New Hampshire

New Hampshire
New Hampshirite /hamp"sheuh ruyt'/, New Hampshireman.
/hamp"sheuhr, -shear/
1. a state in the NE United States. 920,610; 9304 sq. mi. (24,100 sq. km). Cap.: Concord. Abbr.: NH (for use with zip code), N.H.
2. one of an American breed of chestnut-red chickens raised for meat and eggs.

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State (pop., 2000: 1,235,786), northeastern U.S. One of the New England states, it is bordered by Canada and the U.S. states of Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont; the Atlantic Ocean lies to the southeast.

New Hampshire covers 9,283 sq mi (24,043 sq km); its capital is Concord. The Connecticut River forms its western boundary with Vermont. The White Mountains in its central part contain Mount Washington. The region was inhabited by Algonquin Indians (see Algonquian languages) when the first English people settled near Portsmouth in 1623. The area came under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts in 1641 and became a separate crown colony in 1679. It was the first colony to declare its independence from Britain in 1776. Following the nation's establishment, the state grew rapidly. Agriculture flourished and manufacturing developed along the rivers. Portsmouth became a major shipbuilding centre. The economy is now based primarily on manufacturing and tourism, although dairy farming and granite quarrying are also important. Because it holds the nation's earliest presidential primary, it has furnished the first testing ground for many candidacies. Dartmouth and the University of New Hampshire are two of the state's prominent educational institutions.

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New Hampshire, flag of    constituent state of the United States of America (United States). One of the 13 original U.S. states, it is located in New England at the extreme northeastern corner of the country. It is bounded to the north by the Canadian province of Quebec, to the east by Maine and a 16-mile (25-km) stretch of the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by Massachusetts, and to the west by Vermont. The capital is Concord, located in the south-central part of the state.

      The Granite State, as New Hampshire is popularly known, is a study in contrasts. Since the late 19th century it has been among the half-dozen most industrialized states in the Union, yet it is frequently portrayed as agricultural and pastoral. Vermont and New Hampshire supposedly constitute aYankee Kingdomdominated by white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, yet the state has a large population of residents with French Canadian, German, Italian, Polish, and other non-English ancestors. Its political reputation is probusiness and conservative, yet the single largest internal source of state funds is a business profits tax; in addition, the state was among the first to legalize civil unions for same-sex couples. New Hampshire's regional subdivisions are so distinct that numerous people have suggested it be divided in thirds, with roughly equal parts being added to Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts.

      Despite these contrasts, the state has developed a distinct identity. Central to that identity is the image of governmental frugality: New Hampshire has no general sales tax or individual income tax. Frugality at the state level has accentuated the dispersal of responsibility to towns. Although town governments exist in all the New England states, in no state do they carry as much authority nor as much responsibility for providing their own services as in New Hampshire. Still another component of that identity is a craggy adherence to tradition, long powerfully symbolized by the rock profile in Franconia Notch known as the Old Man of the Mountain; the rock outcropping collapsed in 2003. The combination of frugality, decentralization, traditionalism, industrialization, ethnicity, and geographic diversity makes New Hampshire very attractive to many Americans. Area 9,282 square miles (24,040 square km). Pop. (2000) 1,235,786; (2007 est.) 1,315,828.


   The basic physical features of New Hampshire are the result of the most recent glacial age (approximately 70,000 to 10,000 years ago), during which the Wisconsin (Wisconsin Glacial Stage) ice sheet moved like a huge bulldozer across New England from the northwest to the southeast. Loose sand, silt, clay, and gravel were deposited as masses of glacial till that, near the town of Greenland, are 395 feet (120 metres) in depth. The mountain notches of New HampshireCrawford, Dixville, Franconia, and Pinkhamare the result of the glacial action, as are the potholes and cirques (deep, steep-walled basins on mountains) found in the state. The great glacier left many deltas and hillocks of stratified deposits. The many lakes that dot the New Hampshire countryside are also the results of glacial action; the largest of these is Lake Winnipesaukee (Winnipesaukee, Lake) in the east-central part of the state.

