Dessalines, Jean-Jacques

Dessalines, Jean-Jacques
born с 1758, West Africa
died Oct. 17, 1806, Jacmel, Haiti

Emperor of Haiti who drove out the French in 1804.

He was a slave of a black master in Saint-Domingue (Haiti) in 1791 when he joined a slave rebellion. He became a lieutenant of Toussaint-Louverture but submitted to the French expedition that deposed Toussaint in 1802. Napoleon's decision to reintroduce slavery led Dessalines and others to rebel, and with British help they expelled the French. In 1804 Dessalines proclaimed the island independent under its Arawakan name, Haiti, and proclaimed himself emperor the following year. He made it illegal for whites to own property and killed thousands; he also discriminated against mulattoes. He was killed during a mulatto revolt.

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emperor of Haiti
born c. 1758, West Africa
died Oct. 17, 1806, Pont Rouge, near Port-au-Prince, Haiti

      emperor of Haiti who proclaimed his country's independence in 1804.

      Dessalines was brought to the French West Indian colony of Saint-Domingue (Haiti) as a slave. He worked as a field hand for a black master until 1791, when he joined the slave rebellion that broke out in the colony amid the turmoil caused by the French Revolution. In the decade that followed he distinguished himself as a lieutenant of the black leader Toussaint Louverture, who established himself as governor-general of Saint-Domingue with nominal allegiance to Revolutionary France. When Toussaint was deposed in 1802 by a French expedition sent by Napoleon Bonaparte to reconquer the colony, Dessalines at first submitted to the new regime. In 1803, however, when Napoleon declared his intention to reintroduce slavery (which had been abolished by the French Convention in 1794), Dessalines and other black and mulatto (of mixed European and African descent) leaders rose in rebellion. With British help they expelled the French from Saint-Domingue, and on Jan. 1, 1804, Dessalines, as governor-general, proclaimed the entire island of Hispaniola an independent country under its Arawak name, Haiti. The following September he adopted the title of emperor as Jacques I.

      Dessalines continued many of Toussaint's policies, including the use of forced labour on plantations to prevent reversion to a purely subsistence economy, but he was far more hostile to whites. He confiscated their land, made it illegal for them to own property, and, perhaps fearing them as potential subversives in the event of another French invasion, launched a campaign of extermination against the country's white inhabitants in which thousands were killed. These massacres, together with his property law (which remained in force for more than a century), effectively prevented any renewal of white dominance over the blacks, who formed more than 80 percent of the population. He also discriminated against the elitist mulattoes and was finally killed trying to put down a revolt under the mulatto leader Alexandre Sabès Pétion, after which Pétion and the black leader Henry Christophe divided Haiti between themselves.

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