- scorch
/skawrch/, v.t.1. to affect the color, taste, etc., of by burning slightly: The collar of the shirt was yellow where the iron had scorched it.2. to parch or shrivel with heat: The sun scorched the grass.3. to criticize severely.5. to destroy (crops, towns, etc.) by or as if by fire in the path of an invading army's advance.v.i.6. to become scorched: Milk scorches easily.7. Informal. to travel or drive at high speed: The car scorched along the highway.n.8. a superficial burn.[1400-50; late ME scorchen, perh. b. scorcnen ( < Scand; cf. ON skorpna to shrivel) and TORCH1]
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symptom of plant disease in which tissue is “burned” because of unfavourable conditions or infection by bacteria or fungi. Unfavourable conditions include hot, dry wind in full sun, an imbalance of soil nutrients, altered water table or soil grade, deep planting, compacted shallow soil, paved surface over roots, salt drift near the ocean, low temperatures, air pollutants, and girdling roots. Scorch is common as dead areas along or between the veins and margins of leaves. Control involves correcting the causative environmental condition: growing plants in fertile soil in a protected location and maintaining vigour by proper watering, fertilizing, pruning, and mulching. See also sunscald.* * *
Universalium. 2010.