      The mountains are the most striking feature of New Hampshire's landscape. There are about 1,500 classified elevations, including several peaks in the White Mountains, rising above 5,000 feet (1,500 metres) in elevation. The best-known is Mount Washington (Washington, Mount), at 6,288 feet (1,917 metres) the third highest peak in the country east of the Mississippi River. The mean elevation of the state is about 1,000 feet (300 metres) above sea level.

Drainage and soils
 New Hampshire has five main drainage basins. The largest is that of the Merrimack River, in the central part of the state. Second in size is the Connecticut River drainage basin, along the western border. The remaining waters flow into the Saco, Piscataqua, and Androscoggin (Androscoggin River) rivers, known collectively as the coastal rivers, as well as into several smaller streams. There are some rich deposits of deep soil along these rivers, but in general the soils within the state are rocky, thin, and difficult to farm.

 New Hampshire's climate is highly varied. In winter temperatures may drop below 0 °F (−18 °C) for days at a time. Summers are relatively cool, and the mean annual temperature is about 44 °F (7 °C). Annual precipitation is approximately 42 inches (1,070 mm) and is rather evenly distributed over the four seasons. Average snowfall is about 50 inches (1,270 mm) along the coast and 100 inches (2,540 mm) in the northern and western parts of the state. The greatest climatic extremes occur on the summit of Mount Washington (Washington, Mount), the site of a noted weather observatory. On April 12, 1934, the observatory there recorded a world-record wind speed of 231 miles (372 km) per hour.

Plant and animal life
 More than four-fifths of New Hampshire is under forest cover. The majority of the trees found in the eastern United States are indigenous to the state. The most valuable single species of tree has always been the white pine.

      The wooded areas support a flourishing range of wildlife. White-tailed deer are numerous everywhere, and moose, once exceedingly scarce because of habitat loss, have returned to all regions of the state. There are annual deer- and moose-hunting seasons. Beavers, once almost exterminated, benefited from a restocking program begun in the 1920s and have rebounded to their previous numbers. Black bears are relatively common, while smaller mammals such as rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, foxes, and mink are plentiful. There is an abundance of birdlife, including species of grouse, woodcocks, pheasant, and ducks. State rearing stations keep the interior lakes and rivers well stocked for fishing. There has been much concern about the effects of pollution and acid rain on aquatic life, and strenuous efforts, both public and private, have been under way to prevent further contamination of lakes, streams, and coastal waters.

Natural regions
      New Hampshire has a number of distinct regions, each deeply rooted in the state's history. The heavily forested White Mountains area in the north is popular with outdoors enthusiasts and tourists in summer and winter alike. The lakes region around Lake Winnipesaukee is a favoured locality for summer camps and resorts and for aquatic sports. The seacoast region, which includes Portsmouth, Dover, Exeter, and Hampton, has many maritime activities. The south-central, or Merrimack, region surrounds Manchester and Nashua and is the most heavily industrialized section of the state. The DartmouthSunapee Lake region in the west-central portion of New Hampshire is dotted with educational institutions and summer homes. The area around Monadnock Mountain, in the southwestern corner of the state, is noted for many small industries and such attractions as the MacDowell Colony, a residential retreat in Peterborough for artists, and for the Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge, an outdoor shrine dedicated to the country's war dead. Each region is officially organized and finances its own promotional activities. White Mountain National Forest constitutes more than one-tenth of the state's area and is almost uninhabited.


Ethnic and religious origins
      In the colonial period the majority of the people were of English origin, but a significant influx of Scotch-Irish, who were largely Presbyterian in faith, began in 1719. They settled in the south-central and southwestern portions of New Hampshire and named their principal towns Derry, Londonderry, Antrim, and Dublin, for places they had left behind in Ireland.

      In the past New Hampshire had a system of town churches in which any officially recognized denomination could be designated at the annual town meeting to receive public tax support. Prior to the American Revolution, five denominations were officially recognized: Congregational (Congregationalism), Baptist, Presbyterian (Presbyterian churches), Quaker (Society of Friends (Friends, Society of)), and Church of England (England, Church of). The system was discarded in 1819 by the Toleration Act passed by the legislature. Since then all churches have been privately supported, and any denomination may function freely.

