
/euh mohn"yeuh, euh moh"nee euh/, n. Chem.
1. a colorless, pungent, suffocating, highly water-soluble, gaseous compound, NH3, usually produced by the direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen gases: used chiefly for refrigeration and in the manufacture of commercial chemicals and laboratory reagents.
2. Also called ammonia solution, ammonia water, aqua ammoniae, aqua ammonia, aqueous ammonia. this gas dissolved in water; ammonium hydroxide.
[1790-1800; < NL, so called as being obtained from sal ammoniac. See AMMONIAC]

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Colourless, pungent gas composed of nitrogen and hydrogen, chemical formula NH3.

Easily liquefied by compression or cooling for use in refrigerating and air-conditioning equipment, it is manufactured in huge quantities. Ammonia is made by the Haber-Bosch process (see Fritz Haber). Its major use is as a fertilizer, applied directly to soil from tanks of the liquefied gas. Also employed as fertilizers are salts of ammonia, including ammonium phosphate and ammonium nitrate (the latter used in high explosives as well). Ammonia has many other industrial uses as a raw material, catalyst, and alkali. It dissolves readily in water to form ammonium hydroxide, an alkaline solution (see base) familiar as a household cleaner.
(as used in expressions)
ammonia soda process
synthetic ammonia process
Haber ammonia process

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 colourless, pungent gas composed of nitrogen and hydrogen. It is the simplest stable compound of these elements and serves as a starting material for the production of many commercially important nitrogen compounds.

Uses of ammonia
      The major use of ammonia is as a fertilizer. It is most commonly applied directly to the soil from tanks containing the liquefied gas. The ammonia can be applied directly or in the form of ammonium salts, such as ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3, ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4, and various ammonium phosphates (phosphate). urea, (H2N)2C=O, is also used as a source of nitrogen for fertilizer. Ammonia is also used in the manufacture of commercial explosives (explosive) (e.g., trinitrotoluene (TNT), nitroglycerin, and nitrocellulose).

      In the textile industry, ammonia is used in the manufacture of synthetic fibres, such as nylon and rayon. In addition, it is employed in the dyeing and scouring of cotton, wool, and silk. Ammonia serves as a catalyst in the production of some synthetic resins (resin). More important, it neutralizes acidic by-products of petroleum refining, and in the rubber industry it prevents the coagulation of raw latex during transportation from plantation to factory. Ammonia also finds application in both the ammonia-soda process (also called Solvay process), a widely used method for producing soda ash, and the Ostwald process, a method for converting ammonia into nitric acid.

      Ammonia is used in various metallurgical (metallurgy) processes, including the nitriding of alloy sheets to harden their surfaces. Because ammonia can be decomposed easily to yield hydrogen, it is a convenient portable source of atomic hydrogen for welding. In addition, ammonia can absorb substantial amounts of heat from its surroundings (i.e., one gram of ammonia absorbs 327 calories (calorie) of heat), which makes it useful as a coolant in refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment. Finally, among its minor uses is inclusion in certain household cleansing agents.

Preparation of ammonia
      Pure ammonia was first prepared by English physical scientist Joseph Priestley (Priestley, Joseph) in 1774, and its exact composition was determined by French chemist Claude-Louis Berthollet (Berthollet, Claude-Louis) in 1785. Ammonia is consistently among the top five chemicals produced in the United States. The chief commercial method of producing ammonia is by the Haber-Bosch process, which involves the direct reaction of elemental hydrogen and elemental nitrogen.

N2 + 3H22NH3

      This reaction requires the use of a catalyst, high pressure (1001,000 atmospheres), and elevated temperature (400550 °C [7501020 °F]). Actually, the equilibrium between the elements and ammonia favours the formation of ammonia at low temperature, but high temperature is required to achieve a satisfactory rate of ammonia formation. Several different catalysts can be utilized. Normally the catalyst is iron containing iron oxide. However, both magnesium oxide on aluminum oxide that has been activated by alkali metal oxides and ruthenium on carbon have been employed as catalysts. In the laboratory, ammonia is best synthesized by the hydrolysis of a metal nitride.

Mg3N2 + 6H2O2NH3 + 3Mg(OH)2

Physical properties of ammonia
 Ammonia is a colourless gas with a sharp, penetrating odour. Its boiling point is −33.35 °C (−28.03 °F), and its freezing point is −77.7 °C (−107.8 °F). It has a high heat of vaporization (23.3 kilojoules per mole at its boiling point) and can be handled as a liquid in thermally insulated containers in the laboratory. (The heat of vaporization of a substance is the number of kilojoules needed to vaporize one mole of the substance with no change in temperature.) The ammonia molecule has a trigonal pyramidal shape with the three hydrogen atoms and an unshared pair of electrons (electron) attached to the nitrogen atom. It is a polar molecule and is highly associated because of strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The dielectric constant of ammonia (22 at −34 °C [−29 °F]) is lower than that of water (81 at 25 °C [77 °F]), so it is a better solvent for organic materials. However, it is still high enough to allow ammonia to act as a moderately good ionizing solvent. Ammonia also self-ionizes, although less so than does water.
2NH3 NH4+ + NH2

Chemical reactivity of ammonia
      The combustion of ammonia proceeds with difficulty but yields nitrogen gas and water.

