- Anura
▪ amphibian orderIntroductionalso called Salientiaone of the major extant orders of the class Amphibia (amphibian). It includes the frogs (frog) and toads (toad), which, because of their wide distribution, are known by most people around the world. The name frog is commonly applied to those forms with long legs and smooth, mucus-covered skins, toad being used for a variety of robust, short-legged anurans, especially those with rough skins. The name toad is applied so unevenly that one member of a family may be called a toad and a closely related member a frog. The familiar members of the family Bufonidae may be distinguished as “true toads.” In this article, “frog” is applied generally to members of the Anura and “toad” to those for which it has traditionally been used. There are roughly 5,400 species of living anurans.Frogs are used as teaching tools from grade school through college. One of the first biology lessons many children receive is through the rearing of the larvae (larva), known as tadpoles (tadpole) or pollywogs, in science classes. Students become familiar with frog anatomy and embryology in biology courses. People in various parts of the world eat frog legs, and some kinds of toads are used in insect control. Certain South American Indians use the poisonous secretions of some kinds of frogs for poison arrows and darts (see poison frog), and now biochemists are studying the possible medical uses of the constituents of the poison. The biologist interested in evolution finds a vast array of interesting and often perplexing problems in the study of frogs, such as the relatively sudden decline of many frog species since the late 20th century.General featuresSize range and diversity of structureAlthough all frogs (frog) are readily recognizable, there are great varieties of sizes and of structural modifications. Many frogs are tiny animals; perhaps the smallest is the Brazilian Psyllophryne didactyla, adults of which measure 9.8 mm (0.4 inch) or less in body length (with legs drawn in), whereas the West African goliath frog, Conraua goliath, has a body length of nearly 300 mm (12 inches). Many anurans have smooth, moist skins. Toads of the genus Bufo are familiar as “warty” amphibians, the skin being highly glandular and covered with tubercles (small, round nodules). Frogs of many other families have rough, tubercular skins, usually an adaptation for life in the less humid environments. The opposite extreme is found in the small arboreal (tree-dwelling) frogs of the tropical American family Centrolenidae (glass frog), in which the skin on the underside is thin and transparent, and the heart and viscera can be seen through the skin. In most species, cutaneous gas exchange (that is, breathing through the skin) supplements the oxygen taken in by the lungs; however, the lungless Barbourula kalimantanensis of Borneo obtains all its oxygen through its skin.Most frogs move by leaping. The long and powerful hind limbs are straightened rapidly from the crouching position, propelling the frog through the air. Many arboreal frogs—especially members of the families Hylidae (tree frog), Rhacophoridae, Centrolenidae, and others—have adhesive disks on the ends of the fingers and toes and leap from branch to branch or from leaf to leaf (see tree frog). The families Bufonidae, Rhinophrynidae, and Microhylidae (narrow-mouthed toad) and certain burrowing species in other families have relatively short hind limbs and move forward by series of short hops. Some bufonids actually walk instead of hopping. Highly modified members of the hylid subfamily Phyllomedusinae have opposable digits on the hands and feet and walk slowly along branches, deliberately grasping the branch in the manner of tiny lemurs (lemur). Many kinds of frogs have membranous webbing between the fingers and toes; in the aquatic species, the webbing on the feet aids in swimming. The extreme in this specialization is seen in the aquatic family Pipidae. Members of that family normally never leave the water. In regions of the Earth subjected to long dry periods, frogs must seek cover to avoid desiccation; they have behavioral and structural adaptations to conserve water.Although many frogs are unimpressively coloured, some species are brilliantly marked. The most common colours are brown, gray, green, and yellow. Uniformly coloured frogs are the exception rather than the rule. The markings of a frog may seem bold when observed out of the natural habitat, but they usually are concealing or visually disruptive when the frog is in its environment (see below coloration (Anura)).Distribution and abundanceBecause of their morphological and physiological adaptations, frogs are able to inhabit most regions of the world except the extremely cold landmasses at high latitudes and some oceanic islands that they have been unable to colonize because of the barriers provided by salt water. Frogs live in desert regions below sea level and in montane areas up to elevations above 4,560 metres (15,000 feet). Some members of the genus Rana live north of the Arctic Circle. Although widely distributed on Earth, frogs are most diverse and abundant in the tropics, and five or six of the 28 families are restricted to the tropics. In most temperate areas of the world, the number of species of frogs at any one locality is usually fewer than 10, but in the tropics, especially in rainforests (rainforest), the number of species is much greater. At one locality in the upper Amazon basin (Amazon River) in eastern Ecuador, 83 species are known to occur, about the same number as is known for all of the United States.In a complex environment such as a tropical rainforest, the large number of species of frogs partition the environmental resources in a variety of ways. In the humid tropics, frogs can be active throughout the year, but many species are seasonal in their breeding activity. Various