      Between 1845 and 1920, immigrants came to New Hampshire from all parts of Europe. The first Roman Catholic congregation was established in 1823, the first Roman Catholic school in 1859, and a statewide diocese in 1884. The first Jewish congregation was organized in 1892 and the first Greek Orthodox church in 1905. The New Hampshire Council of Churches, organized in 1945, has developed broad ecumenical policies to include many faiths.

Population composition
      New Hampshire's citizens are overwhelmingly of European heritage (white); Asians and Pacific Islanders and African Americans constitute only a tiny fraction of the population, as do Hispanics. The largest group not directly descended from origins in the British Isles are the French Canadians, or Canado-Américaines, who first began to arrive in the years immediately after the American Civil War, chiefly from Quebec. They were attracted mainly to such industrial cities as Manchester, Nashua, Laconia, and Berlin. By the end of World War I, New Hampshire had the largest percentage of French Canadians among the states.

Demographic trends
      In the first U.S. census, in 1790, New Hampshire had a population of 141,885. Since then each decennial count has recorded a growth, except for that of 1870, when there was an extensive post-Civil War exodus to the Midwest. The urban population is concentrated to a large extent in the southern and southeastern regions, and the larger urban centres, with the exception of Berlin, are all located south of the White Mountains.

      The historic shoemaking, woodworking, apparel, and textile industries have declined in productivity and employment, while electrical equipment and high-technology industries have grown rapidly. The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (actually located across the harbour from Portsmouth at Kittery, Maine) is one of the largest employers in the seacoast region. Established in 1800 as the country's first naval shipyard, it is now renowned for building and maintaining submarines.

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
 Agricultural acreage decreased by two-thirds in the 20th century. Ornamental and greenhouse plants, dairy products, and a variety of fruits and vegetables are still grown or produced on the state's some 3,000 farms; livestock raising is also important. More than half of the timber harvested is used for sawlogs, and nearly two-fifths goes for pulpwood to supply paper and newsprint industries. The state ranks low in commercial fishing yields but has marketable catches of lobsters and deep-sea fish.

Resources and power
      There are many rock quarries, chiefly of granite, throughout New Hampshire, but only the granite quarries in Concord are still in operation. Sand and gravel are the major minerals produced in terms of both tonnage and value. Other native minerals that have commercial value include garnet, zircon, beryl, and bog iron.

      Hydroelectric power was once the predominant energy source in New England, but it has been surpassed by nuclear powermuch of it produced at the plant in Seabrookand petroleum-derived power. There are still a number of electricity-generating dams in operation on New Hampshire rivers, including the Connecticut, Androscoggin, and Merrimack; the energy they generate meets a small but significant percentage of the needs of the state and the region.

Manufacturing and services
      The manufacture of machinery and electrical and electronic goods, along with precision-instrument and computer-related products, has largely supplanted the textile and garment industry, much of which either closed or moved to the South after 1945. Paper and wood products are the next largest industries. The only large industrial centre north of the White Mountains is Berlin, which has paper and pulp mills.

      In 1955 the state legislature established an Industrial Park Authority, now the Business Finance Authority, to attract more business to New Hampshire. Supplemented by the endeavours of individual cities and towns and by various private organizations, the authority has been successful in modernizing the industrial and business life of the state.

      Next to manufacturing, tourism contributes the greatest proportion to the state economy. An organized effort began in the early 20th century to publicize New Hampshire as a tourist area, and this effort has steadily expanded. With the increase in popularity of winter sports following World War II and the lure of a fall foliage season, New Hampshire became as attractive to visitors in the cold months as it had been in the summer. Among other service activities that also have grown significantly are insurance and banking, medical and health care establishments, miscellaneous business services, and wholesale and retail trade.