4NH3 + 3O2 + heat2N2 + 6H2O
However, with the use of a catalyst and under the correct conditions of temperature, ammonia reacts with oxygen to produce nitric oxide, NO, which is oxidized to nitrogen dioxide, NO2, and is used in the industrial synthesis of nitric acid.

      Ammonia readily dissolves in water with the liberation of heat.

NH3 + H2O NH4+ + OH
These aqueous solutions of ammonia are basic and are sometimes called solutions of ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH). The equilibrium, however, is such that a 1.0-molar solution of NH3 provides only 4.2 millimoles of hydroxide ion. The hydrates (hydrate) NH3 · H2O, 2NH3 · H2O, and NH3 · 2H2O exist and have been shown to consist of ammonia and water molecules linked by intermolecular hydrogen bonds.

      Liquid ammonia is used extensively as a nonaqueous solvent. The alkali metals (alkali metal) as well as the heavier alkaline-earth metals (alkaline-earth metal) and even some inner transition metals dissolve in liquid ammonia, producing blue solutions. Physical measurements, including electrical-conductivity studies, provide evidence that this blue colour and electrical current are due to the solvated electron.

metal (dispersed) metal(NH3)x M+(NH3)x + e(NH3)y
These solutions are excellent sources of electrons for reducing other chemical species. As the concentration of dissolved metal increases, the solution becomes a deeper blue in colour and finally changes to a copper-coloured solution with a metallic lustre. The electrical conductivity decreases, and there is evidence that the solvated electrons associate to form electron pairs.
2e(NH3)y e2(NH3)y
Most ammonium salts also readily dissolve in liquid ammonia.

Derivatives of ammonia
      Two of the more important derivatives of ammonia are hydrazine and hydroxylamine.

      Hydrazine, N2H4, is a molecule in which one hydrogen atom in NH3 is replaced by an −NH2 group. The pure compound is a colourless liquid that fumes with a slight odour similar to that of ammonia. In many respects it resembles water in its physical properties. It has a melting point of 2 °C (35.6 °F), a boiling point of 113.5 °C (236.3 °F), a high dielectric constant (51.7 at 25 °C [77 °F]), and a density of 1 gram per cubic cm. As with water and ammonia, the principal intermolecular force is hydrogen bonding.

      Hydrazine is best prepared by the Raschig process, which involves the reaction of an aqueous alkaline ammonia solution with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl).

2NH3 + NaOClN2H4 + NaCl + H2O
This reaction is known to occur in two main steps. Ammonia reacts rapidly and quantitatively with the hypochlorite ion, OCl, to produce chloramine, NH2Cl, which reacts further with more ammonia and base to produce hydrazine.
NH3 + OClNH2Cl + OH
NH2Cl + NH3 + NaOHN2H4 + NaCl + H2O
In this process there is a detrimental reaction that occurs between hydrazine and chloramine and that appears to be catalyzed by heavy metal ions such as Cu2+. gelatin is added to this process to scavenge these metal ions and suppress the side reaction.
N2H4 + 2NH2Cl2NH4Cl + N2
When hydrazine is added to water, two different hydrazinium salts are obtained. N2H5+ salts can be isolated, but N2H62+ salts are normally extensively hydrolyzed.
N2H4 + H2O N2H5+ + OH
N2H5+ + H2O N2H62+ + OH

      Hydrazine burns in oxygen to produce nitrogen gas and water, with the liberation of a substantial amount of energy in the form of heat.

N2H4 + O2N2 + 2H2O + heat
As a result, the major noncommercial use of this compound (and its methyl (methyl group) derivatives) is as a rocket fuel. Hydrazine and its derivatives have been used as fuels in guided missiles (missile), spacecraft (including the space shuttles (space shuttle)), and space launchers (launch vehicle). For example, the Apollo program's (Apollo program) Lunar Module was decelerated for landing, and launched from the Moon, by the oxidation of a 1:1 mixture of methyl hydrazine, H3CNHNH2, and 1,1-dimethylhydrazine, (H3C)2NNH2, with liquid dinitrogen tetroxide, N2O4. Three tons of the methyl hydrazine mixture were required for the landing on the Moon, and about one ton was required for the launch from the lunar surface. The major commercial uses of hydrazine are as a blowing agent (to make holes in foam rubber), as a reducing agent, in the synthesis of agricultural and medicinal chemicals, as algicides, fungicides (fungicide), and insecticides (insecticide), and as plant growth regulators.

      Hydroxylamine, NH2OH, may be thought of as being derived from ammonia by replacement of a hydrogen atom with a hydroxyl group (−OH). The pure compound is a colourless solid that is hygroscopic (rapidly absorbs water) and thermally unstable. It must be stored at 0 °C (32 °F) so that it will not decompose. It melts at 33 °C (91.4 °F), has a density of 1.2 grams per cubic cm at 33 °C, and has a high dielectric constant (ε = 78). Aqueous solutions of hydroxylamine are not as strongly basic as either ammonia or hydrazine. Hydroxylamine can be prepared by a number of reactions. A laboratory synthesis involves the reduction of aqueous potassium nitrite, KNO2, or nitrous acid, HNO2, with the hydrogen sulfite ion, HSO3. In general, hydroxylamine is stored and used as an aqueous solution or as a salt (for example, NH3OH+NO3).

Steven S. Zumdahl

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Universalium. 2010.

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