
sugarless, adj.sugarlike, adj.
/shoog"euhr/, n.
1. a sweet, crystalline substance, C12H22O11, obtained chiefly from the juice of the sugarcane and the sugar beet, and present in sorghum, maple sap, etc.: used extensively as an ingredient and flavoring of certain foods and as a fermenting agent in the manufacture of certain alcoholic beverages; sucrose. Cf. beet sugar, cane sugar.
2. Chem. a member of the same class of carbohydrates, as lactose, glucose, or fructose.
3. (sometimes cap.) an affectionate or familiar term of address (sometimes offensive when used to strangers, casual acquaintances, subordinates, etc., esp. by a male to a female).
4. a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter S.
5. Slang. money.
6. Slang. LSD
7. to cover, sprinkle, mix, or sweeten with sugar.
8. to make agreeable.
9. to form sugar or sugar crystals.
10. to make maple sugar.
11. sugar off, (in making maple sugar) to complete the boiling down of the syrup in preparation for granulation.
[1250-1300; ME sugre, sucre (n.) < MF sucre < ML succarum < It zucchero < Ar sukkar; obscurely akin to Pers shakar, Gk sákcharon (see SACCHAR-)]

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Any of numerous sweet, colourless organic compounds that dissolve readily in water and occur in the sap of seed plants and the milk of mammals.

Sugars (whose names end in -ose) are the simplest carbohydrates. The most common is sucrose, a disaccharide; there are numerous others, including glucose and fructose (both monosaccharides); invert sugar (a 50:50 mixture of glucose and fructose produced by enzyme action on sucrose); and maltose (produced in the malting of barley) and lactose (both disaccharides). Commercial production of sugars is almost entirely for food.
(as used in expressions)
table sugar
Leonard Sugar Ray
Robinson Sugar Ray

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      any of numerous sweet, colourless, water-soluble compounds present in the sap of seed plants and the milk of mammals and making up the simplest group of carbohydrates. (See also carbohydrate.) The most common sugar is sucrose, a crystalline tabletop and industrial sweetener used in foods and beverages.

      As a chemical term, “sugarusually refers to all carbohydrates of the general formula Cn(H2O)n. Sucrose is a disaccharide, or double sugar, being composed of one molecule of glucose linked to one molecule of fructose. Because one molecule of water (H2O) is lost in the condensation reaction linking glucose to fructose, sucrose is represented by the formula C12H22O11 (following the general formula Cn[H2O]n - 1).

 Sucrose is found in almost all plants, but it occurs at concentrations high enough for economic recovery only in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and sugar beets (sugar beet) (Beta vulgaris). The former is a giant grass growing in tropical and subtropical areas; the latter is a root crop growing in temperate zones (see Figure 1—>). Sugarcane ranges from 7 to 18 percent sugar by weight, while sugar beets are from 8 to 22 percent sugar by weight. Sucrose from either source (or from two relatively minor sources, the sugar maple tree and the date palm) is the same molecule, yielding 3.94 calories per gram as do all carbohydrates. Differences in sugar products come from other components isolated with sucrose.

      The first cultivated sugar crop was sugarcane, developed from wild varieties in the East Indiesprobably New Guinea. The sugar beet was developed as a crop in Europe in the 19th century during the Napoleonic Wars, when France sought an alternate homegrown source of sugar in order to save its ships from running blockades to sugarcane sources in the Caribbean. Sugarcane, once harvested, cannot be stored because of sucrose decomposition. For this reason, cane sugar is generally produced in two stages, manufacture of raw sugar taking place in the cane-growing areas and refining into food products occurring in the sugar-consuming countries. Sugar beets, on the other hand, can be stored and are therefore generally processed in one stage into white sugar.

Cane sugar

Cane harvesting and delivery
      Sugarcane is generally harvested in the cooler months of the year, although it is harvested year-round in Cuba, the Philippines, Colombia, and other prime areas. As much as two-thirds of the world's cane crop is harvested by hand, using long machetes. Since the 1940s, however, mechanical harvesting has increased. Before or after harvest, the cane is burned in order to drive out rodents and snakes and to burn off leaves and trash that dull knife blades, but environmental considerations are leading to the harvesting of whole unburned cane in several areas.

