
/keuh net"i keuht/, n.
1. a state in the NE United States. 3,107,576; 5009 sq. mi. (12,975 sq. km). Cap.: Hartford. Abbr.: Conn., Ct., CT (for use with zip code).
2. a river flowing S from N New Hampshire along the boundary between New Hampshire and Vermont and then through Massachusetts and Connecticut into Long Island Sound. 407 mi. (655 km) long.

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State (pop., 2000: 3,405,565), northeastern U.S. The southernmost of the New England states, it lies on Long Island Sound and is bordered by Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York.

It covers 5,006 sq mi (12,966 sq km); its capital is Hartford. The original inhabitants were Algonquian-speaking Indians. The area was colonized by English Puritans from the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the 1630s. One of the original states of the Union, it was the fifth to ratify the U.S. Constitution. It was an agricultural region until the early 19th century, when textile factories were established, and by 1850 employment in manufacturing exceeded agriculture; the state remains a manufacturing centre. New Haven, home of Yale University, is one of New England's largest ports, while Stamford is the headquarters for some of the U.S.'s largest corporations. New London is home to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Highways and railways traverse Connecticut and serve the densely settled coastal and Connecticut River valley regions. The state abounds with historical sites and memorials, and there are numerous state forests and state parks.

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Connecticut, flag of    constituent state of the United States of America (United States). It was one of the original 13 states and is one of the six New England states. Connecticut is located in the northeastern corner of the country. In area it is the third smallest U.S. state, but it ranks among the most densely populated. Lying in the midst of the great urban-industrial complex along the Atlantic coast, it borders Massachusetts to the north, Rhode Island to the east, Long Island Sound (an arm of the Atlantic Ocean) to the south, and New York to the west. Hartford, in the north-central part of the state, is the capital. The state is roughly rectangular in shape, with a panhandle of Fairfield county extending to the southwest on the New York border. The state's greatest east-west length is about 110 miles (180 km), and its maximum north-south extent is about 70 miles (110 km). Connecticut takes its name from an Algonquian (Algonquian languages) word meaningland on the long tidal river.” “Nutmeg State,” “Constitution State,” andLand of Steady Habitsare all sobriquets that have been applied to Connecticut.

      With its many beaches and harbours, its forest-clad hills, and its village greens surrounded by houses dating from the 17th and 18th centuries, Connecticut represents a special blend of modern urban life, rustic landscape, and historic sites. It is a highly industrial and service-oriented state, and its personal income per capita is among the highest in the country. Connecticut ranks among the top U.S. states in average annual individual salary, median household income, teachers' salaries, major corporate headquarters per capita, and access to primary health care. The strength of its economy lies in a skilled workforce, much of it engaged in fabricating products that have been manufactured in Connecticut since the products were invented.

      The population is heavily urban. The state has no single large city, however, and the intense crowding characteristic of many urban areas is not found in Connecticut. It continues its long tradition of prosperity, with in-migrants attracted by the good employment opportunities, excellent educational facilities, and pleasant living conditions for the majority of its people. However, Connecticut also displays sharp contrasts between areas of great wealth and great privation. The city centres of Hartford, New Haven, and Bridgeport are particularly poverty-ridden. In this sense there aretwoConnecticuts. Area 5,006 square miles (12,966 square km). Pop. (2000) 3,405,565; (2005 est.) 3,510,297.


Relief (Connecticut) and drainage
  Connecticut covers the southern portion of the New England section of the Appalachian Mountain (Appalachian Mountains) system. It contains three major regions: the Western Upland, the Central Lowland ( Connecticut River valley), and the Eastern Upland. The northern part of the Western Uplanda southern extension of the Berkshire Hillscontains the highest elevation in the state, 2,380 feet (725 metres), on the southern slope of Mount Frissell in the northwest corner. It is drained by one major river, the Housatonic (Housatonic River), and numerous tributaries. The state is dotted with lakes, the largest of which, Lake Candlewood, lies north of Danbury in the western part of the state and covers 8.5 square miles (22 square km). It was created in 1929 by impounding the Rocky River.

