card game

card game


      game played for pleasure or gambling (or both) with one or more decks of playing cards (playing card). Games using playing cards exploit the fact that cards are individually identifiable from one side only, so that each player knows only the cards he holds and not those held by anyone else.

      For this reason card games are often characterized as games of chance orimperfect information”—as distinct from games of strategy orperfect information,” where the current position is fully visible to all players throughout the game. This characterization is inadequate, however. For example, in backgammon, a dice game, the starting position is predetermined and equal, and all subsequent moves are fully known to both players. What constitutes the imperfection of its information is the unpredictability of future dice rolls. Dice games are therefore games of future imperfect information because whatever strategic skill they entail must be based on an assessment of future events, chiefly through the mathematics of probability theory. In contrast, the chance element of card games is a result of shuffling the cards before play in order to randomize their initial distribution. Thereafter, skillful play largely consists of determining the distribution of cards through observation, which, depending on the game, may include observation of players' bids, discards, and trick play. Card games are therefore games ofpast imperfect informationor, more significantly, increasing information. This is not to assert that all card games are intellectual or even demand much skill. There are even card games where all the cards are dealt faceup, especially varieties of solitaire, which makes them games of perfect information.

      Intrinsic evidence suggests that a trick-taking game without any special suit, or trump suit, along with playing cards, reached Europe in the 14th century, likely by passage through the Islamic world. The earliest game known by namekarnöffel, played from 1428 in Germanywas such, though certain cards of a randomly selected suit possessed trick-taking powers of varying degrees of superiority. Trump suits as such were a European invention (see tarot game), as was the subsequent idea of bidding to select a trump suit (see ombre). Gambling games of the point-count, or blackjack, type, known from the 15th century, may have been derived from dice games, as they ignore any distinction between suits. Gambling games of the vying, or poker, type are known from the 16th century, as is noddy, the ancestor of cribbage. Many so-called children (childhood)'s games, such as beggar-my-neighbour and old maid, derive from old drinking and gambling games. Other families of games, particularly non-trick-taking games, reached Europe from the Far East, especially from China. They include the casino family (17th century), the rummy family (19th century), which probably derived from mah-jongg, and the president family (20th century).

      The popularity of cards as gaming materials derives from a unique combination of characteristics:
Cards are small, easily portable, and visually attractive.
Cards easily lend themselves to the development of many different games, and variations within given games, suited to different skills and temperaments.
Suitable games can be found for any specific number of players from one to a dozen. They also provide the option of playing as individuals against one another, in fixed partnerships (as in bridge), or in ad hoc partnerships from deal to deal (as in solo whist and call-ace euchre).
Card games are typically fast, consisting of a number of deals that last only a few minutes each. This favours the quick-witted, affords frequent opportunities for verbal socializing (between deals), and, for gamblers, facilitates rapid reversals of fortune.
They produce more varied and interesting scores than simplewin-lose-draw.”

      Some of these features relate to the gambling potential of card games, but a persistent view of cards as gambling games is both outmoded and perverse. An intrinsic gambling game is one in which players can exert no control over the outcome, so that the only sustainable interest in playing lies in the thrill or fear of winning or losing money. Of course, any game can be played for money, but some games, such as bridge or chess, offer sufficient mental rewards to maintain players' interest in lieu of any financial incentive.

      Most Western card games are trick games, in which each player in turn plays a card to the table, and whoever plays the best card wins them all. These cards constitute a trick, which the winner places facedown in a pile before playing the first card to the next trick. The best card is usually the highest-ranking card of the same suit as the card ledthat is, of the same suit as the first card played to the trick. Anyone who fails to follow suit to the card led cannot win the trick, no matter how high the card. Winning a trick is doubly advantageous, since the player who wins a trick not only gains material but also chooses which suit to lead next. A player who leads a suit that no one can follow (because no one else has any cards of that suit left) wins that trick regardless of card rank.

      Trick play can be varied in several ways. The most significant is by some process of designating one of the four suits as a special trump suit, superior in power to the other three suits. Generally, this enables a player who is out of whatever suit was led to play a trump card instead, an act known as trumping or ruffing, which will beat any cards of the suit led.

      Trick card games may be subdivided as follows:
Plain-trick games. The aim is to win as many tricks as possible (as in whist or spades) or at least as many tricks as bid (bridge, euchre) or (rarely) exactly the number of tricks bid (oh hell!, ninety-nine).
Point-trick games. To win the greatest value of point-scoring cards contained in tricks ( skat, all fours, tarot games (tarot game)).
Trick-avoidance games. To avoid winning penalty cards contained in tricks ( hearts) or winning any tricks at all (misère).
Trick-and-meld games. To make melds (card combinations) in addition to winning tricks or card-points contained in tricks ( piquet, bezique, pinochle, sixty-six).

