
/man"ches'teuhr, -cheuh steuhr/, n.
1. a city in NW England: connected with the Mersey estuary by a ship canal (351/2 mi. [57 km] long). 506,300.
2. a city in S New Hampshire. 90,936.
3. a town in central Connecticut. 49,761.

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City (pop., 2000: 107,006), southern New Hampshire, U.S. Located on the Merrimack River, it is the state's largest city.

It was settled in 172223 and incorporated as the town of Derryfield in 1751. One of America's first textile mills was built there in 1805, beginning a period of rapid industrial growth. Renamed Manchester in 1810, it was incorporated as a city in 1846. Canal systems built in the early 19th century opened navigation to Boston. The textile industry's decline in the 1930s spurred industrial diversification. It is the seat of St. Anselm College, Notre Dame College, and New Hampshire College.
City and metropolitan borough (pop., 1999: 431,000), in the metropolitan county of Greater Manchester, northwestern England.

Lying northwest of London and east of Liverpool, it was the site of a Roman fort (AD 7886) but was abandoned after the 4th century. By 919 the town of Manchester had sprung up nearby. In the 16th century it was important in the wool trade, and with the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century it became an important manufacturing city known for its textile production. The world's first modern railroad, the Liverpool and Manchester, opened in 1830. The city was beset by urban and industrial problems in the second half of the 20th century; thereafter it was redeveloped, ushering in a cultural renaissance. Its many educational institutions include the University of Manchester.
(as used in expressions)
The Manchester Guardian
Manchester Victoria University of

* * *

      urban town (township), Hartford county, central Connecticut, U.S. It lies east of Hartford on the Hockanum River. The area was settled in 1672, when it was purchased from the Mohegan Indians by the Puritan clergyman Thomas Hooker (Hooker, Thomas) and his company. Originally a part of Hartford (after 1694 in East Hartford) and called the Five-Mile Tract, it was organized as an ecclesiastical society called Orford Parish in 1772. In 1823 it was incorporated as a town and named for Manchester, England. It had sawmills and paper mills before the American Revolution. Subsequently, the Pitkin Glass Works, cotton mills, and especially silk mills (established in 1838 by the Cheney brothers) became important to the town's economy, along with the manufacture of grandfather clocks, soap, farm implements, and carriages. The town's modern industrial development is greatly diversified and includes aerospace and defense industries. Manchester Community-Technical College was opened in 1963. Area 27 square miles (71 square km). Pop. (1990) 51,618; (2000) 54,740.


      city and metropolitan borough in the metropolitan county of Greater Manchester, northwestern England. Most of the city, including the historic core, is in the historic county of Lancashire, but it includes an area south of the River Mersey in the historic county of Cheshire. Manchester is the nucleus of the largest metropolitan area in the north of England, and it remains an important regional city, but it has lost the extraordinary vitality and unique influence that put it at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution.

      Manchester was an urban prototype: in many respects it could claim to be the first of the new generation of huge industrial cities created in the Western world during the past 250 years. In 1717 it was merely a market town of 10,000 people, but by 1851 its textile (chiefly cotton) industries had so prospered that it had become a manufacturing and commercial city of more than 300,000 inhabitants, already spilling out its suburbs and absorbing its industrial satellites. By the beginning of the 20th century, salients of urban growth linked Manchester to the ring of cotton-manufacturing townsBolton, Rochdale, and Oldham, for examplethat almost surround the city, and a new form of urban development, a conurbation, or metropolitan area, was evolving. By 1911 it had a population of 2,350,000. In the following years, however, the pace of growth slowed dramatically. If the 19th century was Manchester's golden age, when it was indisputably Britain's second city, the 20th century was marked by increasing industrial problems associated with the decline of the textile trades (the result of foreign competition and technological obsolescence). Area city, 45 square miles (116 square km); metropolitan area, 497 square miles (1,287 square km). Pop. (2004 est.) city, 437,000; metropolitan area, 2,539,000.

