Dartmouth College

Dartmouth College
Private institution of higher learning in Hanover, N.H., a traditional member of the Ivy League.

It is consistently ranked as one of the best liberal arts colleges in the U.S. It was founded in 1769 by Rev. Eleazar Wheelock (171179) for the education of "youth of the Indian Tribes . . . English Youth and others." The original charter was approved by King George III. Women were first admitted in 1972. Besides offering a broad range of undergraduate programs, Dartmouth grants graduate and professional degrees in the arts and sciences, business, engineering, and medicine. See also Dartmouth College case.

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      private, coeducational liberal arts college in Hanover, N.H., U.S., one of the Ivy League schools.

      The college has its antecedents in Moor's Indian Charity School of Lebanon, Conn., founded by the Reverend Eleazar Wheelock (Wheelock, Eleazar) in 1754. The college's actual founding dates from 1769, when England's King George III approved a charter drawn up by Governor John Wentworth of the Province of New Hampshire. The college was established the following year when Wheelock erected a single log hut in the New Hampshire wilderness. It was named for William Legge, 2nd earl of Dartmouth (Dartmouth, William Legge, 2nd earl of, Viscount Lewisham, Baron Dartmouth of Dartmouth), president of the trustees of English funds for the school.

      Dartmouth is regarded as one of the most innovative small liberal arts colleges in the United States. Among its areas of particular academic strength are English, chemistry, geology, history, mathematics, and languages. Special programs are devoted to Asia, black studies, the environment, Native Americans, and urban affairs. The school concentrates primarily on undergraduate education with small classes, numerous seminars, and close student-teacher contact, but Dartmouth is also well known for the quality of its professional schools of medicine, engineering, and business. Total enrollment is approximately 5,200.

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