
deepness, n.
/deep/, adj. deeper, deepest, n., adv., deeper, deepest.
1. extending far down from the top or surface: a deep well; a deep valley.
2. extending far in or back from the front or from an edge, surface, opening, etc., considered as the front: a deep shelf.
3. extending far in width; broad: deep lace; a deep border.
4. ranging far from the earth and sun: a deep space probe.
5. having a specified dimension in depth: a tank 8 feet deep.
6. covered or immersed to a specified depth (often used in combination): standing knee-deep in water.
7. having a specified width or number of items from front to back (often used in combination): shelves that are 10 inches deep; cars lined up at the entrance gates three-deep.
8. extending or cutting far down relative to the surface of a given object: The knife made a deep scar in the table.
9. situated far down, in, or back: deep below the surface; deep in the woods.
10. reaching or advancing far down: a deep dive.
11. coming from far down: a deep breath.
12. made with the body bent or lowered to a considerable degree: a deep bow.
13. immersed or submerged in or heavily covered with (fol. by in): a road deep in mud.
14. difficult to penetrate or understand; abstruse: a deep allegory.
15. not superficial; profound: deep thoughts.
16. grave or serious: deep disgrace.
17. heartfelt; sincere: deep affections.
18. absorbing; engrossing: deep study.
19. great in measure; intense; extreme: deep sorrow.
20. sound and heavy; profound: deep sleep.
21. (of colors) dark and vivid: a deep red.
22. low in pitch, as sound, a voice, or the like: deep, sonorous tones.
23. having penetrating intellectual powers: a deep scholar.
24. profoundly cunning or artful: a deep and crafty scheme.
25. mysterious; obscure: deep, dark secrets.
26. immersed or involved; enveloped: a man deep in debt.
27. absorbed; engrossed: deep in thought.
28. Baseball. relatively far from home plate: He hit the ball into deep center field.
29. Ling. belonging to an early stage in the transformational derivation of a sentence; belonging to the deep structure.
30. go off the deep end,
a. to enter upon a course of action with heedless or irresponsible indifference to consequences.
b. to become emotionally overwrought.
31. in deep water,
a. in difficult or serious circumstances; in trouble.
b. in a situation beyond the range of one's capability or skill: You're a good student, but you'll be in deep water in medical school.
32. the deep part of a body of water, esp. an area of the ocean floor having a depth greater than 18,000 ft. (5400 m).
33. a vast extent, as of space or time.
34. the part of greatest intensity, as of winter.
35. Naut. any of the unmarked levels, one fathom apart, on a deep-sea lead line. Cf. mark1 (def. 20).
36. the deep, Chiefly Literary. the sea or ocean: He was laid to rest in the deep.
37. to or at a considerable or specified depth: The boat rode deep in the water.
38. far on in time: He claimed he could see deep into the future.
39. profoundly; intensely.
40. Baseball. at or to a deep place or position: The outfielders played deep, knowing the batter's reputation as a slugger.
41. in deep,
a. inextricably involved.
b. having made or committed oneself to make a large financial investment.
[bef. 900; ME dep, OE deop; akin to Goth diups, ON djupr, OHG tiof]
Syn. 14. recondite, mysterious, obscure, profound. 23. sagacious, wise, profound, shrewd.
Ant. 1, 10, 15-17, 23. shallow.

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(as used in expressions)
deep sea trench
deep sea vent
raptures of the deep

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Universalium. 2010.

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