- West Indies
1. Also called the Indies. an archipelago in the N Atlantic between North and South America, comprising the Greater Antilles, the Lesser Antilles, and the Bahamas.2. Federation of. Also called West Indies Federation. a former federation (1958-62) of the British islands in the Caribbean, comprising Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago, and the Windward and Leeward island colonies.
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Islands, enclosing the Caribbean Sea.Lying between southeastern North America and northern South America, they may be divided into the following groups: the Greater Antilles, including Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), and Puerto Rico; the Lesser Antilles, including the Virgin Islands, Windward Islands, Leeward Islands, Barbados, and the islands in the southern Caribbean Sea north of Venezuela (generally considered to include Trinidad and Tobago); and the Bahamas. Although physiographically not a part of the West Indies, Bermuda is often included.* * *
Introductioncrescent-shaped group of islands more than 2,000 miles (3,200 km) long separating the Gulf of Mexico (Mexico, Gulf of) and the Caribbean Sea, to the west and south, from the Atlantic Ocean, to the east and north. From the peninsula of Florida on the mainland of the United States, the islands stretch 1,200 miles (1,900 km) southeastward, then 500 miles (800 km) south, then west along the north coast of Venezuela on the South American (South America) mainland.Three major physiographic divisions constitute the West Indies: the Greater Antilles, comprising the islands of Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola ( Haiti and the Dominican Republic), and Puerto Rico; the Lesser Antilles, including the Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, and Grenada; and the isolated island groups of the North American continental shelf—The Bahamas (Bahamas, The) and the Turks and Caicos Islands—and those of the South American shelf, including Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire. ( Bermuda, although physiographically not a part of the West Indies, has common historical and cultural ties with the other islands and is often included in definitions of the region.)The shape and alignment of the Greater Antilles are determined by an ancient chain of folded and faulted mountains that in Cretaceous (Cretaceous Period) times extended from Central America through the Caribbean. Running west-east, this system is now mostly submerged by the Atlantic and the Caribbean, but remnants of it are visible in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica and in the Sierra de los Órganos and the Sierra Maestra (Maestra, Sierra) in Cuba. Duarte Peak, in the Dominican Republic, another component of this range, rises to 10,417 feet (3,175 metres) and is the highest point in the Caribbean. Besides interior mountain peaks, each Greater Antillean island has an encircling coastal plain.Trending north-south, another mostly submerged chain of mountains forms the double arc of small islands that make up the Lesser Antilles. Stretching from Saint Kitts to Grenada, the mountainous inner arc consists of volcanic cones, some still active. The outer arc—running from Anguilla to Barbados—is made up of low, flat islands whose limestone surfaces overlie older volcanic or crystalline rocks.The West Indies have a tropical maritime climate. Daily maximum temperatures over most of the region range from the mid-80s F (upper 20s C) from December to April to the upper 80s F (low 30s C) from May to November. Nighttime temperatures are about 10 °F (6 °C) cooler. Most islands experience a wet and a dry season; annual rainfall totals range from 30 to 80 inches (800 to 2,000 mm) but reach more than 200 inches (5,000 mm) on the highest peaks. The region's moisture-laden trade winds produce heavy rainfall on the windward sides of the higher islands. Tropical cyclones (tropical cyclone) (called hurricanes locally) frequently occur between August and October, and relative humidity is high throughout the year.The forests that once covered most of the West Indies were cut down in many areas by sugar-plantation owners for firewood to heat their refining vats. This practice resulted in soil impoverishment and erosion. Destruction of primeval forest has also occurred as a result of slash-and-burn agriculture. Some countries have recognized the importance of the forests, however, and have passed laws to prevent deforestation. Surviving types of forest include mangrove swamps, which thrive along some coasts; semi-deciduous woodland, found in the Leeward Islands (the northern group of the Lesser Antilles; the southern group is called the Windward Islands) and other areas of prolonged drought; tropical rainforest of the wet lowlands; montane forest, occurring in wet highlands; and elfin woodland, which occurs on exposed peaks.A large number of plant species in the Caribbean are indigenous to the region. At high elevations in the Greater Antilles, species more typical of midlatitude and subarctic flora are found. Land fauna is an impoverished version of the fauna found on the nearby South American mainland. There are many rodents, including the rabbitlike agouti, and numerous species of bats and lizards. Bird species include several