
/bak"gam'euhn, bak'gam"-/, n.
1. a game for two persons played on a board having two tables or parts, each marked with 12 points, and with both players having 15 pieces that are moved in accordance with throws of the dice.
2. a victory at this game, esp. one resulting in a tripled score.
3. to defeat at backgammon, esp. to win a triple score over.
[1635-45; BACK2 + GAMMON1]

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Two-person game played by moving counters (called stones) on a board or table, the movement of the counters being controlled by the throw of two dice.

The board has four sections (called tables), each marked with six narrow wedges (points) in two alternating colors. Representing the two opposing sides are 15 white and 15 black stones. Stones are moved from point to point in opposite directions according to the number of points shown on the dice. On getting all 15 of his stones into his own home (inner) table, a player may begin "bearing off"
moving his stones to an imaginary point beyond the edge of the board. The player who first bears off all 15 stones wins the game. Backgammon is one of the most ancient board games, dating from 3000 BC.

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      game played by moving counters on a board or table, the object of the game being a race to a goal, with the movement of the counters being controlled by the throw of two dice. Elements of chance and skill are nicely balanced in backgammon so that each is usually essential to victory. The game became highly popular worldwide in the late 20th century.

      Precursors of backgammon are among the most ancient of all games and may date from as early as 3000 BC. The ancient Romans played a game, Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum (“Twelve-lined Game”), which was identical, or nearly so, to modern backgammon. The game is still most generally played in the eastern Mediterranean countries.

 Backgammon is played by two persons. The board comprises four sections, or tables, each marked with six narrow wedges, or points, in two alternating colours. A vertical line called the bar divides the board in half, separating theinnerandoutertables. There are 15 white and 15 black pieces, often called stones. Opposing stones are moved from point to point in opposite directions around the board, the exact number of points shown on the dice. The two numbers may be applied separately to two different stones or, in turn, to one. Doublets (identical numbers on the two dice) are taken twice over; e.g., two 6s count as four 6s.

      A point occupied by two or more stones of one colour ismadeby that player and cannot be occupied by the opponent. A single stone on a point is ablot,” liable to behitby an adverse stone landing on that point. If hit, a blot is picked up and placed on the bar, and the owner may make no other move until it is reentered. Reentry must be made in the adverse inner table upon an open point of the same number as is cast with either die.

      On getting all 15 of his stones into his own home (inner) table, a player may beginbearing off”—moving his stones to an imaginary point beyond the edge of the board. The player who first bears off all 15 stones wins the game. If the loser has borne off at least one stone, the game is a single; if he has borne off none, it is a gammon and counts double; and if in addition he has any stone left in the winner's inner table, it is a backgammon and counts triple.

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