      The Central Lowland is different in character from the other two regions, being a downfaulted block of land approximately 20 miles (30 km) wide at the Massachusetts border and narrowing as it progresses toward the sea, which it meets at New Haven. It is filled with sandstone and shale. Periodic volcanic activity some 150200 million years ago pushed immense quantities of molten rock to the surface and produced the igneous deposits of the central valley. These layers of sandstones and traprock have been faulted, broken, and tipped so that there are numerous small ridges, some reaching as high as 1,000 feet (300 metres) above their valleys. The Connecticut River, the state's longest, runs southward through the lowland to empty into Long Island Sound. The Connecticut and other rivers in the region have eroded the soft sandstones into broad valleys.

      The Eastern Upland resembles the Western in being a hilly region drained by numerous rivers. Their valleys come together to form the Thames River, which reaches Long Island Sound at New London. Elevations in this area rarely reach above 1,300 feet (400 metres). In both uplands the hilltops tend to be level and have been cleared for agriculture.

      In Connecticut's moderate climate, the average January temperature is around 26 °F (−3 °C), and most of the state receives about 35 to 45 inches (890 to 1,145 mm) of snow each year. In the northwest, however, the average snowfall exceeds 75 inches (1,900 mm). Snow may remain on the ground until March, but mild spells and rains usually melt it earlier in the year. Summers average between 70 and 75 °F (21 and 24 °C), with occasional heat waves driving daytime temperatures above 90 °F (32 °C). Precipitation, averaging 3 to 4 inches (75 to 100 mm) per month, is evenly distributed. The coastal portions have somewhat warmer winters and cooler summers than does the interior, and the northwestern uplands are high enough to have cooler and longer winters with heavier falls of snow. Occasionally hurricanes have caused flooding and other damage, particularly along the coastline. Tornadoes and severe thunderstorms sometimes occur in the Connecticut River valley.

      Longtime Hartford resident Mark Twain (Twain, Mark) could very well have meant Connecticut when he coined the now widely appropriated saw, “If you don't like the weather, wait a minute.” Changeability is perhaps the state's most marked weather characteristic. Cold waves and heat waves, storms and fine weather can alternate with each other weekly or even daily.

Plant and animal life
      Prior to its settlement by Europeans, Connecticut was a forested region. The few man-made clearings, the swampy floodplains, and the tidal marshes accounted for only about 5 percent of the total area. The southern two-thirds was largely oak forest, and the northern border belonged to the northern hardwood region of birch, beech, maple, and hemlock. Some higher elevations and sandy sections supported coniferous forest cover. Virtually all of the primeval forest has been cut, however, and, although some of the original speciation still exists, the woodland that now covers nearly two-thirds of the state more closely resembles a mixed forest.

      The animal life extant when the first European settlers arrived included deer, bears, wolves, foxes, and numerous smaller mammals, such as raccoons, muskrats, porcupines, weasels, and beavers. Deer are still abundant in the less densely settled regions, but in general the populations of larger animals have been severely reduced. More than 300 species of birds are often seen in the state, though sightings of the Connecticut warbler are rare. The wild turkey, missing from the state since the early 19th century, is abundant again after having been reintroduced in the 1970s. Shorebirds, waterfowl, and seabirds abound along the coast. Lyme disease, a potentially debilitating bacterial infection spread by ticks, was first identified in the southeastern town of Lyme.

People (Connecticut)

Population composition
       Native American Algonquian-speaking peoples, the original occupants of Connecticut, comprised about 16 separate tribes with some 5,000 to 7,000 members. Dutch traders navigated the Connecticut River in 1614, but the first settlers from Europe were English, coming directly from England or by way of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1630s. During the 17th and 18th centuries population growth occurred primarily through an excess of births over deaths; immigrants, mainly from the British Isles, arrived at a rather slow rate. At the time of the first U.S. census, in 1790, Connecticut had a homogeneous population, about 96 percent of which was of English ancestry; African Americans accounted for about 2 percent of the population.

