Hooker, Thomas

Hooker, Thomas
born probably July 7, 1586, Markfield, Leicestershire, Eng.
died July 7, 1647, Hartford, Conn.

Anglo-American colonial clergyman.

He held pastorates in England (162030), where he was attacked for Puritan leanings. He fled to Holland before emigrating to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1633. As pastor of a company of Puritans, he moved them to Connecticut to settle Hartford in 1636. He helped frame the Fundamental Orders (1639), which later formed the basis of the Connecticut constitution.

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American colonial clergyman
born , probably July 7, 1586, Markfield, Leicestershire, Eng.
died July 7, 1647, Hartford, Conn. [U.S.]

      prominent British American colonial clergyman and a founder of Hartford, sometimes calledthe father of American democracy.”

      After preaching briefly in the parish of Esher in Surrey, Eng., Hooker about 1626 became lecturer to the Church of St. Mary at Chelmsford, Essex, where he delivered fervent evangelical addresses. Such church lectureships, an innovation of Puritanism, came under attack in 1629, and in 1630 Hooker was cited to appear before the Court of High Commission. He fled to Holland, forfeiting his bond, and in 1633 emigrated to Massachusetts Bay Colony. At New Towne (now Cambridge), he became the pastor of a company of Puritans who had arrived from England the previous year; in expectation of his joining them, they had been called Mr. Hooker's Company. But Hooker and his supporters became restive, and in 1636 he led a group to Connecticut to settle Hartford, where he served as pastor until his death.

      Critical of limiting suffrage to church members, he told the Connecticut General Court in 1638 that the people had the God-given right to choose their magistrates. Though his view was an advanced one for his time and led many historians to call himthe father of American democracy,” Hooker had no intention of separating church and state; he declared that the privilege of voting should be exercised according to the will of God. Active in formulating the Fundamental Orders for governing Connecticut (1639), he preferred in church governance the more autonomous Congregational model to the hierarchical structure of Presbyterianism. He defended his views in A Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline (1648).

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