
/vuy"ree on', vir"ee-/, n.
the infectious form of a virus as it exists outside the host cell, consisting of a nucleic acid core, a protein coat, and, in some species, an external envelope.
[ < F virion (1959), equiv. to viri(en) viral (see VIRUS, -IAN) + -on -ON1]

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Entire virus particle, consisting of an outer protein shell (called a capsid) and an inner core of nucleic acid (either RNA or DNA).

The core gives the virus infectivity, and the capsid provides specificity (i.e., determines which organisms the virus can infect). In virions whose capsids are further encased by a fatty membrane, the virion can be inactivated by exposure to a solvent such as ether or chloroform. Many virions have capsids with 20 triangular faces and the nucleic acid densely coiled within; others have capsids consisting of surface spikes, with the nucleic acid loosely coiled within. Virions of most plant viruses are rod-shaped.

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viral structure
      an entire virus particle, consisting of an outer protein shell called a capsid and an inner core of nucleic acid (either ribonucleic or deoxyribonucleic acidRNA or DNA). The core confers infectivity, and the capsid provides specificity to the virus. In some virions the capsid is further enveloped by a fatty membrane, in which case the virion can be inactivated by exposure to fat solvents such as ether and chloroform. Many virions are spheroidalactually icosahedralthe capsid having 20 triangular faces, with regularly arranged units called capsomeres, two to five or more along each side; and the nucleic acid is densely coiled within. Other virions have a capsid consisting of an irregular number of surface spikes and the nucleic acid loosely coiled within. Virions of most plant viruses are rod-shaped; the capsid is a naked cylinder (lacking a fatty membrane) within which lies a straight or helical rod of nucleic acid.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • virion — [ virjɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1972; de virus ♦ Biol. Particule infectieuse d un virus constituée d un acide nucléique et de protéines. ● virion nom masculin Être intermédiaire entre les êtres vivants et les molécules inanimées, correspondant au stade de la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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