
/jee ol"euh jee/, n., pl. geologies.
1. the science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing.
2. the study of this science.
3. the geologic features and processes occurring in a given region on the earth or on a celestial body: the geology of Mars; the geology of eastern Kentucky.
[1680-90; GEO- + -LOGY]

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Scientific study of the Earth, including its composition, structure, physical properties, and history.

Geology is commonly divided into subdisciplines concerned with the chemical makeup of the Earth, including the study of minerals (mineralogy) and rocks (petrology); the structure of the Earth (structural geology) and volcanic phenomena (volcanology); landforms and the processes that produce them (geomorphology and glaciology); geologic history, including the study of fossils (paleontology), the development of sedimentary strata (stratigraphy), and the evolution of planetary bodies and their satellites (astrogeology); and economic geology and its various branches, such as mining geology and petroleum geology. Some major fields closely allied to geology are geodesy, geophysics, and geochemistry. See also environmental geology.
(as used in expressions)

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      the fields of study concerned with the solid Earth. Included are sciences such as mineralogy, geodesy, and stratigraphy.

      An introduction to the geochemical and geophysical sciences logically begins with mineralogy because the Earth's (Earth) rocks are composed of mineralsinorganic elements or compounds that have a fixed chemical composition and that are made up of regularly aligned rows of atoms. Today, one of the principal concerns of mineralogy is the chemical analysis of the some 3,000 known minerals that are the chief constituents of the three different rock types: sedimentary (formed by diagenesis of sediments deposited by surface processes); igneous (crystallized from magmas either at depth or at the surface as lavas); and metamorphic (formed by a recrystallization process at temperatures and pressures in the Earth's crust high enough to destabilize the parent sedimentary or igneous material). Geochemistry is the study of the composition of these different types of rocks.

      During mountain building, rocks became highly deformed, and the primary objective of structural geology is to elucidate the mechanism of formation of the many types of structures (e.g., folds and faults) that arise from such deformation. The allied field of geophysics has several subdisciplines, which make use of different instrumental techniques. Seismology, for example, involves the exploration of the Earth's deep structure through the detailed analysis of recordings of elastic waves generated by earthquakes and man-made explosions. Earthquake seismology has largely been responsible for defining the location of major plate boundaries and of the dip of subduction zones down to depths of about 700 kilometres at those boundaries. In other subdisciplines of geophysics, gravimetric techniques are used to determine the shape and size of underground structures; electrical methods help to locate a variety of mineral deposits that tend to be good conductors of electricity; and paleomagnetism has played the principal role in tracking the drift of continents.

      Geomorphology is concerned with the surface processes that create the landscapes of the worldnamely, weathering and erosion. Weathering is the alteration and breakdown of rocks at the Earth's surface caused by local atmospheric conditions, while erosion is the process by which the weathering products are removed by water, ice, and wind. The combination of weathering and erosion leads to the wearing down or denudation of mountains and continents, with the erosion products being deposited in rivers, internal drainage basins, and the oceans. Erosion is thus the complement of deposition. The unconsolidated accumulated sediments are transformed by the process of diagenesis and lithification into sedimentary rocks, thereby completing a full cycle of the transfer of matter from an old continent to a young ocean and ultimately to the formation of new sedimentary rocks. Knowledge of the processes of interaction of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere with the surface rocks and soils of the Earth's crust is important for an understanding not only of the development of landscapes but also (and perhaps more importantly) of the ways in which sediments are created. This in turn helps in interpreting the mode of formation and the depositional environment of sedimentary rocks. Thus the discipline of geomorphology is fundamental to the uniformitarian approach to the Earth sciences according to which the present is the key to the past.

      Geologic history provides a conceptual framework and overview of the evolution of the Earth. An early development of the subject was stratigraphy, the study of order and sequence in bedded sedimentary rocks. Stratigraphers still use the two main principles established by the late 18th-century English engineer and surveyor William Smith, regarded as the father of stratigraphy: (1) that younger beds rest upon older ones and (2) different sedimentary beds contain different and distinctive fossils, enabling beds with similar fossils to be correlated over large distances. Today, biostratigraphy uses fossils to characterize successive intervals of geologic time, but as relatively precise time markers only to the beginning of the Cambrian Period, about 540,000,000 years ago. The geologic time scale, back to the oldest rocks, some 4,280,000,000 years ago, can be quantified by isotopic dating techniques. This is the science of geochronology, which in recent years has revolutionized scientific perception of Earth history and which relies heavily on the measured parent-to-daughter ratio of radiogenic isotopes (see below).

      Paleontology is the study of fossils and is concerned not only with their description and classification but also with an analysis of the evolution of the organisms involved. Simple fossil forms can be found in early Precambrian rocks as old as 3,500,000,000 years, and it is widely considered that life on Earth must have begun before the appearance of the oldest rocks. Paleontological research of the fossil record since the Cambrian Period has contributed much to the theory of evolution of life on Earth.

      Several disciplines of the geologic sciences have practical benefits for society. The geologist is responsible for the discovery of minerals (such as lead, chromium, nickel, and tin), oil, gas, and coal, which are the main economic resources of the Earth; for the application of knowledge of subsurface structures and geologic conditions to the building industry; and for the prevention of natural hazards or at least providing early warning of their occurrence. (For further examples, see below under Practical applications.)

      Astrogeology is important in that it contributes to understanding the development of the Earth within the solar system. The U.S. Apollo program of manned missions to the Moon, for example, provided scientists with firsthand information on lunar geology, including observations on such features as meteorite craters that are relatively rare on Earth. Unmanned space probes have yielded significant data on the surface features of many of the planets and their satellites. Since the 1970s even such distant planetary systems as those of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus have been explored by probes.

Study of the composition of the Earth

      As a discipline, mineralogy has had close historical ties with geology. Minerals as basic constituents of rocks and ore deposits are obviously an integral aspect of geology. The problems and techniques of mineralogy, however, are distinct in many respects from those of the rest of geology, with the result that mineralogy has grown to be a large, complex discipline in itself.

      About 3,000 distinct mineral species are recognized, but relatively few are important in the kinds of rocks that are abundant in the outer part of the Earth. Thus a few minerals such as the feldspars, quartz, and mica are the essential ingredients in granite and its near relatives. Limestones, which are widely distributed on all continents, consist largely of only two minerals, calcite and dolomite. Many rocks have a more complex mineralogy, and in some the mineral particles are so minute that they can be identified only through specialized techniques.

      It is possible to identify an individual mineral in a specimen by examining and testing its physical properties. Determining the hardness of a mineral is the most practical way of identifying it. This can be done by using the Mohs scale (Mohs hardness) of hardness, which lists 10 common minerals in their relative order of hardness: talc (softest with the scale number 1), gypsum (2), calcite (3), fluorite (4), apatite (5), orthoclase (6), quartz (7), topaz (8), corundum (9), and diamond (10). Harder minerals scratch softer ones, so that an unknown mineral can be readily positioned between minerals on the scale. Certain common objects that have been assigned hardness values roughly corresponding to those of the Mohs scale (e.g., fingernail [2.5], pocketknife blade [5.5], steel file [6.5]) are usually used in conjunction with the minerals on the scale for additional reference.

      Other physical properties of minerals that aid in identification are crystal form, cleavage type, fracture, streak, lustre, colour, specific gravity, and density. In addition, the refractive index of a mineral can be determined with precisely calibrated immersion oils. Some minerals have distinctive properties that help to identify them. For example, carbonate minerals effervesce with dilute acids; halite is soluble in water and has a salty taste; fluorite (and about 100 other minerals) fluoresces in ultraviolet light; and uranium-bearing minerals are radioactive.

      The science of crystallography is concerned with the geometric properties and internal structure of crystals (crystal). Because minerals are generally crystalline, crystallography is an essential aspect of mineralogy. Investigators in the field may use a reflecting goniometer that measures angles between crystal faces to help determine the crystal system to which a mineral belongs. Another instrument that they frequently employ is the X-ray diffractometer, which makes use of the fact that X rays, when passing through a mineral specimen, are diffracted at regular angles. The paths of the diffracted rays are recorded on photographic film, and the positions and intensities of the resulting diffraction lines on the film provide a particular pattern. Every mineral has its own unique diffraction pattern, so crystallographers are able to determine not only the crystal structure of a mineral but the type of mineral as well.

      When a complex substance such as a magma crystallizes to form igneous rock, the grains of different constituent minerals grow together and mutually interfere, with the result that they do not retain their externally recognizable crystal form. To study the minerals in such a rock, the mineralogist uses a petrographic microscope constructed for viewing thin sections of the rock, which are ground uniformly to a thickness of about 0.03 millimetre, in light polarized by two polarizing prisms in the microscope. If the rock is crystalline, its essential minerals can be determined by their peculiar optical properties as revealed in transmitted light under magnification, provided that the individual crystal grains can be distinguished. Opaque minerals, such as those with a high content of metallic elements, require a technique employing reflected light from polished surfaces. This kind of microscopic analysis has particular application to metallic ore minerals. The polarizing microscope, however, has a lower limit to the size of grains that can be distinguished with the eye; even the best microscopes cannot resolve grains less than about 0.5 micrometre (0.0005 millimetre) in diameter. For higher magnifications the mineralogist uses an electron microscope, which produces images with diameters enlarged tens of thousands of times.

      The methods described above are based on a study of the physical properties of minerals. Another important area of mineralogy is concerned with the chemical composition of minerals. The primary instrument used is the electron microprobe. Here, a beam of electrons is focused on a thin section of rock that has been highly polished and coated with carbon. The electron beam can be narrowed to a diameter of about one micrometre and thus can be focused on a single grain of a mineral, which can be observed with an ordinary optical-microscope system. The electrons cause the atoms in the mineral under examination to emit diagnostic X rays, the intensity and concentration of which are measured by a computer. Besides spot analysis, this method allows a mineral to be traversed for possible chemical zoning. Moreover, the concentration and relative distribution of elements such as magnesium and iron across the boundary of two coexisting minerals like garnet and pyroxene can be used with thermodynamic data to calculate the temperature and pressure at which minerals of this type crystallize.