      The immigration of the Irish, beginning in the 1840s, and of French Canadians after the American Civil War, continued throughout the 19th century. Later in the 19th century the primary sources of foreign immigration were southern and eastern EuropeItaly, Poland, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. Each immigrant group tended to congregate in certain parts of the state. New Haven and its suburbs are populated with large numbers of descendants of Italian immigrants, Poles are concentrated in the Naugatuck valley, and French Canadians live in the northeast. The immigration of African Americans into Connecticut after World War II showed the same tendency: most live in the five largest cities, and they comprise nearly two-fifths of the residents of New Haven and Hartford. Puerto Ricans have moved from their island and from nearby New York City into Connecticut's urban centres. Portuguese immigrants tended to settle in coastal towns during the early history of Connecticut; more recently, they have been drawn more to larger towns and cities such as Danbury. Hartford has a large concentration of Jamaicans. Other West Indies islands are also well represented in the major cities.

      People of European descent now constitute about three-fourths of Connecticut's total population, while African Americans and Hispanics each comprise nearly one-tenth. Asians and small numbers of Native Americans and Pacific Islanders make up most of the remainder. More than half of the state's population is Roman Catholic. Protestants, Orthodox, and other Christians and a small proportion of Jews make up the other half.

Settlement patterns
      For more than 300 years the distribution of Connecticut's people has reflected the region's changing economy and the resources of the land. Settlement began in the middle Connecticut River valley, where the soils were good, and on the coast, where maritime activities, trading, and fishing supplemented the living that the settlers were able to derive from the land. The upland areas were not fully occupied until the late 18th century, yet by 1790 the population was fairly evenly distributed across the state. Towns with better agricultural lands or with other resourcesmarine or mineralhad denser populations. During the 19th century the rise of water-powered manufacturing attracted young people from the agricultural upland towns to the growing mill towns, and virtually all of the upland towns lost population. Manufacturing towns grew rapidly. The power source for manufacturing changed from water to steam and later to electricity, and often the products made changed to satisfy a new economic and social structure, but each city and town has continued to pride itself on the uniqueness that often is associated with its products.

 Most regions in Connecticut are not clearly defined, although Fairfield county in the southwest is uniquely oriented toward New York City and serves as a suburb for many commuters. With two of the state's largest cities, Stamford and Bridgeport, Fairfield is one of the most populous counties in the state. A corridor of high population continues northeastward from Bridgeport along the coast of Long Island Sound to New Haven and then to Hartford, extending northward along the Connecticut River valley to Massachusetts. The rest of the northeastern quarter and the northwestern quarter of Connecticut are less densely populated. They have some agriculture, but most residents there, as elsewhere in the state, work in the cities and towns along the rivers.

      Connecticut's small towns represent a territorial concept that is equivalent to a township in other parts of the country. Within many towns, a town centre is surrounded by the town hall, schools, churches, usually a village green, a number of houses, and often a small business district with several stores. Elsewhere within the town, other hamlets may contain similar communal gatherings. If the hamlet is on a stream, the houses often cluster around a redbrick factory that was erected in the 19th century to run its machinery from a waterwheel in the river. Such mill villages can be found throughout the state, although many of the factories have been abandoned, demolished, or converted to offices or other uses. Farmsteads and cultivated fields once lay between such small population nodes, but the roads connecting these villages have become sparsely lined with rural, nonfarm homes.

      City status in Connecticut is determined not by population but by vote of the residents to change their governmental system from a town meeting to a city form. All of the larger towns and cities are manufacturing centres; some originated as mill towns and grew with their factories.

Demographic trends
      From 1790 to 1840 the state's population growth rate hovered between 4 and 8 percent per decade. Connecticut wasconsidering its small size and its limited agricultural resourcesquite adequately filled. During the 19th century thousands of Connecticut residents, especially the young, migrated to better agricultural lands in the western part of the country; their places were taken by newcomers from Europe. The state's growth exceeded the national rate for every decade but one in the period 190080, but since then it has been only about one-third the national average.

      The movement of people and industry into the cities dominated the population movements until 1950. Since then people generally have moved out of the three largest citiesBridgeport, Hartford, and New Havento the suburbs and the former agricultural hill towns. The populations of these three seem to have stabilized, however, while those of several secondary cities have been growing.

      With limited natural resources, a well-educated and innovative citizenry has enabled Connecticut to reach high levels of productivity. Connecticut's creative geniusmanifested in such innovators as Eli Whitney (Whitney, Eli), Samuel Colt (Colt, Samuel), and Charles Goodyear (Goodyear, Charles)—has produced large numbers of significant inventions and patents.