kinds of sites and different seasons are used for calling and egg laying; such temporal and spatial separation avoids interspecific competition. Frogs feed mostly on insects (insect) and other invertebrates (invertebrate), and the abundance of food in tropical rainforests probably places no competitive restrictions on this aspect of environmental resources. Some large species eat vertebrates (vertebrate), including small rodents (rodent) and other frogs.Natural historyBreeding behaviourThe breeding behaviour is one of the most distinctive attributes of the Anura. Because the eggs (egg) can develop only under moist conditions, most frogs (frog) place their eggs in bodies of fresh water. Many species congregate in large numbers at temporary pools for short breeding seasons. Others breed along the mountain streams where they live year-round. In the latter species and in those that breed on land, there is no great concentration of breeding individuals at one place. In all cases, the mating call produced by the male attracts females to the breeding site. It has been observed in the field and in the laboratory that the females can discriminate between mating calls of their own species and those of other species. At a communal breeding site, such as a pond, swamp, or stream, differences in specific calling sites of the males help the frogs to maintain their identities (see Sidebar: Singing a Different Tune: Intraspecific Competition in Tungara Frogs). Differences in mating calls, however, constitute the principal premating isolating mechanism that prevents hybridization of closely related species living in the same area and breeding at the same time and place. Frogs have rather simple vocal cords (vocal cord), in most species a pair of slits in the floor of the mouth opening into a vocal pouch (vocal sac). Air is forced from the lungs (lung) over the vocal cords, causing them to vibrate and thus produce sound of a given pitch and pulsation. The air passes into the vocal pouch, which, when inflated, acts as a resonating chamber emphasizing the same frequency or one of its harmonics. In this manner, different kinds of frogs produce different calls.Most frogs are considered to be placid animals, but recent observations have shown that some species exhibit aggressive (aggressive behaviour) behaviours, especially at breeding time. Male bullfrogs (bullfrog) (R. catesbeiana) and green frogs (green frog) (R. clamitans) defend calling territories against intrusion by other males by kicking, bumping, and biting. The South American nest-building hylid, Hyla faber, has a long, sharp spine on the thumb with which males wound each other when wrestling. The small Central American Dendrobates pumilio calls from the leaves of herbaceous plants (plant). Intrusion into a territory of one calling male by another results in a wrestling match that terminates only after one male has been thrown off the leaf. Males of the Central American dendrobatid Colostethus inguinalis have calling sites on boulders in streams. The intrusion by another male results in the resident uttering a territorial call, and, if the intruder does not leave, the resident charges him, attempting to butt him off the boulder. Females of the Venezuelan C. trinitatus wrestle in defense of territories in streambeds.Females move toward and locate calling males. Once the male clasps the female in a copulatory embrace called amplexus, she selects the site for depositing the eggs. In the more primitive frogs (the families Ascaphidae, Leiopelmatidae, Bombinatoridae, and Discoglossidae and the mesobatrachians), the male grasps the female from above and around the waist (inguinal amplexus), whereas in the more advanced frogs (neobatrachians) the position is shifted anteriorly to the armpits (axillary amplexus). The latter position brings the cloacae (cloaca) of the amplectic pair into closer proximity and presumably ensures more efficient fertilization.Egg laying and hatchingMost frogs deposit their eggs in quiet water as clumps, surface films, strings, or individual eggs. The eggs may be freely suspended in the water or attached to sticks or submerged vegetation. Some frogs lay their eggs in streams, characteristically firmly attached to the lee sides or undersides of rocks where the eggs are not subject to the current. The large pond-breeding frogs of the genus Rana and toads of the genus Bufo apparently produce more eggs than any other anurans. More than 10,000 eggs have been estimated in one clutch of the North American bullfrog, R. catesbeiana. The habit of spreading the eggs as a film on the surface of the water apparently is an adaptation for oviposition in shallow temporary pools and allows the eggs to develop in the most highly oxygenated part of the pool. This type of egg deposition is characteristic of several groups of tree frogs, family Hylidae, in the American tropics—one of which, Smilisca baudinii, is known to lay more than 3,000 eggs. Frogs breeding in cascading mountain streams lay far fewer eggs, usually no more than 200.The problem of fertilization of eggs in rapidly flowing water has been overcome by various modifications. Some stream-breeding hylids have long cloacal tubes so that the semen can be directed onto the eggs as they emerge. Some other hylids have huge testes, which apparently produce vast quantities of sperm, helping to ensure fertilization. Males of the North American tailed frog, Ascaphus truei, have an extension of the cloaca that functions as a copulatory organ (the “tail”) to introduce sperm into the female's cloaca.Males of at least three South American species of Hyla build basinlike nests (nest), 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 inches) wide and 2 to 5 cm (1 to 2 inches) deep, in the mud of riverbanks. Water seeps into the basin, providing a medium for the eggs and young. Calling, mating, and oviposition take place in the nest, and