 Rail transportation in New Hampshire is quite limited; most of the state's rights-of-way have been abandoned. Amtrak provides passenger service along the Connecticut Rivermostly on the Vermont sideand via its Boston- Portland (Maine) route, which crosses through the New Hampshire seacoast region. Freight service operates on a limited scale in several parts of the state. There are also a few scenic railroads offering rides to tourists. Outstanding among these is the Cog Railway, a 6-mile (10-km) line running to the summit of Mount Washington (Washington, Mount) that has been in operation since 1869.

      Although there is limited local bus service in a few of New Hampshire's larger cities, intercity buses connect New Hampshire communities with the Boston metropolitan area. The interstate highway system runs to most parts of the state and is complemented by state turnpikes (toll roads) and a well-developed network of state highways. The state's topography tends to make travel easiest in a north-south direction.

      The road system lets many people living in southern New Hampshire commute to jobs in Massachusetts and gives tourists from eastern metropolitan areas access to the state's lakes and mountains. New Hampshire has two commercial airports: the rapidly developing Manchester Airport and Portsmouth International Airport, part of the Pease International Tradeport complex developed on the site of the former Pease Air Force Base (which closed in 1991). New Hampshire also has a number of smaller airports that offer commuter and private services, as well as numerous local airports.

Government and society

Constitutional framework
 The constitution of New Hampshire, the second oldest among the 50 states, was adopted in 1784. Every 10 years the residents may vote on the question of holding a convention to consider modifications of the constitution. Proposals that pass these conventions must be approved by two-thirds of the voters at a popular referendum. Several conventions have been held in the state's history, and a large number of modifications have been adopted, but a considerable portion of the original constitution remains intact.

      The governor is elected for a two-year term and is assisted by a five-member executive council, a surviving institution from the colonial era. Members of the council, elected every two years from five geographic districts in the state, must approve most appointments to state offices, all appointments to judicial posts, and all state contracts valued at $5,000 or more.

      The bicameral state legislature, the General Court, comprises more than 400 members elected every two years. The House of Representatives, the lower chamber, has between 375 and 400 delegates; the number depends upon the results of the decennial redistricting but in practice is usually maintained at 400. It is thus the largest state-level legislative body in the United States. The state Senate has 24 members.

      The state's judicial functions take place in three levels of courts: municipal and district courts, county superior and probate courts, and the state Supreme Court. All justices are appointed by the governor and executive council and serve until retirement at age 70 or sooner, unless they are removed for cause.

      Below the state level, government is organized into counties, cities, and towns. Besides their court functions, county governments run prisons, nursing homes, and some a registry of deeds. Each of the 13 cities has its own charter providing for a mayor-council, a mayor-alderman, or a council-manager form of government. Virtually all the 221 incorporated towns rely on the annual town meeting to guide policy. Towns have a variety of elected and appointed committees, but those matters of general concern recommended by these advisory groups appear as articles in a warrant distributed before the town meeting. With an elected moderator presiding, the town votes on every article. It also elects a wide range of local officials. A state law enacted in the late 20th century enabled some towns to vote on all warrant items at polling places instead of at town meetings. Elected selectmen, from three to five in number, manage daily affairs.

      New Hampshire has always been a two-party state. Prior to the Civil War era, New Hampshire was overwhelmingly Democratic (Democratic Party), but from then to the Great Depression of the 1930s it was dominated by the Republican (Republican Party)s. The voters, however, have opted on several occasions for Democratic presidential candidatesWoodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Bill Clintonand have sent a number of Democrats to Congress. New Hampshire holds the first primary in the nation during each presidential election season and has thus taken on great importance as a bellwether of national trends.

Social services and taxation
      The state provides the standard health and social services. The state department of health and human services employs about one-third of all state employees.

      New Hampshire has an unusual system for raising revenue. The state has clung tenaciously to its distinction of having neither a general sales tax nor a comprehensive state individual income tax. Because it raises some money from dog and horse racing, from state-operated liquor stores, from cigarettes, and from a lottery, New Hampshire has a reputation for relying onsintaxes. The state actually derives only a small portion of its revenue from these sources, however. Much more important are a business profits tax, business enterprise tax, license fees, and taxes on meals, lodging, and motor fuel. The main support of public education used to come from local property taxes, but in 1997 this method was declared unconstitutional by the state Supreme Court. In 1998 the state legislature adopted a statewide education property tax, which was put into effect the following year. The state government now carries much more of the burden for funding public schools.