      Connecticut, like other areas of the Northeast, lost much traditional industry to the Sunbelt in the 1940s and '50s, but the '70s and '80s were marked by economic rebound. Since then Connecticut has ranked among the top states in the country in terms of personal income per capita and has had one of the country's lowest unemployment rates. Labour unions have been strong and may be given partial credit for the high wages and good working conditions characteristic of most Connecticut factories. Business is also a powerful force in the state. The Connecticut Business and Industry Association is sophisticated and influential, and there are many active local chambers of commerce.

Agriculture and fishing
      Throughout the 20th century agriculture declined in importance, and it is now a relatively minor element in the economy. A precipitous decline in the number of farms resulted in the enactment in 1978 of a farmland preservation program. Livestock and animal products are the major source of farm income. Connecticut's farms produce substantial quantities of milk, eggs, poultry, and vegetables for local consumption and one important export crop, shade-grown tobacco, used mainly for cigar wrappers.

      Except for the oyster fisheries and the historically important whaling industry, commercial fishing has never been of much importance to the state. The oyster industry is gradually overcoming the devastation caused by natural calamities such as disease outbreaks and by man-made pollution of the coastal waters.

Resources and power
      Historically, mining was important, but the last iron and copper mines closed long ago. The state's high ranking in value added by manufacturing is mainly due to its importing of nearly all needed raw materials. Only sand, gravel, stone, feldspar, clay, and mica are still produced within the state. A large number of minerals were first discovered in Connecticut by mineralogists from Yale University in New Haven. Quarries continued to yield interesting finds until the late 20th century, when many of them were closed to collectors by suburban real estate developments.

      Nuclear power plants produce more than half of the state's annual electricity output, and much of the rest is generated at thermal plants. The state has promoted incentives to develop renewable resources, notably methane from biomass sources. The electricity generated using this fuel constitutes a small but significant amount of the state total; hydroelectricity, however, represents only a small proportion of the power from renewables.

      Manufacturing has long been the mainstay of Connecticut's economy, though its relative importance has lessened, especially as federal defense contracts have diminished. Among the items that have been manufactured in Connecticut by long tradition are pins, clocks, silverware, sewing machines, firearms (notably Winchester rifles and Colt pistols), and many brass products. Submarines (submarine) were produced in Groton beginning in 1924, including the first nuclear-powered submarine, the Nautilus. High-technology companies have grown in importance since the 1970s.

Services, labour, and taxation
      Services have come to dominate Connecticut's economy, and the health and tourist sectors have grown dramatically since the late 20th century. Financial services, insurance, and real estate have also grown considerably. As interstate banking regulations have changed, many local institutions have followed the nationwide trend of merging into national banks. The state is often referred to as the country's insurance centre and Hartford asInsurance City.” Marine insurance was the first concern of Connecticut companies, and eventually the coverage that they offered expanded to many forms of casualty insurance. Some of the largest insurance companies in the country are based in Connecticut, and the state is headquarters to many leading national corporations, notably those focused on technology.

      Local governments rely almost entirely on property taxes, supplemented by state and federal aid. In 1991 Connecticut adopted an essentially flat-rate income tax after a long and bitter legislative debate. Subsequently the state sales tax rate was reduced, as were corporate taxes.

Transportation and telecommunications
      Connecticut's railroad network is a basic link in the BostonWashington, D.C. (Washington), rail corridor. The first railroads were constructed to bring the produce of the agricultural interior to Connecticut ports. Each of the larger river valleysthe Housatonic, Naugatuck, Connecticut, Willimantic, and Quinebaugonce supported its own railroad. The line along the coast was completed in 1852. Until 1930 the railroads flourished with the expanding Connecticut economy, but highway competition for passengers and products reduced rail traffic severely. Most of the river lines have dropped passenger service; freight service continues on some, but on others it has been abandoned. Amtrak operates passenger trains through Connecticut linking New York City and Boston. Commuter service on the (New York) Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Metro-North New Haven line is heavily used between southern Connecticut and New York City.

