plant disease

plant disease


      an impairment of the normal state of a plant that interrupts or modifies its vital functions.

      All species of plants, wild and cultivated alike, are subject to disease. Although each species is susceptible to characteristic diseases, these are, in each case, relatively few in number. The occurrence and prevalence of plant diseases vary from season to season, depending on the presence of the pathogen, environmental conditions, and the crops and varieties grown. Some plant varieties are particularly subject to outbreaks of diseases; others are more resistant to them.

General considerations

Nature and importance of plant diseases
      Plant diseases are known from times preceding the earliest writings. Fossil evidence indicates that plants were affected by disease 250 million years ago. The Bible and other early writings mention diseases, such as rusts, mildews, blights, and blast, that have caused famine and other drastic changes in the economy of nations since the dawn of recorded history. Other plant disease outbreaks with similar far-reaching effects in more recent times include late blight of potato in Ireland (184560); powdery and downy mildews of grape in France (1851 and 1878); coffee rust in Ceylon (starting in the 1870s); Fusarium wilts of cotton and flax; southern bacterial wilt of tobacco (early 1900s); Sigatoka leaf spot and Panama disease of banana in Central America (190065); black stem rust of wheat (1916, 1935, 195354); and southern corn leaf blight (1970) in the United States.

      Loss of crops (food) from plant diseases may result in hunger and starvation, especially in less developed countries where access to disease-control methods is limited and annual losses of 30 to 50 percent are common for major crops. In some years, losses are much greater, producing catastrophic results for those who depend on the crop for food. Major disease outbreaks among food crops have led to famines and mass migrations throughout history. The devastating outbreak of late blight of potato (Phytophthora infestans) that began in Europe in 1845 and brought about the Irish (Ireland) famine caused starvation, death, and mass migration of the Irish population. Of a population of eight million, approximately one million (about 12.5 percent) died of starvation and 1.5 million (almost 19 percent) emigrated, mostly to the United States, as refugees from the destructive blight. This fungus thus had a tremendous influence on the economic, political, and cultural development in Europe and the United States. During World War I, late blight damage to the potato crop in Germany may have helped end the war.

      Losses from plant diseases also can have a significant economic impact, causing a reduction in income for crop producers and distributors and higher prices for consumers. In 1993 the United States lost more than one million acres (405,000 hectares) of crops to disease. More than 800,000 acres of wheat succumbed to disease, exacting a monetary loss in the millions of dollars.

Diseasesa normal part of nature
      Plant diseases are a normal part of nature and one of many ecological factors that help keep the hundreds of thousands of living plants and animals in balance with one another. Plant cells contain special signaling pathways that enhance their defenses against insects, animals, and pathogens. One such example involves a plant hormone called jasmonate (jasmonic acid). In the absence of harmful stimuli, jasmonate binds to special proteins, called JAZ proteins, to regulate plant growth, pollen production, and other processes. In the presence of harmful stimuli, however, jasmonate switches its signaling pathways, shifting instead to directing processes involved in boosting plant defense. Genes that produce jasmonate and JAZ proteins represent potential targets for genetic engineering to produce plant varieties with increased resistance to disease.

      Humans have carefully selected (agricultural technology) and cultivated plants for food, clothing, shelter, fibre, and beauty for thousands of years. Disease is just one of many hazards that must be considered when plants are taken out of their natural environment and grown in pure stands under what are often abnormal conditions.

      Many valuable crop and ornamental plants are very susceptible to disease and would have difficulty surviving in nature without human intervention. Cultivated plants are often more susceptible to disease than are their wild relatives. This is because large numbers of the same species or variety, having a uniform genetic background, are grown close together, sometimes over many thousands of square kilometres. A pathogen may spread rapidly under these conditions.

Definitions of plant disease
      In general, a plant becomes diseased when it is continuously disturbed by some causal agent that results in an abnormal physiological process that disrupts the plant's normal structure, growth, function, or other activities. This interference with one or more of a plant's essential physiological or biochemical systems elicits characteristic pathological conditions or symptoms.

      Plant diseases can be broadly classified according to the nature of their primary causal agent, either infectious or noninfectious. Infectious plant diseases are caused by a pathogenic organism such as a fungus, bacterium, mycoplasma, virus, viroid, nematode, or parasitic flowering plant. An infectious agent is capable of reproducing within or on its host and spreading from one susceptible host to another. Noninfectious plant diseases are caused by unfavourable growing conditions, including extremes of temperature, disadvantageous relationships between moisture and oxygen, toxic substances in the soil or atmosphere, and an excess or deficiency of an essential mineral. Because noninfectious causal agents are not organisms capable of reproducing within a host, they are not transmissible.

      In nature, plants may be affected by more than one disease-causing agent at a time. A plant that must contend with a nutrient deficiency or an imbalance between soil moisture and oxygen is often more susceptible to infection by a pathogen; a plant infected by one pathogen is often prone to invasion by secondary pathogens. The combination of all disease-causing agents that affect a plant make up the disease complex. Knowledge of normal growth habits, varietal characteristics, and normal variability of plants within a speciesas these relate to the conditions under which the plants are growingis required for a disease to be recognized.

      The study of plant diseases is called plant pathology. Pathology is derived from the two Greek words pathos (suffering, disease) and logos (discourse, study). Plant pathology thus means a study of plant diseases.

Disease development and transmission
Pathogenesis and saprogenesis
      Pathogenesis is the stage of disease in which the pathogen is in intimate association with living host tissue. Three fairly distinct stages are involved:
Inoculation: transfer of the pathogen to the infection court, or area in which invasion of the plant occurs (the infection court may be the unbroken plant surface, a variety of wounds, or natural openingse.g., stomates [microscopic pores in leaf surfaces], hydathodes [stomatelike openings that secrete water], or lenticels [small openings in tree bark])
Incubation: the period of time between the arrival of the pathogen in the infection court and the appearance of symptoms
Infection: the appearance of disease symptoms accompanied by the establishment and spread of the pathogen.

      One of the important characteristics of pathogenic organisms, in terms of their ability to infect, is virulence. Many different properties of a pathogen contribute to its ability to spread through and to destroy the tissue. Among these virulence factors are toxins that kill cells, enzymes that destroy cell walls, extracellular polysaccharides that block the passage of fluid through the plant system, and substances that interfere with normal cell growth. Not all pathogenic species are equal in virulencethat is, they do not produce the same amounts of the substances that contribute to the invasion and destruction of plant tissue. Also, not all virulence factors are operative in a particular disease. For example, toxins that kill cells are important in necrotic diseases, and enzymes that destroy cell walls play a significant role in soft rot diseases.

      Many pathogens, especially among the bacteria and fungi, spend part of their life cycles as pathogens and the remainder as saprophytes.

      Saprogenesis is the part of the pathogen's life cycle when it is not in vital association with living host tissue and either continues to grow in dead host tissue or becomes dormant. During this stage, some fungi (fungus) produce their sexual fruiting bodies; the apple scab (Venturia inaequalis), for example, produces perithecia, flask-shaped spore-producing structures, in fallen apple leaves. Other fungi produce compact resting bodies, such as the sclerotia (sclerotium) formed by certain root- and stem-rotting fungi (Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) or the ergot fungus (Claviceps purpurea). These resting bodies, which are resistant to extremes in temperature and moisture, enable the pathogen to survive for months or years in soil and plant debris in the absence of a living host.

      When the number of individuals a disease affects increases dramatically, it is said to have become epidemic (meaningon or among people”). A more precise term when speaking of plants, however, is epiphytotic (“on plants”); for animals, the corresponding term is epizootic. In contrast, endemic (enphytotic) diseases occur at relatively constant levels in the same area each year and generally cause little concern.

      Epiphytotics affect a high percentage of the host plant population, sometimes across a wide area. They may be mild or destructive and local or regional in occurrence. Epiphytotics result from various combinations of factors, including the right combination of climatic conditions. An epiphytotic may occur when a pathogen is introduced into an area in which it had not previously existed. Examples of this condition include the downy mildews (Sclerospora species) and rusts (Puccinia species) of corn in Africa during the 1950s, the introduction of the coffee rust fungus into Brazil in the 1960s, and the entrance of the chestnut blight (Endothia parasitica) into the United States shortly after 1900. Also, when new plant varieties are produced by plant breeders without regard for all enphytotic diseases that occur in the same area to some extent each year (but which are normally of minor importance), some of these varieties may prove very susceptible to previously unimportant pathogens. Examples of this situation include the development of oat varieties with Victoria parentage, which, although highly resistant to rusts (Puccinia graminis avenae and P. coronata avenae) and smuts (Ustilago avenae, U. kolleri), proved very susceptible to Helminthosporium blight (H. victoriae), formerly a minor disease of grasses. The destructiveness of this disease resulted in a major shift of oat varieties on 50 million acres in the United States in the mid-1940s. corn (maize) with male-sterile cytoplasm (i.e., plants with tassels that do not extrude anthers or pollen), grown on 60 million acres in the United States, was attacked in 1970 by a virulent new race of the southern corn leaf blight fungus (Helminthosporium maydis race T), resulting in a loss of about 700 million bushels of corn. More recently the new Helminthosporium race was widely disseminated and was reported from most continents. Finally, epiphytotics may occur when host plants are cultivated in large acreages where previously little or no land was devoted to that crop.

      Epiphytotics may occur in cycles. When a plant disease first appears in a new area, it may grow rapidly to epiphytotic proportions. In time, the disease wanes, and, unless the host species has been completely wiped out, the disease subsides to a low level of incidence and becomes enphytotic. This balance may change dramatically by conditions that favour a renewed epiphytotic. Among such conditions are weather (primarily temperature and moisture), which may be very favourable for multiplication, spread, and infection by the pathogen; introduction of a new and more susceptible host; development of a very aggressive race of the pathogen; and changes in cultural practices that create a more favourable environment for the pathogen.

Environmental factors affecting disease development
      Important environmental factors that may affect development of plant diseases and determine whether they become epiphytotic include temperature, relative humidity, soil moisture, soil pH, soil type, and soil fertility.