      Although the major concern of mineralogy is to describe and classify the geometrical, chemical, and physical properties of minerals, it is also concerned with their origin. Physical chemistry and thermodynamics are basic tools for understanding mineral origin. Some of the observational data of mineralogy are concerned with the behaviour of solutions in precipitating crystalline materials under controlled conditions in the laboratory. Certain minerals can be created synthetically under conditions in which temperature and concentration of solutions are carefully monitored. Other experimental methods include study of the transformation of solids at high temperatures and pressures to yield specific minerals or assemblages of minerals. Experimental data obtained in the laboratory, coupled with chemical and physical theory, enable the conditions of origin of many naturally occurring minerals to be inferred.

      Petrology is the study of rocks, and, because most rocks are composed of minerals, petrology is strongly dependent on mineralogy. In many respects mineralogy and petrology share the same problems; for example, the physical conditions that prevail (pressure, temperature, time, and presence or absence of water) when particular minerals or mineral assemblages are formed. Although petrology is in principle concerned with rocks throughout the crust, as well as with those of the inner depths of the Earth, in practice the discipline deals mainly with those that are accessible in the outer part of the Earth's crust. Rock specimens obtained from the surface of the Moon and from other planets are also proper considerations of petrology. Fields of specialization in petrology correspond to the aforementioned three major rock typesigneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

Igneous petrology
      Igneous petrology is concerned with the identification, classification, origin, evolution, and processes of formation and crystallization of the igneous rocks. Most of the rocks available for study come from the Earth's crust, but a few, such as eclogites, derive from the mantle. The scope of igneous petrology is very large because igneous rocks make up the bulk of the continental and oceanic crusts and of the mountain belts of the world, which range in age from early Archean to the late Tertiary Period; and they also include the high-level volcanic extrusive rocks and the plutonic rocks that formed deep within the crust. Of utmost importance to igneous petrologic research is geochemistry, which is concerned with the major- and trace-element composition of igneous rocks as well as of the magmas from which they arose. Some of the major problems within the scope of igneous petrology are: (1) the form and structure of igneous bodies, whether they be lava flows or granitic intrusions, and their relations to surrounding rocks (these are problems studied in the field); (2) the crystallization history of the minerals that make up igneous rocks (this is determined with the petrographic polarizing microscope); (3) the classification of rocks based on textural features, grain size, and the abundance and composition of constituent minerals; (4) the fractionation of parent magmas by the process of magmatic differentiation, which may give rise to an evolutionary sequence of genetically related igneous products; (5) the mechanism of generation of magmas by partial melting of the lower continental crust, suboceanic and subcontinental mantle, and subducting slabs of oceanic lithosphere; (6) the history of formation and the composition of the present oceanic crust determined on the basis of data from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP); (7) the evolution of igneous rocks through geologic time; (8) the composition of the mantle from studies of the rocks and mineral chemistry of eclogites brought to the surface in kimberlite pipes; (9) the conditions of pressure and temperature at which different magmas form and at which their igneous products crystallize (determined from high-pressure experimental petrology).

      The basic instrument of igneous petrology is the petrographic polarizing microscope, but the majority of instruments used today have to do with determining rock and mineral chemistry. These include the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, equipment for neutron activation analysis, induction-coupled plasma spectrometer, electron microprobe, ionprobe, and mass spectrometer. These instruments are highly computerized and automatic and produce analyses rapidly (see below Geochemistry (geology)). Complex high-pressure experimental laboratories also provide vital data.

      With a vast array of sophisticated instruments available, the igneous petrologist is able to answer many fundamental questions. Study of the ocean floor has been combined with investigation of ophiolite complexes, which are interpreted as slabs of ocean floor that have been thrust onto adjacent continental margins. An ophiolite provides a much deeper section through the ocean floor than is available from shallow drill cores and dredge samples from the extant ocean floor. These studies have shown that the topmost volcanic layer consists of tholeiitic basalt or mid-ocean ridge basalt that crystallized at an accreting rift or ridge in the middle of an ocean. A combination of mineral chemistry of the basalt minerals and experimental petrology of such phases allows investigators to calculate the depth and temperature of the magma chambers along the mid-ocean ridge. The depths are close to six kilometres, and the temperatures range from 1,150° C to 1,279° C. Comprehensive petrologic investigation of all the layers in an ophiolite makes it possible to determine the structure and evolution of the associated magma chamber.

      In 1974 B.W. Chappell and A.J.R. White discovered two major and distinct types of granitic rocknamely, I- and S-type granitoids. The I-type has strontium-87/strontium-86 ratios lower than 0.706 and contains magnetite, titanite, and allanite but no muscovite. These rocks formed above subduction zones in island arcs and active (subducting) continental margins and were ultimately derived by partial melting of mantle and subducted oceanic lithosphere. In contrast, S-type granitoids have strontium-87/strontium-86 ratios higher than 0.706 and contain muscovite, ilmenite, and monazite. These rocks were formed by partial melting of lower continental crust. Those found in the Himalayas were formed during the Miocene Epoch some 20,000,000 years ago as a result of the penetration of India into Asia, which thickened the continental crust and then caused its partial melting.

      In the island arcs and active continental margins that rim the Pacific Ocean, there are many different volcanic and plutonic rocks belonging to the calc-alkaline series. These include basalt; andesite; dacite; rhyolite; ignimbrite; diorite; granite; peridotite; gabbro; and tonalite, trondhjemite, and granodiorite (TTG). They occur typically in vast batholiths, which may reach several thousand kilometres in length and contain more than 1,000 separate granitic bodies. These TTG calc-alkaline rocks represent the principal means of growth of the continental crust throughout the whole of geologic time. Much research is devoted to them in an effort to determine the source regions of their parent magmas and the chemical evolution of the magmas. It is generally agreed that these magmas were largely derived by the melting of a subducted oceanic slab and the overlying hydrated mantle wedge. One of the major influences on the evolution of these rocks is the presence of water, which was derived originally from the dehydration of the subducted slab.

Sedimentary petrology
      The field of sedimentary petrology is concerned with the description and classification of sedimentary rocks (sedimentary rock), interpretation of the processes of transportation and deposition of the sedimentary materials forming the rocks, the environment (environmental geology) that prevailed at the time the sediments were deposited, and the alteration (compaction, cementation, and chemical and mineralogical modification) of the sediments after deposition.

      There are two main branches of sedimentary petrology. One branch deals with carbonate rocks, namely limestones (limestone) and dolomites, composed principally of calcium carbonate ( calcite) and calcium magnesium carbonate (dolomite). Much of the complexity in classifying carbonate rocks stems partly from the fact that many limestones and dolomites have been formed, directly or indirectly, through the influence of organisms, including bacteria, lime-secreting algae, various shelled organisms (e.g., mollusks and brachiopods), and by corals. In limestones and dolomites that were deposited under marine conditions, commonly in shallow warm seas, much of the material initially forming the rock consists of skeletons of lime-secreting organisms. In many examples, this skeletal material is preserved as fossils. Some of the major problems of carbonate petrology concern the physical and biological conditions of the environments in which carbonate material has been deposited, including water depth, temperature, degree of illumination by sunlight, motion by waves and currents, and the salinity and other chemical aspects of the water in which deposition occurred.

      The other principal branch of sedimentary petrology is concerned with the sediments and sedimentary rocks that are essentially noncalcareous. These include sands and sandstones, clays and claystones, siltstones, conglomerates, glacial till, and varieties of sandstones, siltstones, and conglomerates (e.g., the graywacke-type sandstones and siltstones). These rocks are broadly known as clastic rocks because they consist of distinct particles or clasts. Clastic petrology is concerned with classification, particularly with respect to the mineral composition of fragments or particles, as well as the shapes of particles (angular versus rounded), and the degree of homogeneity of particle sizes. Other main concerns of clastic petrology are the mode of transportation of sedimentary materials, including the transportation of clay, silt, and fine sand by wind; and the transportation of these and coarser materials through suspension in water, through traction by waves and currents in rivers, lakes, and seas, and sediment transport by ice.

      Sedimentary petrology also is concerned with the small-scale structural features of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Features that can be conveniently seen in a specimen held in the hand are within the domain of sedimentary petrology. These features include the geometrical attitude of mineral grains with respect to each other, small-scale cross stratification, the shapes and interconnections of pore spaces, and the presence of fractures and veinlets.

      Instruments and methods used by sedimentary petrologists include the petrographic microscope for description and classification, X-ray mineralogy for defining fabrics and small-scale structures, physical model flume experiments for studying the effects of flow as an agent of transport and the development of sedimentary structures, and mass spectrometry for calculating stable isotopes and the temperatures of deposition, cementation, and diagenesis. Wet-suit diving permits direct observation of current processes on coral reefs, and manned submersibles enable observation at depth on the ocean floor and in mid-oceanic ridges.

      The plate-tectonic theory has given rise to much interest in the relationships between sedimentation and tectonics, particularly in modern plate-tectonic environmentse.g., spreading-related settings (intracontinental rifts, early stages of intercontinental rifting such as the Red Sea, and late stages of intercontinental rifting such as the margins of the present Atlantic Ocean), mid-oceanic settings (ridges and transform faults), subduction-related settings (volcanic arcs, fore-arcs, back-arcs, and trenches), and continental collision-related settings (the Alpine-Himalayan belt and late orogenic basins with molasse [i.e., thick association of clastic sedimentary rocks consisting chiefly of sandstones and shales]). Today, many subdisciplines of sedimentary petrology are concerned with the detailed investigation of the various sedimentary processes that occur within these plate-tectonic environments.