      Interstate highways crisscross the state, but they are concentrated in the densely settled coastal and Connecticut River valley regions. Connecticut was a pioneer of the limited-access highway. The first section of the Merritt Parkway, from the New York state line to near Milford, opened in 1938; it is still acclaimed for its scenery and fine design. In June 1983 several lives were lost with the collapse of the Mianus River Bridge. The governor and legislature responded with the country's first comprehensive infrastructure renewal program for roads and bridges, and these have subsequently been considerably improved.

      Bradley International Airport, north of Hartford, is the major air terminal, but there are a number of smaller airports throughout the state that offer regional services. The port of New Haven is one of the largest in New England. Other major ports are at Bridgeport and New London.

Government and society

Constitutional framework
  Connecticut has experienced more than 350 years of constitutional government, from the Fundamental Orders of 1638 to the present constitution of 1965. A strong governor, who is elected for a four-year term, heads Connecticut's state government. The governor initiates legislation, prepares the state budget, appoints department heads, and can veto individual items of an appropriation bill. The Office of Policy and Management develops the governor's proposed budget and oversees executive agencies. Major oversight is also provided by an independent, bipartisan auditors' office.

      Connecticut's legislative branch, the General Assembly, is composed of a 151-member House and a 36-member Senate. It met biennially until a constitutional amendment adopted in 1970 provided for annual legislative sessions. The senatorial districts are approximately equal in population. The House of Representatives was originally based on towns, with each town, regardless of size, having at least one representative. The 1965 constitution reapportioned the lower branch so that its districts, like the Senate, are based on equivalent population. Connecticut's General Assembly is different from most state legislatures in that all business is conducted through joint House-Senate standing committees. Although the legislature is in session for only three to five months each year, there is interim committee activity. For many years the legislative branch had considerably less power than the executive, but since the late 1960s the legislature has achieved equal status through a combination of strong leadership, increased staffing, and improved facilities. Connecticut has adopted some of the most far-reaching governmental ethics laws in the country and has had an office of state ethics since 1978.

      The Supreme Court heads the state's judiciary. The Appellate Court was established by a constitutional amendment in 1982. Superior courts were formed in 1978 by a merger of the courts of common pleas and the juvenile courts. The justices of the Supreme Court and of the appellate and superior courts are nominated by the governor and appointed by the General Assembly for eight-year terms. Probate judges are elected on partisan ballots for four-year terms.

      Below the state government are some 170 local units called towns. They are creations of the state, with their rights and responsibilities set out in state statutes. There is nonetheless a long-standing, intense tradition of local autonomy. These local governments maintain roads and provide elementary and secondary education and police and fire protection. Larger municipalities also provide water and sewage facilities and other services. Originally, government was based on the town meeting, at which the citizens elected selectmen to run the town between the annual meetings. As populations increased and problems of administration became more complex, other systems were substituted. Most larger communities have opted for a city form with an elected mayor and council. Some smaller communities have elected mayors; others have town or city managers. Many towns have retained the town meeting or have substituted the representative town meeting. county government was abolished in 1961. County lines exist today only for statistical purposes.

Health and welfare
      The community and the state have become increasingly involved in health and medical care. Most people live within 10 miles (16 km) of hospital services, and doctors and other medical personnel are numerous. There are many community health clinics in addition to the advanced medical centres of the University of Connecticut, located in Farmington, and of the YaleNew Haven Hospital. The state's Office of Health Care Access has endeavoured to help citizens receive adequate health care.

      In relation to most states, Connecticut has provided generous welfare (social welfare program) benefits. Departments for the elderly and for children and youth services have been established to meet the special needs of communities. Nonetheless, the state joined the national effort to reduce welfare costs, establishing workfare (mandated employment) programs for those on public assistance rolls and deinstitutionalizing many who had been in mental health facilities. This has been done amid sometimes heated debate andas elsewhere in the countryhas put added pressure on law enforcement and health care services.

      Urban redevelopment programs in Connecticut's larger cities have made progress, although areas of inner-city blight and abandoned housing have remained. Renewal (urban renewal) programs in New Haven during the 1950s and '60s became a prototype for the rest of the country. Much work in rehabilitating urban areas remains to be done, however, especially in residential neighbourhoods. There is also a shortage of lower- and middle-income housing.