      Games based on principles other than trick taking include:
Capturing games. The aim is to collect or capture cards by methods other than trick taking ( casino, slap jack, gops, snap, beggar-my-neighbour, battle). Manybut by no means allare children's games.
Adding-up games. A running total is kept of the face values of cards played to the table, and the aim is to make or avoid making certain totals. cribbage, the most sophisticated example, also includes card combinations.
Shedding games. The aim is either to be the first to play out all one's cards ( crazy eights, Michigan, Newmarket, president) or to avoid being the last player remaining with a card or cards in hand (old maid).
Melding or rummy games. The aim is either to be the first out of cards by melding them all in valid combinations ( gin rummy) or to make and score as many melds as possible before going out ( canasta, samba).
solitaire or patience games. One-player games, the aim usually being to set the shuffled deck in order (canfield, klondike). Competitive patiences for more than one player (racing demon, pounce, spite and malice) become, in effect, shedding or melding games.
Vying games. Skilled gambling games where players vie with one another as to who holds the best card combination or is likely to finish with the best when their hands are complete ( poker, brag).
Banking games. Less-skilled gambling games where players bet on having or acquiring better cards than the dealer or banker ( baccarat, blackjack). Most are casino games, the banker being a representative of the management. In home play, players may equalize their chances by taking turns as the banker.
Staking games. Unskilled gambling games where players simply bet on particular cards' turning up ( faro, trente-et-quarante).

Rules and Hoyles
      It is widely assumed that every card game has official rules specifying the only right way to play. This is like saying that there is only one correct form of a language and that all dialects are invalid. In fact, the vast majority of card games are folk games. Like dialects, they vary from region to region, sometimes from village to village, and they may change with time and be in a constant state of development, though it is true that some card games are inherently resistant to changea notable example being cribbage, which has hardly changed in 400 years.

      Games acquire official rules only when they become popular enough to be played in clubs and tournaments that attract players from widely different regions. It then becomes necessary to ensure that competitors from differentdialectareas follow a set of rules codified in advance rather than having to negotiate each game as it is played. Where official rules exist, therefore, they are to be taken as the official rules of a particular governing body rather than those of the game itself. Bridge is one of the few games whose official rules, as promulgated by the World Bridge Federation, are universally followed. More commonly, official rules exist alongside local rules. Poker, for example, is equipped with agreed-upon rules in casinos and international tournaments but throughout the world continues to be played domestically in thousands of variations, some uniquely local and temporal, as in the play of dealer's choice.

      Official rules are often credited to a fictitious authority called Hoyle. This name derives from the English whist tutor Edmond Hoyle (Hoyle, Edmond), whose A Short Treatise on the Game of Whist (1742) proved successful enough to elicit sequels (some far from authoritative) on other popular games of his day. Success also led to his being plagiarized and his books' being pirated by his contemporaries and subsequently to the habit of attaching his name to any collection of rules of games, regardless of who wrote them or what their own authority wasa practice that persists in the United States, though not in Hoyle's native country, where his name is considered old-fashioned and irrelevant.

      What most people mean byofficial rulesis a clear description of how a particular game is playedthe sequence of activities that define and distinguish one game from another. Such defining rules must be distinguished from procedural rules, which govern the corrections and penalties for mistakes and breaches of etiquette and constitute the bulk of any set of tournament rules, and from rules of strategy, designed to be helpful rather than mandatory. Given such distinctions, it is perhaps ironic that Hoyle himself never wrote a clear description of how any particular game was played. Taking for granted that everyone already knew the defining rules of a game, he had only an interest in outlining the strategy for playing it well and in compiling tables of odds for gamblingfor onlookers as well as players.

David Parlett

Additional Reading
Michael Dummett, The Game of Tarot (1980); and David Parlett, The Oxford Guide to Card Games (1990), republished as A History of Card Games (1991), are authoritative histories of card playing. Reliable sources for rules include Joli Quentin Kansil (ed.), Bicycle Official Rules of Card Games (2002); David Parlett, The AZ of Card Games, 2nd ed. (2004; 1st ed. published as Oxford Dictionary of Card Games, 1992); and Barry Rigal, Card Games for Dummies, 2nd ed. (2005).

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Universalium. 2010.

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