parrots, hummingbirds, ibis, and flamingos. The coastal seas are rich in marine life, including turtles, shellfish, caiman, dolphin, red snapper, bonito, and flying fish. Marine life is largely unexploited for food.The population of the West Indies is ethnically heterogeneous and largely the legacy of an early plantation society based on slave labour. Most of the population is descended from African slaves or from Spanish, French, British, or Dutch colonists or is of mixed ethnicity. The West Indies' creole (creole languages) languages, evolved from pidgin variants of European languages, have become the common languages of many of the people. The French and English creoles are a blend of these languages with African and West Indian languages. By contrast, the major Spanish-language communities—Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic—speak pure Spanish. Papiamentu, a Spanish-Dutch (Netherlandic)-Portuguese-English creole, is widely spoken on Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire. South Asians constitute a substantial minority in the region, especially in Trinidad and Tobago, where they make up almost four-tenths of the population. Chinese constitute a smaller minority, and people of European (principally Spanish) descent account for some seven-tenths of the population of Puerto Rico. Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion in the Spanish- and French-speaking islands, while Protestantism is the norm in the English-speaking and Dutch territories.The region's birth rate historically has been low in comparison with those of other less-developed countries. Emigration, moreover, has played a more significant role in the West Indies than in most other regions, having the effect of dampening population growth even more. Emigration was substantial throughout the 20th century, and more than half of the natural increase in the region was lost owing to emigration. On the other hand, the death rate also declined steadily in the second half of the century, primarily because of reductions in the rate of infant mortality, and remained comparatively low for a less-developed region of the world. About three-fifths of the West Indies' population is urban, and the rural population has dwindled on many islands because of considerable rural-to-urban migration.With the exception of Cuba, which has a centrally planned economy, the West Indies can be characterized as a predominantly free-enterprise market region. The economies of the region are marked by dependence on the export of a few commodities, commonly agricultural, and consequently are extremely vulnerable to external economic events. Weak and unstable foreign markets have contributed to the generally unfavourable international-trade accounts of many West Indian countries.The per capita gross national product (GNP) of the countries in the region ranged in the early 21st century from less than $400 in Haiti (well below the world average) to more than $30,000 in Cuba (comparable to the per capita GNP of many western European countries) and more than $24,000 in the U.S. Virgin Islands. A number of international trade agreements, including the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), have been established to stimulate the West Indian economy, particularly manufacturing. The CBI was begun by the United States in 1984 to provide duty-free access to the U.S. market for a wide range of products.Agriculture is the traditional basis of the economies of the West Indies, but production and employment in agriculture have been declining. Most countries are not self-sufficient in food production, and cereals, primarily wheat, are the chief food imports. Sugar, bananas, citrus, cocoa, and spices are the principal exports and the major source of foreign exchange for a number of countries. To reduce vulnerability to external markets, many countries have diversified their agricultural production.Manufacturing in the West Indies accounts for a minor part of overall economic activity. Several countries, including Barbados, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, have developed significant mineral industries, with the chief mineral exports being bauxite from Jamaica and petroleum from Trinidad.Among the dependent states, foreign subsidies and remittances provide a major source of income. Tourism has become the major industry on some islands and a major source of foreign exchange. Often, however, it raises the local cost of living without producing much employment. It is also quick to decline during times of economic recession.Cuba has endeavoured to break the usual pattern of economic dependence on one or two main cash crops so common in the West Indies. Traditionally dependent on the sugar industry, it has attempted to diversify its economy by increasing its imports of capital goods to use as the basis for new industries.In an attempt to overcome problems of small size and dependence on a few export items, the Caribbean countries have formed economic unions, including the Central American Common Market, which established a regional free-trade zone; the Caribbean Community and Common Market (Caricom), which promotes cooperation between English-speaking countries; and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, whose members, as signatories of the