      Connecticut, a pioneer of the American free-enterprise system, has also been a leader in enacting social legislation. The first child-labour law was passed in 1842, but it was ineffectual, and hundreds of children continued to work long hours in the textile mills. A labour department was set up by the state in 1873, and since then hundreds of laws and regulations have been enacted to control working conditions and compensation, addressing matters such as the length of the workday, minimum wage rates, equal pay for equal work, and similar concerns. State departments supervise banks, insurance companies, and the public utilities, and in 1959 the Department of Consumer Protection was organized to consolidate several existing agencies.

 From the earliest days, every town has been required to maintain public elementary schools and, as the town grew in size, secondary schools as well. The state has long had a complex formula for providing local school aid, but public schools have often been underfunded. Schools, to some degree, have reflected the racial imbalance of residential patterns, a situation that has continued to engage the legislature and the courts in efforts to provide a remedy.

      Connecticut is renowned for its many private schools and colleges. Yale University (1701), an Ivy League school, is regarded as one of the world's great universities; other private institutions, such as Wesleyan University (1831) in Middletown, also have national recognition. Public higher education has expanded considerably. The University of Connecticut (Connecticut, University of) (1881) at Storrs is known for the high quality of its academic programs, and its men's and women's basketball teams are among the state's premiere athletic attractions. The university has several branches, including a law school in Hartford and a medical school in Farmington. In addition, there are four state university campuses and more than a dozen community-technical colleges. The United States Coast Guard Academy is located at New London.

Cultural life
 Connecticut provides a variety of landscapes: rocky headlands, beaches, forested hills, and, perhaps most attractive, small towns around tree-dotted village greens. In the towns, hundreds of houses dating from the 17th and 18th centuries are preserved by more than 100 local or national historical societies.

 State or private organizations maintain numerous sites important in Connecticut's past or associated with illustrious individuals. Notable among these are Fort Griswold State Park in Groton, Old New-Gate Prison and Copper Mine in East Granby, the homes of Harriet Beecher Stowe (Stowe, Harriet Beecher) (1871) and Mark Twain (1874) in Hartford, the Tapping Reeve House (1773) and Law School (1784) in Litchfield, and (William) Gillette Castle State Park in East Haddam. Perhaps the best-known is Mystic Seaport and Maritime Museum in Mystic, where a small New England seaport has been re-created with all its ships and shops. Outdoor enthusiasts can hike the many miles of trails and camp in the 30 state forests or 90 state parks that in all cover some 250 square miles (650 square km). Colourful autumn foliage draws large numbers of visitors to Connecticut and the rest of New England. Minor league baseball and ice hockey are popular, as is the Connecticut Sun, a professional women's basketball team based in Uncasville. Sport fishing, particularly for bluefish, is popular in Long Island Sound. Two large gambling casinos operated by Native Americans also attract many visitors.

      Art exhibitions are held annually in many cities, a number of which have art galleries and museums. The best-known are three facilities at Yalethe University Art Gallery, the Center for British Art, and the Peabody Museum of Natural Historyall located in New Haven; the Bruce Museum of Arts and Sciences, in Greenwich; the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, in Hartford; and the New Britain Museum of American Art. Symphony concerts and concerts by smaller groups are presented regularly in the larger communities. Several educational institutions have public concerts throughout the year. Repertory companies operating in or near resort areas in the summer include the Westport County Playhouse in Westport and the Oakdale Musical Theatre in Wallingford. The American Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford, the Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven, and the Goodspeed Opera House in East Haddam are well known. The Yale School of Drama (founded 1925) was the first such school at an institution of higher learning. Southwestern Connecticut is also within easy reach of the vast artistic resources of New York City.

      Daily and weekly newspapers are abundant in Connecticut. The Hartford Courant is the oldest continuously published city newspaper in the country; it began as a weekly paper in 1764 and became a daily in 1837. Yale University Press is a major academic publisher that is recognized throughout the world.

History (Connecticut)

      Paleo-Indians inhabited the Connecticut region some 10,000 years ago, exploiting the resources along rivers and streams. They used a wide range of stone tools and engaged in hunting, gathering, fishing, woodworking, and ceremonial observances. They are thought to have been seminomadic, moving their habitations during the year to use resources that changed with the seasons. By the time of European contact, local Algonquian-speaking peoples, including the Pequot, Mohegan, and Nipmuc, were living in settled villages. They cultivated crops such as corn (maize), beans, squash, and tobacco in addition to subsisting on locally abundant wild plants and animals.