Physical and human geography

The landscape
The city site
      Manchester occupies a featureless plain made up of river gravels and the glacially transported debris known as drift. It lies at a height of 133 feet (40 metres) above sea level, enclosed by the slopes of the Pennine range on the east and the upland spur of Rossendale on the north. Much of the plain is underlain by coal measures; mining was once widespread but had ceased by the end of the 20th century. Within this physical unit, known as the Manchester embayment, the city's metropolitan area evolved. Manchester, the central city, is situated on the east bank of the River Irwell and has an elongated north-south extent, the result of late 19th- and early 20th-century territorial expansion. In 1930 the city extended its boundaries far to the south beyond the River Mersey, to annex 9 square miles (23 square kilometres) of northern Cheshire. Two large metropolitan boroughs adjoin the city of Manchester on the west and southwest: Salford and Trafford. Together these three administrative units form the chief concentration of commercial employment. From this core, suburbs have spread far to the west and south, chiefly within the county of Cheshire. To the north and east of Manchester, smaller industrial towns and villages, mixed with suburban development, merge into one another and extend as a continuous urban area to the foot of the encircling upland. Close to the upland margin lies a ring of large towns, which were traditionally the major centres of the cotton-spinning industryBolton, Bury, and Rochdale to the north and Oldham, Ashton-under-Lyne, and Stockport to the east.

      The urban structure of metropolitan Manchester is determined largely by its industrial zones. By far the most important of these is the one bisecting it from east to west. This contains most of the heavier industrypetrochemicals on the Ship Canal near Irlam, electrical engineering in Trafford Park and Salford, and machine tools and metal fabrication in eastern Manchester. Industry in the south is confined to a few compact, largely planned factory estates, notably at Altrincham and Wythenshawe. North and east of Manchester, ribbons of long-established industry follow every railway, river valley, and abandoned canal. The electrochemical industries of the Irwell valley, the dyestuffs of the Irk, and, everywhere, the old textile mills (many converted to new industrial uses) are the dominant features.

      Manchester's climate is most kindly described as mild, moist, and misty. The temperate climate is without extremes: winters are mild, with a January mean temperature of 39 °F (4 °C), and summers are cool, with a July mean temperature of 59 °F (15 °C). Occasional high-pressure systems produce cold, clear spells in winter or hot droughts in summer, but these rarely persist. Winds from the west and south prevail, and these bathe the city in frequent gentle rain derived from the almost constant succession of Atlantic weather systems. The annual rainfall, 32 inches (818 millimetres), is not notably high by the standards of western Britain, but it occurs on no less than half of the days in an average year. There is little reliable seasonal variation, but the months of March through May offer the best chance of prolonged dry spells.

      The wet Atlantic air banked against the Pennine slopes to the east of the city produces extreme cloudiness; on about 70 percent of the days of the year, the afternoon sky is at least half covered by cloud. This limits sunshine, which was further reduced by air pollution during the decades of the city's industrial prosperity. Up to about 1960 the city centre recorded the abnormally low total of only 970 sunshine hours annually. Foul fogs were another problem of the man-made industrial climate. Manchester then had an average of 55 days of serious fog in a typical year, and the death rate from respiratory diseases surged following these fog episodes. But the city's peculiarly sunless and fog-bound winter climate was transformed by effective air-pollution control. Annual hours of bright sunshine have risen to about 1,300, and serious fogs have been reduced to about 20 days each year. This has been a major factor in reducing the incidence of two formerly endemic diseases, bronchitis and tuberculosis, which had given the city an unenviably high death rate.

Architecture and the face of the city
      Manchester's extraordinary 19th-century wealth left a permanent record in an architectural variety and virtuosity that makes the city centre an outdoor museum of styles from Greek classical to early tall steel-framed structures. Commercial firms vied to commission the best architects to design offices and warehouses of ornate splendour, and the public buildings were intended to outshine London's. Thus, banks occupied Greek temples or turreted Gothic castles, and warehouses were given the facades of Venetian palaces. The offices of the Ship Canal Company were given a Grecian colonnade perched high above street level, and the Town Hall, designed by Alfred Waterhouse (Waterhouse, Alfred), is regarded as perhaps the ultimate in Victorian Gothic fantasies.

      Conserving this priceless architectural heritage has presented great problems. Many of the buildings are protected landmarks but are unsuited to modern commercial needs, though some imaginative conversions have taken place. The Royal Exchange, once the hub of the textile trade, contains as the old trading floor the largest room in Europe; it now houses a freestanding theatre-in-the-round. The old Central Station, a huge glazed train shed, has been converted into an exhibition centre. A complex of buildings at Castlefield, including the world's oldest railway station, has been developed as a regional museum of science and industry.