      Each pathogen has an optimum temperature for growth. In addition, different growth stages of the fungus, such as the production of spores (reproductive units), their germination, and the growth of the mycelium (the filamentous main fungus body), may have slightly different optimum temperatures. Storage temperatures for certain fruits, vegetables, and nursery stock are manipulated to control fungi and bacteria that cause storage decay, provided the temperature does not change the quality of the products. Little, except limited frost protection, can be done to control air temperature in fields, but greenhouse temperatures can be regulated to check disease development.

      Knowledge of optimum temperatures, usually combined with optimum moisture conditions, permits forecasting, with a high degree of accuracy, the development of such diseases as blue mold of tobacco (Peronospora tabacina), downy mildews of vine crops (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) and lima beans (Phytophthora phaseoli), late blight of potato and tomato (Phytophthora infestans), leaf spot of sugar beets (Cercospora beticola), and leaf rust of wheat (Puccinia recondita tritici). Effects of temperature may mask symptoms of certain viral and mycoplasmal diseases, however, making them more difficult to detect.

      Relative humidity is very critical in fungal spore germination and the development of storage rots. Rhizopus soft rot of sweet potato (Rhizopus stolonifer) is an example of a storage disease that does not develop if relative humidity is maintained at 85 to 90 percent, even if the storage temperature is optimum for growth of the pathogen. Under these conditions, the sweet potato root produces suberized (corky) tissues that wall off the Rhizopus fungus.

      High humidity favours development of the great majority of leaf and fruit diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. Moisture is generally needed for fungal spore germination, the multiplication and penetration of bacteria, and the initiation of infection. Germination of powdery mildew spores occurs best at 90 to 95 percent relative humidity. Diseases in greenhouse cropssuch as leaf mold of tomato (Cladosporium fulvum) and decay of flowers, leaves, stems, and seedlings of flowering plants, caused by Botrytis (botrytis blight) speciesare controlled by lowering air humidity or by avoiding spraying plants with water.

Soil moisture
      High or low soil moisture may be a limiting factor in the development of certain root rot diseases. High soil-moisture levels favour development of destructive water mold fungi, such as species of Aphanomyces, Pythium, and Phytophthora. Excessive watering of houseplants (houseplant) is a common problem. Overwatering, by decreasing oxygen and raising carbon dioxide levels in the soil, makes roots more susceptible to root-rotting organisms.

      Diseases such as take-all of cereals (Ophiobolus graminis); charcoal rot of corn, sorghum, and soybean (Macrophomina phaseoli); common scab of potato (Streptomyces scabies); and onion white rot (Sclerotium cepivorum) are most severe under low soil-moisture (soil chemistry) levels.

      Soil pH, a measure of acidity or alkalinity, markedly influences a few diseases, such as common scab of potato and clubroot of crucifers (Plasmodiophora brassicae). Growth of the potato scab organism is suppressed at a pH of 5.2 or slightly below (pH 7 is neutral; numbers below 7 indicate acidity, and those above 7 indicate alkalinity). Scab is not normally a problem when the natural soil pH is about 5.2. Some farmers add sulfur to their potato soil to keep the pH about 5.0. Clubroot of crucifers (members of the mustard family (Brassicaceae), including cabbage, cauliflower, and turnips), on the other hand, can usually be controlled by thoroughly mixing lime into the soil until the pH becomes 7.2 or higher.

Soil type
      Certain pathogens are favoured by loam soils and others by clay soils. Phymatotrichum root rot attacks cotton and some 2,000 other plants in the southwestern United States. This fungus is serious only in black alkaline soilspH 7.3 or abovethat are low in organic matter. Fusarium (Fusarium wilt) wilt disease, which attacks a wide range of cultivated plants, causes more damage in lighter and higher (topographically) soils. Nematodes are also most damaging in lighter soils that warm up quickly.

Soil fertility
      Greenhouse and field experiments have shown that raising or lowering the levels of certain nutrient (nutrition) elements required by plants frequently influences the development of some infectious diseasesfor example, fire blight of apple and pear, stalk rots of corn and sorghum, Botrytis blights, Septoria diseases, powdery mildew of wheat, and northern leaf blight of corn. These diseases and many others are more destructive after application of excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. This condition can often be counteracted by adding adequate amounts of potash, a fertilizer containing potassium.

Requirements for disease development
      Infectious disease cannot develop if any one of the following three basic conditions is lacking: (1) the proper environment, the most important environmental factors being the amount and frequency of rains or heavy dews, the relative humidity, and the air and soil temperatures, (2) the presence of a virulent pathogen, and (3) a susceptible host. Effective disease-control measures are aimed at breaking this environment-pathogen-host triangle. Loss resulting from disease is reduced, for example, if the host can be made more resistant or immune through such techniques as plant breeding or genetic engineering. In addition, the environment can be made less favourable for invasion by the pathogen and more favourable for the growth of the host plant. Finally, the pathogen can be killed or prevented from reaching the host. These basic methods of control can be divided into a number of cultural, chemical, and biological practices to help control the disease.

diagnosis of plant diseases
      Rapid and accurate diagnosis of disease is necessary before proper control measures can be suggested. It is the first step in the study of any disease. Diagnosis is largely based on characteristic symptoms expressed by the diseased plant. Identification of the pathogen is also essential to diagnosis.

      Three steps involved in diagnosis include careful observation and classification of the facts, evaluation of the facts, and a logical decision as to the cause.

Variable factors affecting diagnosis
      A skilled diagnostician must know the normal appearance of an affected plant species, its local air and soil environment, the cultural conditions under which it is growing, the pathogens described for the area, and the disease-developing potential of the pathogen. Diagnosis is best done in the presence of the growing plant. Disease is suspected when, for example, part or all of a plant begins to die. Disease also is indicated when blossoms, leaves, stems, roots, or other plant parts appear abnormali.e., misshapen, curled, discoloured, overdeveloped, or underdeveloped. Diseased plants also often fail to respond normally to fertilizing, watering, pruning, insect and mite control, or other recommended practices.

      Conditions other than infection with a pathogen, however, may produce similar or identical symptoms. Some of these have been described, but numerous other conditions must be considered as well when plants are adversely affected. For example, an affected plant may not be adapted to the area in which it is growing. It may not be able to withstand the extremes in soil moisture, temperature, wind, light, or humidity of the local situation. Damage to plants may be caused by insects, mites, rodents, pets, or humans. The soil may be poorly drained, gravelly, or overly sandy; it may be covering buried debrisboards, cement blocks, bricks, and mortar; or it may be too dry or otherwise unfavourable for good plant growth. Problems also are caused by high winds, hail, lightning, blowing sand, a heavy load of snow or ice, flooding, fire, ice-removal chemicals, mechanical injury by garden tools or machinery, and fumes from weed-killing chemicals, trash burners, nearby industrial plants, or motor vehicles. The affected plant may have received treatment different from nearby healthy oneswatering, fertilizing, pest control, pruning, or depth of planting are examples. If different species or kinds of plants in the same area have similar symptoms, the chances are that a pathogen is not involved. Most infectious diseases are highly specific for individual or closely related plant species, and similar symptoms on unrelated plants are usually an indication of some environmental factor rather than a disease-causing organism.

      Examination of leaves (leaf) is usually considered to be the best starting point in diagnosis. The colour, size, shape, and margins of spots and blights (blight) (lesions) are often associated with a particular fungus or bacterium (bacteria). Many fungi producesignsof disease, such as mold growth or fruiting bodies that appear as dark specks in the dead area. Early stages of bacterial infections that develop on leaves or fruits during humid weather often appear as dark and water-soaked spots with a distinct margin and sometimes a haloa lighter-coloured ring around the spot.

      Low winter temperatures and late spring or early fall freezes cause blasting (sudden death) of leaf and flower buds or sudden blighting (discoloration and death) of tender foliage.

      Insect-injured (insect) leaves usually show evidence of feeding, such as holes, discoloration, stippling, blotching, downward curling, or other deformations.

      Scorching (scorch) of leaf margins and between the veins is common following hot, dry, windy weather. Similar symptoms are produced by an excess of water, an imbalance of essential nutrients, an excess of soluble salts, changes in the soil water table or soil grade, gas or fume injury, and root injury or disease.

      Viral diseases, such as mosaics and yellows, are sometimes confused with injury by a hormone-type weed-killer, unbalanced nutrition, and soil that is excessively alkaline or acid. Nearby plant species are often examined to see if similar symptoms are evident on several different types of plants.

      Examination of stems (stem), shoots, branches, and trunk follows a thorough leaf examination. Sunken, swollen, or discoloured areas in the fleshy stem or bark may indicate canker infection by a fungus or bacterium or injury caused by excessively high or low temperatures, hail, tools, equipment, vehicles, or girdling wires.

      Fruiting bodies of fungi in or on such areas often indicate secondary infection. Accurate identification of signs as belonging to a pathogenic organism or a secondary or saprophytic one is difficult. Tissues directly infected by pathogenic fungi or bacteria normally show a gradual change in colour or consistency. Injuries, in comparison, are usually well defined with an abrupt change from healthy to affected tissue.

      Holes and sawdustlike debris are evidence of boring insects that usually invade woody plants in a low state of vigour. Other borer indications include wilting (wilt) and dieback (progressive death of shoots that begins at tip and works downward). These symptoms also are produced by fungi and bacteria that invade water- and food-conducting vascular tissue.

      Symptoms of wilt-inducing microorganisms include dark streaks in sapwood of wilted branches when the wood is cut through at an angle.

      Abnormal suckers or water sprouts on trees can indicate careless pruning, extremes in temperature or water supply, structural injury, or disease.

      Galls (gall), which are unsightly overgrowths on stem, branch, or trunk, may indicate crown gall, insect injury, water imbalance between plant and soil, or other factors. Crown gall is infectious and develops as rough, roundish galls at wounds, resulting from grafting, pruning, or cultivating.

      Wood-decay (wood) fungi also enter unprotected wounds, resulting in discoloured, water-soaked, spongy, stringy, crumbly, or hard rots of living and dead wood. External evidence of wood-decay fungi are clusters of mushrooms (or toadstools) and hoof- or shelf-shaped fungal fruiting structures, called conks, punks, or brackets.