      In contrast to many of the other New England areas, relations between Native Americans (Native American) and the early settlers in Connecticut were good. Trading posts were established along the Connecticut River by the Dutch from New Amsterdam and by the English from the Plymouth colony, but the first permanent European settlers in the state came from the Massachusetts Bay Colony to the middle Connecticut River valley during 163335 (Hartford, founded by Thomas Hooker (Hooker, Thomas)) and to the SaybrookNew Haven coastal strip during 163538. In 1665 the Connecticut River settlements and the New Haven colony were united, and the general outline of the state emerged, although its borders were not finally demarcated until 1881, more than 200 years later. The New Haven colony was unsuccessful in an attempt to settle Delaware Bay, and the united Connecticut colony, despite its charter provisions, lost its claim to a strip of land extending westward to the Pacific Ocean.

The Revolutionary period
      During the American Revolution the state's arms and other manufacturing industries contributed greatly to the war effort, earning Connecticut the nicknameProvisions State.” Western Connecticut, settled earlier than the east, was much more loyalist in sentiment, but the growing eastern region dominated colony politics at the outbreak of hostilities. In 1775 several thousand militiamen from Connecticut joined in the Battles of Lexington and Concord (Lexington and Concord, Battles of). Governor Jonathan Trumbull, Ethan Allen (Allen, Ethan), Israel Putnam (Putnam, Israel), and many others played key roles in the war. Connecticut was not occupied by British armies as were its neighbouring states but did experience several British raids. The harshest of these was against Fort Griswold in New London in 1781; patriot-turned-traitor Benedict Arnold (Arnold, Benedict) of Norwich led the assault, and some 80 patriot defenders were massacred following their surrender in the aftermath of a fierce battle. The young Nathan Hale (Hale, Nathan) of Coventry had responded to General George Washington (Washington, George)'s call for a volunteer to spy on the enemy; caught and hanged by the British in September 1776, he later became the official state hero of Connecticut.

      In 1787 the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia was on the verge of collapse when Roger Sherman (Sherman, Roger) of New Haven and Oliver Ellsworth (Ellsworth, Oliver) of Windsor offered the Connecticut (or Great) Compromise, which served the interests of both large and small states by suggesting a bicameral legislature with one house based on population and the other on equal state representation. As the country began to expand westward in the postwar period, settlers from Connecticut with claims in the Midwest were among the first to move into an area that became known as the Western Reserve (now northeastern Ohio).

Political, economic, and social maturation
      The political development of the colony began with the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1638), a civil covenant by the settlers establishing the system by which the river towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield agreed to govern themselves. The orders created an annual assembly of legislators and provided for the election of a governor. Separate New Haven Colony had its Fundamental Laws. Both these original sets of laws were superseded by the royal charter of 1662, a liberal document that combined the Connecticut and New Haven colonies and provided for virtual self-government in the colony byfreemen.” It served Connecticut well until it was replaced by the state constitution adopted in 1818, a document that after being amended many times was replaced by a new constitution in 1965, reflecting the more complex needs of contemporary government. The constitution of 1818 disestablished the Congregational church, which had been the officially sanctioned church of Connecticut since its days as a colony. That constitution also established the separation of powers.

      Connecticut remained an agricultural region of farms with a few small urban areasHartford, New Haven, New London, and Middletownuntil the early 19th century. The state economy began to change after 1800, however, when textile factories were established, and, by 1850, employees in manufacturing outnumbered those in agriculture. The shift to manufacturing had been aided by the inventive genius of a number of Connecticut residents. Eli Whitney (Whitney, Eli), well known for his invention of the cotton gin in 1794, developed the idea of machine-made parts for guns. An order for muskets from the federal government enabled him to build a musket factory in Hamden. The principle of interchangeable parts, adapted to clock manufacturing by Eli Terry (Terry, Eli) of Plymouth in 1802, rapidly became basic to all manufacturing.

