White Mountains

White Mountains
a mountain range in N New Hampshire, part of the Appalachian Mountains. Highest peak, Mt. Washington, 6293 ft. (1918 m).

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Segment of the Appalachian Mountains.

It extends 87 mi (140 km) across north-central New Hampshire and into western Maine. Containing the highest elevations in the northeastern U.S., its loftiest peaks, mostly 5,0006,000 ft (1,5001,800 m) high, occur in a series of summits that are named for U.S. presidents and make up the Presidential Range. The highest point is Mount Washington. Most of the White Mountains lie within the White Mountain National Forest. It is a popular summer and winter resort area.

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mountains, Maine-New Hampshire, United States
   segment of the Appalachian Mountains, U.S., extending for 87 miles (140 km) across north-central New Hampshire and slightly into western Maine. They contain the highest elevations in the northeastern United States. The loftiest peaks, mostly between 5,000 and 6,000 feet (1,500 and 1,800 metres), occur in a linear series of distinct summits that are named for U.S. presidents and make up the Presidential Range. The highest point (6,288 feet [1,917 metres]) is Mount Washington (Washington, Mount), which is reached by a highway and cog railway. Other subranges include the Franconia Mountains and the CarterMoriah and Sandwich ranges. Noteworthy features are the many rounded passes, locally termed notches, that were carved by mountain glaciers; the most scenic are Crawford, Dixville, Franconia, Kinsman, and Pinkham notches. The northeastern edge of the mountains is marked by the Ammonoosuc and Androscoggin river valleys.

      With only the highest summits reaching above the timberline, a large part of the mountains lies within the White Mountain National Forest. More than 1,000 miles (1,600 km) of nature trails and numerous campsites make the region a favourite summer vacation area. The mountains also have fine ski slopes and there are additional facilities for winter sports.

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  • White Mountains —   [ waɪt maʊntɪnz], Gebirgszug der nördlichen Appalachen in New Hampshire und im Westen von Maine, USA, bis 1 917 m über dem Meeresspiegel (Mount Washington); größtenteils bewaldet; bedeutender Fremdenverkehr.   …   Universal-Lexikon

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