      Aboveground symptoms of many root problems look alike. They include stunting of leaf and twig growth, poor foliage colour, gradual or sudden decline in vigour and productivity, shoot wilting and dieback, and even rapid death of the plant. The causes include infectious root and crown rot; nematode, insect, or rodent feeding; low temperature or lightning injury; household gas injury; poor soil type or drainage; change in soil grade; or massive removal of roots in digging utility trenches and construction.

      Abnormal root growth is revealed by comparison with healthy roots. Some nematodes, such as root knot (Meloidogyne species), produce small to large galls in roots; other species cause affected roots to become discoloured, stubby, excessively branched, and decayed. Bacterial and fungal root rots commonly follow feeding by nematodes, insects, and rodents.

      Diagnosis of a disease complex, one with two or more causes, is usually difficult and requires separation and identification of the individual causes.

      The variety of symptoms, the internal and external expressions of disease, that result from any disease form the symptom complex, which, together with the accompanying signs, makes up the syndrome of the disease.

       Plant disease symptomsGeneralized symptoms may be classified as local or systemic, primary or secondary, and microscopic or macroscopic. Local symptoms are physiological or structural changes within a limited area of host tissue, such as leaf spots, galls, and cankers. Systemic symptoms are those involving the reaction of a greater part or all of the plant, such as wilting, yellowing, and dwarfing. Primary symptoms are the direct result of pathogen activity on invaded tissues (e.g., swollenclubsin clubroot of cabbage andgallsformed by feeding of the root-knot nematode). Secondary symptoms result from the physiological effects of disease on distant tissues and uninvaded organs (e.g., wilting and drooping of cabbage leaves in hot weather resulting from clubroot or root knot). Microscopic disease symptoms are expressions of disease in cell structure or cell arrangement seen under a microscope. Macroscopic symptoms are expressions of disease that can be seen with the unaided eye. Specific macroscopic symptoms are classified under one of four major categories: prenecrotic, necrotic (necrosis), hypoplastic, and hyperplastic or hypertrophic. These categories reflect abnormal effects on host cells, tissues, and organs that can be seen without a hand lens or microscope. See the table (Plant disease symptoms) for examples of the main disease symptoms that are classified in these four categories.

       Signs of pathogen presence in diseased plantsBesides symptoms, the diagnostician recognizes signs characteristic of specific diseases. Signs are either structures formed by the pathogen or the result of interaction between pathogen and hoste.g., ooze of fire blight bacteria, slime flux from wetwood of elm, odour of tissues affected with bacterial soft rot. See the table (Signs of pathogen presence in diseased plants) for the most frequently encountered signs of pathogen presence and examples of organisms producing them.

Technological advances in the identification of pathogenic agents
      Developments in microscopy (microscope), serology and immunology, molecular biology, and laboratory instrumentation have resulted in many new and sophisticated laboratory procedures for the identification of plant pathogens, particularly bacteria, viruses, and viroids. The techniques of traditional scanning microscopy and transmission electron microscopy have been applied to immunosorbent electron microscopy, in which the specimen is subject to an antigen-antibody reaction before observation and scanning tunneling microscopy, which provides information about the surface of a specimen by constructing a three-dimensional image.

      Serological tests (serological test) have been made more specific and convenient to perform since the discovery of a technique to produce large quantities of monoclonal antibodies (monoclonal antibody), which bind to only one specific antigen. The sensitivity of antigen-antibody detection has been significantly increased by a radioimmunoassay (RIA) procedure. In this procedure aknownantigen is overlayed on a plastic plate to which antigen molecules adhere. A solution of antibody is applied to the same plate; if the antibody is specific to the antigen, it will combine with it. This is followed by the application of radioactively labeled anti-antibody, which is allowed to react and then washed off. The radioactivity that remains on the plate is a measure of the amount of antibody that combined with the known fixed antigen. Another highly sensitive immunoassay is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In principle this assay is similar to the RIA except that an enzyme system, instead of radioactivity, is used as an indicator of an antigen-antibody combination.

      New analytic methods in molecular biology have made genetic studies for the characterization and identification of bacteria more practical. The DNA hybridization technique is an example. A strand of DNA from a known species (the probe) is radioactively labeled andmixedwith DNA from an unidentified species. If the probe and the unknown DNA are from identical species, they will have complementary DNA sequences that enable them to bind to one another. Bound to DNA from the unknown species, the probe acts as a marker and identifies the bacteria.

      The growing demand for quick identification of microorganisms has resulted in the development of instrumentation for automated technology that allows a large number of tests to be performed on many specimens in a short period of time. The results are read automatically and analyzed by a computer program to identify the pathogens.

Principles of disease control
      Successful disease control requires thorough knowledge of the causal agent and the disease cycle, host-pathogen interactions in relation to environmental factors, and cost. Disease control starts with the best variety, seed, or planting stock available and continues throughout the life of the plant. For harvested crops, disease control extends through transport, storage, and marketing. Relatively few diseases are controlled by a single method; the majority require several approaches. These often need to be integrated into a broad program of biological, cultural, and chemical methods to control as many different pestsincluding insects, mites, rodents, and weedson a given crop as possible.

      Most control measures are directed against inoculum of the pathogen and involve the principles of exclusion and avoidance, eradication, protection, host resistance and selection, and therapy.

Exclusion and avoidance
      The principle of exclusion and avoidance is to keep the pathogen away from the growing host plant. This practice commonly excludes pathogens by disinfection (disinfectant) of plants, seeds, or other parts, using chemicals or heat. Inspection and certification of seed and other planting stock help ensure freedom from disease. For gardeners this involves sorting bulbs or corms before planting and rejecting diseased plants. Federal and state plant quarantines (quarantine), or embargoes, have been established to prevent introduction of potentially destructive pathogens into areas currently free of the disease. More than 150 countries now have established quarantine regulations.

      Eradication is concerned with elimination of the disease agent after it has become established in the area of the growing host or has penetrated the host. Such measures include crop rotation, destruction of the diseased plants, elimination of alternate host plants, pruning, disinfection, and heat treatments.

      Crop rotation with nonsusceptible cropsstarves outbacteria, fungi, and nematodes with a restricted host range. Some pathogens can survive only as long as the host residue persists, usually no more than a year or two. Many pathogens, however, are relatively unaffected by rotation because they become established as saprophytes in the soil (e.g., Fusarium and Pythium species; Rhizoctonia solani; and the potato scab actinomycete, Streptomyces scabies) or their propagative structures remain dormant but viable for many years (e.g., cysts of cyst nematodes, sporangia of the cabbage clubroot fungus, and onion smut spores).

      Burning, deep plowing of plant debris, and fall spraying are used against such diseases as leaf blights of tomato, Dutch elm disease, and apple scab. Destruction of weed hosts also helps control such viral diseases as cucumber mosaic and curly top. For fungi whose complete life cycle requires two different host species, such as black stem rust of cereals and white-pine blister rust, destruction of alternate hosts is effective. Destruction of diseased plants helps control Dutch elm disease, oak wilt, and peach viral diseasesmosaic, phony peach, and rosette. Elimination of Citrus canker in the southeastern United States has been one of the few successful eradication programs in history. Infected trees were sprayed with oil and burned.

       pruning and excision of a diseased portion of the plant have aided in reducing inoculum sources for canker and wood-rot diseases of shade trees and fire blight of pome fruits. Disinfection of contaminated tools, as well as packing and shipping containers, controls a wide range of diseases. Direct application of dry or wet heat is used to obtain seeds, bulbs, other propagative materials, and even entire plants free of viruses, nematodes, and other pathogens.

      The principle of protection involves placing a barrier between the pathogen and the susceptible part of the host to shield the host from the pathogen. This can be accomplished by regulation of the environment, cultural and handling practices, control of insect carriers, and application of chemical pesticides.

Regulation of the environment
      Selection of outdoor growing areas where weather is unfavourable for disease is a method of controlling disease by regulating the environment. Control of viral diseases of potato, for example, can be accomplished by growing the seed crop in northern regions where low temperatures are unfavourable for the aphid carriers. Another environmental factor that can be brought under control is the storage and in-transit environment. A variety of postharvest diseases of potato, sweet potato, onion, cabbage, apple, pear, and other crops are controlled in storage and shipment by keeping humidity and temperature low and by reducing the quantity of ethylene and other natural gases in storage houses.

Cultural practices
      Selection of the best time and depth of seeding and planting is an effective cultural practice that reduces disease impact. Shallow planting of potatoes may help to prevent Rhizoctonia canker. Early fall seeding of winter wheat may be unfavourable for seedling infection by wheat-bunt teliospores. Cool-temperature crops can be grown in soils infested with root-knot nematode and harvested before soil temperatures (temperature) become favourable for nematode activity. Adjustment of soil moisture is another cultural practice of widespread usefulness. For example, seed decay, damping-off (the destruction of seedlings at the soil line), and other seedling diseases are favoured by excessively wet soils (soil chemistry). The presence of drain tiles in poorly drained fields and the use of ridges or beds for plants are often beneficial. Adjustment of soil pH also leads to control of some diseases. Common potato scab can be controlled by adjusting the pH to 5.2 or below; other acid-tolerant plants then must be used in crop rotation, however.

Regulation of fertility level and nutrient (nutrition) balance
       potash and nitrogen, and the balance between the two, may affect the incidence of certain bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases of corn, cotton, tobacco, and sugar beet. A number of microelements, including boron, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, copper, sulfur, and molybdenum, may cause noninfectious diseases of many crop and ornamental plants. Adjusting the soil pH, adding chelated (bound or enclosed in large organic molecules) or soluble salts to the soil, or spraying the foliage with these or similar salts is a corrective measure.

Handling practices
      Late blight on potato tubers can be controlled by delaying harvest until the foliage has been killed by frost, chemicals, or mechanical beaters. Avoidance of bruises and cuts while digging, grading, and packing potatoes, sweet potatoes, and bulb crops also reduces disease incidence.

