Gilded Age

Gilded Age
the period in the U.S. c1870-98, characterized by a greatly expanding economy and the emergence of plutocratic influences in government and society.

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United States history
      period of gross materialism and blatant political corruption in U.S. history during the 1870s that gave rise to important novels of social and political criticism. The period takes its name from the earliest of these, The Gilded Age (1873), written by Mark Twain in collaboration with Charles Dudley Warner. The novel gives a vivid and accurate description of Washington, D.C., and is peopled with caricatures of many leading figures of the day, including greedy industrialists and corrupt politicians. Twain's satire was followed in 1880 by Democracy, a political novel published anonymously by the historian Henry Adams. Adams' book deals with a dishonest Midwestern senator and suggests that the real source of corruption lies in the unprincipled attitudes of the wild and lawless West. An American Politician, by Francis Marion Crawford (1884), focussed upon the disputed election of Pres. Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, but its significance as a political novel is diluted by an overdose of popular romance.

      The political novels of the Gilded Age represent the beginnings of a new strain in American literature, the novel as a vehicle of social protest, a trend that grew in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with the works of the muckrakers and culminated in the proletarian novelists.

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  • Gilded Age — the period in the U.S. c1870 98, characterized by a greatly expanding economy and the emergence of plutocratic influences in government and society. * * * Gilded Age, U.S. any period of wealth and growth of a nation or culture, especially the 35… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gilded Age — opulent post Civil War period in the United States …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era — The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era is a peer reviewed academic journal of American history. Sometimes referred to by the acronym JGAPE, the journal publishes scholarly articles and book reviews relating to the period between 1865… …   Wikipedia

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