Lomé Convention of 1975, receive preferential tariffs from the European Community.The governmental forms of the independent states of the West Indies range from the socialist republic of Cuba to republics such as Dominica and the Dominican Republic and to constitutional monarchies such as Jamaica and Saint Lucia; the majority of these countries have gained their independence from colonial powers since the early 1960s. Dependent states include those in free association with the United States, internally self-governing states within the Kingdom of The Netherlands, dependent territories of the United Kingdom, and overseas départements of France. In most of the region, political parties openly express opposition views. Notable exceptions include Cuba and Haiti. In countries with parliamentary governments, the two-party system is common.The independent states of the West Indies tend to be aligned with Western countries. The United Kingdom, France, and the United States are responsible for the defense of their overseas lands in the West Indies. The United Kingdom and France also generally maintain close relations with former dependencies, supplying military training, arms, and, in some cases, defense. Moreover, they maintain military bases on several of these strategically important islands.Standards of living, relative to other less-developed countries, are generally high, particularly in the dependent states that receive large subsidies from central governments. Social welfare programs, particularly in the dependent states, are comprehensive and have contributed to an improvement in health conditions in the region. Health services, however, remain generally inadequate, and, partly because of the high rate of emigration, shortages of medical personnel are common. The main health problems are those associated with the supply and improvement of drinking water and with the disposal of sewage. Diseases of the circulatory system and cancer are major causes of death, while gastroenteritis, influenza, pneumonia, malaria, tuberculosis, and childhood diseases are also major health problems. In the least-developed countries, children and women commonly suffer from nutritional-deficiency diseases. Housing is often substandard, and shortages are chronic throughout the region.Educational systems are generally well developed, and the great majority of countries have literacy rates exceeding 80 percent. Higher education is available at a number of colleges and universities, including the University of the West Indies, which has campuses and distance-education centres in more than a dozen countries in the region.In spite of their diversity in ancestry and language, the countries of the West Indies share a largely common culture, the result of their somewhat parallel experiences as plantation colonies. The culture of the Caribbean people is a blend of African, American Indian, European, and, in some cases, Asian influences. The islands take pride in their lively cultural scenes, with dances, parties, and festivals, notably annual carnival celebrations. reggae music, now world-renowned, originated in Jamaica. Modern Caribbean literature owes much to writers and philosophers of the West Indies, including those who emigrated elsewhere; some notable names include Aimé Césaire (Césaire, Aimé) (Martinique), V.S. Naipaul (Naipaul, Sir V.S.) (Trinidad), Jean Price-Mars (Price Mars, Jean) and Edwidge Danticat (Danticat, Edwidge) (Haiti), and C.L.R. James (James, C.L.R.) and Derek Walcott (Walcott, Derek), who spoke to themes important to African descendants in the West Indies.Press and broadcast media are best developed in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, but they are present at least minimally in all of the political units. The extent of government control varies considerably within the region.The remainder of this article covers the history of the region. For more detailed discussion of the land and people of individual island groups and states, see Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba; The Bahamas (Bahamas, The); Barbados; Bonaire; British Virgin Islands; Cuba; Curaçao; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Jamaica; Martinique; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles; Puerto Rico; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands; Virgin Islands of the United States. Area 90,339 square miles (233,975 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 40,769,200.The Pre-Columbian periodHispanic control of the West Indies began in 1492 with Christopher Columbus (Columbus, Christopher)'s first landing in the New World and was followed by the partitioning of the region by the Spanish, French, British, Dutch, and Danish during the 17th and 18th centuries. Before the colonization of the West Indies, however, pre-Columbian peoples there had evolved important and distinctive cultures.Archaeologists divide the pre-Columbian populations of the West Indies into three chronological groups. The first to arrive in the region were the Paleo-Indians (5000–2000 BCE), who were hunter-gatherers on the littorals of Cuba, Hispaniola, and Trinidad (Trinidad and Tobago) and who originated in Central or South America. The Meso-Indians (1000–500 BCE) were also hunter-gatherers but with a more sophisticated material culture—that of pottery, toolmaking, etc.