Control of insect vectors
      There are many examples in which losses by bacteria, viruses, and mycoplasma-like disease agents can be reduced by controlling aphids, leafhoppers, thrips, beetles, and other carriers of these agents.

Chemical control
      A variety of chemicals (pesticide) are available that have been designed to control plant diseases by inhibiting the growth of or by killing the disease-causing pathogens. Chemicals used to control bacteria (bactericides), fungi (fungicides), and nematodes (nematicides) may be applied to seeds, foliage, flowers, fruit, or soil. They prevent or reduce infections by utilizing various principles of disease control. Eradicants are designed to kill a pathogen that may be present in the soil, on the seeds, or on vegetative propagative organs, such as bulbs, corms, and tubers. Protectants place a chemical barrier between the plant and the pathogen. Therapeutic chemicals are applied to combat an infection in progress.

      Soil treatments are designed to kill soil-inhabiting nematodes, fungi, and bacteria. This eradication can be accomplished using steam or chemical fumigants. Soilborne nematodes can be killed by applying granular or liquid nematicides. Most soil is treated well before planting; however, certain fungicides can be mixed with the soil at planting time.

      Seeds, bulbs, corms, and tubers are frequently treated with chemicals to eradicate pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and nematodes and to protect the seeds against organisms in the soilmainly fungithat cause decay and damping-off. Seeds are often treated with systemic fungicides, which are absorbed and provide protection for the growing seedling.

      Protective sprays and dusts applied to the foliage and fruit of crops and ornamentals include a wide range of organic chemicals designed to prevent infection. Protectants are not absorbed by or translocated through the plant; thus they protect only those parts of the plant treated before invasion by the pathogen. A second application is often necessary because the chemical may be removed by wind, rain, or irrigation or may be broken down by sunlight. New, untreated growth also is susceptible to infection. New chemicals are constantly being developed.

      Biological control of plant diseases involves the use of organisms other than humans to reduce or prevent infection by a pathogen. These organisms are called antagonists; they may occur naturally within the host's environment, or they may be purposefully applied to those parts of the potential host plant where they can act directly or indirectly on the pathogen.

      Although the effects of biological control have long been observed, the mechanisms by which antagonists achieve control is not completely understood. Several methods have been observed: some antagonists produce antibiotics that kill or reduce the number of closely related pathogens; some are parasites on pathogens; and others simply compete with pathogens for available food.

      Cultural practices that favour a naturally occurring antagonist and exploit its beneficial action often are effective in reducing disease. One technique is to incorporate green manure, such as alfalfa, into the soil. Saprophytic microorganisms feed on the green manure, depriving potential pathogens of available nitrogen. Another practice is to make use of suppressive soilsthose in which a pathogen is known to persist but causes little damage to the crop. A likely explanation for this phenomenon is that suppressive soils harbour antagonists that compete with the pathogen for food and thereby limit the growth of the pathogen population.

      Other antagonists produce substances that inhibit or kill potential pathogens occurring in close proximity. An example of this process, called antibiosis, is provided by marigold (Tagetes species) roots, which release terthienyls, chemicals that are toxic to several species of nematodes and fungi.

      Only a few antagonists have been developed specifically for use in plant-disease control. Citrus trees are inoculated with an attenuated strain of tristeza virus, which effectively controls the virulent strain that causes the disease. An avirulent strain of Agrobacterium radiobacter (K84) can be applied to plant wounds to prevent crown gall caused by infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Many more specific antagonists are being investigated and hold much promise for future control of disease.

      Therapeutic measures have been used much less often in plant pathology than in human or animal medicine. The recent development of systemic fungicides such as oxathiins, benzimidazoles, and pyrimidines have enabled growers to treat many plants after an infection has begun. Systemic chemicals are absorbed by and translocated within the plant, restricting the spread and development of pathogens by direct or indirect toxic effects or by increasing the ability of the host to resist infection.

      Antibiotics (antibiotic) have been developed to control various plant diseases. Most of these drugs are absorbed by and translocated throughout the plant, providing systemic therapy. Streptomycin is used against a variety of bacterial pathogens; tetracycline is able to control the growth of certain mycoplasmas; and cycloheximides offer effective control for certain diseases caused by fungi.

Host resistance and selection
      Disease-resistant varieties of plants offer an effective, safe, and relatively inexpensive method of control for many crop diseases. Most available commercial varieties of crop plants bear resistance to at least one, and often several, pathogens. Resistant or immune varieties are critically important for low-value crops in which other controls are unavailable, or their expense makes them impractical. Much has been accomplished in developing disease-resistant varieties of field crops, vegetables, fruits, turf grasses, and ornamentals. Although great flexibility and potential for genetic change exist in most economically important plants, pathogens are also flexible. Sometimes, a new plant variety is developed that is highly susceptible to a previously unimportant pathogen.

Variable resistance
      Resistance to disease varies among plants; it may be either total (a plant is immune to a specific pathogen) or partial (a plant is tolerant to a pathogen, suffering minimal injury). The two broad categories of resistance to plant diseases are vertical (specific) and horizontal (nonspecific). A plant variety that exhibits a high degree of resistance to a single race, or strain, of a pathogen is said to be vertically resistant; this ability usually is controlled by one or a few plant genes. Horizontal resistance, on the other hand, protects plant varieties against several strains of a pathogen, although the protection is not as complete. Horizontal resistance is more common and involves many genes.

Obtaining disease-resistant plants (plant breeding)
      Several means of obtaining disease-resistant plants are commonly employed alone or in combination. These include introduction from an outside source, selection, and induced variation. All three may be used at different stages in a continuous process; for example, varieties free from injurious insects or plant diseases may be introduced for comparison with local varieties. The more promising lines or strains are then selected for further propagation, and they are further improved by promoting as much variation as possible through hybridization or special treatment. Finally, selection of the plants showing greatest promise takes place. Developing disease-resistant plants is a continuing process.

      Special treatments for inducing gene changes include the application of mutation-inducing chemicals and irradiation with ultraviolet light and X rays. These treatments commonly induce deleterious genetic changes, but, occasionally, beneficial ones also may occur.

      Methods used in breeding plants for disease resistance are similar to those used in breeding for other characters except that two organisms are involvedthe host plant and the pathogen. Thus, it is necessary to know as much as possible about the nature of inheritance of the resistant characters in the host plant and the existence of physiological races or strains of the pathogen.

The use of genetic engineering in developing disease-resistant plants
      The techniques of genetic engineering can be used to manipulate the genetic material of a cell in order to produce a new characteristic in an organism. Genes from plants, microbes, and animals can be recombined (recombinant DNA (recombinant DNA technology)) and introduced into the living cells of any of these organisms.

      Organisms that have had genes from other species inserted into their genome (the full complement of an organism's genes) are called transgenic. The production of pathogen-resistant transgenic plants has been achieved by this method; certain genes are inserted into the plant's genome that confer resistance to such pathogens as viruses, fungi, and insects. Transgenic plants that are tolerant to herbicides and that show improvements in other qualities also have been developed.

      Apprehension about the release of transgenic plants into the environment exists, and measures to safeguard the application of this technology have been adopted. In the United States several federal agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency, regulate the use of genetically engineered organisms. As of 2006, more than 250 million acres (100 million hectares) worldwide were planted with genetically modified (GM) crops. Among the most successful GM crops are corn (maize), soybeans, and cotton, all of which have proved valuable to farmers with respect to producing increased yields and having economic advantages.

Classification of plant diseases by causal agent
      Plant diseases are often classified by their physiological effects or symptoms. Many diseases, however, produce practically identical symptoms and signs but are caused by very different microorganisms or agents, thus requiring completely different control methods. Classification according to symptoms is also inadequate because a causal agent may induce several different symptoms, even on the same plant organ, which often intergrade. Classification may be according to the species of plant affected. Host indexes (lists of diseases known to occur on certain hosts in regions, countries, or continents) are valuable in diagnosis. When an apparently new disease is found on a known host, a check into the index for the specific host often leads to identification of the causal agent. It is also possible to classify diseases according to the essential process or function that is adversely affected. The best and most widely used classification of plant diseases is based on the causal agent, such as a noninfectious agent or an infectious agent (i.e., a virus, viroid, mycoplasma, bacterium, fungus, nematode, or parasitic flowering plant).

Noninfectious disease-causing agents
      Noninfectious diseases, which sometimes arise very suddenly, are caused by the excess, deficiency, nonavailability, or improper balance of light, air circulation, relative humidity, water, or essential soil elements; unfavourable soil moisture-oxygen relations; extremes in soil acidity or alkalinity; high or low temperatures; pesticide injury; other poisonous chemicals in air or soil; changes in soil grade; girdling of roots; mechanical and electrical agents; and soil compaction. In addition, unfavourable preharvest and storage conditions for fruits, vegetables, and nursery stock often result in losses. The effects of noninfectious diseases can be seen on a variety of plant species growing in a given locality or environment. Many diseases and injuries caused by noninfectious agents result in heavy loss but are difficult to check or eliminate because they frequently reflect ecological factors beyond human control. Symptoms may appear several weeks or months after an environmental disturbance.

      Injuries incurred from accidents, poisons, or adverse environmental disturbances often result in damaged tissues that weaken a plant, enabling bacteria, fungi, or viruses to enter and add further damage. The cause may be obvious (lightning or hail), but often it is obscure. Symptoms alone are often unreliable in identifying the causal factor. A thorough examination of recent weather patterns, the condition of surrounding plants, cultural treatments or disturbances, and soil and water tests can help reveal the nature of the disease.

Adverse environment
      High temperatures (temperature) may scald corn, cotton, and bean leaves and may induce formation of cankers at the soil surface of tender flax, cotton, and peanut plants. Frost injury is relatively common, but temperatures just above freezing also may cause damage, such as net necrosis (localized tissue death) in potato tubers andsilveringof corn leaves. Isolated, thin-barked trees growing in northern climates and subjected to frequent thawing by day and freezing by night may develop dead bark cankers or vertical frost cracks on the south or southwest sides of the trunk. Alternate freezing and thawing, heaving, low air moisture, and smothering under an ice-sheet cover are damaging to alfalfa, clovers, strawberries, and grass on golf greens. Legume crowns commonly split under these conditions and are invaded by decay-forming fungi.