      Harvested cane is transported to the factory by many means, ranging from manual haulage to oxcarts, trucks, railway cars, or barges. The usual economic distance between field and factory is 25 kilometres (15 miles). Minimizing the time between cutting and processing reduces the amount of cane deterioration and encourages a higher sugar yield.

      Upon arrival at the factory gate, cane is weighed and sampled for analysis (if factors other than weight are used for payment). Cane is stored in as small amounts and for as short a time as possible in the mill yard. Factories run around the clock, stopping in some areas for only one or two days per month for cleaning. Although payment is usually based on weight and sucrose content, quality factors such as moisture, trash, and fibre content also are included. Payment is generally split, with 60 to 65 percent going to the grower and 35 to 40 percent going to the processor.

Raw sugar manufacture
 Sugarcane processing, outlined in Figure 2—>, is practiced in many variations, but the essential process consists of the following steps: extraction of the cane juice by milling or diffusion, clarification of the juice, concentration of the juice to syrup by evaporation, crystallization of sugar from the syrup, and separation and drying of the crystals.

Juice extraction
      After weighing, sugarcane is loaded by hand or crane onto a moving table. The table carries the cane into one or two sets of revolving knives, which chop the cane into chips in order to expose the tissue and open the cell structure, thus readying the material for efficient extraction of the juice. Frequently, knives are followed by a shredder, which breaks the chips into shreds for finer cane preparation. The chipped (and shredded) cane then goes through the crusher, a set of roller mills in which the cane cells are crushed and juice extracted. As the crushed cane proceeds through a series of up to eight four-roll mills, it is forced against a countercurrent of water known as water of maceration or imbibition. Streams of juice extracted from the cane, mixed with maceration water from all mills, are combined into a mixed juice called dilute juice. Juice from the last mill in the series (which does not receive a current of maceration water) is called residual juice.

      The alternative to extraction by milling is extraction by diffusion. In this process, cane prepared by rotating knives and a shredder is moved through a multicell, countercurrent diffuser. Extraction of sugar is higher by diffusion (an average rate of 93 percent, compared with 8590 percent by milling), but extraction of nonsugars is also higher. Diffusion, therefore, is most used where cane quality is higheste.g., in South Africa, Australia, and Hawaii. Occasionally a smallerbagasse diffuseris used in order to increase extraction from partially milled cane after two or three mills. (Residual cane fibre, after juice is removed, is called bagasse.)

      Disposal of the large amounts of water used by diffusers is a costly environmental problem, as cane factories that practice diffusion must operate their own primary, secondary, and tertiary water-treatment systems.

      Mixed juice from the extraction mills or diffuser is purified by addition of heat, lime, and flocculation aids. The lime is a suspension of calcium hydroxide, often in a sucrose solution, which forms a calcium saccharate compound. The heat and lime kill enzymes in the juice and increase pH from a natural acid level of 5.06.5 to a neutral pH. Control of pH is important throughout sugar manufacture because sucrose inverts, or hydrolyzes, to its components glucose and fructose at acid pH (less than 7.0), and all three sugars decompose quickly at high pH (greater than 11.5).

      Heated to 99°–104° C (210°–220° F), the neutralized juice is inoculated, if necessary, with flocculants such as polyacrylamides and pumped to a continuous clarification vessel, a large, enclosed, heated tank in which clear juice flows off the upper part while muds settle below. This settling and separation process is known as defecation. Muds are pumped to rotary vacuum filters, where residual sucrose is washed out with a water spray on a rotating filter. Clarified juice, meanwhile, is pumped to a series of three to five multiple-effect evaporators.

      In the multiple-effect system, developed for the American sugar industry in 1843, steam is used to heat the first of a series of evaporators. The juice is boiled and drawn to the next evaporator, which is heated by vapour from the first evaporator. The process continues through the series until the clarified juice, which consists of 1015 percent sucrose, is concentrated to evaporator syrup, consisting of 5559 percent sucrose and 6065 percent by weight total solids. Nonsugars deposit on the walls and tubes of the evaporators, creating scale deposits and reducing the efficiency of heat transfer. Scale removal often forces the entire factory operation to shut down if another set of evaporators is not available.

