
cocoonlike, adj.
/keuh koohn"/, n.
1. the silky envelope spun by the larvae of many insects, as silkworms, serving as a covering while they are in the pupal stage.
2. any of various similar protective coverings in nature, as the silky case in which certain spiders enclose their eggs.
3. a protective covering, usually consisting of polyvinyl chloride, sprayed over machinery, large guns on board ships, etc., to provide an airtight seal and prevent rust during long periods of storage.
4. any encompassingly protective or hermetic wrapping or enclosure resembling a cocoon: a cocoon of gauze.
5. to produce a cocoon.
6. to wrap or enclose tightly, as if in a cocoon: The doctor cocooned the patient in blankets.
7. to provide (machinery, guns, etc.) with a protective, airtight covering by spraying with polyvinyl chloride or the like.
8. to envelop or surround protectively; insulate: a political leader cocooned by his staff and his bodyguards.
[1690-1700; < F cocon < Pr coucoun egg-shell, equiv. to coco shell ( < L coccum; see COCHINEAL) + F -on dim. suffix]

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      a case produced in the larval stage of certain animals (e.g., butterflies, moths, leeches, earthworms, Turbellaria) for the resting pupal stage (see pupa) in the life cycle. Certain spiders spin a fibrous mass, or cocoon, to cover their eggs.

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