      The drought and dry winds (wind) that often accompany high temperatures cause stunting, wilting, blasting, marginal scorching (scorch) of leaves, and dieback of shoots. Leaf scorch is common on trees in exposed locations following hot, dry, windy weather when water is lost from leaves faster than it is absorbed by roots. Leaf scorch and sudden flower drop are common indoor plant problems because the humidity in a home, an apartment, or an office is usually below 30 percent. Similar symptoms are caused by a change in soil grade, an altered water-table level, a compacted and shallow soil, paved surface over tree roots, temporary flooding or a waterlogged (oxygen-deficient) soil, girdling tree roots, salt spray near the ocean, and an injured or diseased root system. Injured plants are often very susceptible to air and soil pathogens and secondary invaders.

      Blossom-end rot of tomato and pepper is prevalent when soil moisture and temperature levels fluctuate widely and calcium is low.

      Poor aeration may cause blackheart in stored potatoes. Accumulation of certain gases from the respiration of apples in storage may produce apple scald and other disorders.

      All plants require certain mineral elements to develop and mature in a healthy state. Macronutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, and magnesium are required in substantial quantities, while micronutrients or trace elements (trace element) such as boron, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, and molybdenum are needed in much smaller quantities. When the supply of any essential nutrient falls below the level required by the plant, a deficiency occurs, leading to symptoms that include stunting of plants; scorching or malformation of leaves; abnormal coloration; premature leaf, bud, and flower drop; delayed maturity or failure of flower and fruit buds to develop; and dieback of shoots.

      Symptoms of nutrient deficiencies vary depending on the nutrients involved, the stage of plant growth, soil moisture, and other factors; they often resemble symptoms caused by infectious agents such as bacteria or viruses.

      The availability of water may affect nutrient uptake by the plant. Blossom-end rot of tomato, a disease associated with a deficiency of calcium, may occur if the water supply is irregular, even if an adequate amount of calcium is in the soil. This discontinuity in availability of water will inhibit uptake of the calcium in a quantity sufficient to nourish a fast-growing tomato plant. Necrosis at the blossom end of the fruit results. This situation generally disappears when water conditions improve.

      Excess minerals can damage plants either directly, causing stunting, deformities, or dieback, or indirectly by interfering with the absorption and use of other nutrients, resulting in subsequent deficiency symptoms. A superabundance of nitrogen, for example, may cause deficiency symptoms of potassium, zinc, or other nutrient elements; a lack of or delay in flower and fruit development; and a predisposition to winter injury. If potassium is high, calcium and magnesium deficiencies may occur.

      The pH of a soil has a dramatic impact on nutrient availability to plants. Most plants will grow in a soil with a pH between 4.0 and 8.0. In acidic soils some nutrients are far more available and may reach concentrations that are toxic or that inhibit absorption of other nutrients, while other minerals become chemically bound and unavailable to plants. A similar situation exists in alkaline soils, although different minerals are affected. Oats planted in alkaline soils that actually contain a sufficient amount of manganese may develop the manganese-deficiency disease gray speck. This occurs because an elevated soil pH causes manganese to react with oxygen to produce manganese dioxide, a form of the nutrient that is insoluble to plants.

      An excess of water-soluble salts (salt) is a common problem with houseplants (houseplant). Salt concentrations may build up as a whitish crust on soil and container surfaces of potted plants following normal evaporation of water over a period of time. Symptoms include leaf scorching, bronzing, yellowing and stunting, and wilting, plus root and shoot dieback. Damage from soluble salts is also common in arid regions and in regions where ice-control chemicals are applied heavily.

      Several nonparasitic diseases (e.g., oat blast, weakneck of sorghum, straighthead of rice, and crazy-top of cotton) are caused by combinations of environmental factorse.g., high temperatures, moisture stress or poor irrigation practices, imbalance of mineral nutrients, and reduced light.

      Environmental disturbances alter the normal physiology of the plant, activity of pathogens, and host-pathogen interactions.

Toxic chemicals (poison)
      Many complex chemicals (pollution) are routinely applied to plants to prevent attack by insects, mites, and pathogens; to kill weeds; or to control growth. Serious damage may result when fertilizers, herbicides, fumigants, growth regulators, antidesiccants, insecticides, miticides, fungicides, nematicides, and surfactants (substances with enhanced wetting, dispersing, or cleansing properties, such as detergents) are applied at excessive rates or under hot, cold, or slow-drying conditions.

      Some pollutants are the direct products of industry and fuel combustion, while others are the result of photochemical reactions between products of combustion and naturally occurring atmospheric compounds. The major pollutants toxic to plants are sulfur dioxide, fluorine, ozone, and peroxyacetyl nitrate.

      Sulfur dioxide results primarily from the burning of large amounts of soft coal and high-sulfur oil. It is toxic to a wide range of plants at concentrations as low as 0.25 part per million (ppm) of air (i.e., on a volume basis, one part per million represents one volume of pure gaseous toxic substance mixed in one million volumes of air) for 8 to 24 hours. Gaseous and particulate fluorides are more toxic to sensitive plants than is sulfur dioxide because they are accumulated by leaves. They are also toxic to animals that feed on such foliage. Fluorine injury is common near metal-ore smelters, refineries, and industries making fertilizers, ceramics, aluminum, glass, and bricks.

       ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate injury (also called oxidant injury) are more prevalent in and near cities with heavy traffic problems. Exhaust gases from internal combustion engines contain large amounts of hydrocarbons (hydrocarbon) (substances that principally contain carbon and hydrogen moleculesgasoline, for example). Smaller amounts of unconsumed hydrocarbons are formed by combustion of fossil fuels (e.g., coal, oil, natural gas) and refuse burning. Ozone, peroxyacetyl nitrate, and other oxidizing chemicals ( smog) are formed when sunlight reacts with nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. This pollutant complex is damaging to susceptible plants many kilometres from its source. Ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate are capable of causing injury if present at levels of 0.01 to 0.05 part per million for several hours.

Physical injury
      Lightning, hail, high winds, ice and snow loads, machinery, insect and animal feeding, and various cultural practices may seriously injure plants or plant products. With the exception of lightning, which may cause death of trees and succulent crop plants in limited areas, such injury does not usually kill plants. Wounds are created, however, through which pathogens may enter.

Infectious disease-causing agents
      Plants are subject to infection by thousands of species from very diverse groups of organisms. Most are microscopic, but a few are macroscopic. The infectious agents, as previously mentioned, are called pathogens and can be grouped as follows: viruses and viroids, bacteria (including mycoplasmas and spiroplasmas, collectively referred to as mycoplasma-like organisms [MLOs]), fungi, nematodes, and parasitic seed plants. (plant virus)

Diseases caused by viruses (virus) and viroids (viroid)

General characteristics
      Viruses and viroids are the smallest of the infectious agents. The structurally mature infectious particle is called a virion. Virions range in size from approximately 20 nanometres (0.0000008 inch) to 250400 nanometres and are of various shapes (see also virus). Viroids differ from viruses in that they have no structural proteins, such as those that form the protein coat (capsid) of the virus.

      Both viruses and viroids are obligate parasitesi.e., they are able to multiply or replicate only within a living cell of a particular host. A single plant species may be susceptible to infection by several different viruses or viroids. Major disease of important food crops such as potato, tomato, wheat, oats, rice, corn, peach, orange, sugar beet, sugarcane, and palm result from viral infection. Diseases are generally most serious in plants that are propagated vegetatively, or asexuallyi.e., grown from cuttings, cut divisions, sprouts, and other plant materialrather than grown from seeds (sexually propagated).

 The symptoms of viral and viroid plant diseases fall into four groups: (1) change in colouryellowing, green and yellow mottling, and vein clearing; (2) malformationsdistortion of leaves and flowers, rosetting, proliferation and witches'-brooms (abnormal proliferation of shoots), and little or no leaf development between the veins; (3) necrosisleaf spots, ring spots, streaks, wilting or drooping, and internal death, especially of phloem (food-conducting) tissue; and (4) stunting or dwarfing of leaves, stems, or entire plants. Rarely they may kill the host in a short time (e.g., spotted wilt and curly top of tomato). More commonly they cause reduced yield and lower quality of product.

      In many cases, virus-infected plants are more susceptible to root rots, stem or stalk rots, seedling blights, and possibly other types of diseases.

      Some plants may carry one or more viruses and show no symptoms; thus, they are latent carriers and a source of infection for other plants. Symptoms of certain virus-infected plants, such as geraniums, may be masked at high temperatures. Virus symptoms reappear when the weather cools.

      For convenience, viral/viroid diseases are often grouped together generally by symptoms, regardless of true viral/viroid relationships. Viruses also can be grouped into strains, each differing greatly in virulence and other properties. For example, two virus strains, chemically distinct, may produce indistinguishable symptoms in one orchid plant but strikingly different symptoms in another. Diseases caused by unrelated viruses may resemble one another more closely than diseases caused by strains of the same virus. Certain variegated plants, such as Abutilon and Rembrandt tulips, owe their horticultural uniqueness and desirability to being inherently virus-infected.

      With the exception of tobacco mosaic virus, relatively few viruses or viroids are spread extensively in the field by contact between diseased and healthy leaves.

      All viruses that spread within their host tissues (systemically) can be transmitted by grafting (graft) branches or buds from diseased plants on healthy plants. Natural grafting and transmission are possible by root grafts and with dodder (Cuscuta species). Vegetative propagation often spreads plant viruses. Fifty to 60 viruses are transmitted in seed, and a few seed-borne viruses, such as sour-cherry yellows, are carried in pollen and transmitted by insects (insect).