the tadpoles (tadpole) undergo their development in the nest.Some bufonoid frogs in Leptodactylidae and ranoid frogs in Ranidae and other families build froth nests. The small, toadlike leptodactylids of the genus Physalaemus breed in small, shallow pools. Amplexus is axillary, and the pair floats on the water; as the female exudes the eggs, the male emits semen and kicks vigorously with his hind legs. The result is a frothy mixture of water, air, eggs, and semen, which floats on the water. This meringuelike nest is about 7.5 to 10 cm (3 to 4 inches) in diameter and about 5 cm (2 inches) deep. The outer surfaces exposed to the air harden and form a crust covering the moist interior in which the eggs are randomly distributed. Upon hatching, the tadpoles (tadpole) wriggle down through the decaying froth into the water.Many frogs have an aquatic, free-swimming larval stage (tadpole). After a period of growth, the tadpole undergoes metamorphosis, in which the tail is lost and limbs appear. These are only two of the most obvious changes that take place. Tadpoles have a cartilaginous (cartilage) skeleton, thin nonglandular skin, and a long coiled intestine; they lack jaws, lungs, and eyelids. Among the first changes that take place is the appearance of hind limb buds, which grow and develop into differentiated hind limbs, complete with toes, webbing, and tubercles (small, round nodules). Much later the forelimbs emerge through the skin of the operculum ( gill covering), and the tail begins to shrink, being absorbed by the body. The mouth of the tadpole begins to change; as the horny denticles (toothlike projections) and papillae, if present, disappear, the jaws and true teeth develop. The eyelids develop, and mucous glands form in the skin. The vertebral column and limb bones (bone) ossify, and the adult digestive system differentiates as the long coiled intestine shrinks to the short, thick-walled, folded intestine of the adult.Just how and where the changes from larva to adult take place are highly varied—a fascinating aspect of the study of frogs. The differences in modes of life history reflect varied environmental conditions. In various evolutionary (evolution) lines in frogs, there is a strong propensity to breed away from water.The tadpoles of the pond breeders characteristically have rather large bodies and deep caudal (tail) fins, which in some have a terminal extension, as do the familiar swordtail fishes (swordtail) (Xiphophorus). The mouth is relatively small, either at the end of the snout or on the underside, and usually contains rather weak denticles. These tadpoles swim easily in the quiet water and feed on attached and free-floating vegetation, including algae. In contrast, the stream tadpoles have depressed bodies, long muscular tails, and shallow caudal fins. The mouth is relatively large and usually contains many rows of strong denticles. In highly modified stream tadpoles, the mouth is ventral and modified as an oral sucker, with which the tadpole anchors itself to stones in the stream. Such tadpoles move slowly across stones, grazing on the coating of bacteria and algae as they move.Most tadpoles complete their development in two or three months, but there are notable exceptions. Tadpoles of spadefoot toads (spadefoot toad), genus Scaphiopus, develop in temporary rain pools in arid parts of North America, where it is imperative for the tadpoles to complete their development before the pools dry up. Some Scaphiopus tadpoles metamorphose about two weeks after hatching. In the northern part of its range in North America, the tadpoles of the bullfrog R. catesbeiana require three years to undergo their development.Some tree frogs (tree frog) of the family Hylidae deposit their eggs in water that has pooled in parts of trees. Several tropical species of Hyla lay their eggs in the water held in the overlapping bases of leaves of epiphytic bromeliads (epiphyte) high in trees. Their tadpoles, which are slender with long, muscular tails, develop in small quantities of water high above the ground. The Mexican hylid, Anotheca spinosa, lays its eggs in bromeliads or in water-filled cavities in trees. The small tadpoles, like those of Hyla, feed on aquatic insect larvae, such as those of mosquitoes (mosquito), but the larger tadpoles of Anotheca apparently feed only on the eggs of frogs.A modification of the basic pattern of depositing aquatic eggs is the placement of eggs on vegetation above water; this pattern occurs in some arboreal hylids, rhacophorids, ranids (Ranidae), and all species of the family Centrolenidae. H. ebraccata, a small Central American tree frog, deposits its eggs in a single layer on the upper surfaces of horizontal leaves, just a few inches above the pond. Upon hatching, the tadpoles wriggle to the edge of the leaf and drop into the water. The Mexican H. thorectes suspends 10 to 14 eggs on ferns (fern) overhanging cascading mountain streams. The phyllomedusine hylids in the American tropics suspend clutches of eggs from leaves or stems above ponds. Males call from trees; once a female has been attracted and amplexus takes place, the male placidly hangs onto the back of the female as she descends to the pond and absorbs water. This accomplished, she climbs into a tree, selects an oviposition site, and deposits eggs until her water supply is depleted. She again descends to the pond and repeats the performance at a different site until the entire complement of eggs is deposited. Upon hatching, the tadpoles drop into the pond below. Most of the tree frogs of the family Centrolenidae are less than 2.5 cm (1 inch) long. Males call from leaves of trees or bushes over cascading mountain streams in the American tropics. Individuals return to the same leaf night after night. Attracted females are clasped on the leaf, and egg deposition takes place there immediately. A highly successful male may have three