
salamanderlike, adj.salamandrine /sal'euh man"drin/, adj.salamandroid, adj.
/sal"euh man'deuhr/, n.
1. any tailed amphibian of the order Caudata, having a soft, moist, scaleless skin, typically aquatic as a larva and semiterrestrial as an adult: several species are endangered.
2. a mythical being, esp. a lizard or other reptile, thought to be able to live in fire.
3. any of various portable stoves or burners.
4. Metall. a mass of iron that accumulates at the bottom of a blast furnace as a result of the escape of molten metal through the hearth.
5. a metal plate or disk with a handle, heated and held over pastry, casserole crusts, etc., to brown or glaze it.
6. an oven usually heated from the top and bottom by gas, for cooking, browning, and glazing food.
[1300-50; ME salamandre < L salamandra < Gk salamándra]
Syn. 2. See sylph.

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Any member of about 400 species in 10 amphibian families (order Caudata), commonly found in fresh water and damp woodlands, principally in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Salamanders are generally nocturnal, short-bodied, 46 in. (1015 cm) long, and brightly coloured. They have a tail, two pairs of limbs of roughly the same size, moist, smooth skin, teeth on the jaws and roof of the mouth, and, usually, internal fertilization. The largest species, the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus), is 5 ft (1.5 m) long. Salamanders eat insects, worms, snails, and other small animals, including members of their own species. See also hellbender; newt.

Salamander (Salamandra terrestris)

Jacques Six

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  any member of a group of about 410 species of amphibians that have tails and that constitute the order Caudata. The order comprises 10 families, among which are newts (newt) and salamanders proper (family Salamandridae) as well as hellbenders (hellbender), mud puppies, and lungless salamanders (lungless salamander). They most commonly occur in freshwater and damp woodlands, principally in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

      Salamanders are generally short-bodied, four-legged, moist-skinned animals, about 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inches) long. Many are camouflaged, whereas others are boldly patterned or brightly coloured. The largest of the order is the Chinese giant salamander, Andrias davidianus, which grows to 1.5 m (5 feet) in length.

      Typical salamanders undergo a larval stage that lasts for a period of a few days to several years. Larval forms have external gills and teeth in both jaws and lack eyelids. These and other larval features may persist into sexual maturitya condition known as heterochrony. A mud puppy (Necturus maculosus) of eastern North America and the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) of central Mexico are common species that exhibit this phenomenon.

      Salamanders feed on insects, worms, snails, and other small animals, including members of their own species. Like other amphibians, they absorb water through their skins, and they require a moist habitat. In regions where the temperature goes below freezing, they often hibernate.

      Most adult salamanders hide by day and feed by night. Some remain hidden underground until the breeding season, or they may emerge only when levels of moisture and temperature are appropriate. Many species, especially in the family Plethodontidae, are strictly terrestrial and avoid ponds and streams.

       fertilization in the suborder Cryptobranchoidea is external. In all other salamanders, fertilization is usually internal; males of such forms often produce a spermatophore, or sperm case, which the female takes into her body through the cloacal opening. Breeding often occurs in the water, but certain members of the Salamandridae and most species of the Plethodontidae families breed on land.

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