      Most disease-causing viruses are carried and transmitted naturally by insects and mites, which are called vectors of the virus. The principal virus-carrying insects are about 200 species of aphids (aphid), which transmit mostly mosaic viruses, and more than 100 species of leafhoppers (leafhopper), which carry yellows-type (Fusarium wilt) viruses. Whiteflies, thrips, mealybugs, plant hoppers, grasshoppers, scales, and a few beetles also serve as vectors for certain viruses. Some viruses may persist for weeks or months and even duplicate themselves in their insect vectors; others are carried for less than an hour. Slugs, snails, birds, rabbits, and dogs also transmit a few viruses, but this is not common.

      A small number of plant viruses are soilborne. Viruses causing grape fanleaf, tobacco rattle, and tobacco and tomato ring spots, as well as several strawberry viruses, are spread by nematodes feeding externally (i.e., ectoparasitic) on plant roots. A few soilborne viruses may be spread by the swimming spores of primitive, soil-inhabiting pathogenic fungi, such as those causing big vein of lettuce, soilborne wheat mosaic, and tobacco necrosis.

      Viruses often overwinter in biennial and perennial crops and weeds (plants that overwinter by means of roots and produce seed in their second year or during several years, respectively), in plant debris, and in insect vectors. Plants, once infected, normally remain so for life.

      After a plant is infected with a virus/viroid, little can be done to restore its health. Control is accomplished by several methods, such as growing resistant species and varieties of plants or obtaining virus-free seed, cuttings, or plants as a result of indexing and certification programs. Indexing is a procedure to determine the presence or absence of viruses not readily transmitted mechanically. Material from atestplant is grafted to anindicatorplant that develops characteristic symptoms if affected by the viral disease in question. In addition, more drastic measures are sometimes followed, including destroying (roguing) infected crop and weed host plants and enforcing state and national quarantines or embargoes. Further control measures include controlling insect vectors by spraying plants with contact insecticides or fumigating soil to kill insects, nematodes, and other possible vectors. Growing valuable plants under fine cheesecloth or wire screening that excludes insect vectors also is done. Separation of new from virus-infected plantings of the same or closely related species is sometimes effective, and the simple practice of not propagating from plants suspected or known to harbour a virus also reduces loss.

      Infected peach, apple, and rose budwood stock and carnations have been grown for weeks or months at temperatures about 37° to 38° C (99° to 100° F) to free new growth from viruses. Soaking some woody plant parts or virus-infected sugarcane shoots in hot water at about 50° C (120° F) for short periods also is effective. Both dry and wet heat treatments are based on the sensitivity of certain viruses to high temperatures. Rapidly growing dahlia and chrysanthemum sprouts outgrow viruses so that stem tips can be used to propagate healthy plants. With certain carnations, chrysanthemums, and potatoes, a few cells from the growing tip have been grown under sterile conditions in tissue culture; from these, whole plants have been developed free from viruses.

       Some viral and viroid diseases of plantsExamples of virus and viroid diseases are characterized in the table (Some viral and viroid diseases of plants).

Diseases caused by bacteria
      Thousands of bacterial species occur in nature. Many of these perform biochemical processes essential for the continuity of life; for example, bacterial detritivores, or decomposers, feed on nonliving organic matter, recycling it through the ecosystem. There are, however, hundreds of bacterial species that cause diseases in humans, animals, and plants.

General characteristics
      Bacteria are prokaryotic microorganismsi.e., single-celled microorganisms in which the nuclear substance is not enclosed in a membrane (see also bacteria). There are two major types of bacteria, the eubacteria (eubacterium) and the archaebacteria (archaea), and they are distinguished by differences in the composition of their cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane and by certain metabolic features. Plant pathogens belong to the eubacteria. The eubacteria can be divided into three groups: gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, and the mycoplasmas and spiroplasmas, referred to as mycoplasma-like organisms (MLOs). Gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria are distinguished on the basis of their cell wall structure, which affects the ability of the bacterium to react to the Gram stainone of the most useful stains in bacteriologic laboratories. The distinguishing characteristic of MLOs is their lack of a cell wall; their outer boundary is instead a cytoplasmic membrane, which imparts some unusual properties not found in most eubacteria. MLOs belong to the taxonomic class Mollicutes. Plant diseases caused by MLOs are grouped as agents ofdecline” (characterized by loss of vigour, decrease in yield of fruit, and eventual death) and agents of virescence (the greening of flowers) and developmental abnormalities.

      The principal genera of plant pathogenic bacteria are Agrobacterium, Clavibacter, Erwinia, Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, Streptomyces, and Xylella. With the exception of Streptomyces species, all are small, single, rod-shaped cells approximately 0.5 to 1.0 micrometre (0.00002 to 0.00004 inch) in width and 1.0 to 3.5 micrometres in length. Streptomycetes develop branched mycelia (narrow, threadlike growth) with curled chains of conidia (spores) on the tips of the mycelia. Streptomyces are gram-positive; most species of the other genera are gram-negative.

Symptoms and signs
      Bacterial diseases can be grouped into four broad categories based on the extent of damage to plant tissue and the symptoms that they cause, which may include vascular wilt, necrosis, soft rot, and tumours. Vascular wilt results from the bacterial invasion of the plant's vascular system. The subsequent multiplication and blockage prevents movement (translocation) of water and nutrients through the xylem of the host plant. Drooping, wilting, or death of the aerial plant structure may occur; examples include bacterial wilt of sweet corn, alfalfa, tobacco, tomato, and cucurbits (e.g., squash, pumpkin, and cucumber) and black rot of crucifers. Pathogens can cause necrosis by secreting a toxin (poison). Symptoms include formation of leaf spots, stem blights, or cankers. Soft rot diseases are caused by pathogens that secrete enzymes capable of decomposing cell wall structures, thereby destroying the texture of plant tissuei.e., the plant tissue becomes macerated (soft and watery). Soft rots commonly occur on fleshy vegetables such as potato, carrot, eggplant, squash, and tomato. Tumour (gall) diseases are caused by bacteria that stimulate uncontrolled multiplication of plant cells, resulting in the formation of abnormally large structures.

      Most bacteria produce one major symptom, but a few produce a range or combination of symptoms. In general, it is not particularly difficult to tell whether a plant is affected by a bacterial pathogen; however, identification of the causative agent at the species level requires isolation and characterization of the pathogen using numerous laboratory techniques (see above Technological advances in the identification of pathogenic agents).

Transmission and infection
      In order for a bacterium to produce a disease in a plant, the bacterium must first invade the plant tissue and multiply. Bacterial pathogens enter plants through wounds (wound), principally produced by adverse weather conditions, humans, tools and machinery, insects, and nematodes, or through natural openings such as stomates, lenticels, hydathodes, nectar-producing glands, and leaf scars.

      Most foliage invaders are spread from plant to plant by windblown rain or dust. Humans disseminate bacteria through cultivation, grafting, pruning, and transporting diseased plant material. Animals, including insects and mites, are other common transmission agents. Some bacteria, such as the causal agent of Stewart's, or bacterial, wilt of corn (Erwinia stewartii), not only are spread by a flea beetle but also survive over winter in this insect.

      When conditions are unfavourable for growth and multiplication, bacteria remain dormant on or inside plant tissue. Some, such as the crown gall bacterium, may survive for months or years in the soil.

      Bacterial diseases are influenced greatly by temperature and moisture. Often, a difference of only a few degrees in temperature determines whether a bacterial disease will develop. In most cases, moisture as a water film on plant surfaces is essential for establishing an infection.

      In general, the diseases caused by bacteria are relatively difficult to control. This is partly attributable to the speed of invasion as bacteria enter natural openings or wounds directly. Direct introduction also enables them to escape the toxic effects of chemical protectants. Losses from bacterial diseases are reduced by the use of pathogen-free seed grown in arid regions. Examples of diseases controlled by this method include bacterial blights of beans and peas, black rot of crucifers, and bacterial spot and canker of tomato. Seed treatment with hot water at about 50° C (120° F) is also effective for crucifers, cucurbits, carrot, eggplant, pepper, and tomato. Bactericidal seed compounds control some bacterial diseases, such as angular leaf spot of cotton, gladiolus scab, and soft rot of ornamentals. Rotation with nonhost crops reduces losses caused by wilt of alfalfa, blights of beans and peas, black rot of crucifers, crown gall, and bacterial spot and canker of tomato. Eradication and exclusion of host plants has been useful against citrus canker, angular leaf spot of cotton, fire blight, and crown gall. Resistant varieties of crop plants have been developed to reduce losses from wilts of alfalfa, corn, and tobacco; angular leaf spot of cotton and tobacco; and bacterial pustule of soybeans, among others. Protective insecticidal sprays help control bacterial diseases, such as wilts of sweet corn and cucurbits and soft rot of iris. Protective bactericidal sprays, paints, or drenches containing copper or antibiotics are used against bacterial blights of beans and celery, fire blight, crown gall, blackleg of delphinium, and filbert and walnut blights. Finally, sanitary measuresi.e., clean plow down of crop refuse, destruction of volunteer plants and weeds, sterilization of pruning and grafting toolsas well as refraining from cultivating when foliage is wet, overhead watering and spraying of indoor plants, and late cutting or grazing of alfalfa and other crops, are useful in reducing the incidence of bacterial diseases.

       Some bacterial diseases of plantsThe characteristics of several plant diseases caused by bacteria are summarized in the table (Some bacterial diseases of plants).

Diseases caused by fungi (fungus)
      Fungi cause the great majority, an estimated two-thirds, of infectious plant diseases. They include all white and true rusts, smuts, needle casts, leaf curls, mildew, sooty molds, and anthracnoses; most leaf, fruit, and flower spots; cankers; blights; scabs, root, stem, fruit, and wood rots; wilts; leaf, shoot, and bud galls; and many others. All economically important plants apparently are attacked by one or more fungi; often many different fungi may cause disease in one plant species.

General characteristics
      The fungi represent an extremely large and diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms see also fungus). The cells, which contain a membrane-bound nucleus, are devoid of chlorophyll and have rigid cell walls. Fungi have a plantlike vegetative body consisting of microscopic branching threadlike filaments of various lengths, called hyphae (singular hypha), some of which extend into the air while others penetrate the substrate on which they grow. The hyphae are arranged into a network called a mycelium. It is the mass of the mycelium that gives fungal growth its characteristiccottonyorfuzzyappearance. Fungi reproduce by a variety of methods, both asexual and sexual. They produce many kinds of spores in very large numbers. For example, the colour of a moldy piece of bread is due to the colour of a massive number of microscopic mold spores.

