
aldehydic, adj.
/al"deuh huyd'/, n. Chem.
any of a class of organic compounds containing the group -CHO, which yields acids when oxidized and alcohols when reduced.
[1840-50; < NL al(cohol) dehyd(rogenatum) dehydrogenated alcohol]

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Any of a class of organic compounds that contain a carbonyl group (―C=O; see functional group) in which the carbon atom is bonded to at least one hydrogen atom.

Many have characteristic odours. Oxidation (see oxidation-reduction) of aldehydes yields acids; reduction produces alcohols. They participate in many chemical reactions and readily undergo polymerization into chains containing tens of thousands of the monomer molecule. The combination of aldehydes (e.g., formaldehyde) with other molecules results in several familiar plastics. Many aldehydes are large-scale industrial materials, useful as solvents, monomers, perfume ingredients, and intermediates. Many sugars are aldehydes, as are several natural and synthetic hormones and compounds such as retinal (a derivative of vitamin A, important in vision) and pyridoxal phosphate (a form of vitamin B6).

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 any of a class of organic compounds (organic compound), in which a carbon atom shares a double bond with an oxygen atom, a single bond with a hydrogen atom, and a single bond with another atom or group of atoms (designated R in general chemical formulas and structure diagrams). The double bond between carbon and oxygen is characteristic of all aldehydes and is known as the carbonyl group. Many aldehydes have pleasant odours, and in principle, they are derived from alcohols (alcohol) by dehydrogenation (removal of hydrogen), from which process came the name aldehyde.

      Aldehydes undergo a wide variety of chemical reactions (chemical reaction), including polymerization. Their combination with other types of molecules produces the so-called aldehyde condensation polymers, which have been used in plastics such as Bakelite and in the laminate tabletop material Formica. Aldehydes are also useful as solvents and perfume ingredients and as intermediates in the production of dyes (dye) and pharmaceuticals (pharmaceutical). Certain aldehydes are involved in physiological processes. Examples are retinal ( vitamin A aldehyde), important in human vision, and pyridoxal phosphate, one of the forms of 6 (vitamin B6). glucose and other so-called reducing sugars are aldehydes, as are several natural and synthetic hormones (hormone).

Structure of aldehydes
      In formaldehyde, the simplest aldehyde, the carbonyl group is bonded to two hydrogen atoms. In all other aldehydes, the carbonyl group is bonded to one hydrogen and one carbon group. In condensed structural formulas, the carbonyl group of an aldehyde is commonly represented as −CHO. Using this convention, the formula of formaldehyde is HCHO and that of acetaldehyde is CH3CHO.

 The carbon atoms bonded to the carbonyl group of an aldehyde may be part of saturated or unsaturated alkyl groups, or they may be alicyclic, aromatic, or heterocyclic rings.

nomenclature of aldehydes
      There are two general ways of naming aldehydes. The first method is based on the system used by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and is often referred to as systematic nomenclature. This method assumes the longest chain of carbon atoms that contains the carbonyl group as the parent alkane (paraffin hydrocarbon). The aldehyde is shown by changing the suffix -e to -al. Because the carbonyl group of an aldehyde can only be on the end of the parent chain and, therefore, must be carbon 1, there is no need to use a number to locate it.

      In the compound named 4-methylpentanal, the longest carbon chain contains five carbon atoms, and so the parent name is pentane; the suffix -al is added to indicate the presence of the aldehyde group, and the chain is numbered beginning at the carbonyl group. The methyl group is given the number 4, because it is bonded to the fourth carbon of the chain.

      The other method of nomenclature for aldehydes, referred to as common nomenclature, is to name them after the common name of the corresponding carboxylic acid; i.e., the carboxylic acid with the same structure as the aldehyde except that −COOH appears instead of −CHO. The acids are usually given a name ending in -ic acid. Aldehydes are given the same name but with the suffix -ic acid replaced by -aldehyde. Two examples are formaldehyde and benzaldehyde.

      As another example, the common name of CH2=CHCHO, for which the IUPAC name is 2-propenal, is acrolein, a name derived from that of acrylic acid, the parent carboxylic acid.

Properties of aldehydes
      The only structural difference between hydrocarbons (hydrocarbon) and aldehydes is the presence in the latter of the carbonyl group, and it is this group that is responsible for the differences in properties, both physical and chemical. The differences arise because the carbonyl group is inherently polarthat is, the electrons (electron) that make up the C=O bond are drawn closer to the oxygen than to the carbon. This gives the oxygen a partial negative charge and the carbon a partial positive charge. The polarity of a carbonyl group is often represented using the Greek letter delta (δ) to indicate a partial charge (that is, a charge less than one).