—and spread from South America to Trinidad and the Greater Antilles. These Meso-Indians, called the Ciboney in the Greater Antilles, were concentrated in the western parts of what are now Cuba and Haiti. The third group to inhabit the region were the Neo-Indians: the Taino, an Arawakan (Arawakan languages)-speaking people, who entered Trinidad from South America about 300 BCE and spread rapidly to the Lesser and Greater Antilles, and then the Carib, who migrated after 1000 CE from the Orinoco River delta region in what is now Venezuela. The Carib lived mostly in northern Trinidad and the Lesser Antilles, where they displaced the Taino.Taino groups in the Greater Antilles shared a common lifestyle, group of languages, and social organization. Their social structure was stratified and dominated by hereditary rulers called caciques, who may have had matrilineal lines of inheritance, and shamans presided over the Taino's complex religious activity. The Taino settled in villages that were established inland in forest clearings, and each village had its own chief, also called a cacique. Houses with circular ground plans, timber walls, and palm thatch roofs were arranged around a central open space. Villages were particularly plentiful in Hispaniola and usually had populations between 1,000 and 2,000. Dancing and ball games were popular forms of recreation.Throughout the Greater Antilles, Taino groups also exhibited a uniform development in technology and techniques of subsistence. They fished, hunted, collected wild plants, cultivated kitchen gardens, and developed a system of shifting cultivation known as conuco for growing starch- and sugar-rich foods. The Spanish were impressed not only by their agricultural techniques but also by their use of fibres and their manufacture of canoes, gold ornaments, and pottery.Carib villages in the Lesser Antilles, usually located on the windward coasts, were protected from surprise attack. Their social relationships were probably more flexible than those of the Taino, and they had no hereditary caciques. Many similarities, however, existed between Carib and Taino material culture, especially with regard to conuco cultivation. While Carib pottery was inferior to that of the Taino, Carib canoes and woven cloth were superior. The houses of the Carib, constructed of pole frames covered with palm thatch, were oval or rectangular.European exploration and colonialism, 1492–1800DiscoveryHistorians have estimated that the pre-Columbian inhabitants of the West Indies numbered approximately six million in 1492. With Columbus's arrival, the Caribbean Sea was transformed into a Spanish lake. Settlement by the Spanish concentrated on the Greater Antilles and above all on the densely populated island of Hispaniola (today divided into Haiti and the Dominican Republic), where the first permanent Spanish settlement in the Americas was established at Santo Domingo. Apart from a small number of Caribs in Dominica (most of whom were of mixed Carib-African heritage) and a few scattered populations of partial Indian heritage in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), and Trinidad, the pre-Columbian island population completely disappeared under the impact of conquest, slavery, and diseases introduced by the Europeans.Spanish prospecting for precious metals led only to modest discoveries, but Santo Domingo rapidly became the “mother of settlement” in Latin America; the momentous expeditions to Mexico under Hernán Cortés (Cortés, Hernán, marqués del Valle de Oaxaca) and to Peru under Francisco Pizarro (Pizarro, Francisco) began from there. Their success diverted Spanish attention to the mainland in the 1520s, and Santo Domingo was soon superseded in commercial if not administrative significance by Havana (Cuba) and San Juan (Puerto Rico), which provided staging posts for the fleets of galleons transporting cargoes of bullion from the “Spanish Main” (the mainland bordering the Caribbean) to the Iberian Peninsula.The Spanish missionary Bartolomé de Las Casas' (Las Casas, Bartolomé de)s intervention to prevent the genocide of the Indian population came too late to save the Taino, although it did lead to the introduction of enslaved Africans in the early 16th century, a solution to the Spaniards' labour problem that Las Casas had suggested. Small sugar industries were set up on a plantation basis in Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico, but they remained of minor significance and died out at the end of the 16th century. It was left to Sephardic Jews to introduce the sugar plantation to the British West Indies from northeastern Brazil in the 1640s, by which time the English and the French had made colonial inroads into the Caribbean, concentrating on the Lesser Antilles.Colonialism (colonialism, Western)England was the most successful of the northwestern European predators on the Spanish possessions. In 1623 the English occupied part of Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts (Saint Kitts and Nevis)), and in 1625 they occupied Barbados. By 1655, when Jamaica was captured from a small Spanish garrison, English colonies had been established in Nevis, Antigua (Antigua and Barbuda), and Montserrat. France occupied the rest of Saint Kitts, took control of Guadeloupe and