Symptoms and signs
      In general, a fungal infection can cause local or extensive necrosis. It can also inhibit normal growth (hypotrophy) or induce excessive abnormal growth (hypertrophy or hyperplasia) in a portion of or throughout an entire plant. Symptoms associated with necrosis include leaf spots, blight, scab, rots, damping-off, anthracnose, dieback, and canker. Symptoms associated with hyperplasia include clubroot, galls, warts, and leaf curls.

      In some instances, the fungus infecting the plant may produce growth or structures on the plant, stems, or leaves such as masses of mycelium or aggregates of spores with a characteristic appearance. These developments are referred to as signs of infection, in contrast to symptoms, which refer specifically to the plant or plant tissue.

      Fungi are spread primarily by spores (spore), which are produced in abundance. The spores can be carried and disseminated by wind currents, water (splashing and rain), soil (dust), insects, birds, and the remains of plants that once were infected. Vegetative fungal cells that exist in dead plant material also can be transmitted when they come in contact with a susceptible host. The survival of vegetative cells of plant pathogenic fungi in nature depends on climatic conditions, particularly temperature and moisture. Vegetative cells can survive temperatures from −5° to 45° C (23° to 113° F); fungal spores are considerably more resistant. The germination of spores, however, is favoured by mild temperatures and high humidity.

      Because many thousands of fungal species can infect a broad range of plants and because each fungal species has different characteristics, a variety of practices are available to control fungal diseases. The principal control measures include the use of disease-free seed and propagating stock, the destruction of all plant materials that may harbour pathogenic fungi, crop rotation, the development and use of resistant plant varieties, and the use of chemical and biological fungicides.

       Some fungal diseases of plantsSeveral fungal diseases are characterized in the table (Some fungal diseases of plants).

Diseases caused by nematodes (nematode)
      Nematodes parasitic on plants are active, slender, unsegmented roundworms (also called nemas or eelworms). The great majority cannot be seen with the unaided eye, because they are very small and translucent. Practically all adult forms fall within the range of 0.25 to 2 millimetres in length. About 1,200 species cause disease in plants. Probably every form of plant life is fed upon by at least one species of nematode. They usually live in soil and attack small roots, but some species inhabit and feed in bulbs, buds, stems, leaves, or flowers.

Mode of nematode attack
      Nematodes parasitic on plants obtain food by sucking juices from them. Feeding is accomplished through a hollow, needlelike mouthpart called a spear or stylet. The nematode pushes the stylet into plant cells and injects a liquid containing enzymes, which digest plant cell contents. The liquefied contents are then sucked back into the nematode's digestive tract through the stylet. Nematode feeding lowers natural resistance, reduces vigour and yield of plants, and affords easy entrance for wilt-producing or root rot-producing fungi or bacteria and other nematodes. Nematode-infested plants are weak and often appear to suffer from drought, excessive soil moisture, sunburn or frost, a mineral deficiency or imbalance, insect injury to roots or stems, or disease.

      Common symptoms of nematode injury include stunting, loss of green colour and yellowing; dieback of twigs and shoots; slow general decline; wilting on hot, bright days; and lack of response to water and fertilizer. Feeder root systems are reduced; they may be stubby or excessively branched, often discoloured, and decayed. Winterkill of orchard trees, raspberries, strawberries, ornamentals, and other perennials is commonly associated with nematode infestations.

       root injury develops partly from the nematodes feeding on cells and partly from toxic salivary excretions of the parasite. Tissues often respond by producing either an enlargement or degeneration of cells; sometimes both occur.

      Many nematodes are native and attack cultivated plants when their natural hosts are removed. Others have been introduced with seedling plants, bulbs, tubers, and particularly in soil balled around roots of infested nursery stock.

      Nematodes may live part of the time free in soil around roots or in fallow gardens and fields. They tunnel inside plant tissues (endoparasites) or feed externally from the surface (ectoparasites) and may enter a plant through wounds or natural openings or by penetrating roots. All nematodes parasitic on plants require living plant tissues for reproduction. Nematodes are attracted to host roots by sensing either the heat given off by roots or the chemicals secreted by roots.

      Most species require 20 to 60 days to complete a generation from egg through four larval stages to adult and back to egg. Some nematodes have only one generation a year but still produce several hundred offspring.

      Soil (soil organism) populations and developmental rate of nematodes are affected by the length of the growing season; temperature; availability of water and nutrients; and moisture, type, texture, and structure of soil. Also important are populations of nematode-parasitic bacteria, viruses, some 50 different nematode-trapping fungi, protozoans, mites, flatworms, or other pests, and other nematodes. Toxic chemicals added to the soil or those secreted by plant roots; crop rotations and past cropping history; species, variety, age and nutrition of growing plants; and other factors are additional conditions that affect nematode populations.

      Certain species live strictly in light, sandy soils; some build up high populations in muck soils; and a few seem to thrive in heavy soils. High populations and greater crop damage are much more common in light sandy soils than in heavy clay soils.

      Many plant-infecting nematodes become inactive at temperatures between 5° and 15° C (41° and 59° F) and 30° and 40° C (86° and 104° F). The optimum for most is 20° to 30° C (68° to 86° F), but this varies greatly with the species, stage of development, activity, growth of the host, and other factors.

      Nematodes may be found in plant tissues in large numbers. Hundreds of thousands may be present in infested roots or bulbs.

      After a plant-infecting nematode has been accidentally introduced into a garden or field, several years pass before the population builds up sufficiently (i.e., up to several billion or more active nematodes per hectare) to cause conspicuous symptoms in a large number of plants. This is because nematodes move very slowly through soilrarely more than 75 centimetres a year. Nematodes are easily spread, however, by moving infested soil, plant parts, or contaminated objectse.g., tools and machinery, bags and other containers, running water, wind, clothing, shoes, animals, birds, and infested planting stock.

Nematode diseases
 Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne species) are well known because of the conspicuousknots,” or gall-like swellings, they induce on roots. More than 2,000 kinds of higher plants are subject to their attack. Losses are often heavy, especially in warm regions with long growing seasons. Certain species, however, such as the northern root-knot nematode (M. hapla), are found where soil may freeze to depths of nearly a metre. Vegetables, cotton, strawberry, and orchard trees are commonly attacked. Garden plants and ornamentals frequently become infested through nursery stock.

      Root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus species), cosmopolitan in distribution, are endoparasites that cause severe losses to hundreds of different crop and ornamental plants by penetrating roots and making their way through the tissues, breaking down the cells as they feed. They deposit eggs from which new colonies develop. After a root begins to decline in vigour, nematodes move into the soil in search of healthy roots. Lesions form in the root as fungi and bacteria enter damaged tissues, and root rot often occurs. Annual crops may succumb early in the season, but perennials and orchard trees may not decline for several years.

      The golden nematode of potatoes (Heterodera rostochiensis) is a menace of the European potato industry. Great efforts have been made to control it. The speck-sized golden cysts that dot infested plant roots are the remains of female bodies. Each cyst may contain up to 500 eggs, which hatch in the soil over a period of up to 17 years. A chemical given off by potato and tomato roots stimulates hatching of the eggs.

      A related, cyst-forming species, the sugar beet nematode (H. schachtii), is a pest that has restricted acreage of sugar beets in Europe, Asia, and America.

      The citrus nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans) occurs wherever citrus is grown, exacting a heavy toll in fruit quality and production. Typical symptoms are a slow decline, yellowing and dying of leaves, and dieback of twigs and branches in many groves 15 years or older. Infested nursery stock has widely distributed the nematode. The burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis) is a serious endoparasite in tropical and subtropical areas, where it attacks citrus (causing spreading decline), banana, avocado, tomato, black pepper, abaca, and more than 200 important crops, trees, and ornamentals, causing severe losses.

      Many important ectoparasites feed on plant rootsdagger nematodes (Xiphinema), stubby-root nematodes (Trichodorus), spiral nematodes (Rotylenchus and Helicotylenchus), sting nematodes (Belonolaimus), and pin nematodes (Paratylenchus). Leaf, or foliar, nematodes (Aphelenchoides species) and bulb and stem nematodes (Ditylenchus dipsaci) cause severe losses in vegetable and ornamental bulb crops, clovers, alfalfa, strawberry, sweet potato, orchids, chrysanthemums, begonias, and ferns.

Control measures
      Control measures for nematodes often include rotation with nonhost plants, growing of resistant varieties and species, use of certified, nematode-free nursery stock, and use of soil fumigants (nematicides) as preplanting or postplanting treatments. Steam or dry heat is applied to soil in confined areas, such as greenhouse benches and ground beds. Exposure to moist heat, such as steam or hot water at 50° C (120° F) for 30 minutes, is sufficient to kill most nematodes and nematode eggs. Shorter periods are needed at higher temperatures. State and federal quarantines prohibiting movement of infested soil, plants or plant parts, machinery, and other likely carriers also exist. Cultural practices to promote vigorous plant growth (i.e., watering during droughts, proper application of fertilizers, clean cultivation, fall and summer fallowing, use of heavy organic mulches or cover crops, and plowing out roots of susceptible plants after harvest) are useful for specific nematodes. Asparagus, marigolds (Tagetes species), and Crotalaria species are toxic to many plant-infecting nematodes.

Parasitic seed plants
      A number of flowering plants are parasites (parasitism) of other plants. Among the more important ones are mistletoe, dodder, and witchweed.

      Mistletoes are semiparasitic seed plants that feed on trees and obtain water and mineral salts by sending rootlike structures (haustoria) into vascular tissue of the inner bark. There are three important types: American (Phorodendron species), European (Viscum album), and dwarf (Arceuthobium (dwarf mistletoe) species). All produce sticky seeds spread by birds. American mistletoe, restricted to the Americas, is best known for its ornamental and sentimental uses at Christmastime. The leafy, bushy evergreen masses, up to one metre or more in diameter, appear on tree branches. They are most conspicuous after deciduous leaves have fallen. The European mistletoe is similar in habit and appearance to its American relative. Tree branches infected by mistletoes may become stunted or even die.

