
/am"nee euhn/, n., pl. amnions, amnia /-nee euh/.
1. Anat., Zool. the innermost of the embryonic or fetal membranes of reptiles, birds, and mammals; the sac in which the embryo is suspended.
2. Zool. a similar membrane of insects and other invertebrates.
[1660-70; < Gk, equiv. to amn(ós) lamb (see YEAN) + -ion dim. suffix]

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      in reptiles, birds, and mammals, a membrane forming a fluid-filled cavity (the amniotic sac) that encloses the embryo. The amniotic sac and the fluid it contains are sometimes referred to as the bag of waters.

      In development, the amnion arises by a folding of a mass of extra-embryonic tissue called the somatopleure. Lined with ectoderm and covered with mesoderm (both are germ layers), the amnion contains a thin, transparent fluid in which the embryo is suspended, thus providing a cushion against mechanical injury. The amnion also provides protection against fluid loss from the embryo itself and against tissue adhesions.

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