Martinique in 1635, and in 1697 formally annexed Saint-Domingue (Haiti), the western third of Hispaniola, which for about half a century had been occupied by buccaneers and French settlers. Curaçao, Aruba, and Bonaire, off the coast of present-day Venezuela, and Sint Eustatius, Saba, and half of Saint Martin (Sint Maarten), in the northern group of the Lesser Antilles, became Dutch possessions in the 1630s, but more as part of the military strategy of the Dutch war of independence against Spain than in expectation of agricultural riches.These major gains against the Spanish were concentrated in the Lesser Antilles, which were poorly defended and essentially under Carib control. Only Jamaica and part of Hispaniola were wrested from the Spanish empire in the Greater Antilles, and Havana and San Juan continued to play a crucial part in trade between Latin America and Spain until the latter lost its mainland empire as a result of independence struggles of the 1820s. The French and the British (British Empire) continued to dispute the Lesser Antilles throughout the 18th century, and by the early 19th century Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Tobago, and Grenada were in British hands, while Trinidad was formally ceded to Britain by Spain in 1802, following its capture in 1797.Plantation slaveryDuring the second half of the 17th century, colonialism was linked to mercantilism (based on establishing gold and silver reserves and a favourable trade balance) and, in the British and French possessions in particular, to sugar and coffee plantations using slave labour imported from West Africa. The object of each of these imperial systems was to extract profits from the systems of trade in sugar, slaves, and manufactured goods. Mercantilism was most fully expressed in what is referred to as the triangular and quadrilateral trades; in their most complicated form these linked Europe, West Africa, the West Indies, and the eastern seaboard of what is now the United States in reciprocal commerce largely for the benefit of the British, French, and Dutch. Mercantilism peaked in the 18th century, before being replaced by the industrial capitalism that it had nurtured.A major feature of European settlement in the West Indies was its transitory nature. The object of adventurers, especially the British, was not to stay permanently in the West Indian colonies but to return to Europe with their fortunes made. Absenteeism became well established during the early 18th century, when many successful planters retired to Britain, leaving representatives in charge of their estates. These absentees were a crucial element in the West India Interest, a powerful lobby that brought together merchants from the major ports, planters, and parliamentarians. It was the West India Interest that engineered the Molasses (Molasses Act) and Sugar acts (Sugar Act) in the first half of the 18th century. These acts protected British West Indian sugar in the British market and increased the prosperity of the planters.The plantations and slavery created a hierarchical society based upon ‘‘racial " distinctions and law. During the 17th century the major strata of West Indian society were Europeans and their descendants (‘‘whites ")—who were generally free, though some were indentured workers serving a period of contract labour—and enslaved Africans. By the 18th century miscegenation had become more prevalent. Many children of mixed ethnicity were manumitted (obtained their freedom), creating an intermediate stratum of free “people of colour” (persons of mixed ethnicity) and free ‘‘blacks " (manumitted slaves of African descent). By law and by custom, however, only whites enjoyed full civil rights; the free “mixed-race” and black populations suffered many legal disabilities. Slaves—who included many mixed-race persons by about 1800—were nonpersons, chattels to be bought and sold.The West Indies since the 1790sEmancipationWest Indian Creole societies were shaken by the successful slave rebellion in Saint-Domingue in the 1790s, which led to a growing independence movement whose leaders included Toussaint Louverture, Henry Christophe (Christophe, Henry), and Jean-Jacques Dessalines (Dessalines, Jean-Jacques). The movement resulted in Haiti's independence in 1804, thus creating the first republic founded by people of primarily African descent in the Americas. In 1807 Britain abolished (abolitionism) the slave trade, and slavery itself was abolished in the British West Indies in two stages between 1834 and 1838. The French enacted emancipation in 1848 and the Dutch in 1863. But while these changes were taking place in the British, French, and Dutch West Indies, Spanish Cuba was developing as a slave-plantation producer of sugar. The importation of enslaved Africans into Cuba, despite a British naval blockade, turned the island into a predominantly black and mixed-race society by the second half of the 19th century. Full emancipation was not enacted in Cuba until 1886, 13 years after it was accomplished in Puerto Rico, where tobacco was more important than sugar and where enslaved people made up less than 5 percent of the population. Subsequent free white immigration, especially for plantation work in the early 20th century, once again transformed Cuba into a mainly white society with a