      A wave of office redevelopment in the 1960s and '70s added many steel-and-glass structures to the Manchester skyline. One of the earliest is Manchester's tallest building, the Co-operative Insurance Society tower, at 400 feet (122 metres).

      As new shopping centres began to develop in outlying areas, the level of retail trade in the city centre suffered. This led to the development of a large enclosed shopping precinct, the Arndale Centre, which contains a significant proportion of the total retail activity in the city centre. As it grew, however, older shopping streets suffered by the shift of businesses, so that parts of the city core have a run-down, half-abandoned appearance; but this is part of the process by which the Victorian central business district is reshaping itself to meet modern needs.

The people
      Greater Manchester is one of the world's most compact and crowded metropolitan areas. The overcrowded conditions explain the chief demographic trend of recent years, that of population loss by out-migration. Manchester city itself lost almost one-third of its population to migration between 1961 and 1981, one of the highest rates of migrational loss among all British cities. Natural increase is below the national average, for the migration is chiefly of young families of child-bearing age, leaving an older population in the core cities. Thus overall population decline is serious. This trend is also widespread in the other old industrial towns of the conurbation.

      Much of this migration is to suburban areas, though there is also an interregional loss of population to more prosperous areas of Britain, and thedormitorydistricts of the fringes (and especially Cheshire to the south) are growing strongly. Thus, the metropolitan area is decentralizing quickly, and its overall population trend is more favourable than those of its major constituent cities. Total metropolitan population has been virtually stable since 1961, with the low rate of natural increase being entirely offset by net out-migration.

      Increasingly, families living in decaying substandard housing have been rehoused. Manchester has exported population to overspill estates at Middleton and Hyde, and Salford families have moved to Worsley. All of these are large schemes, involving population transfers of at least 10,000, and all lie within the metropolitan area. There also has been movement to the New Town project at Warrington, a major development point on the Ship Canal, 18 miles (29 kilometres) west of Manchester. Within the city there has been massive redevelopment. The Hulme scheme of the early 1970s involved the rehousing of a population of almost 60,000.

      Like many British cities, Manchester experimented in the 1960s with high-rise housing to accommodate families from the slum clearance zones. In the past, row houses had been the traditional housing form in low-income areas of the inner city, and the new high-rise schemes proved to be a social failuresome were demolished within a decade of construction. The emphasis of city planning was shifted from total clearance and replacement of old housing to its conservation and improvement through Housing Action Areas. Thus, old housing is given new life, and the community is kept together: where new dwellings are built, they are the modern equivalent of the traditional row houses.

      The out-migration has been partly counterbalanced by in-migration from Commonwealth countries, particularly from the West Indies and the Indian subcontinent. Manchester itself has a multiracial immigrant community, which is chiefly concentrated in the Moss Side area. Some of the textile towns, too, have attracted Commonwealth immigrants, chiefly Indian and Pakistani textile workers. The metropolitan area as a whole has been one of the main magnets to Commonwealth immigrants in Britain.

The economy
      There has long been a contrast between the economies of the core city (Manchester itself, together with the industrial areas of Salford and Stretford) and the textile towns that form the northern and eastern margins of the urban cluster. Until the 1960s the latter had narrowly based economies largely dependent on the textile trade, which still provided more than half the employment of women. The former, however, had an economy of greater diversity: manufacturing was varied (including printing and the production of engineering and electrical products, chemicals, and clothing), and a broad range of service activities gave stability to the economy. This old pattern of contrast was breaking down in the late 20th century, as the core city lost factory employment at a rapid rate and became increasingly dependent on services while the peripheral towns acquired greater industrial diversity and thus a securer (and locally expanding) manufacturing base.

      The entire metropolitan area of Greater Manchester has undergone major economic changes. The textile industry has been reduced to a mere vestige of the enormous manufacture that once underpinned the economy of the city. It continues to decline, despite diversification from cotton to man-made fibres and resultant close links with the chemical industry. The surviving mills have been reequipped for high productivity, but this, too, has had the effect of reducing labour demand. The clothing industry has declined with the textile industry but has remained a significant employer of women, chiefly in many small workshops in the inner city. Much more serious has been the sharp contraction of more modern industries that until the 1970s had served as replacements for the old industries. The decline in engineering, one of the main sources of jobs for men, is especially serious. Within the chemical industry the main growth has been in the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, with research laboratories located in parkland at Alderley, on the southern fringe. The paper and printing industry is stable, reflecting Manchester's status as the second centre, after Greater London, of newspaper production in England.