      The negative end of one polar molecule is attracted to the positive end of another polar molecule, which may be a molecule either of the same substance or of a different substance.

Physical properties
      The polarity of the carbonyl group notably affects the physical properties of melting point and boiling point, solubility, and dipole moment. Hydrocarbons, compounds consisting of only the elements hydrogen and carbon, are essentially nonpolar and thus have low melting and boiling points. The melting and boiling points of carbonyl-containing compounds are considerably higher. For example, butane (CH3CH2CH2CH3), propanal (CH3CH2CHO), and acetone (CH3COCH3) all have the same molecular weight (58), but the boiling point of the hydrocarbon butane is 0 °C (32 °F), while those of propanal and acetone are 49 °C (120 °F) and 56 °C (133 °F), respectively. The reason for the large difference is that polar molecules have a greater attraction for each other than do nonpolar molecules, requiring more energyand thus a higher temperatureto separate them, which must occur if compounds are to melt or boil. Formaldehyde (HCHO) is a gas under standard conditions, and acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) boils at about room temperature. Other aldehydes, except those of high molecular weight, are liquids (liquid) under ordinary conditions.

      Polar molecules do not mix easily with nonpolar ones, because polar molecules attract one another and nonpolar ones are unable to squeeze between them. Thus, hydrocarbons are insoluble in water, because water molecules are polar. Aldehydes with fewer than about five carbon atoms are soluble in water; however, above this number, the hydrocarbon portion of their molecules makes them insoluble. The solubility of low-molecular-weight carbonyl compounds in water is caused by hydrogen bonds that form between the oxygen atom of the carbonyl group and hydrogen atoms of water molecules.

      The polarity of molecules can be quantified by a number called a dipole moment. This value is obtained by putting the compound into an electric field and measuring the facility with which its molecules line up with the field, the negative ends pointing to the positive side of the field and the positive ends pointing to the negative side. Most hydrocarbons have no or only exceedingly small dipole moments, but those of aldehydes are much higher.

      If an aldehyde possesses at least one hydrogen atom on the carbon atom adjacent to the carbonyl group, called the alpha (α) carbon, this hydrogen can migrate to the oxygen atom of the carbonyl group. The double bond then migrates to the α-carbon. As a result, a carbonyl compound with an α-hydrogen can exist in two isomeric forms, called tautomers. In the keto form, the hydrogen is bonded to the α-carbon, while in the enol form it is bonded to the carbonyl oxygen with the migration of the double bond.

      The name enol is derived from the IUPAC designation of it as both an alkene (olefin) (-ene) and an alcohol (-ol). Keto and enol isomers exist in equilibrium in which both tautomers are present but, in simple cases, the keto form is much more stable than the enol form. In acetaldehyde, for example, only about 6 of every 10 million molecules are in the enol form at any given time. Nevertheless, the equilibrium always exists, and every molecule of acetaldehyde (as well as any other aldehyde or ketone with an α-hydrogen) is converted to the enol form (and back again) several times per second. This is an important characteristic because a number of reactions of carbonyl compounds take place only through the enol forms. Certain carbonyl compounds have a much higher percentage of its molecules in the enol form, however.

Synthesis (chemical synthesis) of aldehydes
      Because aldehydes are important building blocks in organic chemistry, they are used to synthesize many other compounds, and there are also many ways to prepare them. Oxidation is among the principal methods. Primary alcohols can be oxidized to aldehydes (RCH2OHRCHO, where R is an alkyl or aryl group). This is generally not easy to do, because most reagents that oxidize primary alcohols to aldehydes will oxidize the aldehyde further to a carboxylic acid. To produce aldehydes on an industrial scale, the primary alcohol can be passed over hot copper (Cu) or copper chromite (Cu[CrO2]2) catalyst, but this method is less useful on a smaller scale such as in chemistry laboratories. On a laboratory scale, a number of reagents have been used, most notably pyridinium chlorochromate, PCC.

      A method for reducing carboxylic acids to aldehydes (RCOOHRCHO) in one step would be useful, but no general technique has been devised for accomplishing this. However, acyl chlorides, RCOCl can be reduced to aldehydes by several reagents, including lithium tri-tert-butoxyaluminum hydride, Li+H−Al(OC[CH3]3)3.