Metamorphic petrology
      Metamorphism means change in form. In geology the term is used to refer to a solid-state recrystallization of earlier igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks (metamorphic rock). There are two main types of metamorphism: (1) contact metamorphism, in which changes induced largely by increase in temperature are localized at the contacts of igneous intrusions; and (2) regional metamorphism, in which increased pressure and temperature have caused recrystallization over extensive regions in mountain belts. Other types of metamorphism include local effects caused by deformation in fault zones, burning oil shales, and thrusted ophiolite complexes; extensive recrystallization caused by high heat flow in mid-ocean ridges; and shock metamorphism induced by high-pressure impacts of meteorites in craters on the Earth and Moon.

      Metamorphic petrology is concerned with field relations and local tectonic environments; the description and classification of metamorphic rocks in terms of their texture and chemistry, which provides information on the nature of the premetamorphic material; the study of minerals and their chemistry (the mineral assemblages and their possible reactions), which yields data on the temperatures and pressures at which the rocks recrystallized; and the study of fabrics and the relations of mineral growth to deformation stages and major structures, which provides information about the tectonic conditions under which regional metamorphic rocks formed.

      A supplement to metamorphism is metasomatism: the introduction and expulsion of fluids and elements through rocks during recrystallization. When new crust is formed and metamorphosed at a mid-oceanic ridge, seawater penetrates into the crust for a few kilometres and carries much sodium with it. During formation of a contact metamorphic aureole around a granitic intrusion, hydrothermal fluids carrying elements such as iron, boron, and fluorine pass from the granite into the wall rocks. When the continental crust is thickened, its lower part may suffer dehydration and form granulites. The expelled fluids, carrying such heat-producing elements as rubidium, uranium, and thorium migrate upward into the upper crust. Much petrologic research is concerned with determining the amount and composition of fluids that have passed through rocks during these metamorphic processes.

      The basic instrument used by the metamorphic petrologist is the petrographic microscope, which allows detailed study and definition of mineral types, assemblages, and reactions. If a heating/freezing stage is attached to the microscope, the temperature of formation and composition of fluid inclusions within minerals can be calculated. These inclusions are remnants of the fluids that passed through the rocks during the final stages of their recrystallization. The electron microprobe is widely used for analyzing the composition of the component minerals. The petrologist can combine the mineral chemistry with data from experimental studies and thermodynamics to calculate the pressures and temperatures at which the rocks recrystallized. By obtaining information on the isotopic age of successive metamorphic events with a mass spectrometer, pressuretemperaturetime curves can be worked out. These curves chart the movement of the rocks over time as they were brought to the surface from deep within the continental crust; this technique is important for understanding metamorphic processes. Some continental metamorphic rocks that contain diamonds and coesites (ultrahigh pressure minerals) have been carried down subduction zones to a depth of at least 100 kilometres (60 miles), brought up, and often exposed at the present surface within resistant eclogites of collisional orogenic beltssuch as the Swiss Alps, the Himalayas, the Kokchetav metamorphic terrane in Kazakhstan, and the Variscan belt in Germany. These examples demonstrate that metamorphic petrology plays a key role in unraveling tectonic processes in mountain belts that have passed through the plate-tectonic cycle of events.

      The mineral commodities on which modern civilization is heavily dependent are obtained from the Earth's crust and have a prominent place in the study and practice of economic geology. In turn, economic geology consists of several principal branches that include the study of ore deposits, petroleum geology, and the geology of nonmetallic deposits (excluding petroleum), such as coal, stone, salt, gypsum, clay and sand, and other commercially valuable materials.

      The practice of economic geology is distinguished by the fact that its objectives are to aid in the exploration for and extraction of mineral resources. The objectives are therefore economic. In petroleum geology, for example, a common goal is to guide oil-well-drilling programs so that the most profitable prospects are drilled, and those that are likely to be of marginal economic value, or barren, are avoided. A similar philosophy influences the other branches of economic geology. In this sense, economic geology can be considered as an aspect of business that is devoted to economic decision making. Many deposits of economic interest, particularly those of metallic ores, are of extreme scientific interest in themselves, however, and they have warranted intensive study that has been somewhat apart from economic considerations.

      The practice of economic geology provides employment for a large number of geologists. On a worldwide basis, probably more than two-thirds of those persons employed in the geologic sciences are engaged in work that touches on the economic aspects of geology. These include geologists whose main interests lie in diverse fields of the geologic sciences. For example, the petroleum industry, which collectively is the largest employer of economic geologists, attracts individuals with specialties in stratigraphy, sedimentary petrology, structural geology, paleontology, and geophysics.

Chemistry of the Earth
      Geochemistry is broadly concerned with the application of chemistry to virtually all aspects of geology. Inasmuch as the Earth is composed of the chemical elements, all geologic materials and most geologic processes can be regarded from a chemical point of view. Some of the major problems that broadly belong to geochemistry are as follows: the origin and abundance of the elements in the solar system, galaxy, and universe (cosmochemistry); the abundance of elements in the major divisions of the Earth, including the core, mantle, crust, hydrosphere, and atmosphere; the behaviour of ions in the structure of crystals; the chemical reactions in cooling magmas and the origin and evolution of deeply buried intrusive igneous rocks; the chemistry of volcanic (extrusive) igneous rocks and of phenomena closely related to volcanic activity, including hot-spring activity, emanation of volcanic gases, and origin of ore deposits formed by hot waters derived during the late stages of cooling of igneous magmas; chemical reactions involved in weathering of rocks in which earlier formed minerals decay and new minerals are created; the transportation of weathering products in solution by natural waters in the ground and in streams, lakes, and the sea; chemical changes that accompany compaction and cementation of unconsolidated sediments to form sedimentary rocks; and the progressive chemical and mineralogical changes that take place as rocks undergo metamorphism.

      One of the leading general concerns of geochemistry is the continual recycling of the materials of the Earth. This process takes place in several ways: (1) It is widely believed that oceanic and continental basalts crystallized from magmas that were ultimately derived by partial melting of the Earth's mantle. Much geochemical research is devoted to the quantification of this extraction of mantle material and its contribution to crustal growth throughout geologic time in the many stages of seafloor formation and mountain building. (2) When the basalts that formed at the mid-oceanic ridge are transported across the ocean by the process of seafloor spreading, they interact with seawater, and this involves the adding of sodium to the basaltic crust and the extraction of calcium from it. (3) Geophysical data confirm the idea that the oceanic lithosphere is being consumed along the Earth's major subduction zones below the continental lithospheree.g., along the continental margin of the Andes Mountain Ranges. This may involve pelagic sediments from the ocean floor, oceanic basalts altered by seawater exchange, gabbros, ultramafic rocks, and segments of the underlying mantle. Many geochemists are studying what happens to this subducted material and how it contributes to the growth of island arcs and Andean-type mountain belts. (4) The behaviour of dissolved materials in natural waters, under the relatively low temperatures that prevail at or near the surface of the Earth, is an integral aspect of the crustal cycle. Weathering processes supply dissolved material, including silica, calcium carbonate, and other salts, to streams. These materials then enter the oceans, where some remain in solution (e.g., sodium chloride), whereas others are progressively removed to form certain sedimentary rocks, including limestone and dolomite, and, where conditions are conducive for the formation of deposits by means of evaporation, gypsum (hydrous calcium sulfate), rock salt (halite), and potash deposits may occur.

      The behaviour of biological materials and their subsequent disposition are important aspects of geochemistry, generally termed organic geochemistry and biogeochemistry. Major problems of organic geochemistry include the question of the chemical environment on Earth in which life originated; the modification of the hydrosphere, and particularly the atmosphere, through the effects of life; and the incorporation of organic materials in rocks, including carbonaceous material in sedimentary rocks. The nature and chemical transformations of biological material present in deposits of coal, petroleum, and natural gas lie within the scope of organic geochemistry. Organic chemical reactions influence many geochemical processes, as, for example, rock weathering and production of soil, the solution, precipitation, and secretion of such dissolved materials as calcium carbonate, and the alteration of sediments to form sedimentary rocks. Biogeochemistry deals chiefly with the cyclic flows of individual elements and their compounds between living and nonliving systems.

      Geochemistry has applications to other subdisciplines within geology, as well as to disciplines relatively far removed from it. At one extreme, geochemistry is linked with cosmology in a number of ways. These include the study of the chemical composition of meteorites, the relative abundance of elements in the Earth, Moon, and other planets, and the ages of meteorites and of rocks of the crust of the Earth and Moon as established by radiometric means. At the other extreme, the geochemistry of traces of metals in rocks and soils and, ultimately, in the food chain has important consequences for humans and for the vast body of lesser organisms on which they are dependent and with whom they coexist. Deficiencies in traces of copper and cobalt in forage plants, for example, lead to diseases in certain grazing animals and may locally influence human health. These deficiencies are in turn related to the concentrations of these elements in rocks and the manner in which they are chemically combined within soils and rocks.

      The chemical analysis of minerals is undertaken with the electron microprobe (see above). Instruments and techniques used for the chemical analysis of rocks are as follows: The X-ray fluorescent (XRF) spectrometer excites atoms with a primary X-ray beam and causes secondary (or fluorescent) X rays to be emitted. Each element produces a diagnostic X radiation, the intensity of which is measured. This intensity is proportional to the concentration of the element in the rock, and so the bulk composition can be calculated. The crushed powder of the rock is compressed into a disk or fused into a bead and loaded into the spectrometer, which analyzes it automatically under computer control. Analysis of most elements having concentrations of more than five parts per million is possible.

      Neutron-activation analysis is based on the fact that certain elements are activated or become radiogenic when they are bombarded with a flux of neutrons formed from the radioactive decay of uranium-235 in a nuclear reactor. With the addition of the neutrons, the stable isotopes produce new unstable radionuclides, which then decay, emitting particles with diagnostic energies that can be separated and measured individually. The technique is particularly suitable for the analysis of the rare earth elements, uranium, thorium, barium, and hafnium, with a precision to less than one part per million.

      The induction-coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometer can analyze over 40 elements. Here, a solution of a rock is put into a plasma, and the concentration of the elements is determined from the light emitted. This method is rapid, and the ICP spectrometer is particularly suited to analyzing large numbers of soil and stream sediment samples, as well as mineralized rocks in mineral exploration.