or four egg clutches on his leaf, each consisting of only about two dozen eggs. Upon hatching, the tadpoles drop into the streambed; if a tadpole lands on a stone, it flips about vigorously until it falls into the water, where it hides in the loose gravel on the bottom of the stream.Egg laying on landMany kinds of frogs lay their eggs on land and subsequently transport the tadpoles to water. The ranid genus Sooglossus of the Seychelles islands and all members of the family Dendrobatidae (poison frog) in the American tropics have terrestrial eggs. Upon hatching, the tadpoles adhere to the backs of adults, usually males. The exact means of attachment is not known. The frogs carry the tadpoles to streams, bromeliads, or pools of water in logs or stumps where the tadpoles complete their development. The most unusual example of tadpole care is exhibited by the mouth-brooding frog, or Darwin's frog, Rhinoderma darwinii (Darwin's frog), in southern South America. An amplectic pair deposits 20 to 30 eggs on moist ground. When the eggs are about ready to hatch, with the embryos (embryo) moving, the male picks up some eggs with his tongue. The eggs pass through the vocal slits in the floor of his mouth and into the vocal sac. The eggs hatch, and the larvae complete their development in the large vocal sac. Upon metamorphosis the young frogs emerge from the male's mouth.The European midwife toad, Alytes obstetricans, also displays a curious breeding behaviour. Inguinal amplexus takes place on land; at the time of oviposition, the female extends her legs to form a receptacle for the string of 20 to 60 eggs. After fertilizing the eggs, the male moves forward on the back of the female and pushes his legs into the string of eggs until they are wound around his waist and legs. Then the female departs. The male carries the eggs with him on land until they are ready to hatch, at which time he moves to a pond where the eggs hatch and complete their development.The hylid Gastrotheca marsupiata, one of several so-called marsupial frogs, lives in the high Andes of South America. During amplexus, the male exudes a quantity of semen, which flows into the female's pouch. The female extrudes eggs a few at a time; these are pushed into her pouch by the male, who uses the hindfeet to catch and push the eggs. The eggs are fertilized in the pouch, where they hatch and the tadpoles begin their development. Subsequently the female moves to a pond, where the tadpoles emerge from the pouch and complete their development in the water.In each of the above instances of parental care, there is a trend away from the aquatic environment. Far fewer eggs (fewer than 50) are laid in comparison with those species depositing eggs in the water. The bonds with the aquatic environment have been partially broken, for, although the tadpoles must develop there, the eggs are effectively terrestrial; however, they are not truly so, because they lack the necessary embryonic membranes ( allantois and amnion) to maintain physiological balance, and they also have no shell. Consequently, if they are to survive and develop, the eggs must be maintained in moist places, such as damp soil or a part of the parental body. Water and waste products are transported through the membranes by osmosis.Direct development from egg to frogletThe next evolutionary step in mode of life history is the elimination of the larval stage, thereby completely severing the ties with the aquatic environment. Direct development of the egg, in which the larvae undergo their development within the egg membranes and emerge as tiny froglets, occurs in many species, in a dozen or more families (such as Leiopelmatidae (Leiopelma), Pipidae, Leptodactylidae, Bufonidae, Brachycephalidae, Hylidae, Myobatrachidae, Sooglossidae, Arthroleptidae, Ranidae, and Microhylidae). Typical direct development of terrestrial eggs occurs in the many species of the leptodactylid genus Eleutherodactylus of Central and South America and the West Indies. During axillary amplexus, the female deposits a clutch of eggs in a moist place (beneath a log or stone, amid leaf litter, in a rotting stump, in moss, or in a bromeliad). The parents depart, leaving the eggs to develop and subsequently hatch. In some Eleutherodactylus species and in the New Zealand leiopelmatid Leiopelma hochstetteri, the hatching froglet still has a tail. In Leiopelma, at least, vigorous thrusts of the tail are used to rupture the egg membranes. Soon after hatching, the tail is completely absorbed.Brooding of terrestrial eggs is known in a few species. Females of two species of Eleutherodactylus that lay their eggs on leaves of bushes or trees sit on the eggs. Apparently this brooding serves to prevent desiccation of the eggs by dry winds. Females of the Papuan microhylid Sphenophryne lay their few eggs beneath stones or logs and sit on top of them until they hatch.Direct development occurs in several species of hylid marsupial frogs (Gastrotheca) living in mountain rainforests in northwestern South America. In these frogs, amplexus is axillary, and the female raises her cloaca so that the eggs, which are extruded one at a time, roll forward on her back and into the pouch. There the eggs develop into froglets. Large, external, gill-like structures envelop the developing embryo. These structures, which are attached to the throat of the embryo by a pair of cords, apparently function in respiration. These frogs live high in trees and complete their life cycle without descending to the ground. Thus, they are rare in collections, and their biology is poorly known.Some other South American genera of Hylidae also exhibit the phenomenon of direct development of eggs carried on the backs of the females. In Flectonotus and Fritziana the eggs are contained in one large basinlike depression in the back, whereas in other genera, such as the Surinam toad (Pipa pipa) and its