conference in Paris demanding a plebiscite in Slovakia. By August 1922 Hlinka had led his party into opposition to the Prague government, stating his position in the Žilina Memorandum, in which he reproached the Czechs for having robbed the Slovaks of their autonomy. Later administrative reforms led to better relations, and Hlinka permitted his party lieutenant, Joseph Tiso, to accept a position in a Czechoslovak government in January 1927. However, his party returned to opposition in 1929 when he refused to repudiate another of his lieutenants, Béla Tuka, after the latter was convicted of treason as a Hungarian agent. Thus the Slovak People's Party became associated in the 1930s with the Sudetan German and Magyar opposition within Czechoslovakia. Hlinka himself was a true Slovak patriot, but he failed to see that his now-fanatical hostility to the Czechs was being exploited by Germans and Magyars who aimed to destroy Czechoslovakia and who felt little benevolence for the Slovak cause.

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