Isotopic geochemistry
      Isotopic geochemistry has several principal roles in geology. One is concerned with the enrichment or impoverishment of certain isotopic (isotope) species that results from the influence of differences in mass of molecules containing different isotopes. Measurements of the proportions of various isotopic species can be used as a form of geologic thermometer. The ratio of oxygen-16 to oxygen-18 in calcium carbonate secreted by various marine organisms from calcium carbonate in solution in seawater is influenced by the temperature of the seawater. Precise measurement of the proportions of oxygen-16 with respect to oxygen-18 in calcareous shells of some fossil marine organisms provides a means of estimating the temperatures of the seas in which they lived. The varying ocean temperatures during and between the major advances of glaciers during the ice ages have been inferred by analyzing the isotopic composition of the skeletons of floating organisms recovered as fossils in sediment on the seafloor. Other uses of isotopic analyses that involve temperature-dependent rate processes include the progressive removal of crystals from cooling igneous magmas.

      Another role of isotopic geochemistry that is of great importance in geology is radiometric age dating. The ability to quantify the geologic time scalei.e., to date the events of the geologic past in terms of numbers of yearsis largely a result of coupling radiometric-dating techniques with older, classical methods of establishing relative geologic ages. As explained earlier, radiometric-dating methods are based on the general principle that a particular radioactive isotope (radioactive parent or source material) incorporated in geologic material decays at a uniform rate, producing a decay product, or daughter isotope. Some radiometricclocksare based on the ratio of the proportion of parent to daughter isotopes, others on the proportion of parent remaining, and still others on the proportion of daughter isotopes with respect to each other. For example, uranium-238 (uranium) decays ultimately to lead-206, which is one of the four naturally occurring isotopic species of lead. Minerals that contain uranium-238 when initially formed may be dated by measuring the proportions of lead-206 and uranium-238; the older the specimen, the greater the proportion of lead-206 with respect to uranium-238. The decay of potassium-40 (potassium) to form argon-40 (calcium-40 is produced in this decay process as well) is also a widely used radiometric-dating tool, though there are several other parent-daughter pairs that are used in radiometric dating, including another isotope of uranium (uranium-235), which decays ultimately to form lead-207, and thorium-232, which decays to lead-208.

      Uranium-238 and uranium-235 decay very slowly, although uranium-235 decays more rapidly than uranium-238. The rate of decay may be expressed in several ways. One way is by the radioactive isotope's half-lifethe interval of time in which half of any given initial amount will have decayed. The half-life of uranium-238 is about 4,510,000,000 years, whereas the half-life of uranium-235 is about 713,000,000 years. Other radioactive isotopes decay at greatly differing rates, with half-lives ranging from a fraction of a second to quadrillions of years.

      It is useful to combine a variety of isotopic methods to determine the complete history of a crustal rock. A samarium-147neodymium-143 date on a granitic gneiss, for example, may be interpreted as the time of mantlecrust differentiation or crustal accretion that produced the original magmatic granite. Also, a lead-207lead-206 date on a zircon will indicate the crystallization age of the granite. In contrast, a rubidium-87strontium-87 date of a whole rock sample may give the time at which the rock became a closed system for migration of the strontium during the period of metamorphism that converted the granite to a granitic gneiss. When potassium-40 breaks down to argon-40, the argon continues to diffuse until the rock has cooled to about 200° C; therefore, a potassium-40argon-40 date may be interpreted as the time when the granite cooled through a blocking temperature that stopped all argon release. This may reflect the cooling of the granite during late uplift in a young mountain belt.

      Since the 1980s, two technological advancements have greatly increased the geologist's ability to compute the isotopic age of rocks and minerals. The SHRIMP (Sensitive High Mass Resolution Ion Microprobe) enables the accurate determination of the uranium-lead age of the mineral zircon, and this has revolutionized the understanding of the isotopic age of formation of zircon-bearing igneous granitic rocks. Another technological development is the ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer), which is able to provide the isotopic age of zircon, titanite, rutile, and monazite. These minerals are common to many igneous and metamorphic rocks.

      Carbon-14 (carbon) is a radioactive isotope of carbon (carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable isotopes) with a half-life of 5,570 years. Carbon-14 is incorporated in all living material, for it is derived either directly or indirectly from its presence in atmospheric carbon dioxide. The moderately short half-life of carbon-14 makes it useful for dating biological materials that are more than a few hundred years old and less than 30,000 years old. It has been used to provide correlation of events within this time span, particularly those of the Pleistocene Epoch involving the Earth's most recent ice ages.

Study of the structure of the Earth

      The scientific objective of geodesy is to determine the size and shape of the Earth. The practical role of geodesy is to provide a network of accurately surveyed points on the Earth's surface, the vertical elevations and geographic positions of which are precisely known and, in turn, may be incorporated in maps. When two geographic coordinates of a control point on the Earth's surface, its latitude and longitude, are known, as well as its elevation above sea level, the location of that point is known with an accuracy within the limits of error involved in the surveying processes. In mapping large areas, such as a whole state or country, the irregularities in the curvature of the Earth must be considered. A network of precisely surveyed control points provides a skeleton to which other surveys may be tied to provide progressively finer networks of more closely spaced points. The resulting networks of points have many uses, including anchor points or bench marks for surveys of highways and other civil features. A major use of control points is to provide reference points to which the contour lines and other features of topographic maps are tied. Most topographic maps are made using photogrammetric techniques and aerial photographs.

      The Earth's figure is that of a surface called the geoid, which over the Earth is the average sea level at each location; under the continents the geoid is an imaginary continuation of sea level. The geoid is not a uniform spheroid, however, because of the existence of irregularities in the attraction of gravity from place to place on the Earth's surface. These irregularities of the geoid would bring about serious errors in the surveyed location of control points if astronomical methods, which involve use of the local horizon, were used solely in determining locations. Because of these irregularities, the reference surface used in geodesy is that of a regular mathematical surface, an ellipsoid of revolution that fits the geoid as closely as possible. This reference ellipsoid is below the geoid in some places and above it in others. Over the oceans, mean sea level defines the geoid surface, but over the land areas, the geoid is an imaginary sea-level surface.

      Today, perturbations in the motions of artificial satellites are used to define the global geoid and gravity pattern with a high degree of accuracy. Geodetic satellites are positioned at a height of 700800 kilometres above the Earth. Simultaneous range observations from several laser stations fix the position of a satellite, and radar altimeters measure directly its height over the oceans. Results show that the geoid is irregular; in places its surface is up to 100 metres higher than the ideal reference ellipsoid and elsewhere it is as much as 100 metres below it. The most likely explanation for this height variation is that the gravity (and density) anomalies are related to mantle convection and temperature differences at depth. An important observation that confirms this interpretation is that there is a close correlation between the gravity anomalies and the surface expression of the Earth's plate boundaries. This also strengthens the idea that the ultimate driving force of plate tectonics is a large-scale circulation of the mantle.

      A similar satellite ranging technique is also used to determine the drift rates of continents. Repeated measurements of laser light travel times between ground stations and satellites permit the relative movement of different control blocks to be calculated.

      Geophysics pertains to studies of the Earth that involve the methods and principles of physics. The scope of geophysics touches on virtually all aspects of geology, ranging from considerations of the conditions in the Earth's deep interior, where temperatures of several thousands of degrees Celsius and pressures of millions of atmospheres prevail, to the Earth's exterior, including its atmosphere and hydrosphere.

      The study of the Earth's interior provides a good example of the geophysicist's approach to problems. Direct observation is obviously impossible. Extensive knowledge of the Earth's interior has been derived from a variety of measurements, however, including seismic waves produced by quakes that travel through the Earth, measurements of the flow of heat from the Earth's interior into the outer crust, and by astronomical and other geologic considerations.

      Geophysics may be divided into a number of overlapping branches in the following way: (1) study of the variations in the Earth's gravity field; (2) seismology, the study of the Earth's crust and interior by analysis of the transmission of elastic waves that are reflected or refracted; (3) the physics of the outer parts of the atmosphere, with particular attention to the radiation bombardment from the Sun and from outer space, including the influence of the Earth's magnetic field on radiation intercepted by the planet; (4) terrestrial electricity, which is the study of the storage and flow of electricity in the atmosphere and the solid Earth; (5) geomagnetism (geomagnetics), the study of the source, configuration, and changes in the Earth's magnetic field and the study and interpretation of the remanent magnetism in rocks induced by the Earth's magnetic field when the rocks were formed (paleomagnetism); (6) the study of the Earth's thermal properties, including the temperature distribution of the Earth's interior and the variation in the transmission of heat from the interior to the surface; and (7) the convergence of several of the above-cited branches for the study of the large-scale tectonic structures of the Earth, such as rifts, continental margins, subduction zones, mid-oceanic ridges, thrusts, and continental sutures.

      The techniques of geophysics include measurement of the Earth's gravitational field using gravimeters on land and sea and artificial satellites in space (see above); measurement of its magnetic field with hand-held magnetometers or larger units towed behind research ships and aircraft; and seismographic measurement of subsurface structures using reflected and refracted elastic waves generated either by earthquakes or by artificial means (e.g., underground nuclear explosions or ground vibrations produced with special pistons in large trucks). Other tools and techniques of geophysics are diverse. Some involve laboratory studies of rocks and other earth materials under high pressures and elevated temperatures. The transmission of elastic waves through the crust and interior of the Earth is strongly influenced by the behaviour of materials under the extreme conditions at depth; consequently, there is strong reason to attempt to simulate those conditions of elevated temperatures and pressures in the laboratory. At another extreme, data gathered by rockets and satellites yield much information about radiation flux in space and the magnetic effects of the Earth and other planetary bodies, as well as providing high precision in establishing locations in geodetic surveying, particularly over the oceans. Finally, it should be emphasized that the tools of geophysics are essentially mathematical and that most geophysical concepts are necessarily expounded mathematically.