      New Hampshire has had a public school system since 1647, when, as a part of Massachusetts, it was required to provide different kinds of schools depending on community size. The statewide system is administered by a board of education headed by a commissioner. Each town is constituted a school district, unless it is part of a school administrative unit (SAU). The land-grant college that became the University of New Hampshire (New Hampshire, University of) was founded in 1866 in Hanover and moved to Durham in 1893; it has a branch campus in Manchester (1985). The state university system also includes Plymouth State University and Keene State College. There are several state vocational colleges and a technical institute; a public television system at the state university has been in operation since 1959.

      New Hampshire also has many private educational institutions. Phillips Exeter Academy (in Exeter; 1781) and St. Paul's School (Concord; 1856) are the best known among the state's college-preparatory schools. Colleges include Dartmouth (Dartmouth College), one of the eight Ivy League schools, founded at Hanover in 1769; St. Anselm (Manchester; 1889); and Colby-Sawyer (New London; 1837).

Cultural life
 New Hampshire has several outstanding cultural institutions. The MacDowell Colony, a retreat for musicians and writers founded in 1907, is a memorial to the composer and Peterborough resident Edward MacDowell (MacDowell, Edward (Alexander)). The 86-acre (35-hectare) former home of the noted sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens (Saint-Gaudens, Augustus) at Cornish is now a national historic site. The Currier Museum of Art and an institute of arts and sciences are located in Manchester; Dartmouth College is a distinguished fine arts centre, and there is an arts and science centre in Nashua.

      Other cultural attractions include the Museum of New Hampshire History and the Christa McAuliffe Planetarium in Concord, Strawbery Banke Museum in Portsmouth, Shaker museums in both Enfield and Canterbury, andThe Fells,” the estate of U.S. Secretary of State John Hay (Hay, John) in Newbury. Several towns have smaller galleries, art centres, and museums. Summer theatres flourish in a dozen or more resort areas.

      Recreation and tourism are perhaps the state's best-known cultural assets, the Great North Woods drawing outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds. New Hampshire has some 30 ski areas, many of which also operate their lifts in the summer for sightseers, and thousands of youngsters flock to its scores of youth camps each year. There is an extensive system of state parks and forests, and White Mountain National Forest occupies much of the north-central portion of the state. The Appalachian National Scenic Trail traverses a great southwest-northeast swath of the mountain region, from Hanover to east of Berlin.


Native American population
      Before contact with the English, about 3,000 Native Americans inhabited what eventually became New Hampshire. They were organized into clans, semiautonomous bands, and larger tribal entities; the Pennacook, with their central village in present-day Concord, were by far the most powerful of these tribes. The entire Native American population was part of the linguistically unified Algonquian (Algonquian languages) culture that dominated northeastern North America. Tribes living in New Hampshire were mostly of the Algonquian group called the western Abenaki. Disease, war, and migration quickly reduced the population after contact with English settlers. By 1700 few Native Americans resided within colonial boundaries. The primary contemporary reminder of Native American inhabitation is in place-names such as Lake Winnipesaukee, Kancamagus Highway, and Mount Passaconaway.

The English colony
      The New Hampshire region was included in a series of grants made by the English crown to Capt. John Mason and others during the 1620s. A fishing and trading settlement was established in 1623, and in 1629 the name New Hampshire, after the English county of Hampshire, was applied to a grant for a region between the Merrimack (Merrimack River) and Piscataqua rivers. The towns of Dover, Portsmouth, Exeter, and Hampton were the main settlements.