      A formyl group (−CHO) can be put onto an aromatic ring by several methods (ArHArCHO). In one of the most common of these, called the Reimer-Tiemann reaction, phenols (phenol) (ArOH) are converted to phenolic aldehydes by treatment with chloroform in basic solution. The −CHO group usually goes into the position adjacent to the −OH group.

       acetylene, which is an alkyne (a compound containing a carbon-carbon triple bond), reacts with water, in the presence of mercuric salts to yield acetaldehyde (CH3CHO).

      In a process called hydroformylation, alkenes can be treated with carbon monoxide, (CO), hydrogen (H2), and a transition metal catalyst, most commonly cobalt (Co), rhodium (Rh), or ruthenium (Ru), to give aldehydes. Hydroformylation of propylene, for example, gives a mixture of butanal and 2-methylpropanal.

      Hydroformylation is more important in commercial applications (where it is known as the oxo process) than in laboratory syntheses. Oxo aldehydes are of little importance themselves as final products. Rather, they are reduced to alcohols or oxidized to carboxylic acids. Oxo alcohols are used as raw materials for the synthesis of detergents (detergent) and textile fibres. Oxo carboxylic acids are converted to esters (ester) and used as industrial and laboratory solvents.

Principal reactions of aldehydes
      Aldehydes are important starting materials and intermediates in organic synthesis, because they undergo a wide variety of reactions and are readily available by many synthetic methods. The reactivity of these compounds arises largely through two features of their structures: the polarity of the carbonyl group and the acidity of any α-hydrogens that are present.

      Aldehydes are polar molecules, and many reagents seek atoms (atom) with a deficiency of electrons. Such reagents are called nucleophiles (nucleophile), meaning nucleus-loving. A nucleophile has electrons that it can share with a positively-charged centre to form a new covalent bond. Many reactions of carbonyl compounds begin with an attack of a nucleophile (abbreviated as Nu) at the carbon atom of a carbonyl group, followed by combination of the now-negatively charged oxygen with a positive hydrogen ion.

      Under acidic conditions this sequence can be reversed, with the positive hydrogen ion adding to the carbonyl oxygen first and then the nucleophile attacking the carbonyl carbon. In some cases the reaction ends with this step, but in many other cases there are one or more subsequent steps, the most common being the loss of water. The newly formed −OH group leaves together with a hydrogen from an adjoining atom. The result is formation of a double bond between the carbon and the nucleophile. If the nucleophile added to the carbonyl group is a sulfur atom, for example, then loss of water gives a C=S bond.

      Because of tautomerism, the carbon atom adjacent to the carbonyl group is also susceptible to attack if that carbon atom possesses a hydrogen atom (an α-hydrogen); many reactions of such carbonyl compounds involve replacement of the α-hydrogen.

Oxidation-reduction reactions (oxidationreduction reaction)
      Aldehydes can be reduced to primary alcohols (alcohol) (RCHORCH2OH) with many reducing agents, the most commonly used being lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH4), sodium borohydride (NaBH4), or hydrogen (H2) in the presence of a transition catalyst such as nickel (Ni), palladium (Pd), platinum (Pt), or rhodium (Rh).

      Although alcohols are the most common reduction products, there are others. The use of hydrazine hydrate, H2NNH2· H2O, and a base such as potassium hydroxide, KOH, (the Wolff-Kishner reaction) or zinc-mercury, Zn(Hg), and hydrochloric acid (the Clemmensen reaction) removes the oxygen entirely and gives a hydrocarbon (RCHORCH3).

      In bimolecular reduction, brought about by an active metal such as sodium (Na) or magnesium (Mg), two molecules of an aldehyde combine to give (after hydrolysis) a compound with −OH groups on adjacent carbons; e.g., 2RCHORCH(OH)CH(OH)R.

      Oxidation reactions of aldehydes are less important than reductions. Aldehydes can easily be oxidized to carboxylic acids (carboxylic acid) by several oxidizing agentseven, in many cases, the oxygen in the air (and as a result it is necessary to keep containers of liquid aldehydes tightly sealed)—but this is not often useful, because in most cases the carboxylic acids are more readily available than the corresponding aldehydes.

      Aromatic aldehydes (ArCHO), and other aldehydes that lack an α-hydrogen, undergo an unusual oxidation-reduction reaction (oxidationreduction reaction) (the Cannizzaro reaction) when treated with a strong base such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Half of the aldehyde molecules are oxidized, and the other half are reduced. The products (after acidification) are a carboxylic acid and a primary alcohol (2RCHORCOOH + RCH2OH).