      Syrup from the evaporators is sent to vacuum pans, where it is further evaporated, under vacuum, to supersaturation. Fine seed crystals are added, and the sugarmother liquoryields a solid precipitate of about 50 percent by weight crystalline sugar. Crystallization is a serial process. The first crystallization, yielding A sugar or A strike, leaves a residual mother liquor known as A molasses. The A molasses is concentrated to yield a B strike, and the low-grade B molasses is concentrated to yield C sugar and final molasses, or blackstrap. Blackstrap contains approximately 25 percent sucrose and 20 percent invert (glucose and fructose); at these levels the sugar cannot be removed economically by crystallization.

Crystal separation (separation and purification) and drying
      Crystals and mother liquor are separated in basket-type centrifuges. Continuous machines are used for C and sometimes B sugars, but batch machines are best for A sugars because of the crystal breakage that takes place in continuous centrifuges. Mother liquor is spun off the crystals, and a fine jet of water is sprayed on the sugar pressed against the wall of the centrifugal basket, reducing the syrup coating on each crystal. In modern factories, the washing process is quite extensive in an effort to produce high-purity raw sugar. Overall recovery of sugar from cane juice averages between 70 and 80 percent.

      The washed sugar, dumped from the baskets onto moving belts, dries and cools on the belts as it moves to bulk storage. At this point it is pale brown to golden yellow, with a sucrose content of 9799 percent and a moisture content of 0.5 percent. This raw sugar, the sugar of commerce, is stored in bags in countries where labour is abundant and cheap. Generally, however, it is stored in bulk and shipped loose, like grain, in dry-bulk ships to areas where it will be refined.

Raw sugar products
Open pan sugar
      In industrial sugarcane processing, crystallization is conducted under vacuum in order to lower operating temperatures, but some sugar is produced in the tropics byopen panprocesses. In these processes, crudely clarified juices are boiled down in open containers until a sludgy mass of crystals can be transferred to molds. The hardened brown product is sold as panela or piloncillo in Latin America and as gur or khansari in Asia.

Plantation white sugar
      Plantation white, or mill white, sugar is a white sugar commonly produced for local consumption in sugarcane-growing countries. It is produced at the factory without remelting and refining of the raw sugar. Instead, sulfur dioxide gas (produced by burning sulfur in air) is injected into extracted juice, where it bleaches juice colorants, is oxidized to sulfate, and then is neutralized by the addition of lime. (Sulfite salts are sometimes substituted for sulfur dioxide.) A white sugar results that is suitable for table use but not for food processing, because it contains all the nonsugars (including bleached or reduced colorant) present in raw sugar.

      Higher grades of plantation white are produced by a carbonatation purification process, in which carbon dioxide gas (scrubbed flue gas) is injected into juice and reacted with lime to form calcium carbonate, which absorbs and adsorbs nonsugars and is filtered off. Powdered vegetable carbon is sometimes added to increase decolorization.

      As demand for high-quality white sugars increases among food processors and beverage manufacturers in tropical areas, the processes described above are being improved and replaced byBlanco Directoprocesses, in which colour-precipitating reagents remove colorants instead of temporarily bleaching them.

Sugar refining
      Sugar refining is the production of high-quality sugars from remelted raw cane sugars. (“Refiningis also used in beet sugar factories to describe the remelting and recrystallization processes by which high-quality white sugars are made from lower-grade beet syrups; see below Beet sugar (sugar).) About 35 percent of cane sugar is refined; the remainder is consumed as plantation white or as raw sugar. In tropical regions, smallwhite endrefineries are often built to refine the raw sugar produced by cane-processing plants. Raw sugar factories produce their own steam by burning bagasse, and a reasonably efficient plant has as much as 20 percent excess bagasse. This can be burned to operate the white end refinery, or it can be used to run a distillery or even generate electricity to be sold to the local power grid.

      Still, most sugar refining is conducted in the consuming regions by large refineries, which produce a range of products such as soft brown sugars, sugar cubes, and granulated sugar. At these refineries, the raw sugar is affined (washed), melted (dissolved), sent through processes of clarification and decolorization, and crystallized. Sugar products are then dried, packaged, and stored.

Affination and melting (thermal fusion)
      Affination is the mingling of raw sugar with a warm, heavy syrup, which removes the molasses coating from the sugar crystal. The syrup and crystals are separated in a spinning centrifugal basket, and the crystals are furtherwashedby a water spray. Washed raw sugar is fed by screw conveyor to a melter, where it is dissolved at 65° C (150° F) in hot, sweet water with some fresh, hot water added to obtain a raw liquor containing about 65 percent dissolved solids.