relatives, each egg occupies its own individual depression. In Hemiphractus gill-like structures and cords similar to those in Gastrotheca are present. At hatching, the expanded gill adheres to the modified skin of the maternal depression and is attached to the young by the pair of cords. The female carries the young until they are sufficiently well developed to care for themselves. The manner of detachment of gill from female and young is unknown.The strictly aquatic P. pipa (Surinam toad) of northern South America has direct development, in this case in the water. Eggs are carried in individual depressions in the back of the female. Amplexus is inguinal, and the pair rests on the bottom of the pond. The female initiates vertical circular turnovers, at the height of which she extrudes a few eggs. These are fertilized, fall against the belly of the then upside-down male, and are pushed forward onto the female's back, where they adhere and become enclosed in tissue. When developed, the young frogs emerge from the skin of the female's back.The small African bufonids of the genus Nectophrynoides undergo internal uterine development in a fashion that is apparently similar to that of placental mammals. By some unknown means, fertilization is internal, and the young are born alive. It is noteworthy that the evolution of live birth has taken place independently in all three living orders of amphibians (amphibian), for this phenomenon also occurs in salamanders (salamander) and caecilians (caecilian).Feeding habits (predation)The great majority of frogs feed on insects, other small arthropods (arthropod), or worms (worm), but some larger species eat vertebrates (vertebrate). The South American leptodactylid Ceratophrys varius and the large bufonid B. marinus eat other frogs and small rodents (rodent). The superficially similar Solomon Island ranid, Ceratobatrachus guentheri, and the South American hylids, Hemiphractus, eat other frogs. Large North American bullfrogs, R. catesbeiana, have been reported to consume other frogs, mice (mouse), small snakes (snake), and even small turtles (turtle).Form and functionAdult anurans are easily recognized, by the layperson and specialist alike, by the short body and elongated hind limbs, the absence of a visible neck, and the absence of a tail. The compact body has been attained by a reduction of the number of trunk vertebrae (vertebral column) and the fusion of tail vertebrae into a single rodlike bone, the coccyx, or urostyle (tail support). The lengthening of the hind limbs has been attained in part by the elongation of two bones (astragalus and calcaneum) in the foot. Considering the variety of habitats occupied by anurans, there is remarkably little gross variation in body plan. The female is usually larger than the male. In most frogs (frog) the tympanic membrane is visible as a prominent disk on each side of the head. Correlated with a sound-oriented existence, the larynx is also well developed, often accompanied by single or paired inflatable resonating sacs.Skin toxinsAll frogs have poison glands (gland) in the skin, well developed in many diverse groups. In the Dendrobatidae the skin secretions are especially toxic (see poison frog). Dendrobates and Phyllobates are small, diurnal frogs living in Central and South America that are brilliantly coloured solid red, yellow, or orange or patterned with bold stripes or crossbars. These bright patterns are believed to act as warning colours to ward off predators. One nonpoisonous South American leptodactylid (Leptodactylidae), Lithodytes lineatus, mimics (mimicry) the dendrobatid P. femoralis, thus gaining protection from predators (predation).The biochemical properties of amphibian skin toxins (toxin) are highly varied, most being complex nitrogenous compounds (chemical compound). The toxically active ingredients are of various types, from local irritants to convulsants, hallucinogens (hallucinogen), neurotoxins (nerve poisons), and vasoconstrictors (acting to narrow blood vessels (blood vessel)). The medical importance of these ingredients is now being investigated. Although these skin secretions irritate human skin and mucous membranes (mucous membrane), they do not cause warts (wart).ColorationThe skin toxins (toxin) of most frogs do not provide security from predators; in fact, frogs are a basic food for many snakes (snake), birds (bird), and mammals (mammal). Edible anurans rely on modifications of shape, skin texture, and colour, supplemented by behaviour, to escape detection. These modifications may reach remarkable extremes. Hylids of the South American genus Hemiphractus live on the forest floor among leaf litter and have flattened bodies that enable them to blend well with dead leaves. Several tree frogs (tree frog), rough-skinned and greenish gray, resemble lichens (lichen) when flattened out on tree trunks. The coloration of many frogs changes from night to day. In most species the colour is darker and the pattern more distinct by day than by night, but the reverse is true for some tree frogs that inhabit semiarid regions. Colour change is brought about through the stimuli of light and moisture, which create a physiological change and result in contraction or expansion of the melanophores ( pigment cells (cell)) in the skin.More difficult to comprehend is the striking array of colours on the hidden surfaces of frogs. Many frogs that are rather dull or uniformly coloured when in a resting position have bright colours or patterns on the flanks, groin, posterior surfaces of the thighs, and belly. For example, the South and Central American hylid Agalychnis calcarifer, when observed sleeping by day, is nothing more than a green bump on a leaf. The eyes are closed, the hind limbs drawn in close to the body, and the hands folded beneath the chin. Upon moving, the frog creates a striking appearance, previously hidden surfaces showing a deep