
fungicidal, adj.fungicidally, adv.
/fun"jeuh suyd', fung"geuh-/, n.
a substance or preparation, as a spray or dust, used for destroying fungi.
[1885-90; FUNGI- + -CIDE]

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Any toxin used to kill or inhibit growth of fungi (see fungus) that cause economic damage to crop or ornamental plants (including rusts in cereals, blight in potatoes, mildew in fruits) or endanger the health of domestic animals or humans.

Most are applied as sprays or dusts; seed fungicides are applied as a protective coating to seeds before germination. Copper compounds, especially copper sulfate mixed with lime and water (Bordeaux mixture), and sulfur have long been used for this purpose, but now synthetic organic compounds are commonly used. Many antifungal substances occur naturally in plant tissues.

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also called  Antimycotic,  

      any toxic substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of fungi that either cause economic damage to crop or ornamental plants or endanger the health of domestic animals or humans. Most fungicides are applied as sprays or dusts. Seed fungicides are applied as a protective covering before germination. Systemic fungicides, or chemotherapeutants, are applied to plants, where they become distributed throughout the tissue and act to eradicate existing disease or to protect against possible disease.

      Bordeaux mixture, a liquid composed of hydrated lime, copper sulfate, and water, was one of the earliest fungicides. Bordeaux mixture and Burgundy mixture, a similar composition, are still widely used to treat orchard trees. Copper compounds and sulfur have been used on plants separately and as combinations. Synthetic organic compounds are now more commonly used because they give protection and control over many types of fungi and are specialized in application.

      Cadmium chloride and cadmium succinate are used to control turfgrass diseases. Mercury(II) chloride, or corrosive sublimate, is used as a dip to treat bulbs and tubers. Other substances occasionally used to kill fungi include chloropicrin, methyl bromide, and formaldehyde. Many antifungal substances occur naturally in plant tissues. creosote, obtained from wood tar or coal tar, is used to prevent dry rot in wood.

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Universalium. 2010.

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