Pierce, Franklin

Pierce, Franklin
born Nov. 23, 1804, Hillsboro, N.H., U.S.
died Oct. 8, 1869, Concord, N.H.

14th president of the U.S. (185357).

He served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1833 to 1837 and in the Senate from 1837 to 1842. At the deadlocked Democratic Party convention of 1852, he was nominated as a compromise presidential candidate; though largely unknown nationally, he unexpectedly trounced Winfield Scott in the general election. For the sake of harmony and business prosperity, he was inclined to oppose antislavery agitation. His promotion of U.S. territorial expansion resulted in the diplomatic controversy of the Ostend Manifesto. He reorganized the diplomatic and consular service and created the U.S. Court of Claims. Pierce encouraged plans for a transcontinental railroad and approved the Gadsden Purchase. To promote northwestern migration and conciliate sectional demands, he approved the Kansas-Nebraska Act but was unable to settle the resultant problems. Defeated for renomination by James Buchanan in 1856, he retired from politics.

Franklin Pierce.

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

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president of United States
byname  Young Hickory 
born November 23, 1804, Hillsboro, New Hampshire, U.S.
died October 8, 1869, Concord, New Hampshire
 14th president of the United States (185357). He failed to deal effectively with the corroding sectional controversy over slavery in the decade preceding the American Civil War (186165). (For a discussion of the history and nature of the presidency, see presidency of the United States of America.)

      The son of a governor of New Hampshire, Benjamin Pierce, and the former Anna Kendrick, Franklin Pierce attended Bowdoin College in Maine, studied law in Northampton, Massachusetts, and was admitted to the bar in 1827. He married Jane Means Appleton, whose father was president of Bowdoin, in 1834.

      Pierce entered political life in New Hampshire as a Democrat, serving in the state legislature (182933), the U.S. House of Representatives (183337), and the Senate (183742). Handsome, affable, charming, and possessed of a certain superficial brilliance, Pierce made many friends in Congress, but his career there was otherwise undistinguished. He was a devoted supporter of President Andrew Jackson (Jackson, Andrew) but was continually overshadowed by older and more prominent men on the national scene. Resigning from the Senate for personal reasons, he returned to Concord, where he resumed his law practice and also served as federal district attorney.

  Cabinet of President Franklin PierceExcept for a brief stint as an officer in the Mexican War (Mexican-American War) (184648), Pierce remained out of the public eye until the nominating convention of the Democratic Party in 1852. After a deadlock developed among supporters of the leading presidential contendersLewis Cass (Cass, Lewis), Stephen A. Douglas (Douglas, Stephen A), and James Buchanan (Buchanan, James)—a coalition of New England and Southern delegates proposedYoung Hickory” (a reference to Andrew Jackson, who had been known asOld Hickory”), and Pierce was nominated on the 49th ballot. The ensuing presidential campaign was dominated by the controversy over slavery and the finality of the Compromise of 1850 (1850, Compromise of). Although both the Democrats and the Whigs declared themselves in favour of the compromise, the Democrats were more thoroughly united in their support. As a result, Pierce, who was almost unknown nationally, unexpectedly won the November election, defeating the Whig candidate Winfield Scott (Scott, Winfield) by 254 votes to 42 in the electoral college. Pierce's triumph was quickly marred by tragedy, however, when, a few weeks before his inauguration, he and his wife witnessed the death of their only surviving child, 11-year-old Bennie, in a railroad accident. Jane Pierce (Pierce, Jane), who had always opposed her husband's candidacy, never fully recovered from the shock. (See primary source document: Inaugural Address (Franklin Pierce: Inaugural Address). See also Cabinet of President Franklin Pierce.)

      At the time of his election, Pierce, age 47, was the youngest man to have been elected to the presidency. Representing the Eastern element of the Democratic Party, which was inclined for the sake of harmony and business prosperity to oppose antislavery agitation and generally to placate Southern opinion, Pierce tried to promote sectional unity by filling his cabinet with extremists from both sides of the slavery debate. He also attempted to sidestep the fierce sectional antagonisms of the domestic scene by ambitiously and aggressively promoting the extension of U.S. territorial and commercial interests abroad. In an effort to buy the island of Cuba from Spain, he ordered the U.S. minister to Spain, Pierre Soulé, to try to secure the influence of European financiers on the Spanish government. The resulting diplomatic statement, the Ostend Manifesto (October 1854), was interpreted by the American public as a call to wrest Cuba from Spain by force if necessary. The ensuing controversy forced the administration to disclaim responsibility for the document and to recall Soulé. In 1855 an American adventurer, William Walker (Walker, William), conducted a notorious expedition into Central America with the hope of establishing a proslavery government under the control of the United States. In Nicaragua he established himself as military dictator and then as president, and his dubious regime was recognized by the Pierce administration. A more lasting diplomatic achievement came from the expedition that President Millard Fillmore (Fillmore, Millard) had sent to Japan in 1853 under Commodore Matthew C. Perry (Perry, Matthew C). In 1854 Pierce received Perry's report that his expedition had been successful and that U.S. ships would have limited access to Japanese ports. The Pierce administration also reorganized the diplomatic and consular service and created the United States Court of Claims.

      Among Pierce's domestic policies were preparations for a transcontinental railroad and the opening of the Northwest for settlement. In 1853, in order to create a southerly route to California, the U.S. minister to Mexico, James Gadsden (Gadsden, James), negotiated the purchase of almost 30,000 square miles of Mexican territory (the Gadsden Purchase), for $10 million. Mainly to stimulate migration to the Northwest and to facilitate the construction of a central route to the Pacific, Pierce signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854. This measure, which opened two new territories for settlement, included repeal of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 (by which slavery in the territories was prohibited north of latitude 36° 30′) and provided that the status of the territories asfreeorslavewould be decided by popular sovereignty. The indignation aroused by the act and the resulting period of violent conflict in the Kansas Territory were the main causes of the rise of the Republican Party in the mid-1850s. Owing to his ineptness in handling the situation in Kansas, Pierce was denied renomination by the Democrats, and he remains the only president to be so repudiated by his party. After an extended tour of Europe he retired to Concord. Always a heavy drinker, Pierce descended further into apparent alcoholism, and he died in obscurity.

      (For an additional writing by Pierce, see The Military Academy (Franklin Pierce: The Military Academy).)

Additional Reading
Roy Franklin Nichols, Franklin Pierce: Young Hickory of the Granite Hills, 2nd ed. (1958, reissued 1993), is a biography. His administration is reviewed in Larry Gara, The Presidency of Franklin Pierce (1991). Wilfred J. Bisson (compiler), Franklin Pierce (1993), is an annotated bibliography.

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