      Manchester's economy has been moving from an industrial to a postindustrial nature. Services have become the chief employers, with thethinkingrather than the manual services undergoing expansion. Some services, such as transport and distribution, are declining, but the professions, finance and banking, administration, and general personal services are growing with explosive force. Most of these growth points require well-qualified workers: the declining demand for manual skills and the shift to mental skills have caused selective unemployment, which is clearly a persistent social problem.

      The conversion of Manchester into a service city is not an entirely new trend, since the city has been the regional capital of northwestern England for two centuries. The process, however, has been quickened by the rapid decline of industry in the inner city. Clearance of the slum tracts and their subsequent redevelopment have removed entire urban districts that once housed many hundreds of small firms. Nearly half of the employment once available in manufacturing in the inner areas has disappeared. In these districts a disadvantaged and ethnically mixed community experiences unemployment rates that are at least twice the city average.

      Part of this loss of factory work in the inner city has been the result of the movement of firms to the fringe of the urban area, not only to planned industrial estates but also to the cotton mills left empty by the decline of the textile trades. Hundreds of mills have been converted to other uses, thereby providing the cheap factory-floor space necessary to young and struggling firms, so that the textile towns have in some degree replaced the inner city as an industrial nursery in which it is possible for new firms to become established.

Trade and transportation
      Apart from its massive volume of retail and wholesale trade, Manchester has a number of distinctions as a regional service centre. It houses a branch of the Bank of England and the Northern Stock Exchange, the headquarters of the Co-operative Wholesale Society, and one of the major provincial crown courts. Its airport at Ringway, 10 miles south of the city, is the leading British terminal outside London in the volume of international traffic handled and in the diversity of both its European and its transatlantic services. Ringway is owned by the city and is the country's second airfreight terminal.

      From 1894 to 1986 Manchester was a seaport, with a group of docks at the head of the 37-mile Ship Canal (Manchester Ship Canal). The growth in the size of shipping, together with changes in the pattern of maritime trade, led to a slow decline in the use of the waterway, and by the mid-1980s the upper parts had been closed to traffic. The lower reaches of the canal remained open and busy, serving the needs of bankside industries, especially the huge oil-refining and chemicals complex at Ellesmere Port. New industrial and commercial uses for the derelict terminal docks have been developed.

      Public transport in Greater Manchester is coordinated by a Passenger Transport Executive, and it relies heavily on an integrated system of bus routes. The system faces private competition, however, especially from flexible minibus services. A dense network of commuter rail services, largely electrified, is managed in partnership with British Rail.

Administration and social conditions
      Although the metropolitan area of Greater Manchester is a single cohesive socioeconomic unit, its local government has been fragmented for much of its history. The dominant unit is the metropolitan borough of Manchester, which carries the financial burden of supplying central facilities (major museums and libraries and the airport) for the area as a whole. There are nine other metropolitan boroughs, each independent and able to develop its own social, educational, and planning policies.

      The Local Government Act of 1972 (in effect from 1974) created a metropolitan county of Greater Manchester, divided into metropolitan boroughs, including the city of Manchester. The county administered a number of general services (e.g., strategic planning, transport, and recreation), while the boroughs handled the main range of services (e.g., education, housing, and most personal and household services). The metropolitan county of Greater Manchester lost its administrative powers in 1986, however. Some of the general services that it had provided were taken over by specialist successor authorities, but many of its administrative powers passed to the city of Manchester and the other individual metropolitan boroughs, which are in effect now unitary authorities.

Education and social services
      Of all Manchester's pioneer cultural achievements, none has prospered more than the Victoria University of Manchester. After its foundation in 1851 at a site in Quay Street, the college received a charter in 1872 and began growth on its present site in 1873. By 1880 it had combined with member colleges in both Leeds and Liverpool to form a federal institution. Since becoming a separate body again in 1903, the university has grown to become one of the largest in Britain. The faculty of technology has become autonomous as an Institute of Science and Technology, and, with the establishment of the University of Salford in 1967 and the growth of a large polytechnic, there are now four institutions of higher learning in and near the city.