Nucleophilic addition
      Aldehydes undergo many different nucleophilic addition reactions. This is because the positive carbon atom of an aldehyde molecule, which always has one bond attached to the small hydrogen atom, is susceptible to attack by a nucleophilic reagent.

Addition of noncarbon nucleophiles
      Water adds as a nucleophile to a carbonyl group of an aldehyde to give compounds with two OH groups bonded to one carbon atom (R2C=O + H2OR2C[OH]2). Such compounds are often called gem-diols (from the Latin word geminus, meaningtwin”).

      Gem-diols are generally not stable enough to be isolated, because they readily decompose back to the starting compounds. An exception to this generalization is formaldehyde, which is almost completely in the hydrated form when dissolved in water. Another exception is chloral hydrate, Cl3CH(OH)2, formed from chloral, Cl3CHO, and water. Chloral hydrate has been used medicinally as a rapidly acting hypnotic and sedative (it is sometimes calledknockout drops”).

      Treatment of an aldehyde with two moles of an alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst gives an acetal, a compound with two ether (OR) groups on one carbon. Reaction occurs in two stages. First is formed a hemiacetal (a half acetal), which corresponds to the addition of one molecule of alcohol to the carbonyl group of the aldehyde. The intermediate hemiacetals are no more stable than the corresponding gem-diols. In stage 2, the acid catalyst promotes the replacement of the OH group by an OR group (from a second molecule of alcohol) to give a stable acetal. Acetal formation is an equilibrium reaction and can be driven to the left or right depending on the experimental conditions. An excess of the alcohol and removal of water as it is formed drive the reaction to the right. An excess of water drives the equilibrium to the left.

      Amines (amine) are more powerful nucleophiles than water or alcohols, and they readily react with aldehydes. ammonia (NH3) itself is generally useless because the immediate products rapidly polymerize. However, primary amines, RNH2, add to give imines (compounds containing a C=N group) formed by loss of water from the initially formed addition product.

      In general, imines (also called Schiff bases) are stable only if at least one R group is an aromatic ring. Otherwise they too polymerize. Sulfur compounds can also be added to aldehydes.

Addition of carbon nucleophiles
      A wide variety of carbon nucleophiles add to aldehydes, and such reactions are of prime importance in synthetic organic chemistry because the product is a combination of two carbon skeletons. Organic chemists have been able to assemble almost any carbon skeleton, no matter how complicated, by ingenious uses of these reactions. One of the oldest and most important is the addition of Grignard reagents (Grignard reagent) (RMgX, where X is a halogen (halogen element) atom). French chemist Victor Grignard (Grignard, Victor) won the 1912 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of these reagents and their reactions.

      Addition of a Grignard reagent to an aldehyde followed by acidification in aqueous acid gives an alcohol. Addition to formaldehyde gives a primary alcohol. Addition to an aldehyde other than formaldehyde gives a secondary alcohol.

      Another carbon nucleophile is the cyanide ion, CN, which reacts with aldehydes to give, after acidification, cyanohydrins, compounds containing an OH and CN group on the same carbon atom.

      Benzaldehyde cyanohydrin (mandelonitrile) provides an interesting example of a chemical defense mechanism in the biological world. This substance is synthesized by millipedes (millipede) (Apheloria corrugata) and stored in special glands. When a millipede is threatened, the cyanohydrin is secreted from its storage gland and undergoes enzyme-catalyzed dissociation to produce hydrogen cyanide (HCN). The millipede then releases the HCN gas into its surrounding environment to ward off predators. The quantity of HCN emitted by a single millipede is sufficient to kill a small mouse. Mandelonitrile is also found in bitter almonds (almond) and peach pits. Its function there is unknown.

      Other important reactions in this category include the Knoevenagel reaction, in which the carbon nucleophile is an ester with at least one α-hydrogen. In the presence of a strong base, the ester loses an α-hydrogen to give a negatively charged carbon that then adds to the carbonyl carbon of an aldehyde. Acidification followed by loss of a water molecule gives an α, β-unsaturated ester.

      Another addition reaction involving a carbon nucleophile is the Wittig reaction, in which an aldehyde reacts with a phosphorane (also called a phosphorus ylide), to give a compound containing a carbon-carbon double bond. The result of a Wittig reaction is the replacement of the carbonyl oxygen of an aldehyde by the carbon group bonded to phosphorus.The German chemist Georg Wittig (Wittig, Georg) shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of this reaction and the development of its use in synthetic organic chemistry.

