- battle
—battler, n./bat"l/, n., v., battled, battling.n.1. a hostile encounter or engagement between opposing military forces: the battle of Waterloo.2. participation in such hostile encounters or engagements: wounds received in battle.3. a fight between two persons or animals: ordering a trial by battle to settle the dispute.4. any conflict or struggle: a battle for control of the Senate.5. Archaic. a battalion.v.i.7. to engage in battle: ready to battle with the enemy.8. to work very hard or struggle; strive: to battle for freedom.v.t.9. to fight (a person, army, cause, etc.): We battled strong winds and heavy rains in our small boat.10. to force or accomplish by fighting, struggling, etc.: He battled his way to the top of his profession.[1250-1300; ME bataile < OF < VL *battalia for LL battualia (neut. pl.) gladiatorial exercises, equiv. to battu(ere) to strike (see BATE2) + -alia, neut. pl. of -ALIS -AL2]Syn. 1. contest, conflict, war. BATTLE, ACTION, SKIRMISH mean a conflict between organized armed forces. A BATTLE is a prolonged and general conflict pursued to a definite decision: the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. A SKIRMISH is a slight engagement, often on the periphery of an area of battle: several minor skirmishes. An ACTION can be a battle or a skirmish or can refer to actual fighting or combat: a major military action; action along the border; He saw action in the campaign. 2. warfare, combat, fighting. 6. conflict. 8. contest.battle2to furnish (a building or wall) with battlements; crenelate.[1300-50; ME batailen < MF bataillier to provide with batailles. See BATTLEMENT]
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(as used in expressions)Actium Battle ofAdrianople Battle ofBattle of HadrianopolisAdwa Battle ofBattle of AdowaAegospotami Battle ofAgincourt Battle ofAntietam Battle ofAtlantic Battle of theAusterlitz Battle ofBalaklava Battle ofBannockburn Battle ofBlenheim Battle ofBorodino Battle ofBosworth Field Battle ofBouvines Battle ofBoyne Battle of theBrandywine Battle of theBritain Battle ofBuena Vista Battle ofBulge Battle of theBunker Hill Battle ofCannae Battle ofCaporetto Battle ofCarrhae Battle ofCerro Gordo Battle ofChaeronea Battle ofChancellorsville Battle ofChâteauguay Battle ofChattanooga Battle ofChickamauga Battle ofChippewa Battle ofContreras Battle ofCopenhagen Battle ofCrécy Battle ofCulloden Battle ofDien Bien Phu Battle ofDorylaeum Battle ofFallen Timbers Battle ofFlodden Battle ofFredericksburg Battle ofFriedland Battle ofGaugamela Battle ofGermantown Battle ofGettysburg Battle ofGranicus Battle of theHastings Battle ofIpsus Battle ofIssus Battle ofJutland Battle ofKarbala' Battle ofKings Mountain Battle ofKöniggrätz Battle ofBattle of SadowaKosovo Battle ofKursk Battle ofLas Navas de Tolosa Battle ofBattle of Al UqabLechfeld Battle ofLeipzig Battle ofBattle of the NationsLepanto Battle ofLeyte Gulf Battle ofLittle Bighorn Battle of theMagenta Battle ofMaldon Battle ofManila Bay Battle ofManzikert Battle ofMarathon Battle ofMarengo Battle ofMarne First Battle of theMarne Second Battle of theMarston Moor Battle ofMidway Battle ofMobile Bay Battle ofMonitor and Merrimack Battle of theMunda Battle ofNaseby Battle ofNavarino Battle ofNemea Battle ofNew Orleans Battle ofNicopolis Battle ofNile Battle of theNovara Battle ofPharsalus Battle ofPhilippine Sea Battle of thePlataea Battle ofPoitiers Battle ofPoltava Battle ofPydna Battle ofQadisiyyah Battle ofQuebec Battle ofRoncesvalles Battle ofBattle of RoncevauxSalamis Battle ofSedan Battle ofShiloh Battle ofSolferino Battle ofSomme Battle of theStalingrad Battle ofTannenberg Battle ofThames Battle of theThapsus Battle ofThermopylae Battle ofTiconderoga Battle ofTippecanoe Battle ofTours/Poitiers Battle ofTrafalgar Battle ofTsushima Battle ofUlm Battle ofVarna Battle ofVerdun Battle ofWagram Battle ofWaterloo Battle ofWhite Mountain Battle ofWilderness Battle of theZama Battle of* * *
town (parish), Rother district, administrative county of East Sussex, historic county of Sussex, England, just inland from Hastings. A ridge to the southeast, called Senlac, was the site of the famous battle in which William I the Conqueror (William I) defeated the English in 1066. Before the battle William vowed to build an abbey on the spot if victorious, and in 1094 its church was consecrated, with an altar standing where the English king Harold II fell. The great gateway, built in 1338, survives alongside the town, but after the Reformation the church was destroyed and the abbey converted into a mansion that is now occupied by a school. Pop. (2001) 6,048.* * *
Universalium. 2010.