Clarification and decolorization
      Melt syrup is clarified either by phosphatation, in which phosphoric acid and lime are added to form calcium phosphates, which are removed by surface scraping in a flotation clarifier, or by carbonatation, in which carbon dioxide gas and lime form calcium carbonate, which is filtered off. Colour precipitants are added to each process.

      The carbonatated liquors are filtered in pressure leaf filters with the use of diatomaceous earth, a filter aid invented for sugar processing. The resultant yellow to light brown liquor is further decolorized by carbon adsorbents, such as granular activated carbon or bone charcoal, or by ion-exchange resins of acrylic or styrenic materials. Decolorization is conducted in columns in various serial or parallel conformations.

      Fine clarified liquor is boiled to white sugar in a series of vacuum pans similar to those used in sugarcane processing. The boiling system is complicated because the purity of the fine liquor is more than 98 percent, and at least six or seven stages of boiling are necessary before the molasses is exhausted. The first three or four strikes are blended to make commercial white sugar. Special large-grain sugar (for bakery and confectionery) is boiled separately. Fine grains (sanding or fruit sugars) are usually made by sieving products of mixed grain size. Powdered icing sugar, or confectioners' sugar, results when white granulated sugar is finely ground, sieved, and mixed with small quantities (3 percent) of starch or calcium phosphate to keep it dry. Brown sugars (light to dark) are either crystallized from a mixture of brown and yellow syrups (with caramel added for darkest colour) or made by coating white crystals with a brown-sugar syrup.

      Crystalline and liquid sucrose products are dried and packaged in food-grade packaging plants. Package sizes range from individual servings to one-ton bags, packaging materials from paper to plastic-lined burlap or fabric. Sugar cubes are made by mixing white (or brown) sugar with syrup and then molding and drying.

      Refineries can also produce syrups in a range of colours and flavours for the food-processing industry. Products include liquid sucrose as well as invert syrups (syrups containing all or partially inverted sucrose).

Beet sugar
      Beet sugar factories generally produce only white sugar from sugar beets (sugar beet). Brown sugars are made with the use of cane molasses as a mother liquor component or as a crystal coating.

Sugar beet harvest and delivery
      Sugar beets are grown in temperate areas of Europe, North America, and northern Asia. They are harvested from September through November, almost always by multirow harvester machines. The machines remove some dirt, the leaves, and sometimes the crown (depending on the contract terms). Because sugar does not deteriorate as severely in beets as it does in sugarcane shortly after harvest, a full crop of beets can be lifted (harvested) and stored for several weeks at ambient temperature or even for several months at freezing temperatures.

      Beets are delivered by rail or road transport to the factory, where they are weighed in and sampled for analysis. Sampling schemes vary in complexity; beets are analyzed for trash, soil, sugar content, and (where beet quality is part of the contract) nitrogen and salt content. Sugar beet, being a root, has a much higher nitrogen content than sugarcane, and these nitrogen compounds can affect certain processing steps.

      Payment is split along lines similar to lines for sugarcane payment, 6065 percent going to the grower and 3540 percent to the factory.

White sugar production
Washing and extraction
      When harvested sugar beets are off-loaded at the factory, they are washed in a flume to remove rocks and dirt and then fed by gravity through a hopper to the slicing machine. There the roots are cut intocossettes,” V-shaped strips, three by four to seven centimetres in size (approximately one by two to three inches) in order to offer maximum surface area for extraction. Sugar extraction takes place in a multicell countercurrent diffuser. In order to minimize microbial growth and the use of biocide, temperatures are maintained above 75° C (167° F). Some 98 percent of the sugar is extracted to form what is known as diffusion juice, or raw juice.

      Remaining beet pulp, discharged at over 90 percent moisture content, is pressed and dried. Pulp driers are a major energy consumer at the beet factory, which must purchase fuel since pulp cannot be burned and has a high market value as feed.

      Raw juice (containing 10 to 14 percent sucrose) is purified in a series of liming and carbonatation steps, often with filtration or thickening being conducted between the first and second carbonatation. One popular multistage system involves cold pre-liming followed by cold main liming, hot main liming, first carbonatation, filtration and mud recirculating, addition of heat and soda, second carbonatation, and filtration.