Hispanic culture.Nineteenth-century emancipation created fewer changes than the slaveowners feared, largely because most of the best land was already part of plantations and because property-restricted franchises—especially in the British West Indies—favoured the established order. Nonetheless, emancipated slaves were free to sell their labour, migrate, squat, or purchase land. A “reconstituted” peasantry emerged in Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad, and the Windward Islands. In the larger Leewards (Leeward Islands) and Barbados the ex-slaves were unable to acquire land; mountainous (nonplantation) land on other islands was all that was available to former slaves, but the Leewards and Barbados lacked mountainous interiors. Thus, the nominally freed slaves there remained as plantation workers or emigrated and moved to Central America or the United States. Cuba's emancipated blacks were soon caught up in the war of independence with Spain; their descendants were later drawn into the burgeoning sugar industry developed by U.S. capital, much as mixed-race peasants had been in the Dominican Republic and as whites would be in Puerto Rico.The persistence of the plantation system and of white elitism, bolstered by colonialism, shored up the structure of the grossly inegalitarian societies of the West Indies after emancipation. Colour-class and culture-class correlations persisted in a situation where—excepting the French West Indies from the late 19th century—democracy was systematically denied. The complexity of the social hierarchy of blacks, whites, and people of mixed ethnicity was compounded on some islands by the arrival of other ethnic groups. Chinese indentured immigration to Cuba; South Asian indentured immigration to Trinidad and to a lesser extent to Jamaica, Martinique, and Guadeloupe; and free movement of Chinese, Portuguese, Syrians, and Lebanese to Trinidad and the Greater Antilles (mainly in the 20th century) produced minorities with the potential for social mobility. But, whereas the Portuguese, Syrians, and Lebanese (like the Jews before them) used trade to achieve mobility, the South Asians (Indo-Trinidadians) remained largely tied to rural enclaves, even in Trinidad, up to the 1960s. Since then, however, Indo-Trinidadians (about four-tenths of the population) have become urbanized and have entered government and commerce as well as a wide range of professional occupations.DecolonizationRadical change in the social position of nonwhites has depended less upon emancipation than on decolonization. Having liberated themselves in 1804, the Haitians in the early 1820s invaded Santo Domingo and incorporated the former, almost forgotten Spanish colony into a Hispaniola-wide Haiti. In 1844, Dominicans rejected Haitian hegemony and declared their sovereignty. Later they reverted briefly to the Spanish crown, and they achieved their final independence in 1865. The third independence from a European power in the West Indies was Cuba's, in 1898, and it involved not only two wars of independence with Spain but also U.S. intervention (the Spanish-American War). Cuba achieved formal independence from the United States in 1902 but remained a fief of its northern neighbour until the Platt Amendment was abrogated in 1934. By this time labour disturbances were about to break out throughout the region, a consequence of the Great Depression and the lack of means for democratic dissent; popular demands for development and decolonization were spreading from Jamaica to Trinidad.Most of the West Indian societies were decolonized with imperial consent after World War II, either by a grant of full independence, as in the case of most of the British territories; by incorporation into the mother country, as in French-affiliated islands of the Lesser Antilles; or through their association with the colonial power, as in the Netherlands Antilles and some of the British territories. All these methods of decolonization have been endorsed by the United Nations. Nevertheless, Britain still retains several small West Indian overseas territories, most of which have shown little interest in independence: Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Puerto Rico continues to exist as a commonwealth of the United States, although its future political status remains the subject of debate among islanders; some groups continue to pursue statehood and others independence.When World War II ended in 1945, only three West Indian states were independent—Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba—and all either were or were about to become dictatorships. When the British, the French, and the Dutch began to decolonize, by either liberating or incorporating their territories, a major concern was the establishment of democracy. In pursuit of this objective the British tried to create an interisland federation that would incorporate more checks and balances than was feasible in a unitary state and that would also provide a vehicle for small-island decolonization. It was the failure of this policy with the breakup of the West Indies Federation (1958–62) that led to the first phase of independence (1962–66), the second stage of independence involving the Bahamas and the West Indies Associated States (1973–83), and the ultimate recognition by Britain of