      Geophysics has major influence both as a field of pure science in which the objective is pursuit of knowledge for the sake of knowledge and as an applied science in which the objectives involve solution of problems of practical or commercial interest. Its principal commercial applications lie in the exploration for oil and natural gas and, to a lesser extent, in the search for metallic ore deposits. Geophysical methods also are used in certain geologic-engineering (engineering geology) applications, as in determining the depth of alluvial fill that overlies bedrock, which is an important factor in the construction of highways and large buildings.

      Much of the success of the plate tectonics theory has depended on the corroborative factual evidence provided by geophysical techniques. For example, seismology has demonstrated that the earthquake belts of the world demarcate the plate boundaries and that intermediate and deep seismic foci define the dip of subduction zones; the study of rock magnetism has defined the magnetic anomaly patterns of the oceans; and paleomagnetism has charted the drift of continents through geologic time. Seismic reflection profiling has revolutionized scientific ideas about the deep structure of the continents: major thrusts, such as the Wind River thrust in Wyoming and the Moine thrust in northwestern Scotland, can be seen on the profiles to extend from the surface to the Moho at about 35-kilometres depth; the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States must have been pushed at least 260 kilometres westward to their present position on a major thrust plane that now lies at about 15 kilometres depth; the thick crust of Tibet can be shown to consist of a stack of major thrust units; the shape and structure of continental margins against such oceans as the Atlantic and the Pacific are beautifully illustrated on the profiles; and the detailed structure of entire sedimentary basins can be studied in the search for oil reservoirs.

      Structural geology deals with the geometric relationships of rocks and geologic features in general. The scope of structural geology is vast, ranging in size from submicroscopic lattice defects in crystals to mountain belts and plate boundaries.

      Structures may be divided into two broad classes: the primary structures that were acquired in the genesis of a rock mass and the secondary structures that result from later deformation of the primary structures. Most layered rocks (sedimentary rocks, some lava flows, and pyroclastic deposits) were deposited initially as nearly horizontal layers. Rocks that were initially horizontal may be deformed later by folding and may be displaced along fractures. If displacement has occurred and the rocks on the two sides of the fracture have moved in opposite directions from each other, the fracture is termed a fault; if displacement has not occurred, the fracture is called a joint. It is clear that faults and joints are secondary structuresi.e., their relative age is younger than the rocks that they intersect, but their age may be only slightly younger. Many joints in igneous rocks, for example, were produced by contraction when the rocks cooled. On the other hand, some fractures in rocks, including igneous rocks, are related to weathering processes and expansion associated with removal of overlying load. These will have been produced long after the rocks were formed. The faults and joints referred to above are brittle structures that form as discrete fractures within otherwise undeformed rocks in cool upper levels of the crust. In contrast, ductile structures result from permanent changes throughout a wide body of deformed rock at higher temperatures and pressures in deeper crustal levels. Such structures include folds and cleavage in slate belts, foliation in gneisses, and mineral lineation in metamorphic rocks.

      The methods of structural geology are diverse. At the smallest scale, lattice defects and dislocations in crystals can be studied in images enlarged several thousand times with transmission electron microscopes. Many structures can be examined microscopically, using the same general techniques employed in petrology, in which sections of rock mounted on glass slides are ground very thin and are then examined by transmitted light with polarizing microscopes. Of course, some structures can be studied in hand specimens, which were preferably oriented when collected in the field.

      On a large scale, the techniques of field geology are employed. These include the preparation of geologic maps that show the areal distribution of geologic units selected for representation on the map. They also include the plotting of the orientation of such structural features as faults, joints, cleavage, small folds, and the attitude of beds with respect to three-dimensional space. A common objective is to interpret the structure at some depth below the surface. It is possible to infer with some degree of accuracy the structure beneath the surface by using information available at the surface. If geologic information from drill holes or mine openings is available, however, the configuration of rocks in the subsurface commonly may be interpreted with much greater assurance as compared with interpretations involving projection to depth based largely on information obtained at the surface. Vertical graphic sections are widely used to show the configuration of rocks beneath the surface. Balancing cross sections is an important technique in thrust belts. The lengths of individual thrust slices are added up and the total restored length is compared with the present length of the section and thus the percentage of shortening across the thrust belt can be calculated. In addition, contour (contour mapping) maps that portray the elevation of particular layers with respect to sea level or some other datum are widely used, as are contour maps that represent thickness variations.

      Strain analysis is another important technique of structural geology. Strain is change in shape; for example, by measuring the elliptical shape of deformed ooliths or concretions that must originally have been circular, it is possible to make a quantitative analysis of the strain patterns in deformed sediments. Other useful kinds of strain markers are deformed fossils, conglomerate pebbles, and vesicles. A long-term aim of such analysis is to determine the strain variations across entire segments of mountain belts. This information is expected to help geologists understand the mechanisms involved in the formation of such belts.

      A combination of structural and geophysical methods are generally used to conduct field studies of the large-scale tectonic features mentioned below. Field work enables the mapping of the structures at the surface, and geophysical methods involving the study of seismic activity, magnetism, and gravity make possible the determination of the subsurface structures.

      The processes that affect geologic structures rarely can be observed directly. The nature of the deforming (deformation and flow) forces and the manner in which the Earth's materials deform under stress can be studied experimentally and theoretically, however, thus providing insight into the forces of nature. One form of laboratory experimentation involves the deformation of small, cylindrical specimens of rocks under very high pressures. Other experimental methods include the use of scale models of folds and faults consisting of soft, layered materials, in which the objective is to simulate the behaviour of real strata that have undergone deformation on a larger scale over much longer time.

      Some experiments measure the main physical variables that control rock deformationnamely, temperature, pressure, deformation rate, and the presence of fluids such as water. These variables are responsible for changing the rheology of rocks from rigid and brittle at or near the Earth's surface to weak and ductile at great depths. Thus experimental studies aim to define the conditions under which deformation occurs throughout the Earth's crust.

      The subject of tectonics is concerned with the Earth's large-scale structural features. It forms a multidisciplinary framework for interrelating many other geologic disciplines, and thus it provides an integrated understanding of large-scale processes that have shaped the development of our planet. These structural features include mid-oceanic rifts; transform faults in the oceans; intracontinental rifts, as in the East African Rift System and on the Tibetan Highlands; wrench faults (e.g., the San Andreas Fault in California) that may extend hundreds of kilometres; sedimentary basins (oil potential); thrusts, such as the Main Central thrust in the Himalayas, that measure more than 2,000 kilometres long; ophiolite complexes; passive continental margins, as around the Atlantic Ocean; active continental margins, as around the Pacific Ocean; trench systems at the mouth of subduction zones; granitic batholiths (e.g., those in Sierra Nevada and Peru) that may be as long as 1,000 kilometres; sutures between collided continental blocks; and complete sections of mountain belts, such as the Andes, the Rockies, the Alps, the Himalayas, the Urals, and the AppalachiansCaledonians. Viewed as a whole, the study of these large-scale features encompasses the geology of plate tectonics and of mountain building at the margins of or within continents.

      Volcanology is the science of volcanoes and deals with their structure, petrology, and origin. It is also concerned with the contribution of volcanoes (volcanism) to the development of the Earth's crust, with their role as contributors to the atmosphere and hydrosphere and to the balance of chemical elements in the Earth's crust, and with the relationships of volcanoes to certain forms of metallic ore deposits.

      Many of the problems of volcanology are closely related to those of the origin of oceans and continents. Most of the volcanoes of the world are aligned along or close to the major plate boundaries, in particular the mid-oceanic ridges and active continental margins (e.g., thering of firearound the Pacific Ocean). A few volcanoes occur within oceanic plates (e.g., along the Hawaiian chain); these are interpreted as the tracks of plumes (ascending jets of partially molten mantle material) that formed when such a plate moved over hot spots fixed in the mantle.

      One of the principal reasons for studying volcanoes and volcanic products is that the atmosphere and hydrosphere are believed to be largely derived from volcanic emanations, modified by biological processes. Much of the water present at the Earth's surface, which has aggregated mostly in the oceans but to a lesser extent in glaciers, streams, lakes, and groundwater, probably has emerged gradually from the Earth's interior by means of volcanoes, beginning very early in the Earth's history. The principal components of airnitrogen and oxygenprobably have been derived through modification of ammonia and carbon dioxide emitted by volcanoes. Emissions of vapours and gases from volcanoes are an aspect of the degassing of the Earth's interior. Although the degassing processes that affect the Earth were probably much more vigorous when it was newly formed about 4,600,000,000 years ago, it is interesting to consider that the degassing processes are still at work. Their scale, however, is vastly reduced compared with their former intensity.

      The study of volcanoes is dependent on a variety of techniques. The petrologic polarizing microscope is used for classifying lava types and for tracing their general mineralogical history. The X-ray fluorescence spectrometer provides a tool for making chemical analyses of rocks that are important for understanding the chemistry of a wide variety of volcanic products (e.g., ashes, pumice, scoriae, and bombs) and of the magmas that give rise to them. Some lavas are enriched or depleted in certain isotopic ratios that can be determined with a mass spectrometer. Analyses of gases from volcanoes and of hot springs in volcanic regions provide information about the late stages of volcanic activity. These late stages are characterized by the emission of volatile materials, including sulfurous gases. Many commercially valuable ore deposits have formed through the influence of hydrothermal (hydrothermal mineral deposit) volcanic solutions.

      Volcanoes may pose a serious hazard to human life and property, as borne out by the destruction wrought by the eruptions of Mount Vesuvius (AD 79), Krakatoa (1883), Mount Pelée (1902), and Mount Saint Helens (1980), to mention only a few. Because of this, much attention has been devoted to forecasting volcanic outbursts. In 1959 researchers monitored activity leading up to the eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii. Using seismographs, they detected swarms of earthquake tremors for several months prior to the eruption, noting a sharp increase in the number and intensity of small quakes shortly before the outpouring of lava. Tracking such tremors, which are generated by the upward movement of magma from the asthenosphere, has proved to be an effective means of determining the onset of eruptions and is now widely used for prediction purposes. Some volcanoes inflate when rising molten rock fills their magma chambers, and in such cases tiltmeters can be employed to detect a change in angle of the slope before eruption. Other methods of predicting violent volcanic activity involve the use of laser beams to check for changes in slope, temperature monitors, gas detectors, and instruments sensitive to variations in magnetic and gravity fields. Permanent volcano observatories have been established at some of the world's most active sites (e.g., Kilauea, Mount Etna, and Mount Saint Helens) to ensure early warning.

