

      in horticulture, the removal or reduction of parts of a plant, tree, or vine that are not requisite to growth or production, are no longer visually pleasing, or are injurious to the health or development of the plant. Pruning is common practice in orchard and vineyard management for the improvement of flowering and fruiting. In home gardening (e.g., rose culture), pruning enhances plant shape and flowering potential; new growth emerges from the bud or buds immediately below the pruning cut. The once-common practice of cutting off a branch so that its base is flush with the limb is now recognized as inadvisable. Instead, the pruning cut should be made just above the collar, or swellingessentially a protective callusthat surrounds the base of the branch. Ragged bark at the edge of the wound should be carefully trimmed. The application of pruning paint, or dressing, also a once-common practice, is unnecessary, but thin coasts may be applied for cosmetic reasons. Incorrect pruning can cause flower and fruit loss and leave the plant weak and vulnerable to disease or insect damage.

      Tree injuries caused by ice, strong winds, lightning, fire, or disease require major repair by a tree surgeon. If left uncorrected, such damage can result in the death of the tree. Common tree surgery procedures include the removal of broken, dead, or diseased branches; cutting back limbs that interfere with traffic, impede power and telephone lines, obstruct views, or mar the shape of a tree; thinning to permit air circulation and secure more light; removal of branches that rub against others to prevent wounding and possible future decay; judicious cutting to compensate for root loss and promote formation of blossoms; and heading back to revitalize an aged tree. The origin of modern tree surgery is attributed to John Davey of Kent, Ohio, who established a landscaping business there in 1880.

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  • Pruning — ist der englische Ausdruck für die Beschneidung von abgestorbenen, überreifen, oder aus anderen Gründen unerwünschten Teilen von Bäumen und Sträuchern. In der Informatik wird er oft für Verfahren verwendet, die bewusst bestimmte Informationen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pruning — Prun ing, n. 1. The act of trimming, or removing what is superfluous. [1913 Webster] 2. (Falconry) That which is cast off by bird in pruning her feathers; leavings. Beau. & Fl. [1913 Webster] {Pruning hook}, or {Pruning knife}, cutting instrument …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pruning — UK US /ˈpruːnɪŋ/ noun [S or U] ► the activity of reducing the number or amount of something: »A pruning of the product range and the 30 factories they currently own could produce massive savings …   Financial and business terms

  • Pruning — For other uses of the term Pruning , see Pruning (disambiguation). Pruning in landscaping and gardening is the practice of removing diseased, non productive, or otherwise unwanted portions from a plant. The purpose of pruning is to shape the… …   Wikipedia

  • Pruning — Prune Prune, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pruned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pruning}.] [OE. proine, probably fr. F. provigner to lay down vine stocks for propagation; hence, probably, the meaning, to cut away superfluous shoots. See {Provine}.] 1. To lop or cut… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pruning — noun a) A removal of excess material from a tree or shrub b) Something obtained by pruning, as a twig …   Wiktionary

  • pruning — genėjimas statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Vaismedžių šakų ir krūmų stiebų retinimas ir trumpinimas. atitikmenys: angl. pruning rus. обрезка; обрезывание …   Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas

  • Pruning (decision trees) — Pruning is a technique in machine learning that reduces the size of decision trees by removing sections of the tree that provide little power to classify instances. The dual goal of pruning is reduced complexity of the final classifier as well as …   Wikipedia

  • Pruning (algorithm) — Pruning is a term in mathematics and informatics which describes a method of enumeration, which allows to cut parts of a decision tree. Pruned parts of the tree are no longer considered because the algorithm knows based on already collected data… …   Wikipedia

  • Pruning hook — Pruning Prun ing, n. 1. The act of trimming, or removing what is superfluous. [1913 Webster] 2. (Falconry) That which is cast off by bird in pruning her feathers; leavings. Beau. & Fl. [1913 Webster] {Pruning hook}, or {Pruning knife}, cutting… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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