      Dwarf mistletoe is common on and very destructive to conifers in forests. Seedlings and young trees may be stunted, deformed, or killed. Conspicuous witches'-brooms (witches'-broom) form in the crown or spindle-shaped swellings (later cankers) in limbs and trunk. Canker and wood-rotting fungi often enter through mistletoe wounds. Dwarf mistletoes frequently escape detection because the scaly-leaved plants may be less than 2 1/2 centimetres long; they do range to 30 to 45 centimetres, however. Dwarf mistletoes occur scattered along conifer limbs and small branches. After the mistletoe has grown internally for about a year, the branch may start to form a witches'-broom. Four to five years elapse before the yellow to brown to olive-green shoots form fruits. The sticky seeds (seed and fruit) are shot with explosive force from the fruit for horizontal distances ranging from 5 to more than 18 metres; this is one of the most remarkable methods for seed discharge among plants. Once seeds adhere to a branch, they germinate on young bark and penetrate into the host tree's vascular system. Control for mistletoes in individual trees involves removal of infected branches a foot or more beyond any evidence of the parasite before the fruits ripen.

      More than 100 species of dodder (Cuscuta) are widely distributed and called such names as strangleweed, devil's-hair, pull down, hell-bind, love vine, and goldthread. The leafless, yellow-orange, threadlike stems twine around a number of field and garden host plants. By extending to nearby plants, it may draw them together and downward until a tangled yellowish orange patch is formed. The infested area is usually less than three metres across the first year; it spreads more rapidly in succeeding years. Dodder is widely distributed as a contaminant with field seed; hence the losses in clover, alfalfa, and flax fields. Dodder is controlled by planting certified, properly cleaned seed and by mowing patches of dodder in the field well before the seeds form. The dried patches are sprinkled with fuel oil and burned. Careful application of selective herbicides or a soil fumigant and sowing heavily infested areas with resistant plants (e.g., garden beans, soybean, corn, cowpea, pea, grasses, or small grains) are also control methods.

      Witchweed, a small parasitic weed (Striga asiatica), is widely distributed in Asia, southern Africa, and the Sahel. It has been known in the coastal sandy soils of North and South Carolina since the mid-1950s but through intensive efforts has been contained. Witchweed parasitizes the roots of many hosts, including maize (corn), sorghum, sugarcane, rice, small grains, and more than 50 species in the grass and sedge families. A serious infestation may cause corn plants to be severely stunted, wilt, and turn yellow or brown, thus reducing the acre yield. Striga plants, which rarely exceed heights of 20 to 25 centimetres, have small, red, yellowish red, yellow, or white flowers. One plant may produce hundreds of thousands of tiny brown seeds that can remain alive in soil for years until stimulated to germinate by a secretion from a nearby host root. Witchweed robs the host of water and food, causing it to grow more slowly than normal and often to die before maturing. Control is difficult; useful measures include application of selective herbicides before seeds are produced; rotation with a resistant crop and keeping plantings free of weed grasses that may serve as hosts; and prevention of seed set by growing trap crops and then destroying them with herbicides.

Malcolm C. Shurtleff Arthur Kelman Michael J. Pelczar, Jr. Rita M. Pelczar

Additional Reading
General works include G.C. Ainsworth, Introduction to the History of Plant Pathology (1981), a review of the developments in the field of plant pathology and the influence of plant diseases on history; Gail L. Schumann, Plant Diseases: Their Biology and Social Impact (1991), a discussion of the social and cultural influence of plant diseases; and E.C. Large, The Advance of the Fungi (1940, reissued 1962), a popular account of plant disease epidemics and how they have influenced economic and political history.Compilations of practical information are A. Johnston and C. Booth (eds.), Plant Pathologist's Pocket Book, 2nd ed. (1983), on the identification, isolation, and culture of plant pathogens; Michael D. Smith (ed.), The Ortho Problem Solver, 3rd ed. (1989), a handbook for indoor and outdoor plants; Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook, 5th ed. rev. by R. Kenneth Horst (1990), a comprehensive reference covering plants grown in the United States, for professional and amateur gardeners; Louis Pyenson, Plant Health Handbook (1981), a guide for the amateur gardener; G.R. Dixon, Plant Pathogens and Their Control in Horticulture (1984), with both host and microorganism/disease indexes; I.M. Smith et al. (eds.), European Handbook of Plant Diseases (1988), a reference for professional plant pathologists and for advanced study in the field, covering economically important diseases of crops and forest trees in Europe; Pascal P. Pirone, Diseases and Pests of Ornamental Plants, 5th ed. (1978), an excellent reference for gardeners and landscape professionals; Rubert Burley Streets, The Diagnosis of Plant Diseases: A Field and Laboratory Manual Emphasizing the Most Practical Methods for Rapid Identification (1982); William R. Jarvis, Managing Diseases in Greenhouse Crops (1992); and H. David Thurston, Tropical Plant Diseases (1984), a discussion of important diseases of major tropical crops. The Compendium of Plant Diseases is an outstanding series of well-illustrated books by experts in each field, designed to assist in the identification, prevention, and control of major plant diseases and disorders of specific crops.College-level texts include George N. Agrios, Plant Pathology, 3rd ed. (1988), a comprehensive discussion of parasitism and pathogenicity and the biochemistry of host-pathogen relationships; J.G. Manners, Principles of Plant Pathology, 2nd ed. (1993), an investigation of the physiology and genetics of host-pathogen interactions, disease epidemiology, and control; Daniel A. Roberts and Carl W. Boothroyd, Fundamentals of Plant Pathology, 2nd ed. (1984), an examination of causal agents, symptoms, and control of plant diseases; C.H. Dickinson and J.A. Lucas, Plant Pathology and Plant Pathogens, 2nd ed. (1982), an overview of plant disease with extensive coverage of host-pathogen interactions at both the cellular and subcellular levels; and George B. Lucas, C. Lee Campbell, and Leon T. Lucas, Introduction to Plant Diseases: Identification and Management, 2nd ed. (1992), a survey of the causes, impact, and management of plant diseases. Specific aspects are treated in depth in the following references: Kurt J. Leonard and William E. Fry (eds.), Plant Disease Epidemiology, vol. 1 (1986), covering population dynamics and management of disease-causing agents; Jürgen Kranz (ed.), Epidemics of Plant Diseases, 2nd completely rev. ed. (1990), a presentation of the latest mathematical and statistical methods in use for analysis and modeling of plant disease epidemics; R.K.S. Wood and G.J. Jellis (eds.), Plant Diseases: Infection, Damage, and Loss (1984), a comprehensive assessment; William F. Bennett (ed.), Nutrient Deficiencies & Toxicities in Crop Plants (1993), an examination of the role of nutrients on the health of major crop plants; R.D. Durbin (ed.), Toxins in Plant Disease (1981), on the role of microbial toxins in the plant disease cycle; P.G. Ayres (ed.), Effects of Disease on the Physiology of the Growing Plant (1981), a compilation of seminar papers; George W. Bruehl, Soilborne Plant Pathogens (1987); David F. Farr et al., Fungi on Plants and Plant Products in the United States (1989), a comprehensive discussion; Masao Goto, Fundamentals of Bacterial Plant Pathology (1992), a discussion of the morphology, taxonomy, and physiology of phytopathogenic bacteria; J.F. Bradbury, Guide to Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (1986), identifying phytopathogenic bacteria and the diseases they cause; David C. Sigee, Bacterial Plant Pathology: Cell and Molecular Aspects (1993), including discussions of interactions with host cells, virulence factors, and genetics; R.E.F. Matthews, Plant Virology, 3rd ed. (1991), a comprehensive text covering all aspects of plant-infecting viruses, and Diagnosis of Plant Virus Diseases (1993), a discussion of strategies; R.T. Plumb and J.M. Thresh (eds.), Plant Virus Epidemiology (1983), a collection of works by international authorities in the field of plant virology, including several case histories of particularly important diseases; Karl Maramorosch (ed.), Plant Diseases of Viral, Viroid, Mycoplasma, and Uncertain Etiology (1992); Karl Maramorosch and S.P. Raychaudhuri (eds.), Mycoplasma Diseases of Crops (1988), a collection of discussions regarding detection of mycoplasmas, their interactions with plants, insects, and viruses, and their control; Victor H. Dropkin, Introduction to Plant Nematology, 2nd ed. (1989), on the classification and characterization of plant-parasitic nematodes; M. Wajid Khan (ed.), Nematode Interactions (1993); Kerry F. Harris and Karl Maramorosch (eds.), Pathogens, Vectors, and Plant Diseases: Approaches to Control (1982), on the identification and control of insect and nematode vectors of plant diseases; Anne R. Leslie and Gerrit W. Cuperus (eds.), Successful Implementation of Integrated Pest Management for Agricultural Crops (1993); H. David Thurston, Sustainable Practices for Plant Disease Management in Traditional Farming Systems (1992), a discussion of integrated control of phytopathogenic microorganisms; Richard N. Strange, Plant Disease Control: Towards Environmentally Acceptable Methods (1993), an ecologically sensitive analysis of current methods of disease prevention and control; R. James Cook and Kenneth F. Baker, The Nature and Practice of Biological Control of Plant Pathogens (1983), a discussion of the influence of environment on the interactions among microorganisms and crop plants; Arthur W. Engelhard (ed.), Soilborne Plant Pathogens: Management of Diseases with Macro- and Microelements (1989), on the effects of fertilization, nutrition, and pH on diseases caused by soilborne plant pathogens; P.R. Day and G.J. Jellis (eds.), Genetics and Plant Pathogenesis (1987), covering the genetic aspects of disease and pest resistance; and M.S. Wolfe and C.E. Caten (eds.), Populations of Plant Pathogens: Their Dynamics and Genetics (1987), a collection of essays with ideas and concepts relevant to the long-term development of disease-control methods based on population dynamics.Michael J. Pelczar, Jr. Rita M. Pelczar

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