      From 1641 to 1679 the region was administered by the colonial government of Massachusetts (Massachusetts Bay Colony). Following territorial and religious disputes between Massachusetts and Mason's heirs, New Hampshire became a separate royal province in 1679. Bitter boundary feuds with Massachusetts and New York over the part of the New Hampshire grant that became Vermont continued almost until the American Revolution. Benning Wentworth held the post of colonial governor from 1741 to 1767, the longest tenure of any royal governor in any of the colonies.

      In 1767 the colony took its first census and reported about 52,700 people. By 1772 the state was divided into five counties, to which five others have been added since 1800. New Hampshire soldiers played an active part in the colonial wars between Great Britain and France from 1689 to 1763. By the end of the colonial period the seat of government was at Portsmouth, and there were 147 chartered towns in the province.

Revolution and statehood
 In December 1774 armed resistance to the British broke out at New Castle, where Fort William and Mary (now Fort Constitution State Historic Site) was seized by colonists. The citizens of New Hampshire were overwhelmingly in sympathy with the aims of the revolutionary leaders. The state furnished two brigadier generals to the Continental Army, three regiments of regular troops, and hundreds of short-term militiamen. New Hampshire formed its own state government in January 1776, and in June 1776 it instructed its delegates attending the Continental Congress in Philadelphia to vote for independence. New Hampshire's vote was the ninth and decisive vote in ratifying the Constitution of the United States (Constitution of the United States of America) in 1788.

      Following the establishment of the nation, the state grew rapidly. Agriculture, notably sheep raising, flourished, and manufacturing developed along the fast-flowing rivers, particularly in Manchester. When the railroads came to the Northeast, an extensive rail network was constructed in New Hampshire. Portsmouth and its surrounding towns emerged as shipbuilding centres. In 1846 Manchester became the first incorporated city in the state. New Hampshire was also the birthplace of such noted statesmen as Daniel Webster (Webster, Daniel), Pres. Franklin Pierce (Pierce, Franklin), and Salmon P. Chase (Chase, Salmon P.).

James Duane Squires Jere R. Daniell R. Stuart Wallace

The Gilded Age
 New Hampshire played an active role in the American Civil War, both in terms of the numbers of enlisted men and in industry. Such industrial cities and towns as Manchester, Nashua, Claremont, Dover, Newmarket, and Laconia produced blankets, uniforms, shoes, and rifles. In the years after the war, the industrial centres of New Hampshire prospered. Irish, German, and French Canadian workers readily found jobs in the state's textile mills and tanneries. By the end of the 19th century and early into the 20th, emigrants from northern, central, eastern, and southern Europe joined older immigrant groups. The prosperity of the state's industrial centres stood in sharp contrast to the general decline in agricultural communities. Farm population dropped, as did the acreage of cleared land in the state. Grains, wool, and meat were brought to New Hampshire cheaply, which forced farmers to switch to the production of such perishable items as dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. Rural decline was also relieved by Gilded Age tourism. The era of the grand hotels brought thousands of tourists annually to the White Mountains, the lakes region, or the seacoast. Rural areas were also relieved by commercial logging operations, notably in the northern part of the state. Companies built logging railroads into the heart of the White Mountains, and during the 1880s mills in the boomtown of Berlin were turning logs from the north country into pulp and paper. By the end of the 19th century the Boston and Maine Railroad (Boston and Maine Corporation) had become the state's biggest business, controlling all but 52 of the state's 1,174 miles (1,889 km) of railroad. Railroad interests also controlled state politics.

Progressive New Hampshire and the decline of the old industries
 During the first decade of the 20th century, New Hampshire's railroads, tourist trade, manufacturing, and logging operations seemed to be prospering just as its traditional family farms seemed to be disappearing. Manchester's Amoskeag Manufacturing Company became the largest textile mill in the world. Investors in Boston capitalized much of New Hampshire's big business. Progressive (United States) political leaders in the state complained of the undue influence of out-of-state business interests, and they succeeded in implementing Progressive legislation, including direct primary elections, workers' compensation, and restrictions on child labour. Meanwhile, in response to massive clear-cutting of timber in the White Mountains, the state's Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests led the drive to create White Mountain National Forest.

