
/sam"beuh, sahm"-/, n., pl. sambas, v., sambaed, sambaing.
1. a rhythmic, Brazilian ballroom dance of African origin.
2. to dance the samba.
[1880-85; < Pg samba, alleged to be of African orig.]

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Ballroom dance of Brazilian origin, popularized in the U.S. and Europe in the 1940s.

Danced to music in 44 time with a syncopated rhythm, the dance is characterized by simple forward and backward steps and tilting, rocking body movements. In Brazil an older African type of samba is also danced in circles or double lines as a group dance. For decades the samba has dominated Brazilian popular music.

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       card game, variant of canasta, in which three 52-card decks plus 6 jokers are used. Unlike canasta, in which only cards of the same rank may be melded (grouped face up on the playing surface and scored), samba also allows sequences of three or more cards in the same suit to be melded. A seven-card sequence, or samba, ranks as a canasta (for the purpose of going out) and scores a bonus of 1,500 points. No meld may contain more than two wild cards, and no wild card may be melded with a sequence. In each turn a player draws two cards from the stock (unless he takes the discard pile) and discards only one card. The top discard may never be taken without a natural matching pair. Game is 10,000, and the initial meld requirement for a side with 7,000 or more is 150.

 ballroom dance of Brazilian origin, popularized in western Europe and the United States in the early 1940s. Characterized by simple forward and backward steps and tilting, rocking body movements, it is danced to music in 4/4 time with syncopated rhythm. Couples in ballroom position dance in place or around the floor, but partners may separate to execute variant steps. The dance derives mainly from the maxixe, a dance fashionable in about 18701914.

      In Brazil, away from the ballrooms, an older, very African type of samba is also danced. Sometimes called batuque, it is a kind of group dance, done either in circles with a soloist or in double lines.

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Universalium. 2010.

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