      The city provides the complete range of social and welfare services within the British system, but its special strength lies in health services and medical education. The Victoria University of Manchester has the largest medical school in western Europe; it is linked to three large groups of teaching hospitals that provide specialist treatment. One of the most distinguished of these is the Christie Hospital, a major centre for cancer research.

Cultural life
      The cultural life of Manchester suffered some losses during the 20th century. For example, its prestigious newspaper, The Guardian (Guardian, The), has (in the Mancunian view) fled to London and dropped the city's name from its title. However, the Lowry, an architecturally innovative centre for the visual and performing arts, opened in 2000 and signaled the city's cultural revival at the beginning of the 21st century. Music maintains its strength. The Hallé concerts reached their centenary in 1958, and the orchestra continues to maintain its international reputation.

      The city has a large number of private, public, and specialized libraries. The municipal library, with more than 25 branches, has its headquarters at St. Peter's Square. Manchester also houses the notable John Ryland University Library (now part of the Victoria University of Manchester library) and Chetham's Library, one of the first free public libraries in Europe.

      Among the galleries and museums, the Whitworth Art Gallery and the Manchester City Art Gallery are particularly well known. The latter contains a fine collection of paintings, sculpture, silver, and pottery and is supplemented by several branch galleries. The Manchester Museum has special exhibits of Egyptian and Japanese objects, as well as natural history collections and an aquarium. The Museum of Science and Industry highlights Manchester's industrial heritage.

      There are two major football (soccer) clubs. And, at the grounds of the Old Trafford Cricket Club, test matches are played against overseas cricket teams visiting Great Britain. Manchester also has an active pop music scene, which revolved around in the 1980s and has given rise to several influential rock bands, including Joy Division (Joy Division/New Order), the Smiths (Smiths, the), and Oasis.


Early settlement and medieval growth
      Early in the Roman conquest of Britain, a fort was established (AD 7886) on a low sandstone plateau at the confluence of the Rivers Medlock and Irwell. In its first form, the fort was a simple field fortification of shallow ditches, earth banks, and timber palisades. By the early 3rd century, it had been rebuilt in stone and contained a number of buildings; excavations have uncovered evidence of substantial activity. A vicus (Latin:row of houses”) of merchants and craftsmen had grown outside the walls, along the well-made road to York. But Roman occupation left no permanent imprint, except to give the modern city its name, derived from Mamucium (“Place of the Breastlike Hill”). There is no evidence of occupation after the 4th century, and the site seems to have lain empty for 500 years. In 919 the West Saxon king Edward the Elder sent a force to repair the Roman site as a defense against the Norsemen, and some traces of this reoccupation have been discovered. By then, however, the growth of Manchester had recommenced almost a mile from the fort, at the junction of the Rivers Irk and Irwell near the present cathedral.

      The Norman barony of Manchester was one of the largest landholdings in Lancashire, and its lords built a fortified hall close to the church. During the 13th century, Manchester began its transition from village to town, and sometime before 1301 a charter was granted. Although Manchester was acquiring regional importance, it was subordinate to its near neighbour, Salford, which was the capital manor of the hundred (district) and which had an earlier borough charter. The full development of the medieval borough followed the establishment in 1421 of a college of priests to take charge of the church. Part of the college survives as Chetham's Hospital, while a free church school set up in 1506 became the Manchester Grammar School in 1515, founded by Hugh Oldham, bishop of Exeter.

Evolution of the modern city
      By the 16th century Manchester was a flourishing market borough important in the wool trade, exporting cloth to Europe via London. By 1620 a new industrial era had begun with the weaving of fustian, a cloth with a linen warp but a cotton weft. This was the origin of the cotton industry (textile) that was to transform southern Lancashire after 1770. As the trade grew, Manchester expanded andimprovementswere added, including the fine square and church of St. Ann (1712).

      From the 1760s onward, growth quickened with the onset of the Industrial Revolution. The first canal, bringing cheap coal from Worsley, reached the town in 1762; later extended, it linked Manchester with the Mersey and Liverpool by 1776 and so served the import-export needs of the cotton industry. Manchester's first cotton mill was built in the early 1780s. By 1800 Manchester was said to besteam mill mad,” and by 1830 there were 99 cotton-spinning mills. The world's first modern railway, the Liverpool and Manchester, was opened in 1830, and by the 1850s the greater part of the present railway system of the city was complete. Despite its growth to a population of more than 70,000 by 1801, the town had no system of government and was still managed, like a village, by a manorial court leet (a court held semiannually by the lord of the manor or his steward to conduct local government). A police force was established in 1792, but not until 1838 did a charter of incorporation set up an elected council and a system of local government.