      But New Hampshire's prosperity was short-lived. The state's textile mills and shoe factories were antiquated and far removed from raw materials and markets. The Boston and Maine Railroad was burdened with high operating costs and unprofitable lines. Further, the grand hotels were to reap a diminishing percentage of the tourist trade after World War I as good roads and the automobile brought increasing numbers of less-affluent tourists to tourist homes, teahouses, tourist cottages, and roadside camps. By the 1920s many of the state's textile mills were eliminating jobs, and the railroad went into receivership. The Great Depression of the 1930s simply made things worse. Several of the largest textile mills, including the Amoskeag mills, went out of business, and even the once-profitable Brown Paper Company of Berlin declared bankruptcy.

      During World War II many of New Hampshire's remaining mills stayed afloat when they received government contracts, and unemployment became virtually nonexistent as young men either joined the military or found work at home. The largest single employer during the war was the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (at Kittery, Maine). Government contracts quickly ended after the war, and New Hampshire's old industries were in trouble.

      In 1944, near the war's end, New Hampshire hosted the Bretton Woods Conference, which founded two of the most important postwar institutions: the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Return of prosperity
      During the 1950s New Hampshire's economy slowly began to turn around. As older textile mills and shoe factories disappeared, new companies making machinery, precision instruments, electrical products, and, eventually, computers and computer accessories replaced them. By the 1960s New Hampshire had become one of the fastest-growing states east of the Mississippi River; the population roughly doubled between the 1960 and 2000 censuses. Not only has the state's economy diversified, but its politics has as well. Although New Hampshire traditionally had been a Republican state beginning a few years after the formation of the party (by politicians including Exeter's Amos Tuck) in the 1850s, the Democratic Party made a resurgence in the 1960s, resulting in the election of Democratic governors as well as U.S. congressmen and senators. New Hampshire is best known politically, however, for holding the country's first primary of the presidential election season. Since 1952, when the early primary first included the names of the actual candidates rather than those of the state's prospective delegates to the national party convention, the New Hampshire presidential primary has been a celebrated political event.

      Prosperity in the late 20th and early 21st centuries did not come without a price for New Hampshire citizens. Rapid population growth and development forced many communities to find ways to balance the need for jobs with the desire to preserve the very environment that had attracted new residents and tourists. In addition, population growth resulted in rapidly increasing costs for local governments, which depend primarily on property taxes for revenue.

R. Stuart Wallace

Additional Reading
Federal Writers' Project, New Hampshire, New Hampshire: A Guide to the Granite State (1938, reissued 1992), is still an excellent, though somewhat dated, source for information about many aspects of the state. DeLorme Mapping Company, The New Hampshire Atlas & Gazetteer, 14th ed. (2002), details the state's topography.General histories of New Hampshire include J. Duane Squires, The Granite State of the United States: A History of New Hampshire from 1623 to the Present, 4 vol. (1956); Elizabeth Forbes Morison and Elting E. Morison, New Hampshire: A Bicentennial History (1976); Ronald Jager and Grace Jager, The Granite State: New Hampshire: An Illustrated History (2000); and Nancy Coffey Heffernan and Ann Page Stecker, New Hampshire: Crosscurrents in Its Development, 3rd ed. (2004). Particular periods are examined by Jere Daniell, Colonial New Hampshire: A History (1981), and Experiment in Republicanism: New Hampshire Politics and the American Revolution, 17411794 (1970); Lynn Warren Turner, The Ninth State: New Hampshire's Formative Years (1983); Donald B. Cole, Jacksonian Democracy in New Hampshire, 18001851 (1970, reprinted 1999); and James Wright, The Progressive Yankees: Republican Reformers in New Hampshire, 19061916 (1987). John D. Haskell, Jr., and T.D. Seymour Bassett (eds.), New Hampshire: A Bibliography of Its History (1979, reprinted 1983), lists more than 6,000 items on history and culture.R. Stuart Wallace

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  • New Hampshire — • The most northerly of the thirteen original states of the United States Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. New Hampshire     New Hampshire      …   Catholic encyclopedia

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