botrytis blight

botrytis blight

also called  botrytis rot , or  gray mold blight 

      disease of plants growing in humid areas that is usually caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. Most vegetables, fruits, flowers, and woody plants are susceptible; injured, old, and dead plant parts become infected first. Soft, tan to brown spots or blotches become covered with a dusty mold in moist weather. Seedlings, young shoots, or leaves may wither and collapse; buds rot; flowers become flecked and spotted; older flowers and fruit turn brown and rot. Botrytis commonly follows injury by ozone, an air pollutant.

      Control involves the removal of infected parts. Proper cultivation, including spacing for ventilation, judicious fertilizing, and watering at the soil line are helpful in reducing the chances of botrytis blight. Harvested fruits and vegetables should be stored as close to 32° F (0° C) as practical and sprayed with a fungicide at least weekly in damp, cool weather.

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Universalium. 2010.

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