Study of surface features and processes

      Geomorphology is literally the study of the form or shape of the Earth, but it deals principally with the topographical features of the Earth's surface. It is concerned with the classification, description, and origin of landforms (continental landform). The configuration of the Earth's surface reflects to some degree virtually all of the processes that take place at or close to the surface as well as those that occur deep in the crust. The intricate details of the shape of a mountain range, for example, result more or less directly from the processes of erosion that progressively remove material from the range. The spectrum of erosive processes includes weathering and soil-forming processes and transportation of materials by running water, wind action, and mass movement. Glacial processes have been particularly influential in many mountainous regions. These processes are destructional in the sense that they modify and gradually destroy the previous form of the range. Also important in governing the external shape of the range are the constructional processes that are responsible for uplift of the mass of rock from which the range has been sculptured. A volcanic cone, for example, may be created by the successive outpouring of lava, perhaps coupled with intermittent ejection of volcanic ash and tuff. If the cone has been built up rapidly, so that there has been relatively little time for erosive processes to modify its form, its shape is governed chiefly by the constructional processes involved in the outpouring of volcanic material. But the forces of erosion begin to modify the shape of a volcanic landform almost immediately and continue indefinitely. Thus, at no time can its shape be regarded as purely constructional or purely destructional, for its shape is necessarily a consequence of the interplay of these two major classes of processes.

      Investigating the processes that influence landforms is an important aspect of geomorphology. These processes include the weathering caused by the action of solutions of atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen in water on exposed rocks; the activity of streams and lakes; the transport and deposition of dust and sand by wind; the movement of material through downhill creep of soil and rock and by landslides and mudflows; and shoreline processes that involve the mechanics and effects of waves and currents. Study of these different types of processes forms subdisciplines that exist more or less in their own right.

Glacial geology
      Glacial geology can be regarded as a branch of geomorphology, though it is such a large area of research that it stands as a distinct subdiscipline within the geologic sciences. Glacial geology is concerned with the properties of glaciers themselves as well as with the effects of glaciers as agents of both erosion and deposition. Glaciers are accumulations of snow transformed into solid ice. Important questions of glacial geology concern the climatic controls that influence the occurrence of glaciers, the processes by which snow is transformed into ice, and the mechanism of the flow of ice within glaciers. Other important questions involve the manner in which glaciers serve as erosive agents, not only in mountainous regions but also over large regions where great continental glaciers now extend or once existed. Much of the topography of the northern part of North America and Eurasia, for example, has been strongly influenced by glaciers. In places, bedrock has been scoured of most surficial debris. Elsewhere, deposits of glacial till mantle much of the area. Other extensive deposits include unconsolidated sediments deposited in former lakes that existed temporarily as a result of dams created by glacial ice or by glacial deposits. Many presently existing lakes are of glacial origin as, for example, the Great Lakes.

      Research in glacial geology is conducted with a variety of tools. Investigators use, for example, radar techniques to determine the thickness of glaciers. In order to calculate the progressive advance or retreat of glacial masses, they ascertain the age of organic materials associated with glacial moraines by means of isotopic analyses.

      Other branches of the geologic sciences are closely linked with glacial geology. In glaciated regions the problems of hydrology and hydrogeology are strongly influenced by the presence of glacial deposits. Furthermore, the suitability of glacial deposits as sites for buildings, roads, and other man-made features is influenced by the mechanical properties of the deposits and by soils formed on them.

Earth history

Historical geology and stratigraphy
      One of the major objectives of geology is to establish the history of the Earth from its inception to the present. The most important evidence from which geologic history can be inferred is provided by the geometric relationships of rocks with respect to each other, particularly layered rocks, or strata, the relative ages of which may be determined by applying simple principles. One of the major principles of stratigraphy is that within a sequence of layers of sedimentary rock, the oldest layer is at the base and that the layers are progressively younger with ascending order in the sequence. This is termed the law of superposition and is one of the great general principles of geology. Ordinarily, beds of sedimentary rocks are deposited more or less horizontally. In some regions sedimentary strata have remained more or less horizontal long after they were deposited. Some of these sedimentary rocks were deposited in shallow seas that once extended over large areas of the present continents. In many places sedimentary rocks lie much above sea level, reflecting vertical shift of the crust relative to sea level. In regions where the rocks have been strongly deformed through folding or faulting, the original attitudes of strata may be greatly altered, and sequences of strata that were once essentially horizontal may now be steeply inclined or overturned.

      Prior to the development of radiometric methods of dating rocks, the ages of rocks and other geologic features could not be expressed quantitatively, or as numbers of years, but instead were expressed solely in terms of relative ages, in which the age of a particular geologic feature could be expressed as relatively younger or older than other geologic features. The ages of different sequences of strata, for example, can be compared with each other in this manner, and their relative ages with respect to faults, igneous intrusions, and other features that exhibit crosscutting relationships can be established. Given such a network of relative ages, a chronology of events has been gradually established in which the relative time of origin of various geologic features is known. This is the main thread of historical geologyan ordered sequence of geologic events whose occurrence and relative ages have been inferred from evidence preserved in the rocks. In turn, the development of radiometric dating methods has permitted numerical estimates of age to be incorporated in the scale of geologic time.

      The development of the mass spectrometer has provided researchers with a means of calculating quantitative ages for rocks throughout the whole of the geologic record. With the aid of various radiometric methods involving mass spectrometric analysis, researchers have found it possible to determine how long ago a particular sediment was deposited, when an igneous rock crystallized or when a metamorphic rock recrystallized, and even the time at which rocks in a mountain belt cooled or underwent uplift. Radiometric dating also helped geochronologists discover the vast span of geologic time. The radiometric dating of meteorites revealed that the Earth, like other bodies of the solar system, is about 4,600,000,000 years old, the oldest minerals (detrital zircons of Western Australia) are 4,400,000,000 to 4,100,000,000 years old, and the oldest rocks discovered so far (the faux amphibolites located on the eastern shore of Hudson Bay in Canada) formed roughly 4,280,000,000 years ago. It has been established that the Precambrian time occupies seven-eighths of geologic time, but the era is still poorly understood in comparison with the Phanerozoic Eonthe span of time extending from about the beginning of the Cambrian Period to the Holocene Epoch during which complex life forms are known to have existed. The success of dating Phanerozoic time with some degree of precision has depended on the interlinking of radiometric ages with biostratigraphy, which is the correlation of strata with fossils.

      The geologic time scale is based principally on the relative ages of sequences of sedimentary strata. Establishing the ages of strata within a region, as well as the ages of strata in other regions and on different continents, involves stratigraphic correlation from place to place. Although correlation of strata over modest distances often can be accomplished by tracing particular beds from place to place, correlation over long distances and over the oceans almost invariably involves comparison of fossils (fossil). With rare exceptions, fossils occur only in sedimentary strata. Paleontology, which is the science of ancient life and deals with fossils, is mutually interdependent with stratigraphy and with historical geology. Paleontology also may be considered to be a branch of biology.

      Organic evolution is the essential principle involved in the use of fossils for stratigraphic correlation. It incorporates progressive irreversible changes in the succession of organisms through time. A small proportion of types of organisms has undergone little or no apparent change over long intervals of geologic time, but most organisms have progressively changed, and earlier forms have become extinct and, in turn, have been succeeded by more modern forms. Organisms preserved as fossils that lived over a relatively short span of geologic time and that were geographically widespread are particularly useful for stratigraphic correlation. These fossils are indexes of relative geologic age and may be termed index fossils (index fossil).

      Fossils play another major role in geology because they serve as indicators of ancient environments. Specialists called paleoecologists seek to determine the environmental conditions under which a fossil organism lived and the physical and biological constraints on those conditions. Did the organism live in the seas, lakes, or bogs? In what type of biological community did it live? What was its food chain? In short, what ecological niche did the organism occupy? Because oil and natural gas only accumulate in restricted environments, paleoecology can offer useful information for fossil fuel exploration.

Invertebrate paleontology
      One of the major branches of paleontology is invertebrate paleontology, which is principally concerned with fossil marine invertebrate animals large enough to be seen with little or no magnification. The number of invertebrate fossil forms is large and includes brachiopods, pelecypods, cephalopods, gastropods, corals and other coelenterates (e.g., jellyfish), bryozoans, sponges, various arthropods (invertebrates with limbse.g., insects), including trilobites, echinoderms, and many other forms, some of which have no living counterparts. The invertebrates that are used as index fossils generally possess hard parts, a characteristic that has fostered their preservation as fossils. The hard parts preserved include the calcareous or chitinous shells of the brachiopods, cephalopods, pelecypods, and gastropods, the jointed exoskeletons of such arthropods as trilobites, and the calcareous skeletons of frame-building corals and bryozoans. The vast variety of organisms lacking hard parts are poorly represented in the geologic record; however, they sometimes occur as impressions or carbonized films in finely laminated sediments.

Vertebrate paleontology
      Vertebrate paleontology is concerned with fossils of the vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Although vertebrate paleontology has close ties with stratigraphy, vertebrate fossils usually have not been extensively used as index fossils for stratigraphic correlation, vertebrates generally being much larger than invertebrate fossils and consequently rarer. Fossil mammals, however, have been widely used as index fossils for correlating certain nonmarine strata deposited during the Tertiary Period (from about 66,000,000 years ago). Much interest in dinosaurs has arisen because of the evidence that they became extinct approximately 65 million years ago (at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary) during the aftermath of a large meteorite or comet impact.