golden orange interrupted by vertical black bars on the flanks and thighs. These so-called flash colours are common in frogs and are thought to serve in species recognition or in confusing predators. Some colour patterns obviously do confuse predators. The South American leptodactylids of the genus Eupsophus have a pair of brightly coloured “eyespots” on the rump. When approached by a potential predator, the frog lowers its head and elevates the rump, thus confronting the predator with a seemingly much larger head.Structural modificationsStructural modifications allow certain specialized frogs to survive dry periods. Some arboreal frogs hide in bromeliad plants, which hold water in the axils of their leaves. Among the Hylidae are genera that have the head modified into a bony casque (“helmet”) and the skin co-ossified with the underlying bone. The head is used by some species to plug the constricted base of the bromeliads and by others to plug up holes in trees, the frogs surviving the dry season by using what little moisture is trapped in the cavity.Most toads (toad) of the genus Bufo and many genera in the families Rhinophrynidae, Pelobatidae, Myobatrachidae, Leptodactylidae, Hylidae, Ranidae, and Microhylidae burrow in sand, soil, or mud. Many of these species have the tubercles (small, round nodules) on the middle ( metatarsal) part of each foot, modified into a spade-shaped digging organ. The animals are highly resistant to desiccation and conserve water in the body by the mucous skin secretions that tend to make the skin impermeable. This modification is carried to the extreme in some desert frogs, which secrete a cocoon formed of numerous layers of hardened molted skin.ClassificationDistinguishing taxonomic featuresThe superfamilies and families of the Anura are based on anatomical, developmental, and behavioral characteristics. Important anatomical features include the following: the type of vertebrae (vertebral column) present, especially with respect to the articulating surfaces, which may be concave on the anterior end of each vertebra (procoelus) or on the posterior side (opisthocoelus) or on both ends (amphicoelus); the presence or absence of intercalary cartilages (cartilage) (between the terminal and penultimate bones (bone) of the digits); the state of the pectoral girdle (that is, whether it is firmisternal, with the cartilages of the two epicoracoid bones fused together, or arciferal, with these cartilages separate and overlapping); the presence or absence of an anterior projection, the omosternum, on the pectoral girdle; the presence or absence of teeth on the maxillary bone; and the presence or absence of Bidder's organ (a rudimentary ovary) in the male. The type of egg and anatomy of the tadpole are often important features. The key behavioral characteristics are primarily those involved with reproduction, such as the type of amplexus and method of egg deposition.Annotated classificationThis classification is taken from Ford and Cannatella (1993), the most recent comprehensive classification of higher categories of anurans; extinct groups are not listed. The descriptions of each group are an amalgamation of recent views by various specialists, none of whom has surveyed the entire order. Bombinanura and Pipanura, as specified by Marjanović and Lauren (2007), are node-based names marking significant points of divergence within Anura, and Pipanura is nested within Bombinanura. Families Ascaphidae and Leiopelmatidae are not grouped with other Anuran families. A scanty record of meaningful fossils (fossil) and inadequate knowledge of the morphology and mode of life history of many kinds of frogs (frog) result in inconclusive evidence for the classification of many families; consequently, the following classification must be considered to be tentative.Amphibians lacking a tail in the adult stage; 5 to 9 presacral vertebrae; postsacral vertebrae (posterior to the pelvis) fused into a bony coccyx; hind limbs elongated, modified for jumping; fertilization normally external; eggs laid in water or not; an aquatic larval stage present in most; males usually with vocal cords (vocal cord), vocal sac (resonating chamber), and a voice; about 5,400 living species.Family Ascaphidae (tailed frogs)9 presacral vertebrae (i.e., anterior to the pelvic girdle); parahyoid and caudaliopuboischiotibialis (“tail-wagging”) muscles present; stream-adapted tadpoles; northwestern North America; 1 genus (Ascaphus), 2 species; adult length about 5 cm (2 inches).Family Leiopelmatidae9 presacral vertebrae (i.e., anterior to the pelvic girdle); parahyoid and caudaliopuboischiotibialis (“tail-wagging”) muscles present; direct development; New Zealand; 1 genus ( Leiopelma), 4 species; adult length about 5 cm (2 inches).BombinanuraFamily BombinatoridaeEocene (55.8–34 million years ago) to present; usually 8 presacral vertebrae; parahyoid tongue muscle and caudalipuboischiotibialis muscle absent; still-water tadpoles; Eurasia, North Africa, and Philippines; 4 genera, 16 species; adult length to about 10 cm (4 inches).PipanuraSuborder MesobatrachiaSuperfamily PipoideaVertebrae opisthocoelous; pectoral girdle arciferal; ribs absent or fused to transverse processes of vertebrae; amplexus inguinal; larvae with paired spiracles and simple mouthparts or with direct development.Family Rhinophrynidae (burrowing toad)Oligocene (36.6–23.7 million years ago) to present; 8 presacral vertebrae; ribs absent; coccyx free, with 2 articulating surfaces; tongue free and protrusible; body robust; burrowing; aquatic larvae present; Mexico and Central America; 1 species; adult length to about 7 cm (3 inches).Family Pipidae (tongueless frogs)Cretaceous (144–66.4 million years ago) to present; 6 to 8 presacral vertebrae; ribs present and free in larvae, but fused to transverse processes of vertebrae in adults; coccyx fused to sacrum or free and monocondylar (i.e., with 