
/bay"keuh luyt', bayk"luyt/, Trademark.
a brand name for any of a series of thermosetting plastics prepared by heating phenol or cresol with formaldehyde and ammonia under pressure: used for radio cabinets, telephone receivers, electric insulators, and molded plastic ware.

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trademark of  phenol–formaldehyde resin 

      synthetic resin formed from the chemical combination of phenols and formaldehydes. Bakelite is a hard, infusible, and chemically resistant plastic whose properties as a nonconductor of electricity have made it exceptionally useful in all sorts of electrical appliances. It is used in many industrial applications as an electrical insulator, in molding and casting operations, as an adhesive, and in paints and baked-enamel coatings. Phenol–formaldehyde resins are indispensable in manufacturing chemical equipment, machine and instrument housings, bottle closures, and many machine and electrical components.

      The production method for manufacturing this plastic was devised in 1909 by L.H. Baekeland (Baekeland, Leo Hendrik) in the United States, and the name Bakelite is a registered trademark of the Union Carbide Corporation. It displaced celluloid for nearly all the latter's applications early in the 20th century.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • bakelite — type of plastic widely used early 20c., 1909, from Ger. Bakelit, named for Belgian born U.S. physicist Leo Baekeland (1863 1944), who invented it. Originally a proprietary name, it is formed by the condensation of a phenol with an aldehyde …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Bakelite® — /bāˈkə līt/ noun A synthetic resin with high chemical and electrical resistance, made by condensation of cresol or phenol with formaldehyde ORIGIN: LH Baekeland (1863–1944), its American inventor …   Useful english dictionary

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