      Micropaleontology involves the study of organisms so small that they can be observed only with the aid of a microscope. The size range of microscopic fossils, however, is immense. In most cases, the term micropaleontology connotes that aspect of paleontology devoted to the Ostracoda (foraminiferan), a subclass of crustaceans that are generally less than one millimetre in length; Radiolaria, marine (typically planktonic) protozoans whose remains are common in deep ocean-floor sediments; and Foraminifera, marine protozoans that range in size from about 10 centimetres to a fraction of a millimetre.

      Generally speaking, micropaleontology involves successive ranges of sizes of microscopic fossils down to organisms that must be magnified hundreds of times or more for viewing. The study of ultrasmall fossils is perhaps the fastest growing segment of contemporary paleontology and is dependent on modern laboratory instruments, including electron microscopes. It is an important aspect of oil and natural-gas exploration. Microfossils, which are flushed up boreholes in the drilling mud, can be analyzed to determine the depositional environment of the underlying sedimentary rocks and their age. This information enables geologists to evaluate the reservoir potential of the rock (i.e., its capacity for holding gas or oil) and its depth. Ostracods and foraminifera occur in such abundance and in so many varieties and shapes that they provide the basis for a detailed classification and time division of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments in which oil may occur.

      Filamentous and spheroidal microfossils are important in many Precambrian sediments such as chert. They occur in rocks as old as 3,500,000,000 years and are thus an important testimony of early life on Earth.

      Paleobotany is the study of fossil plants. The oldest widely occurring fossils are various forms of calcareous algae that apparently lived in shallow seas, although some may have lived in freshwater. Their variety is so profuse that their study forms an important branch of paleobotany. Other forms of fossil plants consist of land plants or of plants that lived in swamp forests, standing in water that was fresh or may have been brackish, such as the coal-forming swamps of the Late Carboniferous Period (Pennsylvanian Subperiod) (from 320,000,000 to 286,000,000 years ago).

      Palynology deals with plant spores (spore) and pollen that are both ancient and modern and is a branch of paleobotany. It plays an important role in the investigation of ancient climates, particularly through studies of deposits formed during glacial and interglacial stages. Study of a sequence of spore- or pollen-bearing beds may reveal successive climatic changes, as indicated by changes in types of spores and pollen derived from different vegetative complexes. Spores and pollen are borne by the wind and spread over large areas. Furthermore, they tend to be resistant to decay and thus may be preserved in sediments under adverse conditions.

      Astrogeology is concerned with the geology of the solid bodies in the solar system, such as the asteroids and the planets and their moons. Research in this field helps scientists to better understand the evolution of the Earth in comparison with that of its neighbours in the solar system. This subject was once the domain of astronomers, but the advent of spacecraft has made it accessible to geologists, geophysicists, and geochemists. The success of this field of study has depended largely on the development of advanced instrumentation.

      The U.S. Apollo program enabled humans to land on the Moon several times since 1969. Rocks were collected, geophysical experiments were set up on the lunar surface, and geophysical measurements were made from spacecraft. The Soyuz program of the Soviet Union also collected much geophysical data from orbiting spacecraft. The mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology of lunar rocks were studied in detail, and this research made it possible to work out the geochemical evolution of the Moon. The various manned and unmanned missions to the Moon resulted in many other accomplishments: for example, a lunar stratigraphy was constructed; geologic maps at a scale of 1:1,000,000 were prepared; the structure of the maria, rilles, and craters was studied; gravity profiles across the dense, lava-filled maria were produced; the distribution of heat-producing radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, was mapped with gamma-ray spectrometers; the Moon's internal structure was determined on the basis of seismographic records of moonquakes; the heat flow from the interior was measured; and the day and night temperatures at the surface were recorded.

      Since the late 1960s, unmanned spacecraft have been sent to the neighbouring planets. Several of these probes were soft-landed on Mars and Venus. Soil scoops from the Martian surface have been chemically analyzed by an on-board X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The radioactivity of the surface materials of both Mars and Venus have been studied with a gamma-ray detector, the isotopic composition of their atmospheres analyzed with a mass spectrometer, and their magnetic fields measured. Relief and geologic maps of Mars have been made from high-resolution photographs and topographical maps of Venus compiled from radar data transmitted by orbiting spacecraft. Photographs of Mars and Mercury show that their surfaces are studded with many meteorite craters similar to those on the Moon. Detailed studies have been made of the craters, volcanic landforms, lava flows, and rift valleys on Mars, and a simplified geologic-thermal history has been constructed for the planet.

      By the mid-1980s, the United States had sent interplanetary probes past Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. The craft transmitted data and high-resolution photographs of these outer planetary systems, including their rings and satellites.

      This research has given increased impetus to the study of tektites, meteorites, and meteorite craters on Earth. The mineralogy, geochemistry, and isotopic age of meteorites and tektites have been studied in detail. Meteorites are very old and probably originated in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, while tektites are very young and most likely formed from material ejected from terrestrial meteorite craters. Many comparative studies have been made of the development and shapes of meteorite craters on Earth, the Moon, Mars, and Mercury. Space exploration has given birth to a new sciencethe geology of the solar system. The Earth can now be understood within the framework of planetary evolution.

Practical applications

Exploration for energy and mineral sources
      Over the past century, industries have developed rapidly, populations have grown dramatically, and standards of living have improved, resulting in an ever-growing demand for energy and mineral resources. Geologists and geophysicists have led the exploration for fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas, etc.) and concentrations of geothermal energy, for which applications have grown in recent years. They also have played a major role in locating deposits of commercially valuable minerals.

      The Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and 19th centuries was fueled by coal. Though it has been supplanted by oil and natural gas as the primary source of energy in most modern industrial nations, coal nonetheless remains an important fuel.

      The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated that only about 2 percent of the world's minable coal has so far been exploited; known reserves should last for at least 300 to 400 years. Moreover, new coal basins continue to be found, as, for example, the lignite basin discovered in the mid-1980s in Rājasthān in northwestern India.

      Coal-exploration geologists have found that coal was formed in two different tectonic settings: (1) swampy marine deltas on stable continental margins, and (2) swampy freshwater lakes in graben (long, narrow troughs between two parallel normal faults) on continental crust. Knowing this and the types of sedimentary rock formations that commonly include coal, geologists can quite readily locate coal-bearing areas. Their main concern, therefore, is the quality of the coal and the thickness of the coal bed or seam. Such information can be derived from samples obtained by drilling into the rock formation in which the coal occurs.

Oil and natural gas
      During the last half of the 20th century, the consumption of petroleum products increased sharply. This has led to a depletion of many existing oil fields, notably in the United States, and intensive efforts to find new deposits.

      Crude oil and natural gas in commercial quantities are generally found in sedimentary rocks along rifted continental margins and in intracontinental basins. Such environments exhibit the particular combination of geologic conditions and rock types and structures conducive to the formation and accumulation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons. They contain suitable source rocks (organically rich sedimentary rocks such as black shale), reservoir rocks (those of high porosity and permeability capable of holding the oil and gas that migrate into them), and overlying impermeable rocks that prevent the further upward movement of the fluids. These so-called cap rocks form petroleum traps, which may be either structural or stratigraphic depending on whether they were produced by crustal deformation or original sedimentation patterns.

      Petroleum geologists concentrate their search for oil deposits in such geologic settings, mapping both the surface and subsurface features of a promising area in great detail. Geologic surface maps show subcropping sedimentary rocks and features associated with structural traps such as ridges formed by anticlines during the early stages of folding and lineations produced by fault ruptures. Maps of this kind may be based on direct observation or may be constructed with photographs taken from aircraft and Earth-orbiting satellites, particularly of terrain in remote areas. Subsurface maps reveal possible hidden underground structures and lateral variations in sedimentary rock bodies that might form a petroleum trap. The presence of such features can be detected by various means, including gravity measurements, seismic methods, and the analysis of borehole samples from exploratory drilling. (For a description of these techniques, see Earth exploration.)

      Another method used by petroleum geologists in exploratory areas involves the sampling of surface waters from swamps, streams, or lakes. The water samples are analyzed for traces of hydrocarbons, the presence of which would indicate seepage from a subsurface petroleum trap. This geochemical technique, along with seismic profiling, is often used to search for offshore petroleum accumulations.

      Once an oil deposit has actually been located and well drilling is under way, petroleum geologists can determine from core samples the depth and thickness of the reservoir rock as well as its porosity and permeability. Such information enables them to estimate the quantity of the oil present and the ease with which it can be recovered.

      Although only about 15 percent of the world's oil has been exploited, petroleum geologists estimate that at the present rate of demand the supply of recoverable oil will last no more than 100 years. Owing to this rapid depletion of conventional oil sources, economic geologists have explored oil shales and tar sands as potential supplementary petroleum resources. Extracting oil from these substances is, however, very expensive and involves possible environmental problems. But both are abundant, and advances in recovery technology may yet make them attractive alternative energy resources.

      Another alternate energy resource is the heat from the Earth's interior. The surface expression of this energy is manifested in volcanoes, fumaroles, steam geysers, hot springs, and boiling mud pools. Global heat-flow maps constructed from geophysical data show that the zones of highest heat flow occur along the active plate boundaries. There is, in effect, a close association between geothermal energy sources and volcanically active regions.

      A variety of applications have been developed for geothermal energy. For example, public buildings, residential dwellings, and greenhouses in such areas as Reykjavík, Ice., are heated with water pumped from hot springs and geothermal wells. Hot water from such sources also is used for heating soil to increase crop production (e.g., in Oregon) and for seasoning lumber (e.g., in parts of New Zealand). The most significant application of geothermal energy, however, is the generation of electricity. The first geothermal power station began operation in Larderello, Italy, in the early 1900s. Since then similar facilities have been built in various countries, including Iceland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey, the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, and the United States. In most cases turbines are driven with steam separated from superheated water tapped from underground geothermal reservoirs and geysers.

mineral deposits
      As was mentioned above, the distribution of commercially significant mineral deposits, the economic factors associated with their recovery, and the estimates of available reserves constitute the basic concerns of economic geologists. Because continued industrial development is heavily dependent on mineral resources, their work is crucial to modern society.