a residual and continuing category of dependencies.DependencyIf most West Indian political units are no longer colonial, dependence remains the hallmark of Caribbean economies. For decades the terms of trade, for example, have operated against West Indian primary producers; none of the West Indian islands produces enough of any one major commodity to have a decisive role in fixing prices. More damaging in many cases than the terms of trade has been the penetration of each island economy by foreign enterprise. Neocolonialism prevails in most islands, and West Indians are acutely aware of their dependence on overseas capital, decision makers, and technologies, particularly in the French-affiliated islands of the Lesser Antilles.The importance of multinational corporations in West Indian economies is reflected in the preeminent position of North American companies in the Jamaican, Haitian, and Dominican Republican bauxite industries and (to a lesser extent by the early 21st century) in Trinidad's petroleum economy; the role of British-based companies in West Indian sugar production and refining; and the monopolistic position of both British and North American companies in the marketing of bananas from Jamaica and the Windward Islands.In the late 20th century there was substantial nationalization of foreign-owned enterprise in the West Indies because of pressure from governments and, in the Commonwealth Caribbean, as a result of the willingness of companies to surrender their least-viable operations and to use the compensation to open up activities elsewhere. For example, foreign-based sugar interests divested themselves first of land and then of factories in Jamaica and Trinidad (Trinidad and Tobago), and Jamaicans and Trinidadians acquired interest in foreign banks.It was once expected that decolonization would deliver more than halting development of dependent economies under generally conservative elites. When compared with the example of oppression and impoverishment in Haiti after 30 years of rule by François Duvalier (Duvalier, François) and Jean-Claude Duvalier (Duvalier, Jean-Claude) and the severe political and economic instability that followed in their wake, however, the British, French, and Dutch former colonies can be said to have made considerable social and economic progress under generally democratic governments. Indeed, the process of democratization—one of the major goals of decolonization—is largely regarded to have moved successfully. However, governments remain unclear on how the benefits of self-determination can be extended into grassroots economic development and social change, although some countries, Jamaica in particular, have made considerable progress in breaking the real and psychological ties of dependency.Colin Graham Clarke Bridget M. BreretonAdditional ReadingGeneral histories include Franklin W. Knight, The Caribbean: The Genesis of a Fragmented Nationalism, 2nd ed. (1990); Jan Rogoziński, A Brief History of the Caribbean, rev. ed. (2000); and James Ferguson, The Story of the Caribbean People (1999). UNESCO, General History of the Caribbean, 6 vol. (1997– ), offers a comprehensive survey of the region's history since pre-Columbian times.Many histories of the region explore slavery and its origins and consequences: Carl Bridenbaugh and Roberta Bridenbaugh, No Peace Beyond the Line: The English in the Caribbean, 1624–1690 (1972); Richard S. Dunn, Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies, 1624–1713 (1972, reissued with a new foreword 2000); Richard B. Sheridan, Sugar and Slavery: An Economic History of the British West Indies, 1623–1775 (1974, reissued 1994 with a new foreword); B.W. Higman, Slave Populations of the British Caribbean, 1807–1834 (1984, reissued 1995 with a new introduction); Michael Craton, Testing the Chains: Resistance to Slavery in the British West Indies (1982); William A. Green, British Slave Emancipation: The Sugar Colonies and the Great Experiment, 1830–1865 (1991); Manuel Moreno Fraginals, Frank Moya Pons, and Stanley L. Engerman (eds.), Between Slavery and Free Labor: The Spanish-Speaking Caribbean in the Nineteenth Century (1985); R.W. Beachey, The British West Indies Sugar Industry in the Late 19th Century (1957, reprinted 1978); and Malcolm Cross and Gad Heuman (eds.), Labour in the Caribbean: From Emancipation to Independence (1992). The rise of the postemancipation peasantry is explored in Sidney W. Mintz, Caribbean Transformations (1974, reissued 2007). A pathbreaking work relating to dependency is Eric Williams, Capitalism & Slavery (1944, reissued 1994 with a new introduction); and economic dependency on foreign countries is developed in Anthony Payne and Paul Sutton (eds.), Dependency Under Challenge: The Political Economy of the Commonwealth Caribbean (1984). The history of political and ideological conflict in the contemporary West Indies is told in Anthony Payne, The International Crisis in the Caribbean (1984); Paul Sutton, Dual Legacies in the Contemporary Caribbean: Continuing Aspects of British and French Dominion (1986); Robert D. Crassweller, The Caribbean Community: Changing Societies and U.S. Policy (1972); and Virginia R. Domínguez and Jorge I. Domínguez, The Caribbean: Its Implications for the United States (1981).Bridget M. Brereton* * *
Universalium. 2010.