
/his'peuhn yoh"leuh/; Sp. /ees'pahn yaw"lah/, n.
an island in the West Indies, comprising the republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. 29,843 sq. mi. (77,293 sq. km). Formerly, Haiti, Hayti, Santo Domingo, San Domingo.

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Spanish Española

Island, central West Indies.

The second-largest West Indian island, it lies east of Cuba. It is divided into Haiti to the west and the Dominican Republic to the east. The island is some 400 mi (650 km) long and 150 mi (241 km) wide at its widest point. Christopher Columbus landed there in 1492. The Spanish wiped out the natives and settled the island with African slaves. The slaves rebelled in the late 18th century; led by Toussaint-Louverture and J.-J. Dessalines, it became independent in 1804, forming the Republic of Haiti. In 1843 the eastern part rebelled and the Dominican Republic was formed.

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formerly  Española 
 second largest island of the West Indies, lying within the Greater Antilles. It is divided politically into the Republic of Haiti (west) and the Dominican Republic (east). The island's area is 29,418 square miles (76,192 square km); its greatest length is nearly 400 miles (650 km), and its width is 150 miles (241 km). Christopher Columbus (Columbus, Christopher) landed on the island in 1492 and named it La Isla Española, which was supposedly Anglicized to Hispaniola. During Spanish colonial times it was commonly called Santo Domingo (English: San Domingo), after the capital city, and this name is still sometimes used. The entire island has also been referred to as Haiti, supposed by some to be the precolonial name used by aboriginal Indians (Taino), who also called it Quisqueya. The island's position on the northern flank of the Caribbean Sea provided an excellent location for control of Spanish expansion to Cuba, Mexico, Panama, and South America during the early colonial period. There are relatively few islands offshore of Hispaniola, the most notable being Gonâve Island and Tortuga Island (Tortue Island).

      Hispaniola consists of alternate series of mountain ranges, long valleys, and plains. The orientation of the landforms causes contrasts in climatic conditions and hinders north-south transportation. More than one-third of the island lies higher than 1,500 feet (457 metres), and it has the highest relief of the West Indies, reaching 10,417 feet (3,175 metres) at Duarte Peak in the Cordillera Central in the Dominican Republic. The most elevated part of Haiti is the southwestern peninsula, which rises to Mount La Selle at 8,773 feet (2,674 metres). In contrast to the highlands, the basin of Lake Enriquillo in southwestern Dominican Republic has land below sea level, the surface of the lake being about 150 feet (45 metres) below sea level. The main rivers are the Yaque del Norte (Yaque del Norte River) (125 miles [201 km] long), the Yuna, and the Yaque del Sur in the Dominican Republic and the Artibonite in Haiti. The island's coastline, though much indented, has relatively few protected deepwater anchorages. Hurricanes occasionally strike the island and cause serious damage.

      Land use is largely determined by the nearly parallel systems of mountains and plains. In general, the mountains are forested and sparsely populated, but in some places (notably in Haiti) the great population pressure has brought about the deforestation of land for cultivation. Coffee growing is the chief agricultural activity in the highlands, occurring through most of the humid mountainous regions. Many crops, chiefly cacao, are grown on the populous northern plains, especially in the humid eastern section, La Vega Real (“The Royal Plain”). Tobacco is dominant in the upper Yaque Plain, irrigated rice in the semiarid lower plains, and sugarcane and sisal along the northern coast, the Plaine du Nord, in the west (Haiti). The southern plains of the island are also productive (sugarcane, livestock pasture, and cotton), though irrigation is necessary in many areas.

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