      Manchester's economic history during the second half of the 19th century was one of growth and diversification. The city became less important as a cotton-manufacturing centre than as the commercial and financial nucleus of the trade; on the floor of the Royal Exchange, the yarn and cloth of the entire industry was bought and sold. From an early textile-machinery industry, many specialized types of engineering developed. Products included steam engines and locomotives, armaments, machine tools, and, later, those of electrical engineering. The opening of the 37-mile Manchester Ship Canal (1894) linked Manchester, via the Mersey estuary at Eastham, to the Irish Sea and the world markets beyond. By 1910 Manchester had become the fourth port of the country, and alongside the docks, at Trafford Park, the first (and still the largest) industrial estate in Britain was developed. New industries also took sites there, with a prominent role played by such American companies as Westinghouse and Ford, the latter moving to Essex in 1929. At its height, more than 50,000 workers were accommodated within factories of the estate, though that number later declined.

      The Manchester of the 19th century was a city of enormous vitality not only in its economic growth but also in its political, cultural, and intellectual life. The Manchester Guardian (Guardian, The) became Britain's leading provincial newspaper, achieving international influence, while the Hallé Orchestra was its equal in the world of music. Owens College (now known as Victoria University of Manchester) became the nucleus of the first and largest of the great English civic universities, while the academic success of the Manchester Grammar School made it something of a model in the development of selective secondary education in England. Politically, Victorian Manchester often led the nation: in the agitation for parliamentary reform and for free trade, its influence was crucial. The Peterloo Massacre of 1819 arose from a peaceful political assembly, held on fields near the city, to demand parliamentary reform. In the period 184244 the German social philosopher Friedrich Engels lived in Manchester, and his influential book Condition of the Working Class in England (1845) was based on his experiences there. Among its other intellectual achievements were John Dalton's development of the atomic theory as the foundation of modern chemistry and the work of theManchester schoolin the application of economic principles to the problems of commerce, industry, and government.

      There was a price to be paid for this precocious growth. In its urban fabric, inner Manchester remained essentially a 19th-century city, and by the late 20th century it faced massive redevelopment problems. An industrial collar of obsolescent factory zones encircled the city centre, and huge areas of old slum housing survived with little renewal into the 1960s. Manchester, then, is a city in transition: its face is being transformed by redevelopment, and its dependence on the insecure base of the textile industries is declining with the growth of a much broader economic structure.

H.B. Rodgers

Additional Reading
Historical studies include Alan J. Kidd and K.W. Roberts (eds.), City, Class, and Culture: Studies of Social Policy and Cultural Production in Victorian Manchester (1985); John H.G. Archer (ed.), Art and Architecture in Victorian Manchester (1985); Gary S. Messinger, Manchester in the Victorian Age (1985), a popular work; Nicholas J. Frangopulo (ed.), Rich Inheritance: A Guide to the History of Manchester (1962, reissued 1969), particularly strong as a survey of sources for the city's history; D.A. Farnie, The Manchester Ship Canal and the Rise of the Port of Manchester, 18941975 (1980), on the development of the port and its regional impact; and Shena D. Simon, A Century of City Government: Manchester, 18381938 (1938), a readable and well-informed account of the development of local government in the city. For Manchester in its regional context, see C.F. Carter (ed.), Manchester and Its Region (1962), a collection of articles on geology, history, geography, industry, and cultural life; T.W. Freeman, H.B. Rodgers, and R.H. Kinvig, Lancashire, Cheshire and the Isle of Man (1966), a general geography of northwestern England; L.P. Green, Provincial Metropolis (1959), on the city and conurbation as a major urban region; and H.P. White (ed.), The Continuing Conurbation: Change and Development in Greater Manchester (1980), an analysis of social and economic conditions.H.B. Rodgers

      city, Hillsborough county, southern New Hampshire, U.S. It lies along the Amoskeag Falls (named for the Amoskeag Indians who once inhabited the area) of the Merrimack River, the 55-foot (17-metre) drop of which provides hydroelectric power. Manchester is the state's largest city and the centre of a metropolitan area that includes Goffstown, Bedford, Londonderry, and Hooksett.

