- gin rummy
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Rummy game for two players in which each is dealt 10 cards and a player may win a hand by matching or sequencing by suit all the cards in it by drawing from a deck.Play may also end when the unmatched cards count up to 10 points or less. If a player matches all the cards he is "gin." The first player to reach 100 points wins. The game was introduced in New York in 1909.* * *
Two play, using a 52-card deck; each player is dealt 10 cards facedown, one at a time, beginning with the nondealer. The remainder of the deck, placed facedown, forms the stock, the top card of which is turned up beside it to start the discard pile. The nondealer may take the top card from the discard pile or refuse it; if the nondealer refuses, the dealer has the same option. If both refuse, the nondealer draws the top card of the stock. Thereafter, each player in turn takes the top card of either the discard pile or the stock and then discards one card faceup on the discard pile.The object of play is to form melds as in rummy—either sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or sets of three or more cards of the same rank. After drawing, a player whose unmatched cards (less one discard) total 10 points or less may “knock” (by physically rapping the playing surface or by making a verbal declaration). Face cards count 10 points each, aces 1 point each, and other cards their index value. Upon knocking, a player melds up to 10 cards, with unmatched cards to one side, and then discards the 11th card. Melding all 10 cards is called going “gin.”The opponent of the knocker may lay off unmatched cards upon the knocker's sets, thereby reducing the opponent's count. If the knocker has the lower count of unmatched cards, he wins the difference. Should the opponent have an equal or lesser count, he has undercut the knocker and receives the difference (if any) plus a bonus of 25 points. The knocker cannot be undercut if he has gone gin; he receives, in addition to the total points of his opponent's unmatched cards, a bonus of 25 points.The first to reach 100 points wins the game and receives a 100-point bonus. Each player then adds to his score 25 points for each hand he has won, called a box. If the loser has failed to score, the game is a shutout, or a schneider, and the winner's total score is doubled. Gin rummy is frequently played with several variations and as a gambling game, often for a small amount of money per point.David ParlettAdditional ReadingReliable sources for rules include Joli Quentin Kansil (ed.), Bicycle Official Rules of Card Games (2002); David Parlett, The A–Z of Card Games, 2nd ed. (2004; 1st ed. published as Oxford Dictionary of Card Games, 1992); and Barry Rigal, Card Games for Dummies, 2nd ed. (2005).* * *
Universalium. 2010.