1 articulation); tongue absent; body flattened; aquatic, direct development or aquatic larvae present; Africa south of Sahara and tropical South America east of Andes; 5 genera, 27 species; adult length 5–20 cm (2–8 inches).Superfamily PelobatoideaVertebrae procoelous with labile centra; pectoral girdle arciferal; ribs absent; amplexus inguinal; larvae with single spiracle on the left and with complex mouthparts.Family Megophryidae (South Asian frogs)Family Pelobatidae (spadefoots)Late Cretaceous to present; 8 presacral vertebrae; coccyx fused to sacrum or free and monocondylar; 9 genera, 88 species; adult length 4 to about 15 cm (1.5 to about 6 inches); 2 subfamilies: Megophryidae (Southeast Asia, Indo-Australian archipelago, Philippines) and Pelobatinae (Europe and North America).Family PelodytidaeEocene to present; 8 presacral vertebrae; coccyx free, bicondylar; astragalus and calcaneum fused; western Europe and southwestern Asia; 1 genus, 2 species.Suborder NeobatrachiaSuperfamily BufonoideaVertebrae procoelous; pectoral girdle arciferal (in some, secondarily firmisternal); ribs absent; amplexus axillary; larvae usually with single spiracle, on the left, and complex mouthparts or with direct development.Family AllophrynidaeFamily BrachycephalidaeNo fossil record; 7 presacral vertebrae, pectoral girdle partly firmisternal; intercalary cartilages and omosternum absent; Bidder's organ present in Psyllophryne, absent in Brachycephalus; maxillary teeth present; direct development; southeastern Brazil; 2 genera, 2 species; adult length about 2 cm (1 inch).Family Bufonidae (true toads)Paleocene (65.5–55.8 million years ago) to present; 5 to 8 presacral vertebrae; pectoral girdle arciferal or partly or even completely firmisternal; intercalary cartilages and omosternum absent; Bidder's organ present; maxillary teeth present or absent; aquatic larvae, direct development, or live birth (Nectophrynoides only); worldwide, except the eastern part of the Indo-Australian archipelago, Polynesia, and Madagascar; Bufo marinus introduced into Australia and some Pacific islands; 27 genera, about 360 species; adult size 2 to about 25 cm (1 to 10 inches).No fossil record; 8 presacral vertebrae; pectoral girdle arciferal; intercalary cartilages present; omosternum absent; Bidder's organ absent; maxillary teeth present; terminal phalanges T-shaped; astragalus and calcaneum bones of the foot fused; stream-adapted larvae; Central and South America; 3 genera, about 98 species; adult length 3–7.7 cm (1–3 inches).Family HeleophrynidaeNo fossil record; 8 presacral vertebrae with cartilaginous intervertebral joints and a persistent notochord; larvae with large mouths lacking beaks; South Africa; 1 genus, 4 species; adult length 3.5–6.5 cm (1–3 inches).Miocene (23.7 to 5.3 million years ago) to present; 8 presacral vertebrae; pectoral girdle arciferal; intercalary cartilages present; omosternum absent; Bidder's organ absent; maxillary teeth usually present; terminal phalanges claw-shaped; astragalus and calcaneum not fused; aquatic larvae or direct development; 37 genera and 630 species; adult length 1.7 to about 14 cm (0.7 to 5.5 inches); 4 subfamilies: Pelodryadinae (Australo-Papuan region), Phyllomedusinae (Central and South America), Hemiphractinae (Central and South America), and Hylinae (North and South America, Europe, Asia except Indian subregion, and Africa north of Sahara).Eocene to present; 8 presacral vertebrae; pectoral girdle arciferal; maxillary teeth present; Bidder's organ and intercalary cartilages absent; omosternum cartilaginous or ossified; 49 genera, about 840 species; adult length 2 to about 20 cm (1 to 8 inches); 4 subfamilies: Ceratophryinae (South America), Telmatobiinae (South and Central America, West Indies), Hylodinae (South America), and Leptodactylinae (South America and Central America).Eocene to present; 8 presacral vertebrae; coccyx free, bicondylar; 21 genera, 110 species; adult length to about 10 cm (4 inches); 2 subfamilies: Limnodynastinae (New Guinea and Australia) and Myobatrachinae (New Guinea and Australia).Family PseudidaeNo fossil record; 8 presacral vertebrae; sacral diapophyses round; pectoral girdle arciferal; intercalary cartilages present, ossified; omosternum present; Bidder's organ absent; maxillary teeth present; aquatic larvae (which grow to a much larger size than the adult); South America east of Andes; 2 genera, 3 species; adult length 2–7 cm (1–3 inches), larval length to 25 cm (10 inches).Family RhinodermatidaeNo fossil record; 8 presacral vertebrae, 1st and 2nd fused; pectoral girdle partly firmisternal; maxillary teeth, intercalary cartilages, and Bidder's organ absent; omosternum cartilaginous; southern South America; 2 species; adult length 2.5 cm (1 inch).Family SooglossidaeNo fossil record; 8 presacral vertebrae; vertebrae procoelous; sacral diapophyses dilated; intercalary cartilages absent; larvae lacking spiracle; Seychelles; 2 genera, 3 species; length about 4 cm (1.5 inches).Superfamily RanoideaPectoral girdle firmisternal; ribs absent; amplexus axillary; larvae with single sinistral spiracle and complex mouthparts or undergoing direct development.Family ArthroleptidaeNo fossil record; 8 presacral vertebrae; vertebral column procoelous with Presacral VIII (biconcave); aquatic larvae or direct development; 7 genera, 74 species; adult size 1.5–13 cm (0.5–5 inches); 2 subfamilies: Arthroleptinae (Africa) and Astylosterninae (Africa).No fossil record; 8 presacral vertebrae; pectoral girdle completely firmisternal; intercalary cartilages absent; omosternum present; Bidder's organ absent; maxillary teeth present or absent. Larvae carried on backs of adults; Central and South America; 9 genera, about 162 species; adult length 1.5–5 cm (0.5–2 inches).Family HemisotidaeNo fossil record; 7 presacral vertebrae; vertebral procoelous with Presacrals I and II fused; body globular with pointed