      After carbonatation, sulfur dioxide is pumped through the juice in order to lower the pH level and reduce the colour. Beet processing is generally at pH levels slightly above 7. At low pH, invert sugar would form and react with nitrogen compounds to form colour, and, at high pH, alkaline destruction of sucrose and monosaccharides would occur.

Concentration and crystallization
      After purification, the juice, now called clear or thin juice, is pumped to multiple-effect evaporators similar to those used in raw cane sugar manufacture. In the evaporators the juice is concentrated to thick juice (6065 percent dissolved solids), which is mixed with remelted lower grades of sugar to form standard liquor. From this standard liquor, sugar is crystallized, usually in three stages. In all boiling systems, sugar obtained from the first stage is processed as a final product, while sugar from the second and third stages is remelted and recycled into another batch of thick juice.

      Sugar is separated from mother liquor in basket centrifuges, and it is dried in either rotary louvred driers or fluidized-bed dryer-coolers.

packaging and storing (storage)
      Before packing, it is important that all sugar be cooled below 45° C (113° F). At higher temperatures it hardens in the bag or silo and can develop colour. Beet sugar factories store white sugar in silos during production and pack sugar year-round to meet the current market.

molasses processing
      In order to increase production at the beet sugar factory, molasses desugarization is practiced. One prominent desugarization process is ion exclusion, which separates compounds by their molecular weight and electrical charge. A fraction containing salts and high-molecular-weight colorants and saccharides comes first off the resin column; then comes a sucrose fraction, and then a betaine fraction (trimethylglycine, a component of sugar beets), which may be sold as a separate product. The sucrose fraction is recycled into thick juice to form standard liquor. Ion-exchange processes reduce residual sucrose in molasses to 914 percent and increase a factory's overall yield by 10 percent.

Sugar by-products
      By-products of cane sugar and beet sugar production include fibre (from both cane and beet) and molasses (residual concentrated syrup from which no more sugar can economically be removed).

Sugar beet pulp
      Sugar beet pulp is used almost entirely for animal feed, mixed with molasses in loose or pellet form. Because of the higher nitrogen content of sugar beets, nitrogen (in the form of urea) need not be added, as it must when sugarcane bagasse is used for animal feed. Other uses for beet pulp are as edible fibre, for addition of soluble fibre to baked goods and processed foods, and for inclusion in paper manufacture.

      Feed use for bagasse is relatively minor. The major use is as fuel for the cane factory, where one ton of dry bagasse is equivalent in energy value to two barrels of fuel oil. Freshly produced bagasse contains about 50 percent moisture and becomes drier on storage.

      Bagasse is also widely used as filler for paper, fibreboard, and particleboardespecially in areas where wood is in short supply. Paper quality ranges from kraft-process brown paper through newsprint to glossy white.

      Molasses from both sugarcane and sugar beets is a major component of animal feed. Sugar beet molasses that has been subjected to desugarization contains reduced carbohydrate levels and may be blended with cane molasses.

      Production of ethanol ( ethyl alcohol) for industry and distilled spirits is common at most cane and beet factories. rum is produced from cane molasses in the Western Hemisphere; beverage alcohol (alcoholic beverage) is produced from beet molasses in Europe.

Margaret A. Clarke

Additional Reading
R. MacRae, R.K. Robinson, and M.J. Sadler (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Food Science, Food Technology, and Nutrition, 8 vol. (1993); and Y.H. Hui (ed.), Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology, 4 vol. (1992), are general works that cover all aspects of the science of food. P. Fellows, Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practices (1988), is an introductory text.R. Paul Singh James C.P. Chen and Chung-chi Chou, Chen-Chou Cane Sugar Handbook: A Manual for Cane Sugar Manufacturers and Their Chemists, 12th ed. (1993), contains detailed descriptions of raw and refined cane-sugar processes. R.A. McGinnis (ed.), Beet-Sugar Technology, 3rd ed. (1982), provides detailed and extensive descriptions of sugar beet production and beet sugar manufacture. Margaret A. Clarke and Mary An Godshall (eds.), Chemistry and Processing of Sugarbeet and Sugarcane (1988), discusses recent and predicted developments in cane and beet sugar manufacture as well as the by-products of sugarcane and sugar beets. Neil L. Pennington and Charles W. Baker (eds.), Sugar: A User's Guide to Sucrose (1990), details sugarcane and sugar beet properties and behaviour in food processing.Margaret A. Clarke

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