      Settled in 172223, it was early known for its fisheries. First called Old Harry's Town, it became Tyngstown after 1735, when it was granted to Captain William Tyng's men by the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1751 it was incorporated as the town of Derryfield. It developed after one of America's first textile mills was built there in 1805 by Benjamin Prichard. The community was apparently renamed Manchester (1810) at the suggestion of Samuel Blodget, who had seen the barge canals at Manchester, England, and who constructed (17941807) the first canal around the falls. That canal, together with the Middlesex Canal in Massachusetts, opened navigation to Boston. Until the late 1930s the city's economy depended mainly on the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company's cotton-milling operations. The decline of the textile industry spurred planned industrial rehabilitation. Although financial services are now the city's main economic activity, Manchester's manufactures include textiles, aircraft engine parts, automobile accessories, and electrical instruments. The city's educational and cultural institutions include St. Anselm College (founded 1889), Notre Dame College (1950), New Hampshire College (1932), the University of New Hampshire (New Hampshire, University of) at Manchester (formerly Merrimack Valley College), the Manchester Institute of Arts and Sciences, the Currier Gallery of Art (1929), and the Manchester Historic Association museum and library. The home of General John Stark (Stark, John), hero of the Battle of Bunker Hill (Bunker Hill, Battle of) during the American Revolution, is preserved. Inc. city, 1846. Pop. (1990) city, 99,567; Manchester PMSA, 173,783; (2000) city, 107,006; Manchester PMSA, 198,378.

      town (township), which includes Manchester Village, Manchester Center, and Manchester Depot in southwestern Vermont, U.S. It lies near the Batten Kill River between the Taconic Range and the Green Mountains. Manchester Village is one of the seats (the other is Bennington) of Bennington county. The site was settled about 1764 and laid out in 1784. The Vermont Council of Safety (where Ira Allen proposed footing the bill for Vermont's activities during the American Revolution by confiscating Tory property) met in Manchester in 1777. The private Burr and Burton Seminary was established there in 1829. Manchester is a year-round resort community, and its economy depends almost entirely on resort-related activities. The manufacture of fishing rods is important, and the American Museum of Fly Fishing is there. Nearby Bromley Mountain and Stratton Mountain attract skiers. Mount Equinox (3,816 feet [1,163 metres]) is to the west. Hildene, the summer home of Robert Todd Lincoln (Lincoln, Robert Todd), Abraham Lincoln's son, has been preserved. Summer film and art festivals are held at the town's Southern Vermont Art Center. Area 42 square miles (109 square km). Pop. (2000) 4,180; (2007 est.) 4,282.

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  • Manchester F.C. — Manchester F.C. may refer to one of the following football (soccer) teams: Manchester City F.C. Manchester United F.C. F.C. United of Manchester Manchester Central F.C. This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an …   Wikipedia

  • Manchester — Manchester, parte 1 (The West Wing) Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Manchester Part I Episodio de El Ala Oeste Título Manchester Parte I Episodio nº Temporada 3 Episodio 45 Escrito por Aaron Sorkin …   Wikipedia Español

  • Manchester [2] — Manchester (spr. männtschester), Stadt (city) und Grafschaft im nordwestlichen England, liegt am Fuße des südlichen Abhanges einer Hügelkette, die sich von Oldham her zwischen die Täler des Irwell und des Medlock drängt, und deren letzte Spitze,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Manchester, GA — U.S. city in Georgia Population (2000): 3988 Housing Units (2000): 1853 Land area (2000): 5.712314 sq. miles (14.794825 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.007479 sq. miles (0.019370 sq. km) Total area (2000): 5.719793 sq. miles (14.814195 sq. km) FIPS… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Manchester, IA — U.S. city in Iowa Population (2000): 5257 Housing Units (2000): 2315 Land area (2000): 4.126261 sq. miles (10.686966 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.015163 sq. miles (0.039273 sq. km) Total area (2000): 4.141424 sq. miles (10.726239 sq. km) FIPS… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Manchester, IL — U.S. village in Illinois Population (2000): 354 Housing Units (2000): 147 Land area (2000): 1.035661 sq. miles (2.682350 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.035661 sq. miles (2.682350 sq. km) FIPS… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

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