Green Mountains

Green Mountains
a mountain range in Vermont: a part of the Appalachian system. Highest peak, Mt. Mansfield, 4393 ft. (1339 m).

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Part of the Appalachian Mountains in the U.S. It extends for 250 mi (402 km) through the centre of Vermont and has a maximum width of 30 mi (50 km).

Many peaks rise to more than 3,000 ft (900 m); the highest is Mount Mansfield at 4,393 ft (1,339 m). Known for their skiing facilities, the mountains are traversed by the Long Trail (part of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail). Green Mountains National Forest, which covers 214,000 acres (86,600 hectares), was established in 1932.

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mountains, Vermont, United States
 part of the Appalachian Mountain (Appalachian Mountains) system, U.S., extending for 250 miles (402 km) from north to south through the centre of Vermont and having a maximum width of 36 miles (58 km). Many peaks rise above 3,000 feet (900 metres), with the loftiest being Mount Mansfield (Mansfield, Mount) (4,393 feet [1,339 metres]; highest point in Vermont) and Killington Peak (4,235 feet [1,291 metres]). Highways cross at the passes cut by the Missisquoi, Lamoille, and Winooski (Winooski River) rivers. The mountains are noted for their scenic beauty and form a popular tourist resort area well known for its skiing facilities. The Long Trail (partly identical with the Appalachian National Scenic Trail) traverses the mountains. Principal minerals include verde antique marble, talc, and asbestos. The Green Mountain National Forest, some 550 square miles (1,420 square km) in extent, was established in 1932 to protect many of the spruce-, maple-, beech-, and birch-covered peaks.

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