Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Stowe, Harriet Beecher
orig. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher

born June 14, 1811, Litchfield, Conn., U.S.
died July 1, 1896, Hartford, Conn.

U.S. writer and philanthropist.

Stowe was the daughter of the famous Congregationalist minister Lyman Beecher (17751863) and the sister of Henry Ward Beecher and Catharine Esther Beecher. She taught school in Hartford and in Cincinnati, where she came into contact with fugitive slaves and learned about life in the South, and later settled in Maine with her husband, a professor of theology. Her antislavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) had so great an impact that it was often cited (by Abraham Lincoln, among others) among the causes of the American Civil War. Her other works include the novels Dred (1856), also against slavery, and The Minister's Wooing (1859).

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American writer and educator
née  Harriet Elizabeth Beecher 
born June 14, 1811, Litchfield, Conn., U.S.
died July 1, 1896, Hartford, Conn.
 American writer and philanthropist, the author of the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, which contributed so much to popular feeling against slavery that it is cited among the causes of the American Civil War.

      Harriet Beecher was a member of one of the 19th century's most remarkable families. The daughter of the prominent Congregationalist minister Lyman Beecher (Beecher, Lyman) and the sister of Catharine (Beecher, Catharine Esther), Henry Ward (Beecher, Henry Ward), and Edward, she grew up in an atmosphere of learning and moral earnestness. She attended her sister Catharine's school in Hartford, Conn., in 182427, thereafter teaching at the school. In 1832 she accompanied Catharine and their father to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he became president of Lane Theological Seminary and she taught at another school founded by her sister.

      In Cincinnati she took an active part in the literary and school life, contributing stories and sketches to local journals and compiling a school geography, until the school closed in 1836. That same year she married Calvin Ellis Stowe (Stowe, Calvin E.), a clergyman and seminary professor, who encouraged her literary activity and was himself an eminent biblical scholar. She wrote continually and in 1843 published The Mayflower; or, Sketches of Scenes and Characters Among the Descendants of the Pilgrims.

      Stowe lived for 18 years in Cincinnati, separated only by the Ohio River from a slave-holding community; she came in contact with fugitive slaves and learned about life in the South from friends and from her own visits there. In 1850 her husband became professor at Bowdoin College and the family moved to Brunswick, Maine.

      There Harriet Stowe began to write a long tale of slavery, based on her reading of abolitionist literature and on her personal observations in Ohio and Kentucky. Her tale was published serially (185152) in the National Era, an antislavery paper of Washington, D.C.; in 1852 it appeared in book form as Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly. The book was an immediate sensation and was taken up eagerly by abolitionists while, along with its author, it was vehemently denounced in the South, where reading or possessing the book became an extremely dangerous enterprise. With sales of 300,000 in the first year, the book exerted an influence equaled by few other novels in history, helping to solidify both pro- and antislavery sentiment. The book was translated widely and several times dramatized (the first time, in 1852, without Stowe's permission), where it played to capacity audiences. Stowe was enthusiastically received on a visit to England in 1853, and there she formed friendships with many leading literary figures. In that same year she published A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, a compilation of documents and testimonies in support of disputed details of her indictment of slavery.

 In 1856 she published Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp, in which she depicted the deterioration of a society resting on a slave basis. When The Atlantic Monthly (Atlantic Monthly, The) was established the following year, she found a ready vehicle for her writings; she also found outlets in the Independent of New York City and later the Christian Union, of which papers her brother Henry Ward Beecher was editor.

      She thereafter led the life of a woman of letters, writing novels, of which The Minister's Wooing (1859) is best known, many studies of social life in both fiction and essay, and a small volume of religious poems. An article she published in The Atlantic in 1869, in which she alleged that Lord Byron had had an incestuous affair with his half-sister, created an uproar in England and cost her much of her popularity there, but she remained a leading author and lyceum lecturer in the United States. Late in her life she assisted her son Charles E. Stowe on a biography of her, which appeared in 1889. Stowe had moved to Hartford in 1864, and she largely remained there until her death.

Additional Reading
Joan D. Hedrick, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1994), is a biography. Marie Caskey, Chariot of Fire: Religion and the Beecher Family (1978), explains her place in American religious history. Analyses of her writings are found in Alice C. Crozier, The Novels of Harriet Beecher Stowe (1969); Elizabeth Ammons (ed.), Critical Essays on Harriet Beecher Stowe (1980); Eric J. Sundquist (ed.), New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin (1986); and John R. Adams, Harriet Beecher Stowe, updated ed. (1989).

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