
/kuv"euhn tree, kov"-/, n.
1. a city in West Midlands, in central England: heavily bombed 1940; cathedral. 337,000.
2. a town in central Rhode Island. 27,065.
3. send to Coventry, to refuse to associate with; openly and pointedly ignore: His friends sent him to Coventry after he was court-martialed.

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City and metropolitan borough (pop., 2001: 300,844), central England.

The city was the home of Lady Godiva who, with her husband, founded a Benedictine abbey there in 1043. It was probably the centre of the presentation of the Coventry mystery plays in the 15th16th centuries. During World War II, heavy bombing by the Germans left the town severely damaged. The spire of the 15th-century St. Michael's Cathedral and its ruined nave stand beside the new cathedral built in 1962. Chief industries are motor vehicle manufacturing and telecommunications.

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      town (township), Tolland county, east-central Connecticut, U.S., on the Willimantic River amid rolling hills. Although the area, known as Waramaug, was first settled about 1700, only in 1709 did a significant number of people move there. It was named for Coventry, England, in 1711 and incorporated in 1712. The town is known chiefly as the birthplace of the American patriot Nathan Hale (Hale, Nathan), who was hanged by the British and is credited with saying, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” The Nathan Hale Homestead, built in 1776 by his father, Deacon Hale, is preserved. The Nathan Hale Cemetery is in South Coventry above Wangumbaug Lake, where a 45-foot (14-metre) granite obelisk stands as a memorial to the patriot. The town's main economic activities centre on agriculture and tourism. Area 38 square miles (98 square km). Pop. (1990) 10,063; (2000) 11,504.

 city and metropolitan borough, metropolitan county of West Midlands, historic county of Warwickshire, England.

      Coventry probably dates from Saxon times. The sacking of the Saxon nunnery of St. Osburga by the Danes in 1016 led to the founding of a monastery by Earl Leofric of Mercia and his wife Godiva (Godgifu (Godiva, Lady)) in 1043. Godiva is best known for her legendary ride unclothed on a white horse through the town. The monastery brought trade and prosperity, and by the mid-15th century Coventry was an important centre of the woolen textile industry, especially noted for thread but having a variety of other crafts.

      In the 18th century silk ribbon weaving became the staple industry, and later watchmaking was introduced. The silk ribbon trade collapsed in 1860, and many weavers left the town. But the introduction of bicycle manufacture in 1868 brought new prosperity. Workers in the declining watch industry were soon in demand as skilled mechanics, and the bicycle industry developed into motorcycle and later automobile manufacture with the first Daimler car produced in 1896. In the 20th century rayon manufacture and later radioelectronics and ordnance works were introduced.

      World War II brought great destruction to Coventry. The air raids of November 1940 and April 1941 destroyed much of the city, including all but the spires of St. Michael's Cathedral and the Grey Friars' Church; 50,479 houses were damaged. Rebuilding of the town centre at the end of the war concentrated on separating pedestrians from motor traffic, and the new city centre is encircled by an inner ring road. The new St. Michael's Cathedral, designed by Sir Basil Spence and consecrated in 1962, is probably the best known of Coventry's new buildings. The design left the old cathedral spire and ruined nave beside the new building.

 The prosperous manufacturing industries of the postwar period attracted large numbers of workers to the city, and large housing estates were built. Today the motor vehicle, engineering, and machine tool industries are the main employers, with modern textiles and telecommunications also important. The city is an important educational centre with two long-established secondary schools and more recently established centres of higher education. The University of Warwick received its charter in 1965, and Coventry University was designated in 1970. Area 37 square miles (97 square km). Pop. (2001) 300,844; (2004 est.) 304,200.

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