      The economic, social, and political innovations that emerged in the 19th and 20th centuries were often resisted at first, but eventually they were accepted. slavery was first attacked by legislation in 1784; although abolitionist sentiment was strong in Connecticut, it was not universal, and slavery was not abolished completely in the state until 1848. In the early 1830s Prudence Crandall (Crandall, Prudence) attempted to transform her finishing school in Canterbury into a school for black girls, but opposition was fierce, and the effort was soon abandoned. The trial in New Haven of African slaves involved in the 1839 Amistad mutiny gripped Connecticut and the country; a bronze memorial to Joseph Cinque, the leader of the slave revolt, now stands in front of New Haven's city hall. The constitution of 1818 granted suffrage to men with certain property qualifications, but women's suffrage came only through the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920.

      More than 50,000 Connecticut troops fought in the American Civil War, and nearly half were killed, wounded, or captured. Connecticut was a major supplier of war matériel to the Union cause, and war provisioners such as Colt and Winchester became famous for their firearms (gun). Throughout most of the 20th century Connecticut was a leader in armament manufacture. The state's concentration of defense contractors and small-arms makers contributed significantly to the country's efforts in World Wars I and II and the Korean and Vietnam wars. The end of the Cold War in the late 1980s and early '90s was accompanied by a significant decline in government defense spending. Connecticut responded by boosting export sales and pioneering legislation to help diversify the economy.

      While Connecticut has a healthy two-party system, Democrats (Democratic Party) have tended to dominate state politics since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Governors Wilbur Cross, Chester Bowles (Bowles, Chester), Abraham Ribicoff, and John Dempsey all presided over periods of unprecedented economic development, school construction, civil rights activity, and increased health and social services. In 1974 Ella Grasso (Grasso, Ella) became the first woman in any state elected in her own right to the office of governor. The political climate changed in the 1990s with a move toward centrism and the election of politically independent officials. Lowell Weicker, Jr., a former Republican (Republican Party) U.S. senator, won the 1990 gubernatorial election as an independent. He was followed in that office by several Republicans, who retained the governorship into the early 21st century.

Joseph Bixby Hoyt Honorable Irving J. Stolberg

Additional Reading
Federal Writer's Project for the State of Connecticut, Connecticut: A Guide to Its Roads, Lore, and People (1938, reprinted 1973), is still a useful description of all parts of the state. Thomas R. Lewis and John E. Harmon, Connecticut: A Geography (1986), is a concise treatment. Michael Bell, The Face of Connecticut: People, Geology, and the Land (1985), replete with fine photographs, focuses on the physical landscape. Allen R. Smith, Connecticut: A Thematic Atlas (1974), presents the settlement and development of the state; while DeLorme Mapping Company, Connecticut, Rhode Island Atlas & Gazetteer, 3rd ed. (2003), focuses on topography.Albert E. Van Dusen, Connecticut (1961), is an outstanding comprehensive history. Arthur H. Hughes and Morse S. Allen, Connecticut Place Names (1976), an exhaustive list, includes a wealth of information on the state's history. Bruce Fraser, The Land of Steady Habits: A Brief History of Connecticut (1988), is an easily read work written for the Connecticut Historical Commission on the 200th anniversary of statehood. The Series in Connecticut History covers the early years to the mid-1970s in five volumes, all published in 1975: Albert E. Van Dusen, Puritans Against the Wilderness: Connecticut History to 1763; David M. Roth and Freeman Meyer, From Revolution to Constitution: Connecticut, 17631818; Janice Law Tracker, Preachers, Rebels, and Traders: Connecticut, 18181865; Ruth O.M. Andersen, From Yankee to American: Connecticut, 18651914; and Herbert F. Janick, Jr., A Diverse People: Connecticut, 1914 to the Present (1975). Robert J. Taylor, Colonial Connecticut (1979), covers the founding of Connecticut through the outbreak of the Revolution. Bibliographies of historical sources include Christopher Collier and Bonnie B. Collier, The Literature of Connecticut History (1983), definitive and thoroughly annotated; and Roger Parks (ed.), Connecticut (1986). Richard Buel, Jr., and J. Bard McNulty (eds.), Connecticut Observed: Three Centuries of Visitors' Impressions, 16761940, presents the state as seen through the eyes of travelers. Charles A. Monagan, Connecticut Icons: 50 Symbols of the Nutmeg State (2006), examines some of the state's notable products, places, people, and traditions.Honorable Irving J. Stolberg

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