snout; inner metatarsal tubercle large and spadelike; aquatic larvae; 1 genus, 8 species; adult size 4–8 cm (1.5–3 inches); Africa.Family HyperoliidaeNo fossil record; 8 presacral vertebrae; vertebral column procoelous with Presacral VIII usually biconcave; intercalary cartilages present; 3 or 4 tarsals; aquatic larvae; 19 genera, 226 species; adult size 1.5–8.7 cm (0.5–3 inches); 4 subfamilies: Hyperoliinae (Africa and Madagascar), Kassininae (Africa), Leptopelinae (Africa), and Tachycneminae (Seychelles).Family MantellidaeNo fossil record; 8 presacral vertebrae; vertebral column procoelous; intercalary cartilages present; 3 tarsals; aquatic larvae; 3 genera, 61 species; adult size 2–12 cm (1–5 inches). Madagascar.Miocene to present; 8 presacral vertebrae; vertebrae procoelous or diplasiocoelous; intercalary cartilages usually absent; larvae lacking beaks and denticles (except otophrynines and scaphiophrynines) or undergoing direct development; 66 genera, 306 species; 10 subfamilies: Cophylinae (Madagascar), Dyscophinae (Madagascar), Scaphiophryninae (Madagascar), Asterophryinae (New Guinea and Sulu Archipelago), Genyophryninae (Philippines, eastern Indo-Australian archipelago, New Guinea, northern Australia), Brevicipitinae (Africa), Microhylinae (North and South America, Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka, western Indo-Australian archipelago, Philippines, and Ryukyu Islands), Melanobatrachinae (east-central Africa, India), Phrynomerinae (Africa), and Otophryninae (South America).Miocene to present; 8 presacral vertebrae; vertebral column diplasiocoelous (mixed amphicoelous and procoelous); intercalary cartilages present or absent; larvae with single spiracle, on left, and complex mouthparts; 39 genera and about 600 species; adult length about 2–25 cm (1–10 inches); 2 subfamilies: Raninae (worldwide except for southern South America, southern and central Australia, New Zealand, and eastern Polynesia) and Petropedetinae (Africa).Family RhacophoridaeNo fossil record; 8 presacral vertebrae; vertebral column procoelous with Presacral VIII biconcave; intercalary cartilages present; 2 tarsals; aquatic larvae; 10 genera, 203 species; adult size 1.5–12 cm (0.5–5 inches); 2 subfamilies: Buergeriinae (Taiwan and Japan) and Rhacophorinae (Africa, Madagascar, and tropical Asia from India to the Greater Sunda Islands and Philippines).Critical appraisalModern authorities do not agree on all aspects of anuran classification, and further study is needed to clarify the relationships of certain groups. As a result of unfolding DNA evidence and a continuing transition from a strictly Linnean (Linnaeus, Carolus) system to one based on cladistics (evolution), the most up-to-date classification of anurans was established by Ford and Cannatella in 1993. At the higher levels, this classification uses node-based names to indicate points of evolutionary divergence between one group and another. This classification differs from a widely used system developed by G.K. Noble in 1931, in which five suborders were recognized, based on vertebral characteristics. The superfamilies given above are not exactly equivalent to the suborders of Noble, the following modifications being most noteworthy: (1) The names Ascaphidae and Leiopelmatidae have been used interchangeably and recognized as distinct by various authorities. (2) The family Myobatrachidae and Limnodynastidae includes what were formerly recognized as Old World members of the Leptodactylidae, a family now considered restricted to the New World. (3) The Brachycephalidae, as recognized by Noble, included the dendrobatids and the peculiar mouth-brooding frog (Rhinoderma), now considered distinct families, as well as several genera (e.g., Atelopus) currently placed in the Bufonidae. Most authorities now restrict the family Brachycephalidae to two genera, Brachycephalus and Psyllophryne. (4) The family Atelopodidae (sometimes spelled Atelopidae) of many authors is now relegated to the Bufonidae. (5) Rhinoderma, which other authors have placed in the Atelopodidae, Leptodactylidae, and Bufonidae, is now given family status. (6) Ford and Cannatella place this family in the superfamily Ranoidea.Additional ReadingGeneral herpetology texts that investigate various aspects of order Anura include Christopher J. Glasby, Graham J.B. Ross, and Pamela L. Beesley (eds.), Amphibia & Reptilia (1993); and George R. Zug, Laurie J. Vitt, and Janalee P. Caldwell, Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles, 2nd ed. (2001). Albert Hazen Wright and Anna Allen Wright, Handbook of Frogs and Toads of the United States and Canada, 3rd ed. (1995), is a well-documented account of North American frogs and toads with many black-and-white photographs. William E. Duellman and David M. Dennis, The Hylid Frogs of Middle America, expanded ed., 2 vol. (2001), is a detailed study of the taxonomy, distribution, life history, and ecology of the tree frogs of Mexico and Central America. An excellent identification manual for frogs in the western United States is Robert C. Stebbins, A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians, 3rd ed. (2003). Bernd Fritzsch et al., The Evolution of the Amphibian Auditory System (1988), offers a review of vocalization and sound reception in frogs. A modern taxonomy of anuran families is provided in Linda S. Ford and David C. Cannatella, “The Major Clades of Frogs,” Herpetological Monographs, 7:94–117 (1993).Classic works on anurans include Ronald Maxwell Savage, The Ecology and Life History of the Common Frog (Rana temporaria temporaria) (1961), a well-documented study of the biology of this species in England; and H.W. Parker, A Monograph of the Frogs of the Family Microhylidae (1934, reprinted 1966), a thorough account of one of the most interesting families of frogs.William E. Duellman
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Universalium. 2010.