      Compounds containing a trimethylsilyl group (−SiMe3, where Me is the methyl group, −CH3) and a lithium (Li) atom on the same carbon atom react with aldehydes in the so-called Peterson reaction to give the same products that would be obtained by a corresponding Wittig reaction.

Displacement at the α-carbon
      An α-hydrogen of an aldehyde can be replaced by a chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), or iodine (I) atom when the compound is treated with Cl2, Br2, or I2, respectively, either without a catalyst or in the presence of an acidic catalyst.

      The reaction can easily be stopped after only one halogen atom is added. α-Halogenation actually takes place on the enol form (see above Properties of aldehydes: Tautomerism (aldehyde)) of the aldehyde rather than on the aldehyde itself. The same reaction occurs if a base is added, but then it cannot be halted until all α-halogens attached to the same carbon have been replaced by halogen atoms. If there are three α-hydrogens on the same carbon, the reaction goes one step further, resulting in the cleavage of an X3C ion (where X is a halogen) and the formation of the salt of a carboxylic acid.

      This reaction is called the haloform reaction, because X3C ions react with water or another acid present in the system to produce compounds of the form X3CH, which are called haloforms (e.g., CHCl3 is called chloroform).

Aldol reaction
      Another important reaction of a carbon nucleophile with an aldehyde is the aldol reaction (also called aldol condensation), which takes place when any aldehyde possessing at least one α-hydrogen is treated with sodium hydroxide or sometimes with another base. The product of an aldol reaction is a β-hydroxyaldehyde.

Uses of aldehydes
      Hundreds of individual aldehydes are used by chemists daily to synthesize other compounds, but they are less important in industrial synthesis (that is, the production of compounds on a scale of tons). Only one aldehyde, formaldehyde, is used to a significant degree in industry worldwide, as determined by the number of tons of the chemical utilized per year.

 Formaldehyde (made predominantly by the oxidation of methanol) is a gas but is generally handled as a 37 percent solution in water, called formalin. It is used in tanning, preserving, and embalming and as a germicide, fungicide, and insecticide for plants and vegetables, but its largest application is in the production of certain polymeric materials. The plastic Bakelite is made by a reaction between formaldehyde and phenol. It is not a linear chain but has a three dimensional structure. Similar three-dimensional polymers (polymer) are made from formaldehyde and the compounds urea and melamine. These polymers are used not only as plastics (plastic) but even more importantly as adhesives and coatings. Plywood consists of thin sheets of wood glued together by one of these polymers. In addition to Bakelite, the trade names Formica and Melmac are used for some of the polymers made from formaldehyde.

Other carbonyl compounds of industrial use
      Other aldehydes of industrial significance are mainly used as solvents, perfumes (perfume), and flavouring agents or as intermediates in the manufacture of plastics, dyes (dye), and pharmaceuticals (pharmaceutical). Certain aldehydes occur naturally in flavouring agents. Among these are benzaldehyde, which provides the odour and flavour of fresh almonds; cinnamaldehyde, or oil of cinnamon; and vanillin, the main flavouring agent of vanilla beans.

      In addition, certain aldehydes perform essential functions in humans and other living organisms. Examples are the carbohydrates (carbohydrate) (including sugars (sugar), starch, and cellulose), which are based on compounds that possess an aldehyde or ketone group along with hydroxyl groups; the steroid hormones (steroid hormone), many of which, including progesterone, testosterone, cortisone, and aldosterone, are ketones; and retinal, an aldehyde, which, upon combining with a protein (opsin) in the retina of the eye to form rhodopsin, is the main compound involved in the process of vision. Exposure of rhodopsin to light initiates a cis-trans isomerization in the retinal portion. The resulting change in molecular geometry is responsible for generating a nerve impulse that is sent to the brain and perceived as a visual signal (see also photoreception).

Jerry March William H. Brown

Additional Reading
Gabriel Tojo and Marcos Fernández, Oxidation of Alcohols to Aldehydes and Ketones: A Guide to Current Common Practice (2006), covers the working chemistry of organic synthesis. Detailed coverage is provided in Saul Patai (ed.), The Chemistry of the Carbonyl Group, 2 vol. (196670), and The Chemistry of Double-Bonded Functional Groups, 2 vol. (1977, reissued 1989). William P. Jencks, “Carbonyl- and Acyl-Group Reactions,” in his Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology (1969, reissued 1987), pp. 463554, provides a detailed discussion of the mechanisms of these reactions.Jerry March

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