      It has long been known that certain periods of Earth history were especially favourable for the concentration of specific types of minerals. Copper, zinc, nickel, and gold are important in Archean rocks; magnetite and hematite are concentrated in early Proterozoic banded-iron formations; and there are economic Proterozoic uranium reserves in conglomerates. These mineral deposits and a variety of others that developed throughout the Phanerozoic Eon can be related to specific types of plate-tectonic environments. Among the latter are copper, lead, and zinc in intracontinental rifts. An interesting discovery has been the remarkable concentrations of gold, iron, zinc, and copper in brine pools and sulfide-rich muds in the Red Sea and in the Salton Sea in southern California. In many countries copper, nickel, and chromium deposits occur in ophiolite complexes obducted onto the continents from the ocean floor; porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits are found in association with granodioritic intrusions; and tungsten and tin deposits occur in many granites. The correlation of these associations and distributions with periods of Earth history, on the one hand, and plate-tectonic settings, on the other, have enabled regional metallogenetic provinces to be defined, which have proved helpful in the search for ore deposits.

      During the 20th century the exploitation of mineral deposits has been so intense that serious depletion of many resources is predicted. Mercury reserves, for example, are particularly low. To deal with this problem, it has become necessary to mine deposits having smaller and smaller workable grades, a trend well illustrated by the copper mining industry, which now extracts copper from rocks with grades as low as 0.2 percent.

      Investigators have discovered a major potential metallic source on the deep ocean floor, where there are large concentrations of manganese-rich nodules along with minor amounts of copper, nickel, and cobalt. Such concentrations are especially abundant in three sections of the Pacific Oceanthe area near Hawaii, that northeast of New Zealand, and that west of Central America.

earthquake prediction and control
      No natural event is as destructive over so large an area in so short a time as an earthquake. Throughout the centuries earthquakes have been responsible not only for millions of deaths but also for tremendous damage to property and the natural landscape. If major earthquakes could be predicted, it would be possible to evacuate population centres and take other measures that could minimize the loss of life and perhaps reduce damage to property as well. For this reason earthquake prediction has become a major concern of seismologists in the United States, Russia, Japan, and China.

      World seismicity patterns show that earthquakes tend to occur along active plate boundaries where there is subduction (Japan) or strike-slip motion (California) and along strike-slip faults (as in China, where they are the result of the northward migration of India into Asia). Investigators agree that much more has to be learned about the physical properties of rocks in fault zones before they are able to make use of changes in these properties to predict earthquakes, though the use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) at satellite ground stations over the years is providing quantitative data on a millimetre scale concerning the relative movement of crustal blocks across seismic faults. Recent research has suggested that rocks may become strained shortly before an earthquake and affect such observable properties of the Earth's crust as seismic wave velocity and radon concentration. Leveling surveys and tiltmeter measurements have revealed that deformation in the fault zone just prior to an earthquake may cause changes in ground level and, in certain cases, variations in groundwater level. Also, some investigators have reported changes in the electric resistivity and remanent magnetization of rocks as precursory phenomena.

      Since the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, seismic activity along the nearby San Andreas Fault has been closely monitored. It has been observed that numerous semicontinuous microearthquakes have occurred along some sections of the fault. These small quakes seem to release built-up strain and thus prevent large earthquakes. By contrast, intervening sections of the fault are apparently locked and thus manifest no microshocks. Consequently, seismic strain accumulating in these locked sections is expected to be released one day in a major quake.

      Seismological research includes the study of earthquakes caused by human activities, such as impounding water behind high dams, injecting fluids into deep wells, excavating mines, and detonating underground nuclear explosions. In all of these cases except for deep mining, seismologists have found that the induction mechanism most likely involves the release of elastic strain, just as with earthquakes of tectonic origin. Studies of artificially induced quakes suggest that one possible method of controlling natural earthquakes is to inject fluids into fault zones so as to release strain energy.

      Seismologists have done much to explain the characteristics of ground motions recorded in earthquakes. Such information is required to predict ground motions in future earthquakes, thereby enabling engineers to design earthquake-resistant structures. The largest percentage of the deaths and property damage that result from an earthquake is attributable to the collapse of buildings, bridges, and other man-made structures during the violent shaking of the ground. An effective way of reducing the destructiveness of earthquakes, therefore, is to build structures capable of withstanding intense ground motions.

Other areas of application
      The fields of engineering (engineering geology), environmental (environmental geology), and urban geology are broadly concerned with applying the findings of geologic studies to construction engineering and to problems of land use. The location of a bridge, for example, involves geologic considerations in selecting sites for the supporting piers. The strength of geologic materials such as rock or compacted clay that occur at the sites of the piers should be adequate to support the load placed on them. Engineering geology is concerned with the engineering properties of geologic materials, including their strength, permeability, and compactability, and with the influence of these properties on the selection of locations for buildings, roads and railroads, bridges, dams, and other major civil features.

      Urban geology involves the application of engineering geology and other fields of geology to environmental problems in urban areas. Environmental geology is generally concerned with those aspects of geology that touch on the human environment. Environmental and urban geology deal in large measure with those aspects of geology that directly influence land use. These include the stability of sites for buildings and other civil features, sources of water supply (hydrogeology), contamination of waters by sewage and chemical pollutants, selection of sites for burial of refuse so as to minimize pollution by seepage, and locating the source of geologic building materials, including sand, gravel, and crushed rock. Since the late 1990s the importance of environmental geology has increased considerably in most developed countries as societies became aware of the environmental impact of humankind.

John W. Harbaugh Brian Frederick Windley

Additional Reading

General works
Popular introductions include Preston Cloud, Oasis in Space: Earth History from the Beginning (1988), a very readable account written for the general public; and Frank Press et al., Understanding Earth, 4th ed. (2003), a beautifully illustrated popular introduction to geology. Other readable general accounts are Eldridge M. Moores (ed.), Shaping the Earth: Tectonics of Continents and Oceans: Readings from Scientific American Magazine (1990), a collection of well-illustrated papers on plate tectonics and mountain building; Brian J. Skinner, Stephen C. Porter, and Jeffrey Park, Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, 5th ed. (2004), a well-illustrated introduction to geology; and Kent C. Condie, Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution, 4th ed. (1997), an advanced but accessible account of the origin and development of Earth's crust. Notable encyclopaedias in the geological sciences include Philip Kearey (ed.), The Encyclopedia of the Solid Earth Sciences (1993), a very useful definition of almost everything geological; and Eldridge M. Moores and Rhodes W. Fairbridge, Encyclopedia of European and Asian Regional Geology (1997).

Earth structure and surface features
Coverage of the composition, structure, and surface features of Earth is provided in Eldridge M. Moores and Robert J. Twiss, Tectonics (1995), a comprehensive treatment of all tectonic environments; P.McL.D. Duff, Holmes' Principles of Physical Geology, 4th ed. (1993), a thorough and stimulating coverage of physical geology; Marjorie Wilson, Igneous Petrogenesis (1989, reissued 1996), a work relating igneous geology to plate tectonics; and G.C. Brown and A.E. Mussett, The Inaccessible Earth, 2nd ed. (1993), a readable treatment of the geophysics of Earth's core, mantle, and crust.Volcanism, seismicity, and their relationship to plate tectonics are studied in Peter Francis and Clive Oppenheimer, Volcanoes, 2nd ed. (2004); David Chester, Volcanoes and Society (1993), a general treatment of the impact of volcanoes on society today; Robert S. Yeats, Kerry Sieh, and Clarence R. Allen, The Geology of Earthquakes (1997), a work that outlines the relationships between earthquake geophysics and geological environments; Bruce A. Bolt, Earthquakes, 5th ed. (2003), a good introduction to the whole field; Edward A. Keller and Nicholas Pinter, Active Tectonics: Earthquakes, Uplift, and Landscape, 2nd ed. (2002), a stimulating overview; and Michael A. Summerfield (ed.), Geomorphology and Global Tectonics (2000), a comprehensive synthesis of landforms and landscapes.

Earth history and astrogeology
Historical geology is treated in William K. Hartmann, The History of Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of an Evolving Planet (1991), a beautifully illustrated introduction; and Brian F. Windley, The Evolving Continents, 3rd ed. (1995), a detailed, comprehensive synthesis of evidence related to continental evolution throughout geologic time. Gary Nichols, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (1999), provides a modern introduction to the deposition of sediments. Felix M. Gradstein, James G. Ogg, and Alan G. Smith, A Geologic Time Scale 2004 (2004), is one of the premier works of modern stratigraphy. Paleontology is considered in Michael J. Benton, Vertebrate Palaeontology, 3rd ed. (2005), a treatment of the history of vertebrate evolution from the early fishes to the dinosaurs; and J. William Schopf, Cradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Earliest Fossils (1999), an entertaining and informative book on early life on Earth. Astrogeology is described in Eric A.K. Middlemost, Magmas, Rocks, and Planetary Development (1997), a work that puts terrestrial igneous rocks into a planetary perspective; and Ronald Greeley, Planetary Landscapes, 2nd ed. (1994), a treatment combining abundant photos of the planets and their satellites with text explaining their geomorphology and geology.

Practical applications
Applied works include M. Vaněček (ed.), Mineral Deposits of the World: Ores, Industrial Minerals, and Rocks (1994), a useful synthesis of economic geology; Peter W. Harben and Milǒs Kužvart, Industrial Minerals: A Global Geology (1997), a treatment covering all the main minerals used in industry; Dorothy J. Merritts, Andrew De Wet, and Kirsten Menking, Environmental Geology: An Earth System Science Approach (1998), a well-illustrated overview of the subject; and Kevin T. Pickering and Lewis A. Owen, An Introduction to Global Environmental Issues, 2nd ed. (1997), a popular treatment of the environmental problems affecting society today.Brian Frederick Windley

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