
/moh hee"geuhn/, n., pl. Mohegans, (esp. collectively) Mohegan.
a member of a group of Pequot Indians that broke with the Pequot and then fought against them in the Pequot War.

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Algonquian-speaking North American Indian people who once inhabited the area of southeastern Connecticut, U.S. They later seized land in Massachusetts and Rhode Island from other tribes.

Their economy was based on corn cultivation, hunting, and fishing. In the 17th century the Mohegan and the Pequot tribes were ruled jointly by a Pequot chief, but a rebellion led to Mohegan independence and the destruction of the Pequot. Having made an alliance with the English, the Mohegan were the only important tribe remaining in southern New England after King Philip's War (167576). Today there is a remnant (approx. 1,000) near Norwich, Conn.

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      Algonquian (Algonquian languages)-speaking North American Indian people who originally occupied most of the upper Thames valley in what is now Connecticut, U.S. They later seized land from other tribes in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The Mohegan are not to be confused with the Mohican (Mahican), a different people who originally resided in the upper Hudson River Valley near the Catskill Mountains in what is now New York state.

      The traditional Mohegan economy was based on the cultivation of corn (maize) and on hunting and fishing. At the time of the first European settlement of New England early in the 17th century, the Mohegan and the Pequot tribes were ruled jointly by the Pequot chief, Sassacus; later a rebellion by the subchief Uncas led to Mohegan independence. After the destruction of the Pequot in 1637, most of the Pequot survivors and the former Pequot territories came under Mohegan control. Uncas strengthened his position by making an alliance with the English; by the end of King Philip's War against the colonists, the Mohegan were the strongest tribe remaining in southern New England. Colonial settlements gradually displaced the Mohegan, and their numbers dwindled from imported diseases and other hardships. Many of them joined other native settlements.

      Population estimates indicated some 2,500 Mohegan descendants in the early 21st century.

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