
/wich"weed'/, n.
an Old World parasitic plant of the genus Striga, introduced into the southern U.S.: a serious pest of corn and other grass crops.
[1900-05; WITCH + WEED1]

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      any plant of the genus Striga in the family Orobanchaceae, including about 40 species of the Old World tropics and one species introduced into the southeastern United States. About 10 species are destructive as parasites on such crops as corn (maize), sorghum, rice, sugarcane, and tobacco.

      Witchweeds are branched herbs, 15 to about 75 cm (0.5 to 2.5 feet) tall, with opposite or alternate, usually narrow and rough or sometimes scalelike leaves. The two-lipped solitary flowers are red, yellow, purplish, bluish, or white. Witchweed seeds, minute and produced in great numbers, germinate when in contact with a host root. Roots of the parasite establish and maintain connection with the host. The first four to six weeks of the life cycle are spent underground, where the young plant is entirely dependent upon its host. After emergence the plant can photosynthesize its own food but takes water and minerals from the host. The parasite dies when its seeds mature or when the host is harvested. Host plants appear stunted and chlorotic (yellow), often showing signs of wilting; they may produce no yield, or their yield may be sharply reduced. Severe infestation may kill the host. Members of the genus Alectra, some of which parasitize legumes and tobacco in Africa and sugarcane in tropical America, are also sometimes called witchweeds.

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